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最近几年中,“紊乱学”(Chaos)异军突起,引起了国内外研究复杂系统的学者的注意。混沌现象与有序现象之间,出现了一座新的桥梁,这就是新发现的普适常数——菲根鲍姆常数。另一方面,对复杂动态系统的研究与计算机绘图技术结合在一起产生了“非整数维几何学”(Fractals),也与紊乱学有密切联系。本文可以说是这类新学科入门的启发性文章,给出的例子实际上指出了混沌现象是怎样在非线性自耦合条件下(X_(n+1)=f(x_n))出现的。原文载H.O.Peitgen和P.H.Richter著的“The Beauty of Fractals:Images of Complex Dynamical Systems”一书,Springer-Verlag出版。  相似文献   

所谓名词性从句,是指主语、表语、宾语和同位语扩展而成的句子,在复合句中形成从句,即主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句. 一、主语从句 1 以what,whatever,whoever,how等代词引导的主语从句,汉译时,一般可按原文顺序翻译。 How the advanced worker managed to raiseproduction is of interest to us all.这位先进工人究竟是怎样提高生产的,我们大家对此很感兴趣。 Whatever form is used by the majority of edu-cated speakers or writers is correct;or as Sweetputsit.“Whatever is in general use in a languageIs,for that reason,grammatically,correct.”大多数受过教育的人说话或写作时使用的英语就是正确的英语,或如斯威特所说:“凡是语言中广泛使用的说法(仅仅这一理由)都可以认为在语法上是正确的。”  相似文献   

其次是“达”。严复所说的“达”是否可以理解为,除了译文的明白晓畅外,还要包括原文的语气,甚至于它的感情色彩。这就要求译文具备原作的风格和文体,要做到这一点也是很难的。试看下例:“La moiadre chose coatient un peu d'inconnu. Trouvez-le.”这句话原文非常简洁易懂,它由两个简单句构成,后一句更简明,只用了  相似文献   

本文归纳分析了从校对译稿中所见的属于对原文意思基本理解而在表达上的毛病(不包括对原文理解错误而造成的误译)举凡八个方面,供从事科技翻译的同行们参考。一、不善于活译词义和句子结构英汉两种语言在遣词造句方面完全一对一对等的情况是很少的。大量的是需要我们在理解原文内容的基础上,不拘泥于原文的某个词义和句子结构形式,灵活地译成通顺晓畅的汉语。例:Progressively lighter blues develop at increasing temperature,until at 700°F the colors disappear。原译:在增高的温度下,产生出逐渐较浅的蓝色,直  相似文献   

这是一个翻译中经常遇到的问题,也是一个比较棘手的问题,这里想谈谈个人的一些看法和做法.一、明确词的多义性(polysémie)要解决问题,必先认识问题.词汇是语言的构造材料,不掌握某种语言的词汇的含义,就不可能通晓某一种语言;翻译时若不深刻了解原文词汇的意义、用法,就不能准确地用另一种语言材料表达原文的意思.因而,对词汇的了解,是搞好翻译的前提之  相似文献   

在英译汉时,有时会遇到这样的情况:必须使用与原文相反的字样才能确切地译出原文的含义。这种翻译方法称为“反译法”。科技文章要求逻辑严密、表义精确,这种反译法也并不鲜见。下面分两个方面举例说明。  相似文献   

关于“生命伦理”中医疗方面的最新观点为大家介绍几篇,一篇是徐新明老师今年6月的最新译作,一篇来源于科学与发展网络,最后一篇改编自《中新网》。在文章的下面有原文的出处,感兴趣的读者可以到原文网址查看或联系我们杂志社。  相似文献   

On December 21, Prof. Chen Yiyu, President of NSFC, met with Dr. Elias, Zerhouni, Director of Na- tional Institutes of Health of the US. Information of the two organizations and ideas about possibilities of future collaboration were exchanged. Prof. Han jianguo, Director General of Bureau of International Cooperation, NS- FC, Prof. Bai Ge, Deputy Director General of Bureau of International Cooperation, NSFC attended the meet- ing.President Chen Yiyu Met with Dr. Elias Zerhou…  相似文献   

April 12,2004, Prof. Zhu Daoben, Vice President of NSFC, met with Prof. Peter J. Stang, Member of the National Academy of Sciences of US, Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and distinguished Professor of the University of Utah.  相似文献   

Invited by Prof. Zhang Cunhao, Honorary President of NSFC and Chairman of Supervision Committee of NSFC, a delegation headed by Dr. Christine C. Boesz, Inspector General of NSF visited China from Oct. 14— 29, 2005. On Oct. 17, 2005, Prof. Zhu Zuoyan, Vice President of NSFC and Prof. Zhang Cunhao, Chairman of Supervision Committee of NSFC met with the delegation. The two sides exchanged views on the supervisory work of science fund in the two countries. Prof. Yue Zhonghou, …  相似文献   

Prof. Zhu Zuoyan, Vice President of NSFC, met with the delegation from Canadian Institutes of HealthResearch (CIHR) on December 8, 2004. The delegation includes Dr. Remi Quirion, Director of the Institute ofNeurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, CIHR, Dr. Anthony Phillips, President of the Governing Councilof CIHR, Dr. Song Weihong, professor of the University of British Columbia and Dr. Li Xinmin, professor ofthe University of Saskatchevan. The main purpose of the vis…  相似文献   

正Prof. Li JingHai is the President and the Party Leadership Group Secretary of NSFC.Prof.Li graduated from the Department of Thermal Engineering of the Harbin Institute of Technology in 1982.He entered a master's degree program at his alma mater in the same year.He obtained his Ph.D.from the Institute of Process Engineering(IPE),Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

<正>The Eighth Meeting of Heads of Research Councils in Asia(A-HORCs) was held in Xi'an on September 16th.Prof.Chen Yiyu,President of the National Science Foundation of China(NSFC),Prof.Motoyuki Ono,President of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS) and Prof.Kyuhan Bae,Director General of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) headed their delegations at the presence. As the host,Prof.Chen chaired the meeting. The theme of the meeting is Science Planning.The three parties presented next 5-year perspectives of respective research councils and discussed on subjects such as funding plans and implementation of pro-  相似文献   

On 13 October, 2008. NSFC Vice President Prof. Shen Wenqing met with a Canadian delegation, which consists of Dr. Suzanna Fortier, President of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), Dr. Martin Godbout, President of Genome Canada, Dr. Paul Hebert, Professor of University of Guelph and Dr. Christian Burks, President and CEO of Ontario Genomics Institute. Both sides exchanged the latest progress on new developments of each organization.  相似文献   

On June,15th,2011,State Councilor,Madam.Liu Yandong met with Mr.Zare,Chairman of the International Evaluation Committee(IEC) for the funding and management performance of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),former chairman of the National Science Board in Beijing. Mr.Han Qide,Vice Chairman of IEC,Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of NPC,and Mr.Winnacker, former President of DFG,were also present at the meeting.  相似文献   

The Science Fund Performance Evaluation Delegation, headed by Prof. Sun Jiaguang, Vice President of NSFC, visited the U. S. A. from July 6 to 11, 9008. During the visit, the delegation met with the administrative sections of the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and obtained more comprehensive under-standing of the concepts, procedures, structures and relevant working systems of performance evaluation at NSF and NIH through face-to-face consultation and discussion. The delegation was composed of NSFC staff from the Bureau of Planning, Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Policy, Bureau of International Cooperation, General Office and a representative from the Chinese Ministry of Finance.  相似文献   

On Feb.7,2007, NSFC Vice President Prof. Shen Wenqing met with Dr.Allan Shotter,Director of TRIUM,National Laboratory for Particle and Nuclear Physics of Canada.The two sides exchanged ideas on the current and future bilateral eooperation in the field of particle and nuclear physies.CAS Member Chen Jia' er, Prof.Zhang Liqun, Deputy Director-General of NSFC Department of Mathematical and Physical Sciences and Ms.Bai Ge, Deputy Director-General of the Bureau of International Cooperation attended the meeting.  相似文献   

Prof. Chen Yiyu, President of NSFC, met with Prof. O'Reilly, Chief Executive of Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and President of the Institution of Electrical Engineering (IEE).After Prof. Chen's welcome address, Prof. O'Reilly briefed about the purpose of his China tour and Sir Alf Roberts, IEE CEO, about IEE. Prof. He Minghong, Deputy Secretary-General and Director General of the Bureau of  相似文献   

Under funding support from NSFC, Minstry of Science and Technology, and CAS, Dr. Zhitao Deng and Dr. Wei Ji of research team led by Prof. Hongjun Gao of Institute of Physics of CAS did their research in modified the STM tip state by an adsorbed perylene molecule. They selectivly imaged on electron states of perylene molecules  相似文献   

<正>The 13th Meeting of Heads of Research Councils in Asia(A-HORCs)was held in Okinawa,Japan on November 10,2015.Prof.Gao Wen,Vice President of the National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC),Prof.Yuichiro Anzai,President of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(JSPS)and Prof.Min Keun Chung,President of the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF)headed their respective delegations to attend the Meeting.  相似文献   

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