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The combined adjustment project of the nationwide astronomical geodetic networks and 2000' national GPS control network involve 48519 terrestrial observational stations and 2666 GPS observational stations. In the terrestrial network, 25107 stations are height fixed and 23412 stations are in three dimensions. 440793 terrestrial observations and 183668 unknowns are involved in the adjustment. The three-dimensional observational models for the adjustment have been established. The crustal deformation influences and corrections are researched. Fast methods of solving partitioned adjustment for super large-scale geodetic network have been studied. The standard deviations of three-dimensional coordinates for all stations are evaluated. As a result of the combined adjustment, a unified national geodetic network with nearly 50000 stations is established, the high accurate three-dimensional geocentric coordinates are obtained. The standard deviation for geoid is averagely 0.2 m, for vertical deflection is about 1.5″, for the horizontal position is about 0.12 m, for the geodetic height is about 0.14 m, and for the three-dimensional position is averagely 0.3 m.  相似文献   

Chinese geodetic coordinate system 2000   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The basic strategies in establishing the Chinese geodetic coordinate system 2000 have been summarized, including the definition of the coordinate system, the structure of the terrestrial reference frame, the functional and stochastic models involved in the realization of the reference frame as well as the improvements of the adjustment procedures. First, the fundamental frame of the coordinate system is composed of the permanent GPS tracking network in China which is integrated into the international GPS service stations by combined adjustment, in order to guarantee the consistence between the international terrestrial reference system and the Chinese geodetic coordinate system. Second, the extended frame of the coordinate system is composed of the unified 2000' national GPS network which is integrated by 6 nationwide GPS networks with more than 2500 stations under the controlling of the fundamental frame. Third, the densified frame is composed of national astronomical geodetic network with nearly 50 thousand stations which was updated by the combined adjustment with the 2000' national GPS network, thus the datum of the national astronomical geodetic network has been unified and the precision greatly improved. By the optimal data fusion method the influences of the datum errors, systematic errors and the outliers in the separated geodetic networks are weakened in the unified Chinese geodetic coordinate frame. The significance in application of the new geodetic coordinate system and the existing problems in the reference frame are described and analyzed.  相似文献   

结合某市国土C级GPS控制网的建设项目,针对项目同时提交的2000和1980坐标成果要求,阐述了项目建设的技术思路和布设方案,以及观测和数据处理的方法,体现出GPS在控制测量中的优势,探讨了GPS网的建立与适用性问题,提出了针对大型GPS控制网的布设技术的指导性建议.  相似文献   

GPS测量控制网网形的优化设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
网形设计是制定施测方案的基础,它侧重考虑如何保证和检核GPS数据质量;施测方案则立足于测区实际情况和拥有的接收机台数,考虑如何按照设计的网形完成CPS测量任务。  相似文献   

为了解决GPS控制网优化设计问题,得出在布网方案和平差模型方面都与经典网不同的情况下,GPS控制网优化设计的方法,本文从经典控制网优化设计着手,总结了GPS控制网优化设计的数学模型,推导了GPS控制网优化设计的精度估算指标、可靠性估算指标和经费估算指标,并在此基础上总结出了GPS控制网优化设计的方法与具体步骤。  相似文献   

横向误差在贯通测量中至关重要。当地面控制采用GPS网时,其二维平差一般是先将WGS—84椭球(E_0)上的三维向量,经高斯投影公式转换成地方椭球(E_1)上的二维向量后再进行平差,得各GPS点的高斯平面坐标,最后由坐标平移和旋转公式得施工平面坐标。同时也分析了这一数据处理过程对贯通横向误差的影响。图1,表2,参10。  相似文献   

贺小星  周世健 《江西科学》2012,30(3):295-298,318
讨论了某城区D级GPS控制网的建立以及数据后处理的相关问题,采用TEQC软件对GPS观测数据进行预处理,以HD2003软件包进行基线处理及网平差,对基于坐标模式的联合网平差作了一些探讨。  相似文献   

根据包头市的现实情况,详细介绍了高精度GPS网的建立及似大地水准面精化实施的有关情况,通过对成果精度进行分析,可满足包头市今后基准测绘不同层次的需要。  相似文献   

公路桥梁测边网的布设与平差方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了减小传统方法布设公路桥梁设计、施工控制网的外业工作量和内业计算的繁杂性,运用红外测距仪或全站仪布设公路桥梁测边网,采用条件平差的计算方法,建立条件方程式和法方程式,计算各边角的平差值。应用实例表明,公路桥梁测边网的布设与计算精度满足有关技术规范要求,便于公路工程技术人员现场应用和计算。  相似文献   

介绍了采用间接平差法进行数据处理,用模拟法进行优化设计的系统.该系统可以处理多种控制网的观测数据,自动显示网形图,可以对图形进行放大缩小等操作,并提供网的总体精度、局部精度等多种指标.对导线网进行的试验表明,优化前后的控制网的精度有明显提高,网形更加合理.  相似文献   

针对目前计算机无法在有限时间内对大规模路网车流调整进行精确求解的问题,提出了解决大规模路网车流调整的新算法.首先提出快速简化路网的拉手法,然后依据最优车流径路将非支点站的重车流归并形成各支点车站间重车流,接着根据铁路局(公司)的装卸车计划,得到各车站的产生或者需要的空车量,并采用求解运输问题的表上作业法得到空车OD量.以我国济南局路网为例,在matlab环境下,对本文提出算法的有效性进行模拟试验.结果显示:采用本方法进行车流优化调整,实现了有限时间内精确求解大规模路网车流调整的问题,为铁路行车调度部门及时有效地调配车流提供计算机解决方案.  相似文献   

基于矿区GPS网投影带和投影面的合理选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对许多矿区远离国家3°带中央子午线或是地势较高,造成GPS控制网的边长尺度与开采水平以及地面实际测量的边长尺度不相一致,产生长度投影变形,从而使其成果不能满足1:500比例尺测图和施工放样以及巷道贯通的精度要求这一重要的技术问题.从理论上分析了将实测边长归算到参考椭球面上和将参考椭球面上的边长归算到高斯投影面上的长度变形影响规律,讨论限制和减小这种投影变形影响的理论方法.提出了合理选择投影带和投影面的具体方案,并以大同矿区GPS网平面坐标系统建立中投影带和投影面的选择实例验证了该方法在实际应用中是切实可行的.  相似文献   

通过对长春市某重点工程项目二期施工平面控制网建立过程的介绍,从不同角度分析和总结在小区域建立施工平面控制网时应注意的问题和采取的措施,以及各阶段控制的精度关联因素等。  相似文献   

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