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本文以美国文学各个时期的发展为经线,以文学流派和不同时期的作家为纬线,着重分析了美国文学由幼稚期走向成熟的几个特点,从作家、作品风格、语言特点、文学流派和地域等方面对美国文学的变化进行了论述。  相似文献   

潘晓东 《科技信息》2012,(31):223-223,134
美国犹太作家及其作品在美国文学中的地位和影响极为深远。本文主要通过对美国犹太作家笔下的主人公身份演变的特征探讨,从而揭示其中所蕴含的一些文化内涵。  相似文献   

《瑞普·凡·温克尔》是美国早期作家华盛顿·欧文脍炙人口的短篇小说,作家创造性地移植欧洲的民间传说,成功地塑造了人物,同时也反映了美国独立战争前后整个社会的动荡现实。  相似文献   

美国十九世纪的文学家,超验主义代表人物拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的《论美国学者》一文是美国文学史上一个重要的里程牌。它宣告了美国文学在精神方面的独立。尽管在爱默生之前美国已有部分世界知名作家,如华盛顿·欧文,托马斯·潘恩等,但他们的作品或者是模仿欧洲作家,或者是政论文章。只是在爱默生的《论美国学者》发表之后,美国文学才进入了它的成熟期。在随后的这一阶段中,美国文学史上出现了一大批卓有成效的作家和杰出的作品。其中包括霍桑的《红字》、麦尔维尔的《白鲸》、梭罗的《沃尔登》,(或林中生活)惠特曼的《草叶集》,朗费罗的《海华沙之歌》等等。  相似文献   

随着二战后美国的不断强大,美国的华裔也越来越多。在特定的历史环境下,他们背负着政治、经济、文化各方面的压力,以更多的努力在美国艰难生存。近半个世纪以来,在美华裔作家成为了美国文坛出现的一支颇为引人注目的新兴力量,不断取得傲人的成绩。美国华裔作家,作为文化的传播者,他们在这特殊的生存环境里,选择了自己的成功方式——文化进贡。他们以传统中华文化为资源,在向美国读者进贡中华文化的同时,也进贡了自己的对美国文化的忠诚。  相似文献   

从严格意义上讲,20世纪中期兴起的美国非洲裔文学思潮里,几乎没有专门的儿童文学作家。美国非洲裔作家们似乎也注意到这一点,因此,在他们的小说里,或多或少地都提到了美国黑人儿童成长所面临的问题,即面对残酷的种族歧视和压迫的现实,美国非洲裔儿童的成长之路异常艰难。  相似文献   

美国文坛之所以精彩纷呈,少数族裔作家功不可没。而其中,女性作家因其匠心独运的写作方式和视角,在美国文坛上独树一帜,如著名的加勒比海裔女性作家珀尔·马歇尔(Paule Marshall)、奥瑞德·洛德(Audre Lorde)、米歇尔·克里夫(Michelle Cliff)和朱莉娅·阿尔瓦雷斯(Julia Alvarez)等。本文拟结合美国加勒比海裔的历史和生存境况,分析这几位加勒比海裔女作家的作品特征,让读者对美国加勒比海裔女性文学特点有更深的了解。  相似文献   

郭辉 《科技信息》2009,(32):I0143-I0143
谭恩美(Amy Tan)是著名的美国华裔女作家。1952年出生于美国加州奥克兰,曾就读医学院,后来取得语言学硕士学位。她的作品被译成20多种文字在世界上广为流传。如今谭恩美已成为美国文坛少数民族作家的一位代表人物,而在当今美国社会倡导多元文化的大背景下,她的地位早已渐渐超越了一位少数民族或者流行小说家的身份,而成为整个美国乃至西方最为著名的作家之一。  相似文献   

樊苡辰 《科技信息》2011,(22):I0169-I0169
作为美国华裔女性作家,黄玉雪、汤亭亭、谭恩美、任碧莲以及伍慧明等受到了来自族裔以及男权的双重压迫,但她们通过自己的不懈努力和不同时期的话语策略成功地在白人文化占主流的美国文坛占据了一席之地。本文选取黄玉雪的《华女阿五》、汤亭亭的《女勇士》和任碧莲的《典型的美国人》,研究不同时期华裔女性作家的话语策略,这些策略  相似文献   

发表于1976年的《复活节游行》是美国现代作家理查德·耶茨的"女性小说"。在作品中,耶茨从一个男性作家的视角,细致入微地描写了上世纪70年代美国都市普通家庭两姐妹,用犀利但满含怜悯的笔触展示了以主人公艾米莉一家为代表的孤独的女性群体,是作家在其短篇小说集《十一种孤独》之后所描述的"第十二种孤独"——女性孤独。从孤独的女性主题着手,以《复活节游行》的分析为突破口,结合存在主义探讨作家对女性孤独的理解,并试图找到破解现代人孤独的钥匙。  相似文献   

The distribution of a CP-asymmetric quantityA in the decay channelJ/ψπ + π π 0 is investigated. This dimensionless quantityA is constructed from the momenta of the π-meson final states, namely A=P x π + P y π -P x π P y π , whereP h,P x h andP y h are the module of the momentum of a hadron h, the x- and y-components of that momentum respectively, theJ/ψ particle is produced by e+ e collision, and the direction of the momentum of e+ is taken to be the positive direction ofz axis. There would exists the violation under the combined transformation of charge conjugation and space reflection (CP violation) when the average ofA among a lot of events, 〈A〉, be examined to be nonzero clearly from data. In this way, 748 events are selected from the BES experimental data, and analyzed. The corresponding averageA-value is measured to be 〈A〉 = 0.010 39 ± 0.014 61 ± 0.015 2. Further, some discussion of our result, the size of the data sample being need for further attempt and a possible perspective are given.  相似文献   

用摩尔比为2:1的邻香草醛(C_8H_8O_3)与L-胱氨酸(C_6H_(12)N_2O_4S_2)反应,合成了一种新的双Schiff碱化合物--双{2-[(3-巯基丙酸钠)-2-亚胺基-甲基]-6-甲氧基-苯酚}(OVCS)。通过元素分析、红外光谱、核磁共振等手段对其组成和结构进行了表征,确定其化学式为Na_2(C_(22)H_(22)N_2O_8S_2),采用TAM air微量热仪测定了新合成的Schiff碱化合物(OVCS)在305.15 K时对粟酒裂殖酵母细胞作用的产热曲线;根据产热曲线计算了在OVCS作用下,粟酒裂殖酵母细胞生长代谢的最大发热功率p_(max)、速率常数k、传代时间tG、抑制率I和半抑制浓度C_(I,50)等热动力学参数。通过实验可以发现随着OVCS浓度的增加,粟酒裂殖酵母细胞的生长代谢速率常数k、生长代谢的总热效应Q_(total)、最大发热功率p_(max)均减小,抑制率I、达到生长代谢最大功率所需时间t_(max)、传代时间tG均增加等规律,半抑制浓度C_(I,50)为35.99 mg/L(或9.62×10~(-2)mol/L)。实验结果表明,OVCS对粟酒裂殖酵母细胞有抑制作用,且浓度越大,抑制作用越强。  相似文献   

α-Fe2O3 -supported molybdena catalysts have been prepared by heating a mixture of MoO3 and α-Fe2O3. XRD, XPS, LRS, TG-DTA and Mössbauer spectroscopy were used to characterize the interactions between MoO3 and α-Fe2O3. The dispersion capacity of MoO3 on the surface of α-Fe2O3 determined by XRD and XPS was 0.8 mmol/100m2 α-Fe2O3 in the samples calcined at 420 . For the sample with low MoO3 loading, LRS and FT-IR results showed that Mo6+ ions were located in the tetrahedral vacant sites on the surface of α-Fe2O3, signed as Mo- . The amount of Mo-II species, formed by Mo6+ ions incorporated into the octahedral vacant sites, increased with the MoO3 loading. Based on the assumption that the (001) plane of α-Fe2O3 is preferentially exposed, almost all the Mo6+ ions of the dispersed molybdena species existed at the surface octahedral sites for the sample with MoO3 loading close or beyond the dispersion capacity, and formed the Mo-II species. In this case, the capping O2- ions linking with the incorporated Mo6+ ions formed a surface epitaxial structure, which was in good agreement with the results predicted by the incorporation model proposed previously. XRD and Mössbauer spectroscopy of the MoO3 α-Fe2O3 samples calcined at different temperatures showed that the calcination temperature could strongly influence the interaction extent: ( i) at 420 , MoO3 dispersed on the surface of α-Fe2O3 and formed surface Mo species; (ii ) at 500 , MoO3 reacted with the bulk of α-Fe2O3 and formed Fe2(MoO4)3 compound.  相似文献   

把实数域上的M对称矩阵的概念推广到四元数体上,形成M自共轭矩阵,然后在四元数体上讨论矩阵方程AXB+CXD=E的M自共轭解及其最佳逼近问题.利用四元数矩阵的实分解和复分解,以及M自共轭矩阵的特征结构,借助Kronecker积把约束四元数矩阵方程转化为实数域上的无约束方程,克服了四元数乘法非交换运算的困难,并得到该方程具有M自共轭解的充要条件及其通解表达式.同时在解集非空的条件下,运用矩阵的分块技术及矩阵的拉直算子,获得与预先给定的四元数矩阵有极小Frobenius范数的最佳逼近解.由于M自共轭矩阵是四元数自共轭矩阵的推广,因此所得结果拓展了该方程的结构解类型.  相似文献   

In order to obtain TiO2 with high photocatalytic activity, a cathode reduction was used to dope I7+ and I5+ into TiO2 nanotubes of anodized Ti in C2H2O4•2H2O + NH4F electrolyte. SEM images show that the anodization method integrated the preparation with the doping process, which for nonmetals-doping is advantageous to maintain the morphological integrity of TiO2 nanotubes. I7+-I5+-doping enhances the UV response of TiO2 and result in a red-shift. Under UV/visible irradiation, a I7+-I5+-doped sample (400°C) showed the highest Iph and photocatalytic efficiency. A part of I in the I7+-I5+-doped sample is involved in the UV response, the red-shift and the higher Iph.  相似文献   

提出了一种新的循环矩阵,称之为首尾差r-循环矩阵(简记为FLDcircr矩阵).验证了它的线性运算、矩阵乘积、逆矩阵等仍为FLDcircr矩阵.通过构造基本FLDcircr矩阵,给出FLDcircr矩阵的判别方法及逆和广义逆的快速算法.  相似文献   

【目的】深入探讨不同轮伐期对巨尾桉人工林碳固存的影响,为从应对全球气候变化的视角确定合理轮伐期提供理论依据。【方法】以轮伐期为短(7a)、中(13a)和长周期(21a)的巨尾桉人工林为研究对象,通过对不同轮伐期桉树林分生物量、碳固存、年平均固碳量的分析,揭示不同轮伐期对桉树林分碳固存的影响。【结果】巨尾桉人工林的生物量碳随着轮伐期的延长而逐渐增加,由7a轮伐期的(75.81±5.12)t·C/hm~2增至13a轮伐期的(180.11±19.97)t·C/hm~2以及21a轮伐期的(192.08±16.50)t·C/hm~2,方差分析表明,13a和21a轮伐期的总生物量碳显著高于7a轮伐期,而13a和21a轮伐期之间的差异不显著。巨尾桉人工林土壤有机碳随轮伐期延长而显著降低,由7a轮伐期的(89.99±0.35)t·C/hm~2、13a轮伐期的(85.42±0.76)t·C/hm~2下降到21a轮伐期的(74.64±0.24)t·C/hm~2。7~13a仍是巨尾桉人工林固碳能力迅速增长期,年平均总生物量碳由7a时的10.78t·C/(hm~2·a)迅速提高到13a的19.54t·C/(hm~2·a),增长81%;21a时巨尾桉人工林进入固碳能力下降期,年平均总生物量碳降至3.78t·C/(hm~2·a),固碳能力只是13a的19.34%。【结论】在南亚热带,巨尾桉人工林的最佳轮伐期确定在13a左右较为适宜,这与经济效益的最大化一致。  相似文献   

Knowledge of seasonal climate change is one of the key issues facing Quaternary paleoclimatic studies and estimating seasonal climate change is difficult,especially changes such as seasonal length on glacial-interglacial timescales.The stable isotope composition from seasonal land snail shells provides the potential to reveal seasonal climatic features.Two modern land snail species,cold-aridiphilous Pupilla aeoli and thermo-humidiphilous Punctum orphana,were collected from different climatic zones in 18 localities across the Chinese Loess Plateau,spanning 11 degrees of longitude and covering a range of 1000 km2.The duration of the snail growing season(temperature ≥10℃) was shorter(202 ± 6 d) in the eastern Loess Plateau compared with in the western Loess Plateau(162 ±7 d).The δ13C of P.aeoli shells was ?9.1‰ to ?4.7‰ and ?5.0‰ to 0.3‰ for δ18O.For P.orphana,the δ13C ranged from ?9.1‰ to ?1.9‰ and ?8.9‰ to ?2.9‰ for δ18O.Both the δ13C and δ18O differences between the two snail species were reduced from the east to the western Loess Plateau(2.8‰ to 0.2 ± 1.1‰ for δ13C and 4.7‰ to 2.9 ± 1.3‰ for δ18O).These isotopic differences roughly reflect the difference in the growing season lengths between the east and west Loess Plateau indicating that the duration of the snail growing season shortens by 15 d or 19 d if the difference decreases by 1‰ in δ13C or δ18O,respectively.Thus,the difference in δ13C and δ18O between both snail species can be used to reveal the length of the snail growing season in the past.Based on our investigation,the length of the snail growing seasons from the Xifeng region during the last 75 ka was reconstructed.During the mid-Holocene(8-3 ka),the mean isotopic difference from both snail species reached maximum values of 2.6 ± 0.7‰ and 2.1 ± 1.4‰ for δ13C and δ18O,respectively.This was followed by MIS 3 that ranged from 2.5 ± 0.4‰ for δ13C and 1.6 ± 0.8‰ for δ18O.The Last Glacial Maximum changed by only 0.2‰ and 0.4‰ for δ13C and δ18O,respectively.Therefore,we estimate that the duration of the snail growing seasons to be ~200 ± 10 d during the mid-Holocene,190 ± 6 d in MIS 3 and 160 ± 3 d during the last glacial period.  相似文献   

Analytical-reagent-grade Al2O3 was added to magnetite ore during the process of pelletizing, and the methods of mercury intrusion, scanning electron microscopy, and image processing were used to investigate the effect of Al2O3 on the compressive strength of the pellets. The results showed that, as the Al2O3 content increased, the compressive strength of the pellets increased slightly and then decreased gradually. When a small amount of Al2O3 was added to the pellets, the Al2O3 combined with fayalite (2FeO·SiO2) and the aluminosilicate (2FeO·2Al2O3·5SiO2) was generated, which releases some iron oxide and reduces the inhibition of fayalite to the solid phase of consolidation. When Al2O3 increased sequentially, high melting point of Al2O3 particles hinder the oxidation of Fe3O4 and the recrystallization of Fe2O3, making the internal porosity of the pellets increase, which leads to the decrease in compressive strength of the pellets.  相似文献   

Field measurements of air-sea CO2 exchange in three coral reef areas of the South China Sea (i.e. the Yongshu Reef atoll of the Nansha Islands, southern South China Sea (SCS); Yongxing Island of Xisha Islands, north-central SCS; and Luhuitou Fringing Reef in Sanya of Hainan Island, northern SCS) during the summers of 2008 and 2009 revealed that both air and surface seawater partial pressures of CO2 (pCO2) showed regular diurnal cycles. Minimum values occurred in the evening and maximum values in the morning. Air pCO2 in each of the three study areas showed small diurnal variations, while large diurnal variations were ob-served in seawater pCO2. The diurnal variation amplitude of seawater pCO2 was ~70 μmol mol–1 at the Yongshu Reef lagoon, 420–619 μmol mol–1 on the Yongxing Island reef flat, and 264–579 μmol mol–1 on the reef flat of the Luhuitou Fringing Reef, and 324–492 μmol mol–1 in an adjacent area just outside of this fringing reef. With respect to spatial relations, there were large differences in air-sea CO2 flux across the South China Sea (e.g. ~0.4 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Yongshu Reef, ~4.7 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Yongxing Island, and ~9.8 mmol CO2 m–2 d–1 at Luhuitou Fringing Reef). However, these positive values suggest that coral reef ecosystems of the SCS may be a net source of CO2 to the atmosphere. Additional analyses indicated that diurnal variations of surface seawater pCO2 in the shallow water reef flat are controlled mainly by biological metabolic processes, while those of deeper water lagoons and outer reef areas are regulated by both biological metabolism and hydrodynamic factors. Unlike the open ocean, inorganic metabolism plays a significant role in influencing seawater pCO2 variations in coral reef ecosystems.  相似文献   

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