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 以斜叶榕F.tinctoria为研究对象,通过测定其木质部与其各种潜在水源的氢氧同位素组成,揭示西双版纳地区斜叶榕在不同季节的水分利用变化.结果表明在干热季时的30cm土壤处水势达到最低值-30.5kPa,在雾凉季时此深度土壤处出现最大水势,为-14.5kPa,在各个季节70cm处的土壤水势几乎没有变化.雨季时的土壤含水量比雾凉季与干热季都高(P<0.001),而雾凉季与干热季的土壤含水量则没有显著差异(P=0.64).通过对雨水、雾水、浅层土壤水、深层土壤水、树干腐殖质水及植物木质部水的稳定同位素分析得出,在雨季,雨水与浅层土壤水是斜叶榕的最主要水源;雾凉季时,斜叶榕主要利用土壤水(包括浅层土壤水与深层土壤水).干热季时,浅层土壤水是斜叶榕的最主要水源.因此,斜叶榕的水分利用存在季节变化.  相似文献   

以西北干旱区内陆河塔里木河下游地区的荒漠河岸林为研究对象,对塔里木河下游5个监测断面范围内的植物进行了调查研究,分析了荒漠河岸林的10个科的15种主要植物根系的丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)侵染状况,并利用主成分分析法探讨了土壤因子对AMF侵染率、侵染强度的影响.结果表明:在所调查的植物中,11种植物为菌根植物,非菌根植物有4种;表征AMF侵染的指标不同,不同科植物之间AMF侵染状况存在差异,比较而言,禾本科的芦苇和杨柳科的胡杨AM真菌的孢子密度相对较大;从侵染率来看,除沙拐枣外,其余菌根植物的AMF侵染率均大于50%,尤其是疏叶骆驼刺和胀果甘草,侵染率分别高达97%,92%;从侵染强度来看,柽柳的AMF侵染程度最高,其次是疏叶骆驼刺,而胀果甘草的侵染程度则是中等.主成分分析表明土壤总盐、含水量、有机质、全氮、全磷、有效钾及pH值与丛枝菌根真菌侵染间有密切关系.  相似文献   

胡杨(Populus euphuatica)是塔里木盆地荒漠河岸林的主要建群树种。由于自然因素和人为因素的影响,胡杨林遭受不同程度的破坏,形成片状或带状的衰残林地。塔里木盆地的干旱气候促使胡杨主要靠地下水生存。但对有活根存在的衷退林,在林地水位较好的条件下,可试行采伐并挖去残桩,形成“土坑”,利于胡杨断根萌株幼苗在“土坑”这样的环境中旺盛发育,这是衰退林复状更新的可行性方式之一。  相似文献   

为澄清严重灌丛化草地能否自然恢复的争论性问题,从灌草植物水分利用与土壤水分变化的角度分析了鄂尔多斯高原油蒿灌丛化草地的恢复过程。结果表明,油蒿灌丛化草地围封后油蒿地上生物量由最高的231.7g/m2下降至9.3 g/m2,而长芒草生物量则由0上升至137.6 g/m2;0~10 cm根系生物量显著增加,10 cm~20 cm根系显著减少,灌丛化草地恢复为长芒草为主的草地的趋势明显。随灌丛化草地恢复,表层土壤细粒物质增加,降雨向土壤深层入渗减少,表层土壤含水量增加。固定沙地油蒿群落油蒿5月和9月主要水分来源为浅层土壤水,7月主要利用深层土壤水;长芒草主要利用浅层土壤水。固定沙地长芒草群落油蒿5月和9月主要利用中层土壤水,油蒿7月主要利用深层土壤水;长芒草主要利用浅层土壤水。抗氧化酶和渗透调节物质分析显示长芒草的耐旱性高于油蒿。灌草植物水分利用差异与不同土层土壤水分变化是灌丛化草地恢复的关键驱动因素。  相似文献   

柽柳是我国西北干旱地区普遍分布的灌木或小乔木,在西北已被广泛作为防获林,薪炭林以及荒山绿化的主要树种,由于种类不易区別,经常给生产和学习带来许多困难,因而进行研究。本文以分类为中心,旁及生态地植物学与经济利用。柽柳属植物在我国西北约有15种以上,文中涉及11种,即长穗柽柳(T.elongata)甘肃柽柳(T.SP.),疏穗柽柳(T.laxa),霍氏柽柳(T.Hohenackeri),桧(艹也)柽柳(T.junaiperina),挺穗柽柳(T.florida),沙生柽柳(T.SP.),刚毛柽柳(T.hispida),细穗柽柳(T.leptostachys),多枝柽柳(T.ramosissima),柽柳(T.Chinensis)。其中多枝柽柳分布最广;沙生柽柳仅见于新疆塔克拉玛干大沙漠的东北部;甘肃柽柳见于甘肃民勤、金塔两地;桧(艹也)柽柳在我国西北仅见于青海,而华北等地分布极多。柽柳属植物是属于草甸性的植物,多具耐盐性,具有适应干旱大陆性气候以及抗沙埋等特性,因而在沙漠地区形成了各种“柽柳包”(红柳包)。在群落构成上,主要有盐生草甸上的柽柳灌丛;胡杨柽柳荒漠河岸林;荒漠中的疏穗和多枝柽柳群落以及流沙中的沙生柽柳群落。为了加速改变大西北的干旱面貌与合理利用柽柳植被,确实作到防风沙之危害,保农牧之丰产以及交通运输之安全,应对柽柳属植物进行深入研究与引种试验。  相似文献   

采用盆栽实验研究了不同聚丙烯酰胺用量下较短时间内CO2浓度升高对1年生胡杨叶片光合和水分和用效率的影响。结果表明:(1)随着聚丙烯酰胺用量的减少,土壤水吸力上升,干旱胁迫加重。叶片水势、净光合速率(Pn)、水分利用效率(WUE)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)随着干旱胁迫的加重而降低,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)则呈上升趋势。(2)随着CO2浓度的升高,各处理的胡杨叶片Pn、WUE、Ci上升,Tr、Gs下降。由此说明:CO2浓度升高对胡杨叶片Pn和WUE的促进作用在一定程度上能缓解干旱胁迫作用;聚丙烯酰胺用量大时,CO2浓度升高对胡杨Pn的促进作用较好;随着外界CO2浓度的升高,气孔关闭,蒸腾速率降低,从而增加了胡杨WUE,这将加强胡杨的耐旱能力。  相似文献   

【目的】共和盆地位于青藏高原的半干旱区,属于典型的高寒沙地,是青海省土地荒漠化最严重的区域之一。乌柳是当地退化草地恢复的主要树种,乌柳林的稳定性是其可持续管理的关键。研究夏季乌柳林的水分来源以分析它们在半干旱区能否维持稳定性。【方法】利用稳定氢、氧同位素技术研究了夏季4个林龄乌柳林的水分来源,比较乌柳林的木质部水分与各潜在水源的稳定氢、氧同位素值,确定7月乌柳林主要利用的水源。【结果】不同林龄乌柳林可利用不同深度的土壤水或地下水。其中,2年生乌柳林主要利用地表下25 cm的土壤水,占总水源的75.5%; 10年生乌柳林主要利用地表下25~75 cm的土壤水和地下水,占总水源的73.9%; 20年生乌柳林主要利用地表下50~75 cm的土壤水和地下水,占总水源的67.7%; 30 年生乌柳林主要利用地表下25 cm的土壤水和地下水,占总水源的69.6%。随着林龄的增加(从10 a到30 a),乌柳林对地下水的依赖性逐渐增强。【结论】乌柳林通过调整水分利用策略来适应共和盆地的半干旱气候。利用稳定的深层土壤水和地下水有助于长期维持乌柳林稳定性,建议将乌柳作为高寒沙地和其他半干旱地区退化植被恢复的主要树种推广。  相似文献   

干旱内陆河流域普遍存在流域中游灌溉农业和下游地区生态环境、地下水埋深之间的平衡问题。本文根据黑河下游额济纳三角洲1988-2009年地下水埋深数据,利用Mann-Kendall检验法和克里格插值法分析地下水埋深时空变化,同时利用1990、2000和2010年的土地覆被数据分析土地覆被变化,探讨了土地覆被变化与地下水埋深变化的关系。结果表明:1988-2009年,研究区年平均地下水埋深在0.1显著水平上呈增加趋势,地下水埋深的空间相关性先减弱后增强;生态环境先后经历了严重恶化到缓慢恢复的过程;地下水埋深空间分布与变化和植被空间分布与变化有着密切的关系。四种荒漠植被生长的地下水位埋深从大到小排序为梭梭、柽柳、胡杨、芦苇。地下水埋深增加,植被退化,水域趋向干涸,地下水埋深减少,植被有所恢复,水域面积增加。  相似文献   

依据实地勘察资料,分析了孔雀河下游生态退化特征及其沙漠化发生的可能性,为荒漠河岸生态系统恢复与整治提供重要参考.结果表明:(1)河道断流,残留表水水质恶化,远离水源地的断面土壤退化严重、土壤养分含量低;存留胡杨以成年木较多,顺沿河道方向胡杨死亡率呈现增加趋势,胡杨的聚群分布差异越大;(2)衰退河岸林的生境类型可分为绿洲-荒漠过渡类(Ⅰ)、轻度荒漠化类(Ⅱ)、盐土荒漠化类(Ⅲ)三种类型;决策树模型显示,胡杨是沙漠化发生与否的重要影响因素,胡杨盖度小于1%发生轻度沙漠化的可能达16.7%、发生重度沙漠化的可能性达83.3%.  相似文献   

塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘地下水在脆弱生态环境中的作用   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘属典型的干旱区内陆盆地生态环境弱带,在绿洲与沙漠相交错分布的干旱生态系统中,地下水显示出重要的生态调控作用。土壤环境(水分、土壤含盐量)受地下水环境状况(地下水位、水质)的制约,从而决定了植被生长情况,地下水埋深地4m时,土壤含水量一般在11.7%~33.9%之间变化,茺膜河岸林,柽柳灌丛和多数草木植物均能正常生长,当地下水位埋深大于4m时,天然植物生长明显受到制约,土壤含盐量与  相似文献   

The content of proline in the plant bodies is closely related to the converse-succession-resistant capability of plants. Under the drought stress, the proline accumulates rapidly in the plant bodies for maintaining a certain mois-ture content and an expanding-pressure momentum in cells through the osmoregulation, thus the drought-resis- tant capability and the converse-succession-resistant ca-pability of plants are increased[1,2]. Many researches on the relationship between the proline and the…  相似文献   

Based on the analysis of the three-year (2000-2002) monitoring data of the four times intermittent stream water conveyance to the lower reaches of Tarim River where the stream flow was dried up for more than 30 years and the measurement of PRO, SOD and POD in plants collected from 24 vegetation plots, it is concluded that the stream water conveyance plays an important role in lifting groundwater level. The groundwater nearby the watercourse was raised from 5~8 m in depth before the stream water conveyance to 2.5~5 m after stream water conveyance. The physiological response of Phragmites communis, Tamarix spp. And Populus euphratica to the change of groundwater is sensitive and represents a grads change obviously. The growth of the plants in the lower reaches of Tarim River is stressed by drought to various degrees. Lengthways, the drought stress exposed to the plants increases with groundwater depth from the upper sections to the lower sections; and breadthwise, the drought stress exposed to the plants is increased with the increase of distance away from the river channel of stream intermittent water releases and of the groundwater depth. Combining the field investigation and the analysis of the plots, it is considered that the stress groundwater depths for the Phragmites communis, Tamarix spp. And Populus euphratica are 3.5 m, 5 m and 4.5 m respectively.  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica ofiv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica oliv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the influence of ground-water depths and soil salinity on leaves water potential of P. euphratica was analyzed. We found that there was evident negative correlation between the leaves water potential of P. euphratica and ground-water depths. The deeper the ground-water depths were, the lower the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was, the more serious drought stress P. euphratica suffered from. Besides, there was evident negative correlation between the soil salinity and the leaves water potential of P. euphratica. The bigger the soil salinity was, the lower the leaves water potential of P euphratica was, the more serious drought stress was indicated from which P. euphratica suffered. For sections rather distant for Daxihaizi Reservoir as well as for those places of wells rather distant from the river course, ground-water depths and the soil salinity were high; the leaves water potential of P. euphratica was low. The leaves water potential of P. euphratica can reflect the degree at which P. euphratica suffers from drought and salt stress, and has an important reference meaning in analyzing proper ground-water depths for the survival and growth of P. euphratic in the lower reaches of Tarim River.  相似文献   

Fu  Aihong  Chen  Yaning  Li  Weihong 《科学通报(英文版)》2006,51(1):221-228
Science Bulletin - Combined with materials measured on leaves water potential of Populus euphratica oliv in the process of ecological water delivery in the lower reaches of Tarim River, the...  相似文献   

利用Landsat遥感影像和MODIS数据集,得到和田河流域沙漠段河流水面面积和植被覆盖面积的时空分布特征.进一步分析归一化植被指数(NDVI)的季节变化特征与景观格局指数,得到和田河流域沙漠段生态环境的空间变化特征.结果表明:生态补水措施增加了流域的水体和植被面积,缓解了生态环境;并且生态补水后河流曲折系数下降,平均水面宽度增加,河流逐步朝平流化方向发展;NDVI的空间分布呈现河流两端植被覆盖量高,中间覆盖量低的特点.分析景观格局指数得到,生态应急补水使和田河流域沙漠段水体景观和植被景观分布呈现聚集分布,有效地缓解了生态环境.   相似文献   

Tarim River within the boundaries of Xinjiang is the longest inland river in China and its overall length is 2300 km (the main stream is 1321 km). Because of the increasing population in the region and large-scale ex- ploitation of water and soil resource…  相似文献   

This study was conducted on the desert riparian forest along the lower reach of the inland Tarim River, which is located in the arid region of Northwest China. Fifteen plant species in 10 families were collected from five monitoring sections, and examined for the infection ofarbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). The impact of different soil factors on AMF infection rate and intensity was compared using the principal component analysis (PCA) method. The results indicate that 11 species are AM and only 4 are non-AM plants. The estimated capacity of AMF infection depends on families of plants and also the parameters (infection rate, infection intensity, fungal spore density) used. The density of fungal spores was relatively higher in Phragmites communis and Populus euphratica in Graminaceae and Salicaceae families, respectively. The infection rate was above 50% in all the AM plants, except Calligonumjunceum. The highest infection rate appeared in Alhagi sparsifolia (97%) and Glycyrrhizainflata (92%). However, when compared by AMF infection intensity, Tamarix spp. became the top one, followed by Alhagi sparsifolia, and Glycyrrhiza inflata was in the middle range of all the species. The PCA has identified that soil total salt, moisture, organic matter, total nitrogen, total P, available K and pH were closely associated with the AMF infection.  相似文献   

干旱区内陆河流域荒漠河岸林变化研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
新疆塔里木河流域以胡杨为建群种的荒漠河岸林是我国及世界上胡杨分布最为集中的地区之一。通过分析该地区土壤含水率、地下水埋深、地形地貌类型与胡杨空间分布、龄级结构、郁闭度的关系,探讨其生长状况。同时,采用1983年、1992年及1996年遥感信息源编制植被专题图件,在GIS支持下处理图件,并应用制图数据及相关自然及人文数据,分析胡杨面积变化及演替规律,强调了系统重建设及恢复的重要作用。  相似文献   

比较荒漠植物柠条锦鸡儿不同部位茎段的水力结构特征.研究表明:随着茎木质部横截面面积增大,柠条锦鸡儿的胡伯尔值、比导率和叶比导率增加.柠条锦鸡儿存在着水分运输的限速区;限速区胡伯尔值高于非限速区,比导率和叶比导率低于非限速区.柠条锦鸡儿的水分运输主要受到分叉区(限速区)和枝条末端的细枝限制.  相似文献   

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