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1Overview FenghuoshanTunnelProjectwasakeycontrol projectinQinghai TibetRailwayconstruction.It wasarailwaytunnelofthehighestelevationintheworldwithrailheadlevel4905mandtotallength1338m.Table1Railwaytunnelofhighaltitudeintheworld TunnelnameGuanjiaotunnelYangbajingtunnelKunlunshantunnelJialiertunnelFenghuoshantunnel Sealevelelevation m36984313450046804905NationalityChinaChinaChinaPeruChina Constructiondecade19782003200218932002TheFenghuoshanwasstyled“lifeforbidden zone”.Itsannualaverag…  相似文献   

TheQinghai Tibetrailwayishighestand longestofallplateaurailwaysintheworld.TherailwayfromGermutoLhasaisunder construction,totally1142km.Thesectionof above4000maltitudeis965km,accountingfor84%ofthewholeline.Thehighestaltitudein thissectionis5072m.Fromtheconstructionbeginningin2001,wepaygreatattentionto hygienicsupportsystemusedforQinghai Tibet railway.Staffsintheconstructionovercomethefouleffectoftheinclementnaturalenvironmenton humanhealthandworkingcapacity,suchaslow airpressure,hypoxia,lowt…  相似文献   

0Preface Permafrostisasoilmediumwhichisextremely sensitivetotemperatureandsurroundingfactors.Themostessentialdistinctionbetweenpermafrost andotherrockorsoilisthatitcontainsground ice.Whileconstructinganystructureson permafrost,twomajorengineeringproblemsmustbesolved:freezingheaveinflationandthawing settlement.TheGolmud LhasaSectionofQinghai Tibet Railway,withatotallengthof1118km,hasa totaldistanceof632kmrunningonpermafrost,outofwhichabout550kmiscontinuous permafrost,82kmispatchypermafrost,9…  相似文献   

The construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is one of the significant decisions made by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council at the beginning of the new millennium, it is also the landmark project of the China' s Western Region Development campaign. The railway will become an economical, high-speed, high capacity, all-weather passageway, which will play an irreplaceable role in the areas it links, in terms of economic prosperity and social advancement, the implementation of the opening up policy, in strengthening unity of different ethnic groups, as well as the wellbeing of all the residents along the way. Since its commencement on June 29^th, 2001, the Golmud-Lhasa Section (G-L Section) of the Qinghai-Tibet railway has been advancing safely and smoothly, with high construction quality. Up to now, the main structures along the whole section are nearly completed, experimental projects in the post-station section are almost concluded (except signal works), tracks of 743 km have been laid. In 2005, the whole project entered its decisive stage. The goal of this year is: totally complete the sub-track works, nearly complete post-station works, completely link up the whole section. During the construction, three major obstacles must be removed, i.e., permafrost soil, deficient oxygen content in arctic alpine regions, and the fragile ecological environment. Up to now, remarkable achievement has been made in struggling with the three problems, and precious experience of constructing railway on permafrost plateau has been acquired. All the roadbeds, culverts and tunnels are of stable and reliable quality so far.  相似文献   

The riprap air-cooled roadbed and common roadbed experimental project were designed and carried on in Qingshuihe test filed, an area of warm permafrost category with the fine frozen soil along Qinghai-Tibet Railway, to decide the temperature field of the roadbed after railway construction. Based on ground temperature variation of natural hole, left and fight shoulder' s hole, the maximum thawing depth, and the deformation in these two kinds of roadbed were analysed comparatively. It showed that the riprap air-cooled roadbed had better effect of lowering ground temperature, lifting the maximum frozen-thawing depth obviously and decreasing deformation than that of the common roadbed. Therefore, the riprap air-cooled roadbed was a positive frozen soil protection measure for it effectively decreased ground temperature and protected permafrost.  相似文献   

运营期青藏铁路冻土区路基工程最值得关注的变化是不同部位裂缝的发生和发展以及对线路安全运行的影响.通过对不同时期青藏铁路多年冻土区路基工程裂缝发生发展影响因素的分析,认为冻土区路基工程基底地温场的不对称以及基底土体冻融过程不同步是路基工程变形裂缝发生的主要原因,路基坡脚和周围冻土水热环境变化是裂缝发展的拉动力,路基填料性质也是不容忽略的因素;根据运营期间冻土路基热状态和工程状态分析,对运营期青藏铁路冻土路基工程状态进行了初步评价,并提出了减少或消除地温场的不对称及保护路基坡脚冻土环境,从而抑制冻土路基裂缝的工程对策.  相似文献   

Over one half of the permafrost along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway is "warm" and approximately 40% ice-rich. Under global warming, the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway needs to consider climate changes over the next 50 - 100 years. Recent estimates indicate that the air temperature on the plateau will increase by 2.2- 2.6℃ by 2050. Thus, the key to the success of the railway construction lies in preventing the permafrost underlying roadbeds from thawing. It has been more than 100 years since the first railway was build over permafrost. A frost damage ratio of greater than 30 % has been reported for all the railroads built in permafrost regions. Based upon the experience and lessons leamed from roadway constructions over permafrost, this paper proposes a more proactive design approach for the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. This approach focuses on cooling down the roadbed by lowering the ground temperature and is different from the passive method of preventing permafrost from thawing by simply increasing thermal resistance (e. g., increasing embankment height and using insulating materials). This "roadbed cooling" design approach is especially relevant to "warm" and ice-rich permafrost areas. A number of measures can be taken to cool down the roadbed, including proper selection of roadbed material, and configurations to adjust solar radiation, heat convection, and heat conduction patterus in and/or around the roadbed.  相似文献   

The Impact of Climate Warming on Permafrost and Qinghai-Tibet Railway   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Global wanning is an inarguable fact. Permafrost is experiencing a change due to climate warming in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, such as the decreasing of permafrost table, the rising of permafrost temperature, etc. On the basis of analysing the permafrost change under the climate change and engineering action, the thermal regime and spatial distribution of permafrost are predicted for air temperature rising 1℃ and 2.6℃ after 50 years in this paper. The results show that climate change results in the larger change for the thermal regime and spatial distribution of permafrost. Permafrost change will produce the great effect on the Qinghai- Tibet Railway engineering, not only resulting in the decreasing of permafrost table beneath the roadbed, but also resulting in thawing settlement due to the thawing of ground ice near permafrost table. The idea of cooling roadbed and actively protecting permafrost for the Qinghai-Tibet Railway engineering could adjust and control the permafrost thermal state, some better methods are provided to ensure the engineering stability in the areas of warm permafrost and high ice content.  相似文献   

青藏铁路弹性运输能力理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了青藏铁路各种自然灾害的时间分布,提出了青藏铁路弹性运输能力概念,分析了青藏铁路弹性运输能力的季节和年度的变化规律,找出了青藏铁路供需矛盾的特征,为青藏铁路运能配置和运输组织奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

青藏铁路钻孔桩施工技术浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在青藏铁路钻孔桩施工过程中,通过使用先进的机械设备和科学合理的施工组织安排,以及重点工序的质量控制,既提高了工作效率,又保证桩基质量、确保了施工工期。简要介绍了钻孔桩施工工艺及工程的质量控制等内容。  相似文献   

On29June,2001aninaugurationceremonyfortheQuinghai TibetRailway,aprojectattractingworldwideattention,washeldsimultaneouslyattheCityofGolmudinQinghaiprovince,andtheCityofLhasainTibetAutonomousRegion,indicatingthattheconstructionofthesectionfromGolmudtoLhasaoftheQinghai TibetRailwaywasfullytocarryout.ThePlateauofQinghai Tibethasaveryfragileecologicalenvironment.ThestategaveprioritytotheissueoftheecologicalenvironmentalprotectionintheconstructionoftheQinghai TibetRailway.PresidentJiangZh…  相似文献   

1ProjectProfile FenghuoshanTunnelofQinghai TibetRailwaylocatedatthelowerpartofhighmountainous regions,withbigundulatingtopography,well developedsurfaceditches.Themountain,which housesthetunnel,is4996mabovethesealevel.Thetunnelis1338mlong,thealtitudeofthetrackis4900m.Theclimateisoficeandsnow climateofQinghai TibetPlateau,dry,and constantlychanging.Thetemperatureandtheairpressureislow.Springandautumnareshort,the freezingseasonstartsinSeptemberandendsin Aprilnextyear.Accordingtotheobservati…  相似文献   

To analyze the hazard factors for the constructors through the geographic environment along the Qinghai-Tibetan railway. On the basis of the physical examination data of the constructors, we dynamically investigated the impact of the plateau environment on the constructors' health. We concluded the adaptation after the plain people entering into the plateau, and the application of the medical security measures and the effectiveness of the Plateau diseases preventing and controlling measures during the construction of the Qinghai- Tibetan railway. The results showed that there existed many occupational hazard factors because of the harsh environment in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau, and they did a severe harm to the constructors. To take an effective prevention measure could apparently alleviate the occupational hazards, and ensure the safety and health of the constructors. The paper not only provided the valuable experiences for the medical support during the economic construction in the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau areas in the future, but also made a contribution for improving the development of the world plateau medicine.  相似文献   

At present, in order to protect the stability of permafrost beneath embankment, the crushed-rock embankment, as a new type of embankment structure, has widely been used in the construction of Qinghai- Tibet Railway. Its crushed-rock layer is almost open in tow bilateral boundaries and closed at top and bottom, and air can flow into/out of the ballast layer and crushed-rock layer. Therefore, the convection and transfer heat patterns are very complicated in the ballast layer and crushed-rock layer of the embankment, which are regarded as porous media. In this paper, based on the wind, temperature and geology conditions of Qinghai- Tibet Plateau, a numerical approach of the unsteady two-dimensional continuity, momentum (non-Darcy flow) and energy equations of heat convection for incompressible fluid in porous media is provide to analyse the velocity and temperature characteristics of the crushed-rock embankment with different embankment heights under open boundary condition for the coming 50 years. The calculated results indicate that, due to the influence of the external wind, the convective heat transfer mainly relies on the forced convection in the open crushed-rock emban kment. Even if the air temperature will be wanned up by 2.6℃ in the coming 50 years, it still has a better cooling effect on the underlying soils and a low temperature frozen-soil core is formed in the permafrost below it if the embankment is constructed in the regions whose present mean annual air temperature is - 4.0℃. Furthermore, the cooling effect of high crushed-rock embankment is better than that of low embankment. This results from the fact that the wider bottom of high emban kment has a more influence dimension on the underlying frozen soil. However, cardinal winds on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau disturb its convection pattern, so that an asymmetric temperature distribution occurs under high embankment and it is possible to induce a transverse uneven deformation of emban kment, but no similar situation occurs under low embankment. This asymmetric temperature field problem should be considered when crushed-rock emban kment is designed and constructed.  相似文献   

在青藏铁路多年冻土区路基的设计中,临界高度和最小设计高度是两个关键指标.本文针对青藏铁路清水河试验段特定条件下的试验路堤进行了研究,分析了路堤高度与上限上升高度的关系,并根据试验所得的路堤临界高度值,计算得到了该地区特定条件下路堤的最小设计高度值.研究表明:①青藏高原清水河地区铁路路堤存在临界高度;②清水河地区铁路路堤的临界高度为0.65 m;③清水河地区铁路路堤的最小设计高度为1.63 m.  相似文献   

Theqinghai TibetPlateauisendowedwithnaturalandgeographicconditions.These conditionsshapeupmanyuniquetouristresources,suchascolorfulgeomorphology,plentifulanduniquewildanimalsandplantsand pureandsimplefolkcustomwithancientculture,etc.Butasthetrafficisnotconvenientandthe trafficcostisveryhigh,toalargeextentthislimitsthedevelomentofthelocaltourism.Thelinesuccessivelypassesthroughtheplacesof culturalinterest,likenaturallyecologicallandscapesandagriculturalareas,semi agriculturalandmemi pastoralar…  相似文献   

为分析冻土场地波速变化规律,通过现场钻孔波速测试,并结合已有典型场地波速资料,研究了青藏铁路沿线多年冻土场地波速比的经验值及波速变化受控制因素的影响规律。结果表明:多年冻土场地纵横波速比经验参考值可选用1. 5左右;冻土层波速传播规律与地温、土层埋深、土质属性、冻结冰晶含量等诸多因素相关;冻结作用使土体的结构性增强从而冻土体强度增强,冻结状态下土体的波速通常大于未冻结场地土体;多年冻土层波速值随土层深度的增加、地温的降低和冻结土体中冰晶含量的增加而增加。  相似文献   

陈卫雄 《科学技术与工程》2021,21(35):15203-15208
为分析青藏铁路路基高程不规则变形,通过建立高程—时间响应模型,基于Box-Jenkins建模方法,确定时间序列模型阶数,根据AIC准则,选取适合的时间序列模型,最后给出批量预测全部路基测点高程的算法步骤。研究了青藏铁路路基高程随时间变形规律问题。结果表明:以2010年—2018年每月青藏铁路K1425+050处左侧路基高程数据为例,建立了ARMA(2,1,1)模型,并以2019年数据作为验证集,模型通过了模型适应性检验,证明了模型的有效性和准确性;总结了青藏铁路沿线各测点至2023年12月预测值中可能出现重大变形以及测点左右两侧路基高程差值出现较大差值的10个危险点;在测点K1476+600附近,路基两侧出现明显长距离的差异。可见本模型能准确预测青藏铁路路基高程的变化,对于工程养护维修具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

This article gives a summary and analasis to experimental study on the restoration and giving a new lease of life to the alpine grassland vegetation along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Through on-the-spot investigation and vegetaion storation experimental study to the constructive fetching soil ground in Tuotuo River experiment section in the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the result shows : after the activities of the construction, soil conditions on the fetching soil ground have changed a lot, the soil quality has obviously degraded. In order to do well the vegetaton storation and reconstruction in the process of the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the backfilling of the surface soil should really be done well. According to the result of on -the-spot experiment, the Elymus dahuricus Turcz and Poa annua Linn are all more suitable to the fetching soil environment on the alpine grassland, the plant can normally grow in the growing season. The timing selection of the vegetation should fully use feature of both rain and heat in the same season, thus can improve the percentage of success.  相似文献   

With the aid of the Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) technology, the ecosystem pattern and fragility distribution maps of the 50-km-wide zone along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were compiled and by using the superimposition method, range, area and indexes of the impact of various engineering activities on the ecosystems alongside the railway were studied. By making reference to the ecosystem recovery process of the Qinghai-Tibet Highway, mechanisms of recovery of the alpine ecosystems alongside the Qinghai-Tibet Railway were studied and extents and rates of the recovery were predicted.The results indicate that the impact of the railway engineering on the Alpine ecosystem depends mainly on how much the original surface soil in the zone has been disturbed and how fragile of the ecosystem per se. Restoration of vegetation coverage and species abundance shows a significantly reverse relationship with disturbance of the original surface soil but an extremely positive one with the length of the restoration period and mean annual precipitation and annual mean relative humidity in the period and no obvious bearings with altitude and temperature. In sections with an annual precipitation over 200mm, as long as a certain percentage of original soil is left in situ, it takes only 30 years or so for biodiversity to get basically restored to the original level after the construction is completed but at least 45-60 years or more for vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

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