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0 IntroductionText clusteringis the process of grouping the documentsinto the classes or clusters so that documents within acluster have high si milarityin comparisonto one another ,butare very dissi milar to documents in other clusters .In applica-tions ,the document is always represented by vector spacemodel(VSM) in which each document is represented as a vec-tor and each unique termis of one di mension of this vector .Then,documents are clustered bycalculating distance or si mi-larity[1], …  相似文献   

Clustering in high-dimensional space is an important domain in data mining. It is the process of discovering groups in a high-dimensional dataset, in such way, that the similarity between the elements of the same cluster is maximum and between different clusters is minimal. Many clustering algorithms are not applicable to high dimensional space for its sparseness and decline properties. Dimensionality reduction is an effective method to solve this problem. The paper proposes a novel clustering algorithm CFSBC based onclosed frequent hemsets derived from association rule mining. which can get the clustering attributes with high efficiency. The algorithm has several advantages. First, it deals effectively with the problem of dimensionality reduction. Second, it is applicable to different kinds of attributes, Third, it is suitable for very large data sets. Experiment shows that the proposed algorithm is effective and efficient  相似文献   

Feature selection methods have been successfully applied to text categorization but seldom applied to text clustering due to the unavailability of class label information. In this paper, a new feature selection method for text clustering based on expectation maximization and cluster validity is proposed. It uses supervised feature selection method on the intermediate clustering result which is generated during iterative clustering to do feature selection for text clustering; meanwhile, the Davies-Bouldin's index is used to evaluate the intermediate feature subsets indirectly. Then feature subsets are selected according to the curve of the Davies-Bouldin's index. Experiment is carried out on several popular datasets and the results show the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper presents an effective clustering mode and a novel clustering result evaluating mode. Clustering mode has two limited integral parameters. Evaluating mode evaluates clustering results and gives each a mark. The higher mark the clustering result gains, the higher quality it has. By organizing two modes in different ways, we can build two clustering algorithms: SECDU(Self-Expanded Clustering Algorithm based on Density Units) and SECDUF(Self-Expanded Clustering Algorithm Based on Density Units with Evaluation Feedback Section). SECDU enumerates all value pairs of two parameters of clustering mode to process data set repeatedly and evaluates every clustering result by evaluating mode. Then SECDU output the clustering result that has the highest evaluating mark among all the ones. By applying "hill-climbing algorithm", SECDUF improves clustering efficiency greatly. Data sets that have different distribution features can be well adapted to both algorithms. SECDU and SECDUF can output high-quality clustering results. SECDUF tunes parameters of clustering mode automatically and no man's action involves through the whole process. In addition, SECDUF has a high clustering performance.  相似文献   

This paper describes the theory, implementation, and experimental evaluation of an Aggregation Cache Replacement ( ACR ) algorithm. By considering application background, carefully choosing weight values, using a special formula to calculate the similarity, and clustering ontologies by similarity for getting more embedded deep relations, ACR combines the ontology similarity with the value of object and decides which object is to be replaced. We demonstrate the usefulness of ACR through experiments. (a) It is found that the aggregation tree is created wholly differently according to the application cases. Therefore, clustering can direct the content adaptation more accurately according to the user perception and can satisfy the user with different preferences. (b) After comparing this new method with widely-used algorithm Last-Recently-Used (LRU) and First-in-First-out (FIFO) method, it is found that ACR outperforms the later two in accuracy and usability. (c) It has a better semantic explanation and makes adaptation more personalized and more precise.  相似文献   

In order to provide predictable runtime performante for text categorization (TC) systems, an innovative system design method is proposed for soft real time TC systems. An analyzable mathematical model is established to approximately describe the nonlinear and time-varying TC systems. According to this mathematical model, the feedback control theory is adopted to prove the system's stableness and zero steady state error. The experiments result shows that the error of deadline satisfied ratio in the system is kept within 4 of the desired value. And the number of classifiers can be dynamically adjusted by the system itself to save the computa tion resources. The proposed methodology enables the theo retical analysis and evaluation to the TC systems, leading to a high-quality and low cost implementation approach.  相似文献   

A new heuristic approach that resembles the evolution of interpersonal relationships in human society is put forward for the problem of scheduling multitasks represented by a directed acyclic graph. The algorithm includes dynamic-group, detachgraph and front-sink components. The priority rules used are new. Relationship number, potentiality, weight and merge degree are defined for cluster's priority, and task potentiality for tasks' priority. Experiments show the algorithm could get good result in short time. The algorithm produces another optimal solution for the classic MJD benchmark. Its average performance is better than five latter-day representative algorithms, especially six benchmarks of the nines.  相似文献   

本文针对信息技术这一特定领域,提出了一个通过元搜索引擎向特定用户群体一高校教师提供科研项目信息服务的系统,使其可以使用基于关键词的检索、目录式检索以及信息推送服务。该系统通过元搜索引擎提供统一的访问服务,同时利用用户检索行为信息动态反馈其兴趣主题并调整文档聚类结果.因此可有效提高项目信息检索的查准和查全率,更好地帮助用户快速检索到所需的科研项目信息。  相似文献   

In order to solve security problem of clustering algorithm, we proposed a method to enhance the security of the well-known lowest-ID clustering algorithm. This method is based on the idea of the secret sharing and the (k, n) threshold cryptography. Each node, whether clusterhead or ordinary member, holds ?a share of the global certificate, and any k nodes can communicate securely. There is no need for any clusterhead to execute extra functions more than routing. Our scheme needs ,some prior configuration before deployment, and can be used in critical environment with small scale. The security-enhancement for Lowest-ID algorithm can also be applied into other clustering approaches with minor modification. The feasibility of this method was verified by the simulation results.  相似文献   

一种增量式文本软聚类算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统文本聚类算法时间复杂度较高,而与距离无关的算法又不适用于动态、变化的文本集等问题,提出了一种基于语义序列的增量式文本软聚类算法.该算法考虑了长文本的多主题特性,并利用语义序列相似关系计算相似语义序列集合的覆盖度,同时将每次选择的具有最小熵重叠值的候选类作为一个结果聚类,这样在整个聚类的过程中大大减小了文本向量空间的维数,缩短了计算时间.由于所提算法的语义序列只与文本自身相关,所以它适用于增量式聚类.实验结果表明,算法的聚类精度高于同条件下的其他聚类算法,尤其适合于长文本集的软聚类.  相似文献   

由于词语的多语义问题和传统的文本表示与聚类过程相互独立的问题,导致文本聚类准确率较低。针对上述问题提出一种基于多语义文本表示的自适应模糊C-均值(Multi-semanticSrepresentationSbasedSadaptiveSfuzzySC-means, MSR-AFCM)聚类算法。通过将词语软聚类划分成多个词簇构建多个语义空间,将语义空间个数作为文本初始聚类数目,利用词语的语义隶属度计算每个文本属于文本空间的语义隶属度,并以此为对隶属度进行初始化。在算法运行过程中,根据更新的文本语义隶属度和文本分布状况,逐步剔除冗余的文本空间,以达到优化聚类数目的目标。实验结果表明,MSR-AFCM算法相较于传统的聚类算法有更高的准确率和兰德系数,验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

本文提出了利用文本频谱进行中文文本轮廓分析的表征方式.该方法基于不同时代、体裁和领域的文本在文字使用方面具有偏好性的假说,以文本中单个字符为单位,通过文本频谱刻画方法统计所有单字符在文本中出现的频率,并使用刻画出的文本频谱对文本进行表征;利用频谱比对分析技术,可计算出任意文本间的距离,并以此距离为基础进行聚类分析.进一步的实验证实了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

提出了一种文档聚类方法,对用户的检索结果中类似的文档进行聚类,提供目录结构,辅助用户浏览检索结果.首先分析了现有的文本聚类方法,讨论了它们的优势和不足,然后提出了基于后缀树的中文文本聚类算法,并详细描述了该算法的原理和构造使用过程,及在算法实现的过程中遇到的关键问题及解决方案.  相似文献   

文本分类是指在给定分类体系下,根据文本的内容自动确定文本类别的过程。如何快速地整理海量信息,对不同的文本进行有效分类,已成为获取有价值信息的瓶颈。本文用模糊聚类分析的方法对文本进行分类,较好地解决了信息的实时分类问题,在实践中收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

在非结构化数据挖掘结构模型——发现特征子空间模型(DFSSM)——的运行机制下,提出了一种新的Web文本聚类算法——基于DFSSM的Web文本聚类(WTCDFSSM)算法.该算法具有自稳定性,无须外界给出评价函数;能够识别概念空间中最有意义的特征,抗噪声能力强.结合现代远程教育网应用背景实现了WTCDFSSM聚类算法.结果表明:该算法可以对各类远程教育站点上收集的文本资料信息自动进行聚类挖掘;采用网格结构模型,帮助人们进行文本信息导航;从海量文本信息源中快速有效地获取重要的知识.  相似文献   

为减少关联规则挖掘中数据库扫描次数,提出了一种基于准频繁项目集的关联规则挖掘算法———SupposedFrequent,同时给出了候选频繁项目集的产生函数———BGen.最后通过实验证明:在给定最好的准频繁项目集的条件下,只需扫描数据库两次就能产生全部的频繁项目集。  相似文献   

稀土金属是一个国家重要的战略资源,我国作为稀土资源大国,却由于缺乏核心专利技术制约了稀土资源的深度开发。为了研究稀土核心专利技术的演进过程,解决我国稀土专利布局的问题,本文利用Lingo文本聚类算法对国内外稀土领域专利信息进行了深入的分析,研究和探索了稀土萃取领域专利申请主体的迁移和研究主题的变迁,并通过可视化的专利地图加以展示。本文的研究结果为我国追踪稀土萃取专利研究热点提供一定的借鉴和参考,对于我国企业专利信息应用、技术研发和知识产权规划布局具有重要意义。  相似文献   

一种基于名词短语的检索结果多层聚类方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了对检索结果获取高质量的聚类效果,提取名词短语作为候选类别标签,根据候选类别标签分布情况生成基础类,再使用具有线性时间复杂度的一趟聚类算法对基础类进行多层聚类。与NEC,STC和Lingo算法的对比实验表明:该方法在类别标签的可读性、有效性以及聚类性能上都优于以上3种方法。  相似文献   

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