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Summary Binding sites of concanavalin-A were detected inTetrahymena on the body ciliature, while the cell membrane itself and the oral ciliature failed to bind the lectine.Supported by the Scientific Research Council, Ministry of Health, Hungary 1-01-0302-02-1/Cs.  相似文献   

G Csaba  B Madarász 《Experientia》1979,35(9):1181-1182
Binding sites of concanavalin-A were detected in Tetrahymena on the body ciliature, while the cell membrane itself and the oral ciliature failed to bind the lectine.  相似文献   

Study by scanning electron microscopy enables us to describe with precision the morphology of protoplasts. We can confirm that the wrinkles more or less perceptible on the protoplasts studied, do belong to the morphology of those just mentioned, that the presence or the absence of globulous component is connected with the physiological activity of the cell and that it is possible to distinguish the different protoplasts thanks to their morphological aspect.  相似文献   

Summary An unusual cell type consisting of free elements widely scattered over the marginal epithelium of the rat pituitary cleft is revealed by SEM. Most of these supramarginal cells characteristically have irregularly shaped cell bodies from which thin branched processes extend. Supramarginal cells bear resemblances to Kolmer (epiplexus) cells and to supraependymal cells of the brain ventricles. Their ultrastructural features make it probable that supramarginal cells are phagocytes, and can be regarded as scavengers of the cleft. Considering the close topographical association between the hypophysial cleft and the floor or the 3rd ventricle, supramarginal cells may be members of the motile macrophagic Kolmer cells populating the ventricular surfaces of the brain.Work supported by grants from MPI-60%-193/84  相似文献   

S Correr  P M Motta 《Experientia》1985,41(5):617-620
An unusual cell type consisting of free elements widely scattered over the marginal epithelium of the rat pituitary cleft is revealed by SEM. Most of these supramarginal cells characteristically have irregularly shaped cell bodies from which thin branched processes extend. Supramarginal cells bear resemblances to Kolmer (epiplexus) cells and to supraependymal cells of the brain ventricles. Their ultrastructural features make it probable that supramarginal cells are phagocytes, and can be regarded as scavengers of the cleft. Considering the close topographical association between the hypophysial cleft and the floor or the 3rd ventricle, supramarginal cells may be members of the motile macrophagic Kolmer cells populating the ventricular surfaces of the brain.  相似文献   

The integumental surface of adult Schistosoma mansoni was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at 220 to 10,000 magnifications. SEM shows certain basic features such as spines in the oral sucker and the acetabulum which may facilitate rasping and attachment of the parasite to stay in the bloodstream of the definitive host. It seems likely that SEM visualization will be a means for differentiation some species of the genus Schistosoma.  相似文献   

Summary Normal primary neural induction has been studied by scanning electron microscopy and the results compared with those obtained by TEM. Mesoderm cells are usually in contact with several other cells, both mesodermal and endodermal in origin. By SEM the ectoderm layer has been shown to be in contact with the underlying mesoderm cells. Tufts of fibrous basement membrane are also present between the two cell types. TEM specimens also show an intermediate basement membrane.Acknowledgments. M. A. E. would like to thank ProfessorF. Beck in whose department this work was conducted. An especial acknowledgment to Mrs.Wendy Nugent for her skilled technical assistance in the preparation of the SEM and TEM specimens. Mr.Duncan Boreham, Electron Microscope Unit, University of Leicester kindly offered assistance and advice.S. V. C. would like to thank ProfessorR. P. Dale in whose department the SEM photographs were prepared.  相似文献   

M A England  S V Cowper 《Experientia》1975,31(12):1449-1451
Normal primary neural induction has been studied by scanning electron microscopy and the results compared with those obtained by TEM. Mesoderm cells are usually in contact with several other cells, both mesodermal and endodermal in origin. By SEM the ectoderm layer has been shown to be in contact with the underlying mesoderm cells. Tufts of fibrous basement membrane are also present between the two cell types. TEM specimens also show an intermediate basement membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Rexeptors for various lectins have been located on isolated hepatocytes by transmission and scanning electron microscopy, using gold markers of variable sizes. Quantitative data indicated that binding of some lectin markers depended upon their sizes.Acknowledgments. The authors thank Miss E. Bujard and Mr. A. Isely for the rat liver perfusion and Mrs M. Weber for the photographic work.  相似文献   

Summary Chick blastoderms were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy to identify by both methods a type of thread-like structure lying on the epiblast. The structure was identified by transmission microscopy as a long telophase bridge containing mid-body and spindle remnant. It apperas to provide cytoplasmic continuity between only 2 cells.Supported by a grant from The Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Oberflächen der Gelenke von Mensch, Kaninchen, Schwein und Ratte zeigen elektronenmikroskopisch feine zottenartige Bildungen. Daneben finden sich auch leichte Vertiefungen. Diese Bildungen sind für eine gleichmässige Gelenkbewegung von Wichtigkeit.  相似文献   

Chick blastoderms were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy to identify by both methods a type of thread-like structure lying on the epiblast. The structure was identified by transmission microscopy as a long telophase bridge containing mid-body and spindle remnant. It appears to provide cytoplasmic continuity between only 2 cells.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In menschlichen Zellkulturen mit Zugabe von Prednisolon wird die Agglutinierbarkeit der Zellen durch den Einfluss der Weizenkeimlipase gesteigert. Die Vorbehandlung mit Sialidase (N-Acetylneuraminidase) verhindert die Agglutination, was auf eine Hormonwirkung an der Zellmembran hinweist.  相似文献   

The integumental surface on the microfilaria of Dipetalonema viteae was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) at 1,200 to 20,000 magnification. This first study only concerns microfilaria in the circulating blood of the Hamster.  相似文献   

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