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Summary Adult rats fed 10 days a low starch-high fat diet were either adrenalectomized or sham-operated and force-fed the same diet another 5 days; 14 h before sacrifice, some animals were force-fed a sucrose diet. Activity of lactase, sucrase and maltase was increased in adrenalectomized and sham-operated rats.Supported by the National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, Maryland, USA (AM 27624).  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Längerdauernde Zufuhr hoher Dosen von Ascorbinsäure (1000 mg/kg) senkt bei Meerschweinchen, nicht aber bei Ratten, den Noradrenalin-Spiegel im Herzen signifikant. Hingegen wird bei beiden Tierspezies der Noradrenalin-Spiegel im Hirn nicht verändert.  相似文献   

The addition of theophylline to the diet of rats given the carcinogen 4-dimethylaminoazobenzene did not significantly impair the development of hepatomas. In contrast, the feeding of theophylline has been associated to some histopathological changes in bladder membrane leading to the occurrence of malignant papillomas.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde gefunden, dass 3-Methyl-Glukose (MEG) sich in 85% der gesamten Gewebeflüssigkeit der Rattenleber löst. Ist Glukose in gleicher Plasmamenge enthalten, so ist die berechnete Konzentration in der Leberzellflüssigkeit doppelt so hoch. Bei Insulinhypoglykämie stieg dieses Verhältnis weiter an, ohne aber eine Veränderung im Verteilungsvolumen von MEG zu ergeben. Die Leberzellmembran scheint die Penetration der Glukose aus der Zelle zu verzögern.

The financial support of The Medical Research Council of Canada and the Banting Foundations as well as the skilled technical help of Mrs.S. Waterfield is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

The effect of treatment with acetyl-L-carnitine on hepatic mitochondrial respiration and biosynthetic function in perfused liver from young (90 days) and old (22-24 months) rats was studied. Rats were given a 1.5% (w/v) solution of acetyl-L-carnitine in their drinking water for 1 month and oxygen consumption together with the rate of gluconeogenesis, urea synthesis, and ketogenesis with and without added substrates were measured in perfused liver. Mitochondrial oxygen consumption was also assessed in liver homogenate and isolated mitochondria to determine the maximal capacity for oxidative phosphorylation. Acetyl-L-carnitine treatment almost completely restored the age-dependent decline in oxygen consumption, gluconeogenesis, urea synthesis, and ketogenesis found in perfused liver of old rats to the levels found in young rats. In addition, acetyl-L-carnitine treatment increased oxygen consumption and biosynthetic function in perfused liver from young rats. After acetyl-L-carnitine treatment, we found detectable 3-oxoacyl-CoA-transferase activity associated with a consumption of ketone bodies in young and old rats. Finally, oxygen consumption measured in homogenate and isolated mitochondria did not change with age and acetyl-L-carnitine treatment. Our results show that in perfused liver, acetyl-L-carnitine treatment slows the age-associated decline in mitochondrial respiration and biosynthetic function. In addition, treatment of young rats with acetyl-L-carnitine has a stimulating effect on liver metabolism, probably through an increase in ATP production. Received 25 October 2000; received after revision 14 December 2000; accepted 11 January 2001  相似文献   

Pre-treatment of male Sprague-Dawley rats with long-acting bromocryptine microcapsules (CBLA) significantly inhibited the arthritic response to Freund's complete adjuvant and reduced weight loss, thymolysis, splenomegaly and leukocytosis. In the prevention of adjuvant arthritis (AA), the combination of CBLA plus sub-optimal doses of cyclosporine A (CsA) was more efficient than either of the drugs alone. Sub-optimal doses of CsA were 0.1 and 1.0 mg/kg/day s.c. for 5 days. Furthermore, CBLA alone did not decrease the incidence of experimental allergic uveitis (EAU) in the male Lewis rats. Low-dose CsA reduced the incidence of uveitis by 50%, and with the addition of CBLA, 100% of rats were protected. Low-dose CsA was 2 mg/kg/day i.m. for 14 days. Long-term treatment of male Sprague-Dawley rats with CBLA alone reduced the incidence and severity of spontaneous autoimmune periateritis nodosa (PN) in a dose-dependent manner; CsA was less potent than CBLA, and only additive effects were obtained. Finally, for the prevention of spontaneous autoimmune insulin-dependent diabetes (DM), the administration of CBLA did not improve the effect of a low-dose CsA in male BB rats. Nevertheless, a delay in onset of DM could be achieved. A sequential therapy using CsA plus CBLA clearly showed beneficial effects. The dose of CsA was 10 mg/kg p.o. 6 days/week for 21 weeks. Compared with Sprague-Dawley or Lewis male rats, BB male rats showed only weak prolactin suppression after the same doses of CBLA. It is suggested that the use of CBLA may be particularly beneficial in autoimmune disorders. The effectiveness of the combination therapy CBLA plus CsA, however, was dependent on the model considered. Various factors could play a role: (1) the different ways of administering CsA (s.c. in AA, i.m. in EAU and PN, oral in DM); (2) strain-dependency in the capacity of CBLA to suppress Prl secretion; and(3) at least in the BB rats, the transient increase of CsA bioavailibility which was possibly induced by CBLA.  相似文献   

We studied the Na+/K+ pump, Na+/K+ ATPase activity, and oxygen consumption (QO2) in hepatocytes isolated from the periportal (PH) and pericentral (CH) regions of the liver lobule, to provide an insight into the functional properties of these cells. Na+/K+ pump activity was determined using86Rb+ (a functional analog of K+) and ouabain, a specific inhibitor of this transport system. Our results indicate the the Na+/K+, pump and Na+/K+ ATPase activity are significantly lower in CH than in PH, although basal ouabain-sensitive (OS) QO2 was negligible in both of these cell preparations. However, OSQO2 was significantly lower in CH than in PH when the Na+/K+ pump was activated using the ionophore nystatin in a Na+-containing medium. These results indicate that the differences in membrane ion transport exist between hepatocytes from different locations of the liver lobule.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the effects of pineal indole treatments on LH and FSH release in pinealectomized and suprachiasmatic lesioned and ovariectomized rats rendered hyperprolactinemic by acute sulpiride treatment. pinealectomy or suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions in female rats both decreased plasma LH and FHS at 10, but not at 20 d after surgery, whereas the daily afternoon administration of melatonin effectively restored levels of both gonadotropins to control values. In ovariectomized rats, pinealectomy or suprachiasmatic nuclei lesions were ineffective in counteracting the high plasma levels of LH and FSH. However, sulpiride treatment in both pinealectomized and suprachiasmatic nuclei lesioned and castrated female rats significantly decreased the levels of LH and FSH, an effect which was counteracted by daily afternoon melatonin administration. Other pineal indoles tested, i.e., 5-hydroxy- and 5-methoxytryptophol, were ineffective in regulating gonadotropin levels. The results suggest that the pineal gland, through its hormone melatonin, can modulate gonadotropin secretion by acting on a dopamine mechanism independent of hypothalamic suprachiasmatic areas.  相似文献   

Summary Feeding a marginally low iron content diet (18–20 mg iron/kg diet) to weaned (21-day-old) rats for 8 weeks produced a significant decrease in liver non-heme iron (66%, p<0.001) but no change in blood hemoglobin. Total iron contents of liver (56%, p<0.01), spleen (20%, p<0.05), and kidney (19%, p<0.05) were also found to decrease along with increased zinc, copper, calcium, manganese lead and cadmium in various organs. The magnitude of alteration of a metal was different in different organs. However, liver was found to be the most affected organ. Two weeks of rehabilitation with iron-sufficient diet (390 mg iron/kg diet) normalized these altered levels.  相似文献   

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