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This paper provides extensions to the application of Markovian models in predicting US recessions. The proposed Markovian models, including the hidden Markov and Markov models, incorporate the temporal autocorrelation of binary recession indicators in a traditional but natural way. Considering interest rates and spreads, stock prices, monetary aggregates, and output as the candidate predictors, we examine the out‐of‐sample performance of the Markovian models in predicting the recessions 1–12 months ahead, through rolling window experiments as well as experiments based on the fixed full training set. Our study shows that the Markovian models are superior to the probit models in detecting a recession and capturing the recession duration. But sometimes the rolling window method may affect the models' prediction reliability as it could incorporate the economy's unsystematic adjustments and erratic shocks into the forecast. In addition, the interest rate spreads and output are the most efficient predictor variables in explaining business cycles.  相似文献   

This paper is an applied study about forecasting trend output and the output gap in the Euro area. The need for trend output forecasts is justified by an analysis of the monetary strategy of the European Central Bank. Trend output serves as a direct inflation indicator and helps to determine the reference value for money. For both purposes, trend output has to be forecasted. A permanent–transitory decomposition based on cointegration restrictions gives an estimate of trend output in the Euro area. Ex‐ante point forecasts of trend output are computed and bootstrap simulation is employed to construct prediction intervals that take estimation uncertainty into consideration. The uncertainty of trend output and the output gap is quite large and raises questions about their usefulness as indicators for monetary policy. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of papers in recent years have investigated the problems of forecasting contemporaneously aggregated time series and of combining alternative forecasts of a time series. This paper considers the integration of both approaches within the example of assessing the forecasting performance of models for two of the U.K. monetary aggregates, £M3 and MO. It is found that forecasts from a time series model for aggregate £M3 are superior to aggregated forecasts from individual models fitted to either the components or counterparts of £M3 and that an even better forecast is obtained by forming a linear combination of the three alternatives. For MO, however, aggregated forecasts from its components prove superior to either the forecast from the aggregate itself or from a linear combination of the two.  相似文献   

Based on a vector error correction model we produce conditional euro area inflation forecasts. We use real‐time data on M3 and HICP, and include real GPD, the 3‐month EURIBOR and the 10‐year government bond yield as control variables. Real money growth and the term spread enter the system as stationary linear combinations. Missing and outlying values are substituted by model‐based estimates using all available data information. In general, the conditional inflation forecasts are consistent with the European Central Bank's assessment of liquidity conditions for future inflation prospects. The evaluation of inflation forecasts under different monetary scenarios reveals the importance of keeping track of money growth rate in particular at the end of 2005. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An approach is proposed for obtaining estimates of the basic (disaggregated) series, xi, when only an aggregate series, yt, of k period non-overlapping sums of xi's is available. The approach is based on casting the problem in a dynamic linear model form. Then estimates of xi can be obtained by application of the Kalman filtering techniques. An ad hoc procedure is introduced for deriving a model form for the unobserved basic series from the observed model of the aggregates. An application of this approach to a set of real data is given.  相似文献   

This paper develops a dynamic factor model that uses euro area country-specific information on output and inflation to estimate an area-wide measure of the output gap. Our model assumes that output and inflation can be decomposed into country-specific stochastic trends and a common cyclical component. Comovement in the trends is introduced by imposing a factor structure on the shocks to the latent states. We moreover introduce flexible stochastic volatility specifications to control for heteroscedasticity in the measurement errors and innovations to the latent states. Carefully specified shrinkage priors allow for pushing the model towards a homoscedastic specification, if supported by the data. Our measure of the output gap closely tracks other commonly adopted measures, with small differences in magnitudes and timing. To assess whether the model-based output gap helps in forecasting inflation, we perform an out-of-sample forecasting exercise. The findings indicate that our approach yields superior inflation forecasts, both in terms of point and density predictions.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the adjustment processes within a potential European monetary union and looks in particular at permanent asymmetric shocks that require an adjustment in a country's (or region's) real exchange rate. We first consider some of the implications of EMU and the question of asymmetries within the European economy. The presence of asymmetries and, in particular, different institutional structures in labour markets is a potential source of tension within a union and it could make a union difficult to sustain. However, automatic adjustment processes will be at work within a monetary union as a result of changes in relative price levels, which change real exchange rates, and also as a result of changes in wealth stocks. We use our econometric world model, NIGEM, to investigate the effects of asymmetric fiscal expansions and real exchange rate misalignments within a monetary union. In order to quantify the effects of such permanent asymmetric shocks we have introduced wealth into our model. Our simulations suggest that the principal impact of the fiscal expansion on both output and the price level will occur within the country in which the expansion occurs. Short-term gains are crowded out in the medium term, and while monetary union reduces crowding out in the short term, it increases the rate at which crowding out occurs thereafter. We also analyse the effects of real exchange rate misalignments and find that the processes of adjustment may be very protracted. This could cause strain on the union as adjustment costs are shared unequally.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the impact of data revisions on forecasting and model selection procedures. A linear ARMA model and nonlinear SETAR model are considered in this study. Two Canadian macroeconomic time series have been analyzed: the real‐time monetary aggregate M3 (1977–2000) and residential mortgage credit (1975–1998). The forecasting method we use is multi‐step‐ahead non‐adaptive forecasting. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

On 26 November 2001, the National Bureau of Economic Research announced that the US economy had officially entered into a recession in March 2001. This decision was a surprise and did not end all the conflicting opinions expressed by economists. This matter was finally settled in July 2002 after a revision to the 2001 real gross domestic product showed negative growth rates for its first three quarters. A series of political and economic events in the years 2000–01 have increased the amount of uncertainty in the state of the economy, which in turn has resulted in the production of less reliable economic indicators and forecasts. This paper evaluates the performance of two very reliable methodologies for predicting a downturn in the US economy using composite leading economic indicators (CLI) for the years 2000–01. It explores the impact of the monetary policy on CLI and on the overall economy and shows how the gradualness and uncertainty of this impact on the overall economy have affected the forecasts of these methodologies. It suggests that the overexposure of the CLI to the monetary policy tools and a strong, but less effective, expansionary money policy have been the major factors in deteriorating the predictions of these methodologies. To improve these forecasts, it has explored the inclusion of the CLI diffusion index as a prior in the Bayesian methodology. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long series of quarterly GDP figures are still not available for many countries. This paper suggests an empirical procedure adapted from Chow and Lin (1971) to derive quarterly estimates from annual GDP figures and produces quarterly GDP by sectors for Malaysia from 1973Q1 onwards. A comparison of these estimates with some univariate interpolations using published quarterly figures for recent years show that the use of related series can produce substantially superior estimates of GDP compared to univariate methods. The data set is available from the authors. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces discrete Euler processes and shows their application in detecting and forecasting cycles in non‐stationary data where periodic behavior changes approximately linearly in time. A discrete Euler process becomes a classical stationary process if ‘time’ is transformed properly. By moving from one time domain to another, one may deform certain time‐varying data to non‐time‐varying data. With these non‐time‐varying data on the deformed timescale, one may use traditional tools to do parameter estimation and forecasts. The obtained results then can be transformed back to the original timescale. For datasets with an underlying discrete Euler process, the sample M‐spectrum and the spectra estimator of a Euler model (i.e., EAR spectral) are used to detect cycles of a Euler process. Beam response and whale data are used to demonstrate the usefulness of a Euler model. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The qualitative responses that firms give to business survey questions regarding changes in their own output provide a real‐time signal of official output changes. The most commonly used method to produce an aggregate quantitative indicator from business survey responses—the net balance or diffusion index—has changed little in 40 years. This paper investigates whether an improved real‐time signal of official output data changes can be derived from a recently advanced method on the aggregation of survey data from panel responses. We find, in a New Zealand application, that exploiting the panel dimension to qualitative survey data gives a better in‐sample signal about official data than traditional methods. Out‐of‐sample, it is less clear that it matters how survey data are quantified, with simpler and more parsimonious methods hard to improve. It is clear, nevertheless, that survey data, exploited in some form, help to explain revisions to official data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper constructs current trend growth rates for a variety of U.K. monetary aggregates. These rates are computed from decompositions of intervention-augmented ARIMA models, the interventions being identified and their magnitude estimated by an iterative detection procedure.  相似文献   

Neural networks are fitted to real exchange rates of several industrialized countries. The size and topology of the networks is found through the use of multiple correlation coefficients, principal component analysis of residuals and graphical analysis of network output per hidden layer cell and input layer cell. These pruned neural networks are good approximations to varying non‐linear trends in real exchange rates. Non‐linear dynamic analysis shows that the long‐term equilibrium values of several European currencies correspond to the actual values within the European Monetary System. Based on its long‐term equilibrium value, the Euro appears to be undervalued vis‐à‐vis the US dollar at the introduction of the Euro on 1 January 1999. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Monetary aggregates for eleven European countries are analysed using the structural time-series methodology, paying special attention to unit root issues. Estimation of the parameters of the models is carried out by applying the asymptotic least squares (ALS) procedure. A comparison with the maximum likelihood estimates obtained via the Kalman filter shows that ALS is an alternative to Kalman filter estimation. The empirical results show that for only a small number of series the four variance parameters of the basic structural model are strictly positive. For the majority of the series the variance of the irregular component is equal to 0.©1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance of a class of M‐estimators for both symmetric and asymmetric conditional heteroscedastic models in the prediction of value‐at‐risk. The class of estimators includes the least absolute deviation (LAD), Huber's, Cauchy and B‐estimator, as well as the well‐known quasi maximum likelihood estimator (QMLE). We use a wide range of summary statistics to compare both the in‐sample and out‐of‐sample VaR estimates of three well‐known stock indices. Our empirical study suggests that in general Cauchy, Huber and B‐estimator have better performance in predicting one‐step‐ahead VaR than the commonly used QMLE. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper estimates, using stochastic simulation and a multi‐country macroeconometric model, the fraction of the forecast error variance of output changes and the fraction of the forecast error variance of inflation that are due to unpredictable asset price changes. The results suggest that between about 25% and 37% of the forecast error variance of output growth over eight quarters is due to asset price changes and between about 33% and 60% of the forecast error variance of inflation over eight quarters is due to asset price changes. These estimates provide limits to the accuracy that can be expected from macroeconomic forecasting. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Why are forecasts of inflation from VAR models so much worse than their forecasts of real variables? This paper documents that relatively poor performance, and finds that the price equation of a VAR model fitted to US post-war data is poorly specified. Statistical work by other authors has found that coefficients in such price equations may not be constant. Based on specific monetary actions, two changes in monetary policy regimes are proposed. Accounting for those two shifts yields significantly more accurate forecasts and lessens the evidence of misspecification.  相似文献   

Under the Basel II Accord, banks and other authorized deposit‐taking institutions (ADIs) have to communicate their daily risk estimates to the monetary authorities at the beginning of the trading day, using a variety of value‐at‐risk (VaR) models to measure risk. Sometimes the risk estimates communicated using these models are too high, thereby leading to large capital requirements and high capital costs. At other times, the risk estimates are too low, leading to excessive violations, so that realized losses are above the estimated risk. In this paper we analyze the profit‐maximizing problem of an ADI subject to capital requirements under the Basel II Accord as ADIs have to choose an optimal VaR reporting strategy that minimizes daily capital charges. Accordingly, we suggest a dynamic communication and forecasting strategy that responds to violations in a discrete and instantaneous manner, while adapting more slowly in periods of no violations. We apply the proposed strategy to Standard & Poor's 500 Index and show there can be substantial savings in daily capital charges, while restricting the number of violations to within the Basel II penalty limits. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a mixed‐frequency model for daily forecasts of euro area inflation. The model combines a monthly index of core inflation with daily data from financial markets; estimates are carried out with the MIDAS regression approach. The forecasting ability of the model in real time is compared with that of standard VARs and of daily quotes of economic derivatives on euro area inflation. We find that the inclusion of daily variables helps to reduce forecast errors with respect to models that consider only monthly variables. The mixed‐frequency model also displays superior predictive performance with respect to forecasts solely based on economic derivatives. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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