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作者利用热场动力学方法(TFD),提出了具有有限温度的热叠加态。研究了这种热叠加态的量子统计性质及其与温度的关系。提出热场态的热压缩的定义,并讨论了温度对热压缩的影响,在一定的条件和适当的温度下,这种热压缩将被增强。  相似文献   

为研究DNA序列信息熵的变化规律,引入等熵方程,并且用直观的等熵图讨论分子进化[1]。为研究DNA序列的对称性,引入了12阶DNA群(简称D群)[2],并把D群拓展为24阶全DNA对称群(简称Dd群),分析了多义码子的对称性等[3]。本文证明了等熵方程具有Dd群对称性。1 等熵方程由信息熵出发,得到了描述DNA序列熵变规律的等熵方程,如下,[1], (1)其中C是一个常数,它与熵的关系为, (2)当C或S一定时,(1)描述的曲面为等熵面,用等熵面可直观地讨论分子进化过程中DNA的熵变情况。2 Dd群Dd群是一个24阶群,各元素的矩阵表述如下[3] (…  相似文献   

研究零压等熵的磁场气体动力学系统的黎曼问题,在两片初值条件下构造该问题五种形式的解。  相似文献   

非晶Fe77.5Si8.5B14合金晶化动力学的非等温方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用非等温差示扫描热分析法(DSC)研究了非晶Fe77.5Si8.5B14合金的晶化动力学.不同升温速率的DSC曲线表明非晶Fe77.5Si8.5B14合金的晶化过程为两步晶化.通过对不同升温速率的DSC曲线的分析,计算了两个析晶峰的晶化表观激活能E1(388.2 kJ·mol-1)和E2(339.0 kJ·mol-1),以及两个析晶峰的Avrami指数n1(1.7)和n2(3.3).根据动力学参数分析了非晶Fe77.5Si8.5B14合金的析晶机理晶化峰1的成核类型为均匀成核,晶粒生长为扩散控制的一维生长和二维生长;晶化峰2为整体析晶,晶粒生长以界面控制的二维生长和三维生长为主.最后结合表观激活能计算了两个析晶反应的频率因子ν1(4.05×1025)和ν2(1.14×1021).  相似文献   

研究了黑洞视界附近的辐射态方程的推导意义和有关参量的取值范围,用3种方式估计了非临界自引力辐射体系的熵的上限。结果表明,该系统稿的上限等于与该系统具有要上等质量的黑洞熵-4πM^2,或比4πm^2稍大一点,这些熵限值几乎相等,这表明修改后的态方程的独特优势主要表现在涉及到临界自引力辐射体的问题上。  相似文献   

动力学讨论的是一个轨道世界和封闭系统,热力学讨论的是一个过程世界和开放系统。地球的热演化历史和地球内部热状态分布确定了地球演化进程的不可逆性和各种地质作用过程的不可逆性,也由此确定了地球为一开放的热动力学系统。按各种能量的来源不同,把地球内部统一的能量系统划分为6个子系统.  相似文献   

叶耀军  董桂萍 《河南科学》1994,12(3):186-191
用文献[3]中的方法研究了非等熵流气体动力学方程组的柯西问题的光滑解的奇性形成。  相似文献   

关于一维可压Navier-Stokes方程自模解的注记   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的研究一维可压的Navier-Stokes方程的自模解的非存在性。方法利用能量爆破理论。结果当压力函数p(ρ)=aργ(γ1)的时候,方程没有具有有限能量的自模解。结论可压的Navier-Stokes方程的自模解不能用来构造满足有限能量的奇异解。  相似文献   

研究一维空间中带非线性阻尼项的等熵欧拉方程Dirichlet初边值问题经典解的整体存在唯一性.在其初边值问题局部解存在的条件下,利用能量估计的方法,得到当初值在平衡解附近小扰动时,非线性阻尼项对方程组解的存在性没有影响,其经典解仍整体存在唯一.  相似文献   

讨论了带Dirichlet边界条件的具有约束控制热方程系统的能控性.证明了具有约束控制半线性热方程系统的不能控性;满足一定条件的目标的可达性;最后证明了当控制区域U是有界闭集时,系统的等时区域与控制区域是U的凸包时的等时区域相同,推广了有限维的结论.  相似文献   

 解释了3种地核物质状态方程的异同,验证了Vinet et al. EOS(equation of state)比Shanker et al.EOS更接近Stacy EOS的结论,后者与高压极限的热动力学一致、而且与来源于地震波的数据完全匹配;同时与地震波测量数据进行了对照;给出了内核边界压力下物质摩尔体积随温度的变化函数,预言了密度亏损的温度变化.这对于揭示地球深部物质特性、研究地核内的轻物质组分以及深部动力学原理具有重要意义.  相似文献   

Silicon in the Earth's core   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Georg RB  Halliday AN  Schauble EA  Reynolds BC 《Nature》2007,447(7148):1102-1106
Small isotopic differences between the silicate minerals in planets may have developed as a result of processes associated with core formation, or from evaporative losses during accretion as the planets were built up. Basalts from the Earth and the Moon do indeed appear to have iron isotopic compositions that are slightly heavy relative to those from Mars, Vesta and primitive undifferentiated meteorites (chondrites). Explanations for these differences have included evaporation during the 'giant impact' that created the Moon (when a Mars-sized body collided with the young Earth). However, lithium and magnesium, lighter elements with comparable volatility, reveal no such differences, rendering evaporation unlikely as an explanation. Here we show that the silicon isotopic compositions of basaltic rocks from the Earth and the Moon are also distinctly heavy. A likely cause is that silicon is one of the light elements in the Earth's core. We show that both the direction and magnitude of the silicon isotopic effect are in accord with current theory based on the stiffness of bonding in metal and silicate. The similar isotopic composition of the bulk silicate Earth and the Moon is consistent with the recent proposal that there was large-scale isotopic equilibration during the giant impact. We conclude that Si was already incorporated as a light element in the Earth's core before the Moon formed.  相似文献   

 在考虑Grüneisen系数、Debye温度随体积变化的基础上,详细讨论了各部分热压的贡献,并且结合K-primed冷压方程,得到了地球内核较为全面的物态方程,分析了内核p-V-T的关系,给出了地球内核的温度分布.其结果详实有据,为以后深入研究地球内核甚至液态外核的物态性质提供了坚实的基础.  相似文献   


The Earth's 'missing' niobium may be in the core   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Wade J  Wood BJ 《Nature》2001,409(6816):75-78
As the Earth's metallic core segregated from the silicate mantle, some of the moderately siderophile ('iron-loving') elements such as vanadium and chromium are thought to have entered the metal phase, thus causing the observed depletions of these elements in the silicate part of the Earth. In contrast, refractory 'lithophile' elements such as calcium, scandium and the rare-earth elements are known to be present in the same proportions in the silicate portion of the Earth as in the chondritic meteorites-thought to represent primitive planetary material. Hence these lithophile elements apparently did not enter the core. Niobium has always been considered to be lithophile and refractory yet it has been observed to be depleted relative to other elements of the same type in the crust and upper mantle. This observation has been used to infer the existence of hidden niobium-rich reservoirs in the Earth's deep mantle. Here we show, however, that niobium and vanadium partition in virtually identical fashion between liquid metal and liquid silicate at high pressure. Thus, if a significant fraction of the Earth's vanadium entered the core (as is thought), then so has a similar fraction of its niobium, and no hidden reservoir need be sought in the Earth's deep mantle.  相似文献   

Melting of the Earth's inner core   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gubbins D  Sreenivasan B  Mound J  Rost S 《Nature》2011,473(7347):361-363
The Earth's magnetic field is generated by a dynamo in the liquid iron core, which convects in response to cooling of the overlying rocky mantle. The core freezes from the innermost surface outward, growing the solid inner core and releasing light elements that drive compositional convection. Mantle convection extracts heat from the core at a rate that has enormous lateral variations. Here we use geodynamo simulations to show that these variations are transferred to the inner-core boundary and can be large enough to cause heat to flow into the inner core. If this were to occur in the Earth, it would cause localized melting. Melting releases heavy liquid that could form the variable-composition layer suggested by an anomaly in seismic velocity in the 150 kilometres immediately above the inner-core boundary. This provides a very simple explanation of the existence of this layer, which otherwise requires additional assumptions such as locking of the inner core to the mantle, translation from its geopotential centre or convection with temperature equal to the solidus but with composition varying from the outer to the inner core. The predominantly narrow downwellings associated with freezing and broad upwellings associated with melting mean that the area of melting could be quite large despite the average dominance of freezing necessary to keep the dynamo going. Localized melting and freezing also provides a strong mechanism for creating seismic anomalies in the inner core itself, much stronger than the effects of variations in heat flow so far considered.  相似文献   

Relative to the CI chondrite class of meteorites (widely thought to be the 'building blocks' of the terrestrial planets), the Earth is depleted in volatile elements. For most elements this depletion is thought to be a solar nebular signature, as chondrites show depletions qualitatively similar to that of the Earth. On the other hand, as lead is a volatile element, some Pb may also have been lost after accretion. The unique (206)Pb/(204)Pb and (207)Pb/(204)Pb ratios of the Earth's mantle suggest that some lead was lost about 50 to 130 Myr after Solar System formation. This has commonly been explained by lead lost via the segregation of a sulphide melt to the Earth's core, which assumes that lead has an affinity towards sulphide. Some models, however, have reconciled the Earth's lead deficit with volatilization. Whichever model is preferred, the broad coincidence of U-Pb model ages with the age of the Moon suggests that lead loss may be related to the Moon-forming impact. Here we report partitioning experiments in metal-sulphide-silicate systems. We show that lead is neither siderophile nor chalcophile enough to explain the high U/Pb ratio of the Earth's mantle as being a result of lead pumping to the core. The Earth may have accreted from initially volatile-depleted material, some lead may have been lost to degassing following the Moon-forming giant impact, or a hidden reservoir exists in the deep mantle with lead isotope compositions complementary to upper-mantle values; it is unlikely though that the missing lead resides in the core.  相似文献   

Vidale JE  Earle PS 《Nature》2000,404(6775):273-275
The seismological properties of the Earth's inner core have become of particular interest as we understand more about its composition and thermal state. Observations of anisotropy and velocity heterogeneity in the inner core are beginning to reveal how it has grown and whether it convects. The attenuation of seismic waves in the inner core is strong, and studies of seismic body waves have found that this high attenuation is consistent with either scattering or intrinsic attenuation. The outermost portion of the inner core has been inferred to possess layering and to be less anisotropic than at greater depths. Here we present observations of seismic waves scattered in the inner core which follow the expected arrival time of the body-wave reflection from the inner-core boundary. The amplitude of these scattered waves can be explained by stiffness variations of 1.2% with a scale length of 2 kilometres across the outermost 300 km of the inner core. These variations might be caused by variations in composition, by pods of partial melt in a mostly solid matrix or by variations in the orientation or strength of seismic anisotropy.  相似文献   

The plastic deformation of iron at pressures of the Earth's inner core   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wenk HR  Matthies S  Hemley RJ  Mao HK  Shu J 《Nature》2000,405(6790):1044-1047
Soon after the discovery of seismic anisotropy in the Earth's inner core, it was suggested that crystal alignment attained during deformation might be responsible. Since then, several other mechanisms have been proposed to account for the observed anisotropy, but the lack of deformation experiments performed at the extreme pressure conditions corresponding to the solid inner core has limited our ability to determine which deformation mechanism applies to this region of the Earth. Here we determine directly the elastic and plastic deformation mechanism of iron at pressures of the Earth's core, from synchrotron X-ray diffraction measurements of iron, under imposed axial stress, in diamond-anvil cells. The epsilon-iron (hexagonally close packed) crystals display strong preferred orientation, with c-axes parallel to the axis of the diamond-anvil cell. Polycrystal plasticity theory predicts an alignment of c-axes parallel to the compression direction as a result of basal slip, if basal slip is either the primary or a secondary slip system. The experiments provide direct observations of deformation mechanisms that occur in the Earth's inner core, and introduce a method for investigating, within the laboratory, the rheology of materials at extreme pressures.  相似文献   

Seismic waves reflected from the Earth's inner core   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Engdahl ER  Flinn EA  Romney CF 《Nature》1970,228(5274):852-853

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