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研究了碰撞速度对爆炸压涂铜涂层性能的影响,首先利用SPH无网格法模拟了爆轰驱动飞板的加速过程,计算出了飞板碰撞速度-炸高曲线.然后,在三种碰撞速度下进行了铜粉-铜板爆炸压涂实验,碰撞速度分别为700 m/s、900 m/s和1 100 m/s.通过对试样进行宏观观察、光学显微观察和显微硬度测试,得出碰撞速度为900 m/s时铜涂层的质量最佳.其铜涂层由8层颗粒组成,厚度达到300 μm,显微硬度为114HV,接近冷轧铜板的显微硬度.  相似文献   

提出恒星演化阶段分界点的不同会影响恒星在赫罗图中演化轨迹的观点.基于在恒星演化计算中质量损失率应是一连续的分段函数的考虑,使用改进后的恒星演化计算程序.采用2种不同的分界点分别计算了恒星的演化,基于质量损失率函数连续性的考虑,对于主序星与RGB星的分界点,选取Hayashi线光度最低处比选取核心H丰度为零处更合适.  相似文献   

当L是完备格的DeMorgan代数时定义了L-拓扑空间的相对近似模糊紧性.讨论了相对近似模糊紧性与近似模糊紧性之间的关系,并用网和覆盖等工具对相对近似模糊紧性进行了刻画,研究了相对近似模糊紧性的性质.证明了相对近似模糊紧性的闭遗传性等性质.给出了相对近似模糊紧性的若干等价刻画.  相似文献   

Origin of the Moon in a giant impact near the end of the Earth's formation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Canup RM  Asphaug E 《Nature》2001,412(6848):708-712
The Moon is generally believed to have formed from debris ejected by a large off-centre collision with the early Earth. The impact orientation and size are constrained by the angular momentum contained in both the Earth's spin and the Moon's orbit, a quantity that has been nearly conserved over the past 4.5 billion years. Simulations of potential moon-forming impacts now achieve resolutions sufficient to study the production of bound debris. However, identifying impacts capable of yielding the Earth-Moon system has proved difficult. Previous works found that forming the Moon with an appropriate impact angular momentum required the impact to occur when the Earth was only about half formed, a more restrictive and problematic model than that originally envisaged. Here we report a class of impacts that yield an iron-poor Moon, as well as the current masses and angular momentum of the Earth-Moon system. This class of impacts involves a smaller-and thus more likely-object than previously considered viable, and suggests that the Moon formed near the very end of Earth's accumulation.  相似文献   

为了研究C、N、V、Nb、Ti元素表面改性层行为机理,基于固体与分子经验电子理论(EET),计算了钢件表面改性层及基体中相及相界面的电子结构参数的统计值,研究了改性层价电子结构参数统计值与钢件性能的关系。结果表明:表面改性层中n′_A越大,固溶强化效果越好,表面改性层的硬度、耐磨性越高;表面改性层中Δρ′越大,界面强化效果越好,表面改性层的硬度、耐磨性越高;表面改性层与基体间过渡层中n′_A、Δρ′的变化越连续,改性层与基体的结合越好。这些研究为钢件的表面改性提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Experimental study on the explosive boiling in saturated liquid nitrogen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Nowadays,thedevelopmentandapplicationofsuperconductionisbecomingmoreandmoreimpor tantinmanyareas .Duringtheworkingprocessofsu perconductor,somefactors ,forinstance ,deforma tion ,friction ,andmagneticvortex ,canresultinin stantaneousandrandomheatimpulsion ,andmakeitover heatedtothecriticaltemperatureanddeviatefromthenormaloperationcondition .Undersomeex tremeconditions ,thesuperconductorcannotgobacktothenormalstateevenifremovingthetransientheat load ,thusverysevereandunexpectableconse quencema…  相似文献   

分析了1968-2010年北半球阻塞高压频发区不同强度、生命期阻高的变化特征,从阻高强度和阻高生命期两方面分析阻高多发年、少发年与北半球地表温度的关系,结果显示:北半球的3个阻高频发区中,大西洋地区阻高出现总次数最多,太平洋地区次之,欧亚区最少;从阻高强度来看,3个阻高频发区强阻高次数均有减少趋势,以大西洋区最为显著,弱强度阻高变化趋势不明显;对于阻高生命期,长生命期阻高发生次数在21世纪以前变化不大,但近10年增加明显,短生命期阻高发生次数只有大西洋区在减少.大西洋区强阻高中长生命期阻高占25%,而太平洋区仅为14%,阻高强度越强时,出现长生命期阻高的概率也就越大.不同强度、生命期阻高对温度的影响差异显著.3个阻高频发区的长生命期阻高多发年与少发年温度差值的负异常区主要分布在中低纬度地区,而正异常区主要在高纬度地区;大西洋区、太平洋区长生命期阻高在多发年引起中低纬度地区的降温及高纬度地区的增温比强阻高产生的影响显著.  相似文献   

耦合振子系统的爆发式同步是许多生物系统自组织动力学行为的内在机制之一,因而倍受关注.考虑到现实生活中许多振子之间的相互作用是非对称性的,通过理论分析和数值计算方法,详细研究了规则网络中,流耦合作用对耦合相振子系统爆发式同步动力学行为的影响.结果表明,非对称的流耦合作用,在具有特定频率空间分布的耦合相振子系统中,有利于促进耦合相振子系统产生爆发式同步.耦合系统达到爆发式同步所需的临界耦合强度与流耦合强度成线性关系.此外,在同步区间可观察到集中锁相和分散锁相两种同步形式共存.通过理论分析,给出了流耦合作用对促进耦合相振子系统爆发式同步的内在机制.研究结果可以为更好地理解非对称耦合作用下耦合相振子系统的自组织现象提供理论支持.  相似文献   

乳腺X线图像肿块的良恶性分类是计算机辅助诊断的研究内容之一,本文对乳腺X线图像肿块边缘分割及不同特征的肿块良恶性分类进行研究.基于最大化分割后图像类间方差的思想,提出了一种改进控制标记分水岭方法完成粗分割,然后采用无边缘活动轮廓(CV)模型对粗分割结果进行修正.为了验证不同特征在肿块良恶性分类中的性能,对现有形状特征、纹理特征在不同分类器下的分类性能进行测试.实验在开源数据库DDSM上验证,结果表明,在通过自动分割方法得到肿块边缘的情况下,纹理特征的分类性能更好.  相似文献   

The ultrafine platinum nanoparticles deposited on the surfaces of carbon nanotubes (Pt/CNTs) were prepared by a chemical precipitation method and used as the catalyst of proton exchange membrane fuel cell. The depositing process parameters such as the solution pH value, Pt content and treatment temperature were analyzed. The experimental results show that the optimum process parameters to prepare Pt/CNTs are the solution pH value of 7.0, the theoretical Pt content of 25% (mass fraction) and the heating temperature of 500℃, under the conditions the best performance of the proton exchange membrane fuel cell can be obtained and its voltage can reach 580 mV at a current density of 500 mA/cm2.  相似文献   

Cowan JJ  Sneden C 《Nature》2006,440(7088):1151-1156
The first stars in the Universe were probably quite different from those born today. Composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium (plus a tiny trace of lithium), they lacked the heavier elements that determine the formation and evolution of younger stars. Although we cannot observe the very first stars--they died long ago in supernovae explosions--they created heavy elements that were incorporated into the next generation. Here we describe how observations of heavy elements in the oldest surviving stars in our Galaxy's halo help us understand the nature of the first stars--those responsible for the chemical enrichment of our Galaxy and Universe.  相似文献   

在耦合装药条件下 ,通过两组对比爆破破碎实验 ,研究了炸药爆轰性能变化对破岩效果的影响。第一组实验 ,采用相同的冲击能 (Es)与膨胀能 (Eb)比值的柱状药包 ,爆破破碎不同波阻抗的混凝土介质 ;第二组实验 ,采用不同的冲击能 (Es)与膨胀能 (Eb)比值的柱状药包 ,分别爆破破碎相同的混凝土介质。实验结果表明 ,随着炮孔孔壁上产生的透射应力波峰值 (Pt)的增大 ,第一组实验的小尺寸破碎块度的产出量 (MSF)随之上升 ,而第二组实验的MSF随之下降。分析结果表明 ,药包爆轰性能的改变 ,使得Es 和Eb的加载水平发生相应的变化 ,进而影响到MSF的变化趋势。MSF取决于Es 和Eb 加载的共同作用结果。这表明除Es 冲击加载外 ,Eb 动态加载在爆破破岩过程中起了积极作用。  相似文献   

目的探究在中国土地流转过程中,农户不同的流转契约形式、流转期限选择对参与流转农户家庭收入的影响,以期得到更优流转契约选择,为推动有序土地流转、保障流转户权益提供建议。  相似文献   

把束缚核子内海克从物理上分为两部分:一部分是伴随价夸克受核束缚效应影响的云海夸克,另一部分是能摆脱核子的要票才而逃逸到核环境中的背景海夸克。首先,给出了核束缚效应对核内束缚核子中价夸克、云海夸克及相应胶子的纵向动量几率分布函数的最低级修正形式;借助核动量守恒条件定出了背景海夸克及相应胶子的动量几率分布函数,根据部分子内禀横向动量分布与动量分布间的制约关系及我们关于核环境中部分子间相互演化的观点,建  相似文献   

对SiC和Al_2O_3陶瓷反应装甲的附带损伤效应进行了试验。试验结果表明,SiC陶瓷破片平均直径要小于Al_2O_3陶瓷破片的平均直径;Al_2O_3陶瓷破片所造成的冲塞穿孔密度最高可达SiC陶瓷破片穿孔密度的7.6倍。经计算,Al_2O_3飞板破片初速为927.81 m/s,SiC飞板破片初速879.59 m/s,Al_2O_3陶瓷破片的极限杀伤距离为10.06 m,SiC陶瓷破片为5.15 m。等效厚度的SiC反应装甲的附带损伤效应要低于Al_2O_3陶瓷反应装甲的附带损伤效应。  相似文献   

乒乓球运动是非周期速度耐力性项目.爆发力在乒乓球专项素质训练中占主要地位,它直接影响运动员对高难度技术的掌握和运动水平的发挥.通过对爆发力训练理论基础的探讨,分析了身体不同部位爆发力在乒乓球运动中的作用,从而为提高技战术水平提供参考.  相似文献   

在Drell-Yan过程αs 修正的基础上 ,引入遮蔽因子分别计算了不同能量下 p -A、A -A碰撞的K因子 ,把考虑遮蔽因子的量和没有计入遮蔽因子的量做了对比。结果表明 ,加入遮蔽因子后在小x段K值明显抬高 ,能量的不同遮蔽因子对K影响的趋势不变  相似文献   

正反中微子的吸收反应截面是影响初生中子星演化的重要参量.改进了在初生中子星高温环境中任意简并条件下的中微子和反中微子被重子吸收截面的计算方法,同时综合考虑了能量动量守恒、磁场效应和重子(中子或质子)的热运动效应,得到更精确的中微子和反中微子吸收反应截面.结果对进一步研究星风中的中微子加热率、中微子输运过程中的不透明度、合理解释中子星的相关观测现象有重要作用.  相似文献   

Braithwaite J  Spruit HC 《Nature》2004,431(7010):819-821
Some main-sequence stars of spectral type A are observed to have a strong (0.03-3 tesla), static, large-scale magnetic field, of a chiefly dipolar shape: they are known as 'Ap stars', such as Alioth, the fifth star in the Big Dipper. Following the discovery of these fields, it was proposed that they are remnants of the star's formation, a 'fossil' field. An alternative suggestion is that they could be generated by a dynamo process in the star's convective core. The dynamo hypothesis, however, has difficulty explaining high field strengths and the observed lack of a correlation with rotation. The weakness of the fossil-field theory has been the absence of field configurations stable enough to survive in a star over its lifetime. Here we report numerical simulations that show that stable magnetic field configurations, with properties agreeing with those observed, can develop through evolution from arbitrary, unstable initial fields. The results are applicable equally to Ap stars, magnetic white dwarfs and some highly magnetized neutron stars known as magnetars. This establishes fossil fields as the natural, unifying explanation for the magnetism of all these stars.  相似文献   

为有效提高武术套路中直摆腿速度及爆发力,对三组学生采用不同训练方法进行了实验研究与对比分析,研究结果证实,在采用各种压腿和加速踢腿等动作练习时,增加蛙跳和30m加速跑等身体素质练习与直摆腿拍脚组合动作练习相结合,对提高武术套路中直摆腿速度及爆发力具有明显效果。  相似文献   

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