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丙酸酯变性淀粉浆料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用丙酸酐作为酯化剂,通过改变丙酸酐对玉米淀粉的投料比,制备一系列具有不同取代度(DS)的丙酸酯淀粉,以研究淀粉丙酸酯化变性程度与浆渡黏附性能和浆膜性能的关系,并通过与醋酸酯化变性的对比,来评价淀粉丙酸酯化淀粉的上浆性能.实验结果表明:淀粉丙酸酯化变性能够显著改善淀粉对涤纶纤维的黏附性能,提高淀粉浆膜的断裂伸长率和耐屈曲次数,降低浆膜的磨耗;随着取代度的增加,丙酸酯淀粉时涤纶纤维的黏附力先增大后减小,当取代度为0.019时,黏附力达到最大;相近取代度下,丙酸酯淀粉的浆膜性能及对涤纶纤维的黏附性能均优于醋酸酯淀粉.作为浆料使用的丙酸酯淀粉,其变性程度不宜过大.  相似文献   

介绍了糊化阳离子淀粉的制备方法,通过对其浆液性能和浆纱质量的测试,证明该浆料性能优良,具有高浓低粘、抗静电的特性.在细特纯棉、涤棉纱上浆中,不仅取代PVA的量大幅度增加,而且浆纱质量有了明显的提高.  相似文献   

接枝淀粉是以淀粉为骨干,由具备上浆性能的单体接技共聚的产品,是今后纺织经纱上浆的主要浆料.对淀粉预处理、引发剂及单体选择、接枝工艺等关键技术进行了试验研究.依据这些工艺条件,可制成性能优良的、工厂生产正常应用的接枝淀粉.有明显经济效益与良好社会效益.  相似文献   

以淀粉浆膜的断裂伸长为评价标准,通过对比试验评价羟基增塑剂对淀粉浆料的增塑作用,从分子结构上认识羟基增塑剂的羟基数目对淀粉浆料增塑作用的影响,并通过浆液特性及黏附性能评估羟基增塑剂正戊醇、正丁醇、1,2-丙二醇、乙二醇、甘油、1,1,1-三羟甲基丙烷、季戊四醇、木糖醇及山梨醇的使用效果.研究结果表明:羟基增塑剂对淀粉浆料都具有增塑作用,能够改善淀粉浆膜脆而硬的缺陷.随着增塑剂羟基数目的增加,淀粉浆膜的断裂伸长率逐渐增大;在羟基数目为3时,增塑作用达到最大;但进一步增加羟基数目,增塑作用下降.在所研究的羟基增塑剂中,甘油和1,1,1-三羟甲基丙烷的增塑作用效果最明显,以其作为淀粉浆料的增塑剂,可以减少浆纱和织造落物,提高织造效果.  相似文献   

The influences of carboxymethyl starch used as stabilizer upon the stability of native cornstarch-polyvinyl alcohol blend pastes for warp sizing have been investigated. The effect of the modified starch on the paste stability was evaluated in terms of the initial demixing time and the volume percentage of separated starch. The carboxymethyl starch with a series of different degrees of substitution was prepared in ethanol dispersion by varying the amount of monochloroacetic acid reacted with refined native cornstarch. The paste stability strongly depends on the modification extent and amount of carboxymethyl starch used, and on native starch content in the paste. Increase in the modification extent and/or the amount of the modified starch effectively retards the phase separation and reduces the separation extent of native cornstarch-polyvinyl alcohol blend pastes. Moreover, the mechanism and favorable modification extent of carboxymethyl starch for enhancing paste stability are also investigated and disc  相似文献   

Radical copolymerization of acrylic acid (AA) with acrylamide (AM) or acrylamide/acrylonitrlle(AM/AN) was initiated with ammonium persulfate as initiator to produce acrylic copolymers such as bicopolymer poly(AM-co-AA) and tercopolymer poly(AM-co-AN-co-AA) far revealing the effects of the structural unitits of the copolymers on the adhesion of the copolymers to polyester or cotton fibers for warp sizing. The adhesion was evaluated in terms of tensile strength and work-to-break of a roving impregnated with the copolymer solution It was found that the adhesion strongly depended on type and amount of the units incorporated into the copolymeric chains. Whether the fiber is cotton or polyester,the adhesion of the bicopolymer poly(AM-co-AA) is greater than that of polyacrylic acid or polyacyamide. Excessiveiy increasing the amount of AM or AA unit in poly (AM-on-AA) lowers the adhesion. To enhance the adhesion of the bicopolymer,a favorable mole ratio of AM to AA is 70/30. Based on this mole ratio, incorporation of acrylonitrile units into poly (AM-co-AA) to from tcrcopolymer cnhances the adhesion.  相似文献   

A series of poly ( 2 -ethylhexyl acrylate-co-acrylic acid) s ( P (2-EHA-co-AA) ) s with different mole contents of 2-ethylhexyl acrylate ( 2-EHA ) were synthesized through free radical copolymeri...  相似文献   

A new method for the pretreatment of starch by etherification was developed to eliminate the problems of lower grafting efficiency associated with the preparation of starch graft copolymers as warp sizing agents. The etherification of starch with allyl chloride was investigated in order to effectively enhance the reaction efficiency. The tecimological variables of the reaction considered for evaluating the etherification included sodium hydroxide amount, water content in water-isopropyl alcohol medium, allyl chloride concentration, reaction temperature and reaction time. The experimental result demonstrated that the variables considered showed evident effect on the reaction efficiency. For the etherification, a condition of 20% for the water content, 1.5:1 for the molar ratio of sodium hydroxide to allyl chloride, and at 30℃ under 24 h reaction is sufficient to retain the reaction efficiency above 50%. Furthermore, a contrast test demonstrated that the graft efficiency can be increased with the etherification pretreatment.  相似文献   

磷酸酯淀粉/PVA共混浆膜的织态结构与性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了淀粉磷酸酯化变性和聚乙烯醇(PVA)结构对磷酸酯淀粉(SPH)/PVA共混浆膜织态结构与力学性能的内在联系,探讨了SPH与PVA间的共混比对浆膜结构和力学性能的影响.实验结果表明,磷酸酯化变性深度、PVA分子结构及共混比对共混浆膜的织态结构及力学性能有显著影响.随着淀粉磷酸酯化变性深度的增大,共混浆膜的断裂伸长率增大,断裂强度先增大后减小;当取代度为0.016时,断裂强度达到最大值.随着SPH质量分数的增加,共混浆膜的断裂伸长率减小,断裂强度先减小后增大;当SPH/PVA的共混比为50/50时,断裂强度达到最小值.提高PVA相对分子质量,增大醇解度,都有利于改善共混浆膜的力学强度,提高耐屈曲性能.  相似文献   

Introduction Starchandpolyvinylalcohol(PVA)arecommonly usedtogetherinablendedpasteforsizingvarious synthetic/celluloseblendspunyarns.Tousestarch satisfactorily,thehotpasteofstarchmusthavesufficient viscositystabilitysinceunstablestarchpasteinviscosity tendstobecomethinning,thatis,theviscositydecreases withdelayoftime.Variationinpasteviscosityfluctuates sizeadd on,whichisseriouslyharmfultothequalitiesof sizedyarns.Tocompensateforthedefect,cross linking treatmentsareoftenappliedtostarchsizesto…  相似文献   

为探讨壳聚糖纱纯淀粉上浆的可行性,在淀粉浆液中加入复合增塑剂(甘油和尿素),研究增塑剂对浆纱性能的影响,并与含PVA的传统配方进行对比。实验结果表明:含PVA的配方中,随着含固率的增加,浆纱强力变大而断裂伸长率变小;含复合增塑剂浆料配方中,随着甘油比例增加,耐磨次数和强力提高、纱线弹性损失减少,而甘油比例增加到一定程度时,浆纱性能反而降低。最佳纯淀粉浆料配方为含固率8%、复合增塑剂占氧化淀粉质量百分比6%、甘油/尿素5/5,此时浆纱强力和耐磨性改善明显,减伸率为5.7%,纱线弹性保持好,可以满足后道加工的要求,即壳聚糖纱纯淀粉上浆是可行的。  相似文献   

改性豌豆淀粉用于改进玻纤浸润剂的性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以豌豆淀粉为原料, 先用异淀粉酶处理, 再将酶化的淀粉进行醚化反应, 研究淀粉成膜剂的制备条件. 考察酶解时间、 环氧丙烷用量、 醚化
时间、 反应温度和氢氧化钠用量对成膜剂的性能影响. 通过正交试验得到制备淀粉成膜剂的最优条件: 酶解时间12 h, 环氧丙烷用量4 g, 醚化时间16 h, 反应温度45 ℃, 氢氧化钠用量0.4 g. 拉丝实验结果表明, 改性淀粉作为成膜剂用于玻璃纤维浸润剂, 可保证拉丝工艺顺利完成.  相似文献   

如果接枝变性淀粉浆料具有适当结构的接技支链,那么它对涤/棉混纺经纱应有着良好的上浆性能。然而,这种现象目前尚未见有明确的解释。本文通过与淀粉及非接枝变性淀粉浆料的比较,试图从结构与性能的角度分析探讨接枝变性淀粉浆料卓越上浆性能的因果关系,并认为它最适合于作为合成纤维/纤维素纤维混纺经纱的浆料使用  相似文献   

对醋酸淀粉酯的变性工艺进行了系统的研究和探讨,以浆纱性能为依据,确定了次氯酸钠氧化预处理工艺和醋酸乙烯酯乙酰化工艺的最佳反应条件,进一步提高了醋酸淀粉酯浆料的性能,扩大了醋酸淀粉酯在纺织经纱上浆中的应用.  相似文献   

为探讨高压上浆对浆液流变性能的影响,通过实验测量玉米、马铃薯、PVA等浆液在不同质量分数、剪切速率及剪切应力下黏度的变化情况,并分析其流变特性.实验结果表明,在高压上浆过程中,浆纱的速度大幅提高,其剪切速率随之亦显著提高,而浆液黏度则大幅降低.压浆力的提高使得浆液的剪切应力相应增加,而随着剪切应力的增加,浆液的黏度亦随之下降,从而体现出高浓、高压、低黏的高压上浆特点.根据不同浆液的流变性能特点,分析比较马铃薯和玉米淀粉的浆液,认为马铃薯淀粉更适合高压上浆,且马铃薯/PVA混合浆较玉米/PVA混合浆更加适合于高压上浆.  相似文献   

Starch grafted poly-hydroxy alkyl-acid esters were prepared via graft polymerization.Different characteristics of grafted starches were tested such as viscosity,viscosity stability,adhesion as well as properties of sized yarns.Sizing performance was analyzed from the aspect of physical and chemical reactions between polymer molecules.It shows that starch grafted poly-hydroxy alkyl-acid esters have excellent sizing performance and could absolutely be used as sizes for polyester-cotton yarns.  相似文献   

替代PVA的接枝变性淀粉浆料的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过实验研究,开发出了替代PVA的接枝变性淀粉浆料,产品中残留的单体极少,接枝率将近13%,其粘度低,粘度热稳定性好,对涤/棉纤维的粘附性好,上浆性能和目标浆料70%PVA+30%氧化淀粉相比,浆纱强力和伸长率、毛羽均好于目标浆料,耐磨性能和目标浆料也相差无几,克服了其他接枝变性淀粉浆料浆纱耐磨性差的缺点,在实验室涤/棉混纺经纱上浆中全部替代了PVA,取得了很好的上浆效果。  相似文献   

Carboxymethyl starch with lower degree of substitution was blended with acrylate copolymer for revealing the relation between mechanical properties and chemical structure of blending film.Effects of carboxymethylation of starch,acrylate constituent units of acrylate copolymers,and copolymer content of the film on the properties were investigated.The mechanical properties were evaluated in terms of tensile strength,breaking elongation,abrasion resistance,and flex-fatigue resistance.Film morphology was examined with X-ray diffraction (XRD),scanning electron microscopy (SEM),and atomic force microscope (AFM).It was found that the properties depended on the degree of substitution of carboxymethyl starch,chemical structure of acrylate units,and content of acrylate copolymer.Phase-separation of the two ingredients occurred within film matrix and the separation was decreased after starch carboxymethylation.Breaking elongation and flex-fatigue resistance of the film reached maximums when acrylate copolymer content was 50%.Excessively increasing the content of acrylate copolymer reduced the film properties.  相似文献   

Influences of some electrolyte impurities within starch and starch cationization on the adhesion of quaternary ammonium cornstarch to cotton and polyester fibers were investigated. The electrolytes considered included NaCI, Na2SO4, NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4. The adhesion to fibers was evaluated in terms of maximum strength and work-to-break of the roving sized with the starch pastes containing electrolytes. It was found that the cationization showed a positive effect on the adhesion to both fibers whereas the electrolytes gave an adverse effect and reduced the adhesion. The adverse effect depends on the type and amount of electrolytes. The influence of electrolytes on the adhesion can be ranked in a series of NaH2PO4〉 Na2 HPO4〉 Na2SO4 〉 NaCl. The adhesion enhances as the modification extent increases and the electrolyte content decreases. Furthermore, the adverse effect can be compensated by the positive effect of the starch modification even at a low modification extent. If the electrolytes are fully eliminated, the cationic starch can increase the adhesion strength by more than 10% for both fibers.  相似文献   

Influences of some electrolyte impurities within starch and starch cationization on the adhesion of quaternary ammonium cornstarch to cotton and polyester fibers were investigated.The electrolytes considered included NaCl,Na2SO4,NaH2PO4 and Na2HPO4.The adhesion to fibers was evaluated in terms of maximum strength and work-to-break of the roving sized with the starch pastes containing electrolytes.It was found that the cationization showed a positive effect on the adhesion to both fibers whereas the electrolytes gave an adverse effect and reduced the adhesion.The adverse effect depends on the type and amount of electrolytes.The influence of electrolytes on the adhesion can be ranked in a series of NaH2PO4 > Na2HPO4 > Na2SO4 > NaCl.The adhesion enhances as the modification extent increases and the electrolyte content decreases.Furthermore,the adverse effect can be compensated by the positive effect of the starch modification even at a low modification extent.If the electrolytes are fully eliminated,the cationic starch can increase the adhesion strength by more than 10% for both fibers.  相似文献   

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