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Summary In experiments on rabbits, the influence of the innervation on the synthesis of adrenaline in the suprarenals was investigated. After depleting the glands of adrenaline by repeated injections of reserpine, one splanchnic nerve was sectioned. It was found that in the denervated suprarenal gland, the resynthesis was slower than in the normal gland. This suggests that the innervation is of importance for the rate of synthesis of adrenaline.  相似文献   

Summary InOligarces paradoxus, the chromosomal behaviour was compared during pedogenetic development of and . The -egg undergoes a single non-reductional maturation division, the -egg shows two divisions which result in reduced nuclei. After maturation in the -egg, the number of chromosomes is restored by endomitosis. The nuclei of germ-line cells contain a high number of chromosomes (: 74\2-82; : at least 58) in both sexes. In somatic nuclei, the number is diminished by elimination to 10 in , to 5 in .  相似文献   

Summary From experiments on the uptake of phosphorus by excised barley roots, the temperature function of the rate-constant of this uptake reaction was determined and the enthalpy, free enthalpy and entropy of activation were calculated.  相似文献   

Summary A preliminary report is given on the changes of excitability and the adaptation-state of the retina by efferent inhibition. By a light-stimulus to the one eye (O. I), the excitability of the contralateral, darkadapted eye (O. II) decreased the ERG-level to half as well as the amplitudes of the b-wave of O. I.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Rat liver mitochondria proved to need a structural integrity for optimal citric acid synthesis. Structural impairment leads to an inhibition of the synthetic activity of the mitochondria, the degree of inhibition being inversely related to substrate concentration; it causes, however, no inactivation of the condensing enzyme. The dependence of this reaction upon the structural conditions is the consequence of an interaction between the two mitochondrial enzymes acetyl-CoA deacylase and condensing enzyme.  相似文献   

Summary The autor studied the reaction of stage ontogenins with different proteids, isolated from the embryos at the moment of formation of the respective ontogenin. Not all fractions (least of all the yolk) fix the ontogenins. The DNA-proteids fix them; such a mixture specifically stimulates the development. In these mixtures, new substances are discovered: Ontogens.  相似文献   

Résumé Des plantules de Pisum sont cultivées aseptiquement en milieu synthétique. A la lumière, elles synthétisent plus de facteurs du groupe de l'acide folique, déterminés par voie microbiologique, et plus d'acide ascorbique qu'à l'obscurité. L'adjonction d'acide ascorbique au milieu des plantes cultivées à l'obscurité compense partiellement l'absence de lumière.  相似文献   

Zunächst wird mit der Entstehung sowie dem Ausbau der beiden Reichsanstalten bis zum Jahre 1922 historisch eingeleitet, wobei über die Reichsanstalt für Mass und Gewicht als die meist unbekanntere etwas ausführlicher berichtet wird. Die Begründungen für oder gegen eine Verschmelzung werden danach aus der Sicht der beiden Reichsanstalten, der Eichbehörden der Länder des Deutschen Reiches, der Industrie, verschiedener Ausschüsse des Deutschen Reichstages und schliesslich der zuständigen Ministerien der Deutschen Reichsregierung angeführt. Mit einem kurzen Blick auf die inflationsbedingten Probleme des deutschen Alltags von Ende 1923 wird der Aufsatz durch eine Beurteilung des vor 53 Jahren geschehenen Zusammenschlusses aus dem Geschehen eben dieser 53 Jahre abgeschlossen.  相似文献   

Summary Formulæ for the approximate evaluation of premiums for a disability pension payable continually.  相似文献   

Summary The latent potency of organ development in a normally functionless evagination on the upper border of the imaginal disc, causes double forms of the presumptive wingleaf of caterpillars in lepidoptera. Triple forms of the wing-leaf consist of one double form and one simple form of the original imaginal disc of the wing and one regenerate, orvice versa.  相似文献   

Summary G. Mansfeld demonstrated that in the serum of overheated animals a substance (thermothyrine A) is present which, injected into normal animals, decreases O2-consumption. Serum of thyroidectomized animals has no effect.Dogs and rabbits were treated daily with 0.10 g per kg methylthiouracil during 4 weeks, and were than subjected for 5 hours to a temperature of 34–35° C which raised their body temperature by 0.5–1.5° C. 2.5 cm3 of serum obtained at the end of the 5 hours period failed to reduce O2-consumption of normal rats, while sera of untreated dogs and rabbits produced after similar exposure to high temperature a fall of O2-consumption by 14–48%. It is therefore evident that methylthiouracil not only inhibits the formation of thyroxine but of thermothyrine A as well.The fact that thermothyrine A contains no iodine proves conclusively that the action of thiouracil compounds cannot be exclusively an inhibition of iodinization.  相似文献   

Summary The afferent impulses from the ampullae ofLorenzini ofScyllium show, both in the intact animal and in the isolated preparation, a steady discharge at constant temperature with a frequency reaching a maximum at an average of 20° and decreasing continuously at higher and lower temperatures. The discharge stops between 5° and 30° on the average. Rapid cooling causes a temporary rise in frequency, while rapid warming causes a temporary drop in frequency. While the ampullae are not sensitive to a mechanical stimulus, they react definitely to a change in temperature of 0.05°C. The ampullae thus behave like the cold receptors of the homoiotherms.  相似文献   

Summary Mammary glands of the white mouse in different stages of lactation were fixed in Carnoy's fluid and the sections stained with Gallocyanin-chromalum für microscopic observation. After dislocation of the nucleolus to the nuclear membrane or the formation of a heterochromatic pathway between nucleolus and nuclear membrane the extrusion of nucleolar substance into the cytoplasm was observed.  相似文献   

Summary A short time after a quick voluntary movement, there is no evidence of a monosynaptic reflex (Eigenreflex) following a stretch of the same muscle. Thus rhythms of voluntary movements may exist without interaction of stretch reflexes.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHauptreferat, gehalten vor der Schweizerischen Medizinisch-Biologischen Gesellschaft in Genf am 31. August 1947, anläßlich der 127. Generalversammlung der Schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft.  相似文献   

Summary Oscillographic polarography with alternating current was used for following the course of utilisation and metabolism of some amino acids, purine and pyrimidine bases, similarly as their nucleosides and nucleotides in the washed suspensions of resting cells and in growing cultures ofEscherichia coli. The Polaroscope P-524 was used with mercury dropping electrode. The method was described for the oscillopolarographic investigation of activity of some bacterial enzymes, as for example: asparaginase, some nucleodesaminases and enzymes involved in the cleavage of nucleosides.  相似文献   

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