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The analysis and forecasting of electricity consumption and prices has received considerable attention over the past forty years. In the 1950s and 1960s most of these forecasts and analyses were generated by simultaneous equation econometric models. Beginning in the 1970s, there was a shift in the modeling of economic variables from the structural equations approach with strong identifying restrictions towards a joint time-series model with very few restrictions. One such model is the vector auto regression (VAR) model. It was soon discovered that the unrestricted VAR models do not forecast well. The Bayesian vector auto regression (BVAR) approach as well the error correction model (ECM) and models based on the theory of co integration have been offered as alternatives to the simple VAR model. This paper argues that the BVAF., ECM, and co integration models are simply VAR models with various restrictions placed on the coefficients. Based on this notion of a restricted VAR model, a four-step procedure for specifying VAR forecasting models is presented and then applied to monthly data on US electricity consumption and prices.  相似文献   

This paper compares the forecast performance of vector‐autoregression‐type (VAR) demand systems with and without imposing the homogeneity restriction in the cointegration space. US meat consumption (beef, poultry and pork) data are studied. One up to four‐steps‐ahead forecasts are generated from both the theoretically restricted and unrestricted models. A modified Diebold–Mariano test of the equality of mean squared forecast errors (MSFE) and a forecast encompassing test are applied in forecast evaluation. Our findings suggest that the imposition of the homogeneity restriction tends to improve the forecast accuracy when the restriction is not rejected. The evidence is mixed when the restriction is rejected. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of forecasting a stationary time series when there is an unknown mean break close to the forecast origin. Based on the intercept‐correction methods suggested by Clements and Hendry (1998) and Bewley (2003), a hybrid approach is introduced, where the break and break point are treated in a Bayesian fashion. The hyperparameters of the priors are determined by maximizing the marginal density of the data. The distributions of the proposed forecasts are derived. Different intercept‐correction methods are compared using simulation experiments. Our hybrid approach compares favorably with both the uncorrected and the intercept‐corrected forecasts. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examines the forecasting accuracy of alternative vector autoregressive models each in a seven‐variable system that comprises in turn of daily, weekly and monthly foreign exchange (FX) spot rates. The vector autoregressions (VARs) are in non‐stationary, stationary and error‐correction forms and are estimated using OLS. The imposition of Bayesian priors in the OLS estimations also allowed us to obtain another set of results. We find that there is some tendency for the Bayesian estimation method to generate superior forecast measures relatively to the OLS method. This result holds whether or not the data sets contain outliers. Also, the best forecasts under the non‐stationary specification outperformed those of the stationary and error‐correction specifications, particularly at long forecast horizons, while the best forecasts under the stationary and error‐correction specifications are generally similar. The findings for the OLS forecasts are consistent with recent simulation results. The predictive ability of the VARs is very weak. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigates possible improvements in medium-term VAR forecasting of state retail sales and personal income when the two series are co-integrated and represent an error-correction system. For each of North Carolina and New York, three regional vector autoregression (VAR) models are specified; an unrestricted two-equation model consisting of the two state variables, a five-equation unrestricted model with three national variables added and a Bayesian (BVAR) version of the second model. For each state, the co-integration and error-correction relationship of the two state variables is verified and an error-correction version of each model specified. Twelve successive ex ante five-year forecasts are then generated for each of the state models. The results show that including an error-correction mechanism when statistically significant improves medium-term forecasting accuracy in every case.  相似文献   

This study examines the problem of forecasting an aggregate of cointegrated disaggregates. It first establishes conditions under which forecasts of an aggregate variable obtained from a disaggregate VECM will be equal to those from an aggregate, univariate time series model, and develops a simple procedure for testing those conditions. The paper then uses Monte Carlo simulations to show, for a finite sample, that the proposed test has good size and power properties and that whether a model satisfies the aggregation conditions is closely related to out‐of‐sample forecast performance. The paper then shows that ignoring cointegration and specifying the disaggregate model as a VAR in differences can significantly affect analyses of aggregation, with the VAR‐based test for aggregation possibly leading to faulty inference and the differenced VAR forecasts potentially understating the benefits of disaggregate information. Finally, analysis of an empirical problem confirms the basic results. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We observe that daily highs and lows of stock prices do not diverge over time and, hence, adopt the cointegration concept and the related vector error correction model (VECM) to model the daily high, the daily low, and the associated daily range data. The in‐sample results attest to the importance of incorporating high–low interactions in modeling the range variable. In evaluating the out‐of‐sample forecast performance using both mean‐squared forecast error and direction of change criteria, it is found that the VECM‐based low and high forecasts offer some advantages over alternative forecasts. The VECM‐based range forecasts, on the other hand, do not always dominate—the forecast rankings depend on the choice of evaluation criterion and the variables being forecast. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Johansen's test for co integration is applied to Litterman's original six-variable Bayesian vector auto regression (BVAR) model to obtain vector error correction mechanism (VECM) and Bayesian error correction (BECM) versions of the model. The Brock, Dechert, and Scheinkman (BDS) test for independence from the non-linear dynamics literature is then applied to the error structures of each estimated equation of the BECM and VECM models, plus two BVAR versions of the model. The results show that none of the models produce independent and identically distributed (IID) errors for all six equations. However, the BDS results suggest the elimination of the Bayesian prior from the BECM model, given that the univariate VECM errors are IID in five equations, compared to only two or three equations under the three Bayesian restricted models. These results combined with previous evidence regarding the superior forecasting performance of BECM over ECM models suggest future experimentation with less restrictive BVAR priors, BECM models corrected for heteroscedasticity, or hybrid specifications based on the nonlinear dynamics literature.  相似文献   

A Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR) model is developed for the Connecticut economy to forecast the unemployment rate, nonagricultural employment, real personal income, and housing permits authorized. The model includes both national and state variables. The Bayesian prior is selected on the basis of the accuracy of the out-of-sample forecasts. We find that a loose prior generally produces more accurate forecasts. The out-of-sample accuracy of the BVAR forecasts is also compared with that of forecasts from an unrestricted VAR model and of benchmark forecasts generated from univariate ARIMA models. The BVAR model generally produces the most accurate short- and long-term out-of-sample forecasts for 1988 through 1992. It also correctly predicts the direction of change.  相似文献   

This paper compares the out-of-sample forecasting accuracy of a wide class of structural, BVAR and VAR models for major sterling exchange rates over different forecast horizons. As representative structural models we employ a portfolio balance model and a modified uncovered interest parity model, with the latter producing the more accurate forecasts. Proper attention to the long-run properties and the short-run dynamics of structural models can improve on the forecasting performance of the random walk model. The structural model shows substantial improvement in medium-term forecasting accuracy, whereas the BVAR model is the more accurate in the short term. BVAR and VAR models in levels strongly out predict these models formulated in difference form at all forecast horizons.  相似文献   

This paper examines small sample properties of alternative bias‐corrected bootstrap prediction regions for the vector autoregressive (VAR) model. Bias‐corrected bootstrap prediction regions are constructed by combining bias‐correction of VAR parameter estimators with the bootstrap procedure. The backward VAR model is used to bootstrap VAR forecasts conditionally on past observations. Bootstrap prediction regions based on asymptotic bias‐correction are compared with those based on bootstrap bias‐correction. Monte Carlo simulation results indicate that bootstrap prediction regions based on asymptotic bias‐correction show better small sample properties than those based on bootstrap bias‐correction for nearly all cases considered. The former provide accurate coverage properties in most cases, while the latter over‐estimate the future uncertainty. Overall, the percentile‐t bootstrap prediction region based on asymptotic bias‐correction is found to provide highly desirable small sample properties, outperforming its alternatives in nearly all cases. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We investigate the forecast performance of the fractionally integrated error correction model against several competing models for the prediction of the Nikkei stock average index. The competing models include the martingale model, the vector autoregressive model and the conventional error correction model. We consider models with and without conditional heteroscedasticity. For forecast horizons of over twenty days, the best forecasting performance is obtained for the model when fractional cointegration is combined with conditional heteroscedasticity. Our results reinforce the notion that cointegration and fractional cointegration are important for long‐horizon prediction. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study establishes a benchmark for short‐term salmon price forecasting. The weekly spot price of Norwegian farmed Atlantic salmon is predicted 1–5 weeks ahead using data from 2007 to 2014. Sixteen alternative forecasting methods are considered, ranging from classical time series models to customized machine learning techniques to salmon futures prices. The best predictions are delivered by k‐nearest neighbors method for 1 week ahead; vector error correction model estimated using elastic net regularization for 2 and 3 weeks ahead; and futures prices for 4 and 5 weeks ahead. While the nominal gains in forecast accuracy over a naïve benchmark are small, the economic value of the forecasts is considerable. Using a simple trading strategy for timing the sales based on price forecasts could increase the net profit of a salmon farmer by around 7%.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first extract factors from a monthly dataset of 130 macroeconomic and financial variables. These extracted factors are then used to construct a factor‐augmented qualitative vector autoregressive (FA‐Qual VAR) model to forecast industrial production growth, inflation, the Federal funds rate, and the term spread based on a pseudo out‐of‐sample recursive forecasting exercise over an out‐of‐sample period of 1980:1 to 2014:12, using an in‐sample period of 1960:1 to 1979:12. Short‐, medium‐, and long‐run horizons of 1, 6, 12, and 24 months ahead are considered. The forecast from the FA‐Qual VAR is compared with that of a standard VAR model, a Qual VAR model, and a factor‐augmented VAR (FAVAR). In general, we observe that the FA‐Qual VAR tends to perform significantly better than the VAR, Qual VAR and FAVAR (barring some exceptions relative to the latter). In addition, we find that the Qual VARs are also well equipped in forecasting probability of recessions when compared to probit models.  相似文献   

This paper examines the lead-lag relationship between the spot index and futures price of the Nikkei Stock Average. Using daily data in the post-crash period we investigate the interaction between the spot and futures series through the error correction model. Two versions of error correction models are considered, depending on the postulated long-run equilibrium relationship. It is found that lagged changes in the futures price affect the short-term adjustment in the spot index, but not vice versa. Forecasting models for the spot index are also constructed using the univariate time series approach and the vector autoregressive method. For the post-sample forecast comparison the error correction models produce the best results. The vector autoregressive method performs better than the martingale model, while the univariate time series method gives the poorest forecasts.  相似文献   

This paper aims to identify the best indicator in forecasting inflation in Malaysia. In methodology, the study constructs a simple forecasting model that incorporates the indicator/variable using the vector error correction (VECM) model of quasi‐tradable inflation index and selected indicators: commodity prices, financial indicators and economic activities. For each indicator, the forecasting horizon used is 24 months and the VECM model is applied for seven sample windows over sample periods starting with the first month of 1980 and ending with the 12th month of every 2 years from 1992 to 2004. The degree of independence of each indicator from inflation is tested by analyzing the variance decomposition of each indicator and Granger causality between each indicator and inflation. We propose that a simple model using an aggregation of indices improves the accuracy of inflation forecasts. The results support our hypothesis. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that taking cointegration relationships into consideration is useful in forecasting cointegrated processes. However, there are a few practical problems when forecasting large cointegrated processes using the well‐known vector error correction model. First, it is hard to identify the cointegration rank in large models. Second, since the number of parameters to be estimated tends to be large relative to the sample size in large models, estimators will have large standard errors, and so will forecasts. The purpose of the present paper is to propose a new procedure for forecasting large cointegrated processes which is free from the above problems. In our Monte Carlo experiment, we find that our forecast gains accuracy when we work with a larger model as long as the ratio of the cointegration rank to the number of variables in the process is high. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Do long‐run equilibrium relations suggested by economic theory help to improve the forecasting performance of a cointegrated vector error correction model (VECM)? In this paper we try to answer this question in the context of a two‐country model developed for the Canadian and US economies. We compare the forecasting performance of the exactly identified cointegrated VECMs to the performance of the over‐identified VECMs with the long‐run theory restrictions imposed. We allow for model uncertainty and conduct this comparison for every possible combination of the cointegration ranks of the Canadian and US models. We show that the over‐identified structural cointegrated models generally outperform the exactly identified models in forecasting Canadian macroeconomic variables. We also show that the pooled forecasts generated from the over‐identified models beat most of the individual exactly identified and over‐identified models as well as the VARs in levels and in differences. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We compare the accuracy of vector autoregressive (VAR), restricted vector autoregressive (RVAR), Bayesian vector autoregressive (BVAR), vector error correction (VEC) and Bayesian error correction (BVEC) models in forecasting the exchange rates of five Central and Eastern European currencies (Czech Koruna, Hungarian Forint, Slovak Koruna, Slovenian Tolar and Polish Zloty) against the US Dollar and the Euro. Although these models tend to outperform the random walk model for long‐term predictions (6 months ahead and beyond), even the best models in terms of average prediction error fail to reject the test of equality of forecasting accuracy against the random walk model in short‐term predictions. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a regime switching vector autoregressive model with time‐varying regime probabilities, where the regime switching dynamics is described by an observable binary response variable predicted simultaneously with the variables subject to regime changes. Dependence on the observed binary variable distinguishes the model from various previously proposed multivariate regime switching models, facilitating a handy simulation‐based multistep forecasting method. An empirical application shows a strong bidirectional predictive linkage between US interest rates and NBER business cycle recession and expansion periods. Due to the predictability of the business cycle regimes, the proposed model yields superior out‐of‐sample forecasts of the US short‐term interest rate and the term spread compared with the linear and nonlinear vector autoregressive (VAR) models, including the Markov switching VAR model.  相似文献   

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