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In this paper, we examine a relatively novel form of gambling, spread (or index) betting that overlaps with practices in conventional financial markets. In this form of betting, a number of bookmakers quote bid–offer spreads about the result of some future event. Bettors may buy (sell) at the top (bottom) end of a spread. We hypothesize that the existence of an outlying spread may provide uninformed traders with forecasting information that can be used to develop improved trading strategies. Using data from a popular spread betting market in the United Kingdom, we find that the price obtaining at the market mid‐point does indeed provide a better forecast of asset values than that implied in the outlying spread. We further show that this information can be used to develop trading strategies leading to returns that are consistently positive and superior to those from noise trading. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article compares the forecast accuracy of different methods, namely prediction markets, tipsters and betting odds, and assesses the ability of prediction markets and tipsters to generate profits systematically in a betting market. We present the results of an empirical study that uses data from 678–837 games of three seasons of the German premier soccer league. Prediction markets and betting odds perform equally well in terms of forecasting accuracy, but both methods strongly outperform tipsters. A weighting‐based combination of the forecasts of these methods leads to a slightly higher forecast accuracy, whereas a rule‐based combination improves forecast accuracy substantially. However, none of the forecasts leads to systematic monetary gains in betting markets because of the high fees (25%) charged by the state‐owned bookmaker in Germany. Lower fees (e.g., approximately 12% or 0%) would provide systematic profits if punters exploited the information from prediction markets and bet only on a selected number of games. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We propose an innovative approach to model and predict the outcome of football matches based on the Poisson autoregression with exogenous covariates (PARX) model recently proposed by Agosto, Cavaliere, Kristensen, and Rahbek (Journal of Empirical Finance, 2016, 38(B), 640–663). We show that this methodology is particularly suited to model the goal distribution of a football team and provides a good forecast performance that can be exploited to develop a profitable betting strategy. This paper improves the strand of literature on Poisson‐based models, by proposing a specification able to capture the main characteristics of goal distribution. The betting strategy is based on the idea that the odds proposed by the market do not reflect the true probability of the match because they may also incorporate the betting volumes or strategic price settings in order to exploit betters' biases. The out‐of‐sample performance of the PARX model is better than the reference approach by Dixon and Coles (Applied Statistics, 1997, 46(2), 265–280). We also evaluate our approach in a simple betting strategy, which is applied to English football Premier League data for the 2013–2014, 2014–2015, and 2015–2016 seasons. The results show that the return from the betting strategy is larger than 30% in most of the cases considered and may even exceed 100% if we consider an alternative strategy based on a predetermined threshold, which makes it possible to exploit the inefficiency of the betting market.  相似文献   

Making accurate forecasts of the future direction of interest rates is a vital element when making economic decisions. The focus on central banks as they make decisions about the future direction of interest rates requires the forecaster to assess the likely outcome of committee decisions based on new information since the previous meeting. We characterize this process as a dynamic ordered probit process that uses information to decide between three possible outcomes for interest rates: an increase, decrease or no change. When we analyse the predictive ability of two information sets, we find that the approach has predictive ability both in‐sample and out‐of‐sample that helps forecast the direction of future rates. Copyright © 2008 John wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The short end of the yield curve incorporates essential information to forecast central banks' decisions, but in a biased manner. This article proposes a new method to forecast the Fed and the European Central Bank's decision rate by correcting the swap rates for their cyclical economic premium, using an affine term structure model. The corrected yields offer a higher out‐of‐sample forecasting power than the yields themselves. They also deliver forecasts that are either comparable or better than those obtained with a factor‐augmented vector autoregressive model, underlining the fact that yields are likely to contain at least as much information regarding monetary policy as a dataset composed of economic data series. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper assesses the international efficiency of the European football betting market by examining the forecastability of match outcomes on the basis of the information contained in different sets of online and fixed odds quoted by six major bookmakers. The paper also investigates the profitability of strategies based on: combined betting, simple heuristic rules, regression models and prediction encompassing. The empirical results show that combined betting across different bookmakers can lead to limited but highly profitable arbitrage opportunities. Simple trading rules and betting strategies based on forecast encompassing are found capable of also producing significant positive returns. Despite the deregulation, globalization and increased competition in the betting industry over recent years, the predictabilities and profits reported in this paper are not fully consistent with weak-form market efficiency. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study is devoted to gain insight into a timely, accurate, and relevant combining forecast by considering social media (Facebook), opinion polls, and prediction markets. We transformed each type of raw data into the possibility of victory as a forecasting model. Besides the four single forecasts, namely Facebook fans, Facebook “people talking about this” (PTAT) statistics, opinion polls, and prediction markets, we generated three combined forecasts by associating various combinations of the four components. Then, we examined the predictive performance of each forecast on vote shares and the elected/non‐elected outcome across the election period. Our findings, based on the evidence of Taiwan's 2018 county and city elections, showed that incorporating the Facebook PTAT statistic with polls and prediction markets generates the most powerful forecast. Moreover, we recognized the matter of the time horizons where the best proposed model has better accuracy gains in prediction—in the “late of election,” but not in “approaching election”. The patterns of the trend of accuracy across time for each forecasting model also differ from one another. We also highlighted the complementarity of various types of data in the paper because each forecast makes important contributions to forecasting elections.  相似文献   

An ordered probit regression model estimated using 10 years' data is used to forecast English league football match results. As well as past match results data, the significance of the match for end‐of‐season league outcomes, the involvement of the teams in cup competition and the geographical distance between the two teams' home towns all contribute to the forecasting model's performance. The model is used to test the weak‐form efficiency of prices in the fixed‐odds betting market. A strategy of selecting end‐of‐season bets with a favourable expected return according to the model appears capable of generating a positive return. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The implication of corporate bankruptcy prediction is important to financial institutions when making lending decisions. In related studies, many bankruptcy prediction models have been developed based on some machine‐learning techniques. This paper presents a meta‐learning framework, which is composed of two‐level classifiers for bankruptcy prediction. The first‐level multiple classifiers perform the data reduction task by filtering out unrepresentative training data. Then, the outputs of the first‐level classifiers are utilized to create the second‐level single (meta) classifier. The experiments are based on five related datasets and the results show that the proposed meta‐learning framework provides higher prediction accuracy rates and lower type I/II errors when compared with the stacked generalization classifier and other three widely developed baselines, such as neural networks, decision trees, and logistic regression. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the importance of density forecasting and forecast evaluation in portfolio decision making. The decision‐making environment is fully described for an investor seeking to optimally allocate her portfolio between long and short Treasury bills, over investment horizons of up to 2 years. We examine the impact of parameter uncertainty and predictability in bond returns on the investor's allocation and we describe how the forecasts are computed and used in this context. Both statistical and decision‐based criteria are used to assess the predictability of returns. Our results show sensitivity to the evaluation criterion used and, in the context of investment decision making under an economic value criterion, we find some potential gain for the investor from assuming predictability. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we assess opinion polls, prediction markets, expert opinion and statistical modelling over a large number of US elections in order to determine which perform better in terms of forecasting outcomes. In line with existing literature, we bias‐correct opinion polls. We consider accuracy, bias and precision over different time horizons before an election, and we conclude that prediction markets appear to provide the most precise forecasts and are similar in terms of bias to opinion polls. We find that our statistical model struggles to provide competitive forecasts, while expert opinion appears to be of value. Finally we note that the forecast horizon matters; whereas prediction market forecasts tend to improve the nearer an election is, opinion polls appear to perform worse, while expert opinion performs consistently throughout. We thus contribute to the growing literature comparing election forecasts of polls and prediction markets. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A nonlinear geometric combination of statistical models is proposed as an alternative approach to the usual linear combination or mixture. Contrary to the linear, the geometric model is closed under the regular exponential family of distributions, as we show. As a consequence, the distribution which results from the combination is unimodal and a single location parameter can be chosen for decision making. In the case of Student t‐distributions (of particular interest in forecasting) the geometric combination can be unimodal under a sufficient condition we have established. A comparative analysis between the geometric and linear combinations of predictive distributions from three Bayesian regression dynamic linear models, in a case of beer sales forecasting in Zimbabwe, shows the geometric model to consistently outperform its linear counterpart as well as its component models. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ashley (Journal of Forecasting 1983; 2 (3): 211–223) proposes a criterion (known as Ashley's index) to judge whether the external macroeconomic variables are well forecast to serve as explanatory variables in forecasting models, which is crucial for policy makers. In this article, we try to extend Ashley's work by providing three testing procedures, including a ratio‐based test, a difference‐based test, and the Bayesian approach. The Bayesian approach has the advantage of allowing the flexibility of adapting all possible information content within a decision‐making environment such as the change of variable's definition due to the evolving system of national accounts. We demonstrate the proposed methods by applying six macroeconomic forecasts in the Survey of Professional Forecasters. Researchers or practitioners can thus formally test whether the external information is helpful. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Theory choice can be approached in at least four ways. One of these calls for the application of decision theory, and this article endorses this approach. But applying standard forms of decision theory imposes an overly demanding standard of numeric information, supposedly satisfied by point-valued utility and probability functions. To ameliorate this difficulty, a version of decision theory that requires merely comparative utilities and plausibilities is proposed. After a brief summary of this alternative, the article illustrates how comparative decision theory affords a rational reconstruction of decisions made by exemplary scientists in two cases of theory choice: Buffon’s law and the luminiferous ether. It also offers a rational reconstruction of two cases of theory diagnosis: Mendeleev’s anomalies and the Pioneer anomaly.  相似文献   

Case‐based reasoning (CBR) is a very effective and easily understandable method for solving real‐world problems. Business failure prediction (BFP) is a forecasting tool that helps people make more precise decisions. CBR‐based BFP is a hot topic in today's global financial crisis. Case representation is critical when forecasting business failure with CBR. This research describes a pioneer investigation on hybrid case representation by employing principal component analysis (PCA), a feature extraction method, along with stepwise multivariate discriminant analysis (MDA), a feature selection approach. In this process, sample cases are represented with all available financial ratios, i.e., features. Next, the stepwise MDA is used to select optimal features to produce a reduced‐case representation. Finally, PCA is employed to extract the final information representing the sample cases. All data signified by hybrid case representation are recorded in a case library, and the k‐nearest‐neighbor algorithm is used to make the forecasting. Thus we constructed a hybrid CBR (HCBR) by integrating hybrid case representation into the forecasting tool. We empirically tested the performance of HCBR with data collected for short‐term BFP of Chinese listed companies. Empirical results indicated that HCBR can produce more promising prediction performance than MDA, logistic regression, classical CBR, and support vector machine. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Internet search data could be a useful source of information for policymakers when formulating decisions based on their understanding of the current economic environment. This paper builds on earlier literature via a structured value assessment of the data provided by Google Trends. This is done through two empirical exercises related to the forecasting of changes in UK unemployment. Firstly, economic intuition provides the basis for search term selection, with a resulting Google indicator tested alongside survey‐based variables in a traditional forecasting environment. Secondly, this environment is expanded into a pseudo‐time nowcasting framework which provides the backdrop for assessing the timing advantage that Google data have over surveys. The framework is underpinned by a MIDAS regression which allows, for the first time, the easy incorporation of Internet search data at its true sampling rate into a nowcast model for predicting unemployment. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We develop a semi‐structural model for forecasting inflation in the UK in which the New Keynesian Phillips curve (NKPC) is augmented with a time series model for marginal cost. By combining structural and time series elements we hope to reap the benefits of both approaches, namely the relatively better forecasting performance of time series models in the short run and a theory‐consistent economic interpretation of the forecast coming from the structural model. In our model we consider the hybrid version of the NKPC and use an open‐economy measure of marginal cost. The results suggest that our semi‐structural model performs better than a random‐walk forecast and most of the competing models (conventional time series models and strictly structural models) only in the short run (one quarter ahead) but it is outperformed by some of the competing models at medium and long forecast horizons (four and eight quarters ahead). In addition, the open‐economy specification of our semi‐structural model delivers more accurate forecasts than its closed‐economy alternative at all horizons. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Given the confirmed effectiveness of the survey‐based consumer sentiment index (CSI) as a leading indicator of real economic conditions, the CSI is actively used in making policy judgments and decisions in many countries. However, although the CSI offers qualitative information for presenting current conditions and predicting a household's future economic activity, the survey‐based method has several limitations. In this context, we extracted sentiment information from online economic news articles and demonstrated that the Korean cases are a good illustration of applying a text mining technique when generating a CSI using sentiment analysis. By applying a simple sentiment analysis based on the lexicon approach, this paper confirmed that news articles can be an effective source for generating an economic indicator in Korea. Even though cross‐national comparative research results are suited better than national‐level data to generalize and verify the method used in this study, international comparisons are quite challenging to draw due to the necessary linguistic preprocessing. We hope to encourage further cross‐national comparative research to apply the approach proposed in this study.  相似文献   

Four groups made forecasts of the outcome of the Swedish Parliamentary election in the fall of 2006. They consisted of members of the public, political scientists, journalists writing about domestic politics in Swedish daily newspapers, and journalists who were editing sections of readers' letters in daily newspapers. They estimated, using a 12‐step category scale, which percentage of the votes that they believed seven parties would get in the election. Data were then obtained on the outcome of the election, and on the two opinions polls closest in time to it. When median forecasts were compared across groups, it was found that the group from the public was most successful in forecasting the outcome of the election. This was in spite of the fact that the median error made by individual members of that group was about 50% larger than the median error made by members of other groups. The two polls were less efficient than the group from the public and overestimated the span between the incumbent government and the opposition by a factor of 2. The members of the public and journalists showed some wishful thinking in their forecasts. There were large and consistent individual differences in forecasting ability. Men performed better than women, as did those who expressed more interest and knowledge in politics. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we present an intelligent decision‐support system based on neural network technology for model selection and forecasting. While most of the literature on the application of neural networks in forecasting addresses the use of neural network technology as an alternative forecasting tool, limited research has focused on its use for selection of forecasting methods based on time‐series characteristics. In this research, a neural network‐based decision support system is presented as a method for forecast model selection. The neural network approach provides a framework for directly incorporating time‐series characteristics into the model‐selection phase. Using a neural network, a forecasting group is initially selected for a given data set, based on a set of time‐series characteristics. Then, using an additional neural network, a specific forecasting method is selected from a pool of three candidate methods. The results of training and testing of the networks are presented along with conclusions. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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