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给出了热带雨林的定义及特征,描述了西双版纳热带雨林中板根、空中花园、独树成林、绞杀、老茎生花结果等植物景观,指出西双版纳热带雨林具有很高的研究价值,它拥有独特而又神奇的自然生态景观,保护和加强热带雨林的研究工作,是人与自然和谐相处的重要途径.  相似文献   

介绍了热带雨林的概况,指出西双版纳国家级自然保护区具有物种、生态系统及景观的多样性,列举了西双版纳自然保护区的一些观赏植物,并提出维护热带雨林物种多样性的可持续发展对策。  相似文献   

介绍了根的基本知识和形态类型;说明了西双版纳热带雨林中的板根、地面根、气生根和支柱根均是热带雨林植物特有的变态根,也正是这些形态各异的变态根构成了独树成林、植物绞杀等独特的热带雨林景观;指出热带雨林乔木的变态根,实质上是植物为了适应环境、争夺空间所采取的生存法则。  相似文献   

研究通过西双版纳热带雨林中连续7年(20032009)的生态系统监测数据,探讨了土壤水分亏缺的季节和年间波动对冠层叶片物候的影响.研究表明西双版纳热带雨林冠层物候具有明显的季节构型,叶片在土壤水分亏缺最严重的旱季末期发生集中凋落.并且,叶片的凋落主要发生在冠层高度超过20 m的冠层上部,冠层下部以及林下植物则为常绿状态.同时发现叶片凋落量存在较大的年间波动,进一步分析表明,土壤水分亏缺的年间动态是造成这种波动的主要原因.最后,对西双版纳热带雨林叶片物候动态,进行了成本-收益分析.分析的结果进一步确认了水分亏缺是造成该森林季节性落叶的主因.研究从生态系统的尺度上,对冠层叶片物候动态进行了研究,是一种全新的尝试.同时,也为多年以来,关于西双版纳热带雨林落叶原因的争议,提供了具体的科学数据.  相似文献   

西双版纳地区位于云南省的南部边缘,由于纬度偏北(已接近北回归线)和海拔偏高,长期以来许多外国专家都断定这里没有真正的热带雨林.我国老一辈科学家经过艰苦考察否定了上述论断,发现了西双版纳有热带雨林,它们集中分布在勐腊县低海拔盆地低丘、沟谷及山坡下部.这类热带森林植物种类组成极其丰富,层次结构复杂,上层乔木高达55-60米,林内常见大板根、老茎生花现象,附生植物、木质大藤本十分丰富,在结构上具有典型的热带雨林特征,它们不仅是真正的热带雨林,而且发育典型.另一方面,本地区毕竟纬度偏北和海拔偏高,与世界其它地区热带雨林相比,热量和降雨略偏低,所以,本区的热带雨林又带有热带北缘性质和过渡性.这种热带雨林在学术上被称为在极限条件下的"中国类型的热带季节雨林".  相似文献   

利用2008年8月至2009年7月采集于西双版纳热带雨林和人工橡胶林2种代表群落中82个土样,通过测定其潜在和实际斥水性,比较了2种林型土壤斥水性在不同温度和季节间的变化,并探讨了土壤斥水性与环境因子间的关系.结果表明:①2种林型下土壤大部分表现出较弱的斥水性,且橡胶林下土壤实际斥水性明显高于热带雨林,而土壤潜在斥水性则橡胶林显著低于热带雨林;②温度可以明显降低土壤斥水性强度,但两种林型间温度对土壤斥水性的影响无明显差别;③在干季,热带雨林和橡胶林下土壤斥水性无差异,在雨季则橡胶林显著高于热带雨林.相关性分析表明:土壤斥水性与土壤有机质含量无明显相关性(R2=0.33),而与土壤含水量呈显著正相关(R2=0.64);土壤质地对土壤实际斥水性有显著影响.研究表明土壤含水量和土壤质地是影响西双版纳地区土壤斥水性的主要因素,因此在恢复地表植被存在困难的前提下,解决西双版纳地区水土流失问题的关键是如何控制土壤含水量以及改善土壤质地条件.  相似文献   

西双版纳的雨林通常,我们把地处热带高温多雨地区,分布着由热带种类组成的高大繁茂、终年常绿的阔叶森林植被,称为热带雨林。我国的热带雨林主要分布于广东、广西、海南、云南南部、西藏东南部及台湾的南部等地,属于印度—马来西亚雨林的一部分。西双版纳位于云南南部,这里的雨林具有热带雨林的一些典型特征,如原始林中树木高大,常可达50米以上,组成雨林的植物种类繁多,发育良好的原始林常常可由上千个种类组成;外观上雨林的层次明显,常常达4—5层,呈连续的垂直分布;林中老茎生花;板根现象独具特色;藤本及附生、寄生植  相似文献   

[西双版纳热带植物园]基于在印度尼西亚婆罗洲东部的长期研究积累和同行经验,中科院西双版纳植物园生态进化生物学研究组的Ferry J.W.S1ik博士等建立了一种能推算热带雨林自然状态下树种多样性和组成的模型,相关研究成果在国际著名杂志《多样性与分布》(DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUT10NS)匕在线发表。  相似文献   

西双版纳地处热带北缘,是中国生物多样性和文化多样性非常丰富的地区.近30年来,随着经济社会的发展,特别是橡胶的大面积种植,大量热带雨林被砍伐,生物多样性急速降低.生物多样性保护离不开当地人的支持.当地人如何看待热带雨林保护,对热带雨林保护的政策制定和教育有重要指导作用.2010年4月到7月,通过对17个寨子的317户人家走访调查,探究了傣族对热带雨林植物的认知,对热带雨林保护现状的认知,保护的责任与动机等.调查表明,傣族对热带植物有很高的认知度,但随着橡胶林增加,认知能力有下降趋势.傣族认为热带雨林比橡胶林更漂亮,大面积橡胶种植导致野生动植物减少,水土流失加剧,森林大面积减少还导致了干旱缺水.傣族认为保护热带雨林就是为了保护水源,但保护现状不够好.此外,傣族认为热带雨林保护是国家的责任,部分人认为森林保护和自己关系不大,但支持孩子学习环境保护知识.假如可以的话,大多数人还愿意继续种橡胶.  相似文献   

中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园地处云南西双版纳州勐腊县勐仑镇境内,坐落在葫芦形半岛上,是集科学研究、种质保存、科技开发、科普教育、生态旅游为一体的,我国面积最大、植物种类最丰富、科研实力最雄厚的热带植物园。当您走进植物园时,就仿佛走进一个巨大的生态园林博物馆。、、内涵。热带雨林民族文化博物馆是我国第一个系统介绍热带雨林及其民族森林文化的博物馆,它以其丰富多彩的标本、图版,以及声、光、电等高科技手段的综合利用,普及了“保护热带雨林就是保护人类自己”、“人与自然和谐共处、共同发展、共同繁荣”的科学理念。博物…  相似文献   

Ellwood MD  Foster WA 《Nature》2004,429(6991):549-551
Forest canopies represent the functional interface between 90% of the Earth's terrestrial biomass and the atmosphere and include some of the most threatened of all terrestrial ecosystems. However, we lack even a basic understanding of how the biomass of plants and animals is distributed throughout forest canopies, even though this information is vital for estimating energy flow, carbon cycling, resource use and the transfer of materials within this ecosystem. Here we measure the biomass of invertebrates living in a common rainforest epiphyte, describe a striking relationship between fern size and the biomass of animals within the ferns, and reveal that one large epiphyte may contain an invertebrate biomass similar to that found in the whole of the rest of the tree crown on which it is growing. Using these data, we show that including the fauna of these epiphytes--a neglected component in rainforest ecosystems--can more than double our estimate of the total invertebrate biomass in an entire rainforest canopy.  相似文献   

Lianas are a principal physiognomic component of tropical and subtropical forests and are typically considered to be parasites of trees. In contrast, the substantial contribution of lianas to rainforest leaf litter production (up to 40%) suggests that they play important roles in nutrient cycles and may benefit their host trees. Lianas contribute disproportionately to total forest litter production at least partially because lianas invest relatively little in support structures and proportionately much more to leaf production when compared with trees. In contrast to tree leaves, liana leaves are higher in nutrient concentrations, relatively short-lived, and decompose more rapidly. In addition, the special life form of lianas allows them to grow vertically and horizontally in the forest and relocate nutrients, mainly towards their host trees, through the production of leaf litter. Consequently, lianas may contribute substantially to the high rainforest productivity, and the roles they play in liana/tree associations and rainforest dynamics needs to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   

Surface pollen and stomata of 61 samples collected in a study area ranging from tropical seasonal rainforest to oak forest(Quercus spinosa) in the Yulong Snow Mountain region in Yunnan,China,are used to distinguish vegetation communities.The results show that tropical seasonal rainforest(and mountain rainforest),south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest,and Quercus shrub are distinguished effectively from other vegetation types by analysis of surface pollen.The south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest,Pinus kesiya forest and evergreen broadleaf forest are distinguished effectively from other types of vegetation by pollen analysis.However,P.yunnanensis forest is not distinguished from other vegetation types,and P.armandii,P.densata forest and temperate deciduous conifer mixed forest are not distinguished.The over-representation of Pinus pollen is the main reason that these vegetation communities are not distinguished from each other.Conifer stomata analysis is an effective tool for identifying and distinguishing different types of coniferous forest,and this method performs well even with a small number of sampling points.  相似文献   

Deep-water Oligocene pollen record from South China Sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leg 184 of ODP recovered a record of deepwater sediments spanning the past 32.8 Ma from the South China Sea (SCS). The sediments of the Ofigocene (32.8-23.8 Ma) at Site 1148 contain relatively abundant fossil pollen. The pollen analysis at Site 1148 has established the first pollen assemblage sequence of deep-water Oligocene in the China Sea. The pollen assemblages of the Ofigocene are dominated by montane conifer tree pollen. The abundances of broad-leaved tree pollen are lower in the assemblages.Both of the montane conifer and broad-leaved tree pollen groups include mainly tropical-subtropical components. The pollen of cold and drought-enduring plants is present in lower content. The distinct change in pollen assemblage sequence of deep-water Oligocene of the SCS occurred at 32.0 Ma, indicative of an important shift of the Oligocene climate in the SCS region. The characteristics of the pollen flora of the deep-water Oligocene indicate the tropical montane ralnforest and lowland ralnforest developed on the areas around the SCS before 32.0 Ma, reflecting the warm and wet climatic condition. In the pollen flora of the Oligocene after 32.0 Ma, the temperate montane conifer and cool and drought-en- during deciduous tree taxa remarkably increased, indicating that the climate in the SCS region became comparatively cool and dry.  相似文献   

在南靖和溪亚热带雨林中分布有数种大蚊,美刺亮大蚊(Limonia (Euglochina) sp.)是雨林中唯一观察到在圆蛛科蜘蛛网上栖息的大蚊.因此我们对美刺亮大蚊和圆蛛科蜘蛛在蜘蛛网上的同现行为进行了观察研究.借助扫描电镜技术,在比较了其他大蚊、蜘蛛等节肢动物前跗节超微结构的基础上,对美刺亮大蚊栖息于蜘蛛网行为学的形态学机制进行了初步解析.文中也对美刺亮大蚊的聚集行为与雨林温湿度的关系进行了记录.  相似文献   

Frederickson ME  Greene MJ  Gordon DM 《Nature》2005,437(7058):495-496
'Devil's gardens' are large stands of trees in the Amazonian rainforest that consist almost entirely of a single species, Duroia hirsuta, and, according to local legend, are cultivated by an evil forest spirit. Here we show that the ant Myrmelachista schumanni, which nests in D. hirsuta stems, creates devil's gardens by poisoning all plants except its host plants with formic acid. By killing these other plants, M. schumanni provides its colonies with abundant nest sites--a long-lasting benefit as colonies can live for 800 years.  相似文献   

野沙梨被列为国家珍稀濒危树种。它的分布区类型属于热带印度至华南,特别是西南分布成分。从其分布区类型和形态特征上推断本种为残遗种,起源地可能就在劳亚古陆的南部,当今它的分布区这一范围内。本文讨论了本种的生长环境,生长特性,发育规律,并对其群落组成进行了记载和统计分析,认为其群落特点相似于热带雨林群落。此外,还分析了本种濒危的的原因。  相似文献   

Infectious disease has joined habitat loss and hunting as threats to the survival of the remaining wild populations of great apes. Nevertheless, relatively little is known about the causative agents. We investigated an unusually high number of sudden deaths observed over nine months in three communities of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) in the Ta? National Park, Ivory Coast. Here we report combined pathological, cytological and molecular investigations that identified Bacillus anthracis as the cause of death for at least six individuals. We show that anthrax can be found in wild non-human primates living in a tropical rainforest, a habitat not previously known to harbour B. anthracis. Anthrax is an acute disease that infects ruminants, but other mammals, including humans, can be infected through contacting or inhaling high doses of spores or by consuming meat from infected animals. Respiratory and gastrointestinal anthrax are characterized by rapid onset, fever, septicaemia and a high fatality rate without early antibiotic treatment. Our results suggest that epidemic diseases represent substantial threats to wild ape populations, and through bushmeat consumption also pose a hazard to human health.  相似文献   

淮北煤田早二叠世晚期下石盒子组树蕨类茎干印痕化石丰富,计有40余块。分属于蹄痕茎属(Caulopteris)、大痕木属(Megaphyton)及皱痕茎属(PtychoPteris),共3属9种;其中蹄痕茎属4种(包括2个新种,Cauloptrisyangzhuangensissp.nov.和Caulopterispsilocicatrixsp.nov.);大痕木属在国内尚属首次报道,仅见1种;皱痕茎属在国内亦属首次发现,鉴定有4个未定种。该类化石在本区以极大的丰度和良好的保存为特征,其发育显示该区早二叠世晚期热带雨林气候盛行。其次,说明树蕨类在其晚期发育中心已由欧美区移至华夏区。此外,该类在本区的发育是华夏植物地理区分化渐趋强烈的直接证据。  相似文献   

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