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安固里淖全新世湖面变化及其环境意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
地貌证据和钻孔沉积特征分析表明,安固里淖全新世湖面变化分为4个时期:湖面快速上升时期(10000~7300aBP),高湖面时期(7300~6230aBP),湖面快速下降时期(6230~5300aBP),湖面波支动性下降时期(5300aBP以来),其中高湖面达到现代湖面以上28m的位置,代表全新世气候最暖湿的时期。安固里淖全新世湖面变化及其反映的气候变化,与邻近地区具有良好的对应关系,其高湖面与中国  相似文献   

陇中黄土高原全新世植被变化及干旱事件的孢粉记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐领余  安成邦 《自然科学进展》2007,17(10):1371-1382
甘肃定西、秦安等地5个全新世黄土沉积剖面的孢粉记录,分别以每个样品分辨率为200—20 a,揭示了研究区1万多年以来古植被曾经历过草原、森林草原(或疏林草原)、针叶林或温带森林以及荒漠草原几种植被的多次演化过程.大部分时间内是以草原或森林草原(或疏林草原)植被为主.在全新世中期,约7.6—5.9 kaBP有近1700a时间发育有森林植被,在这个时期当地自然植被覆盖度较高,反映当时气候环境比较温湿.而草原或疏林草原发育时期植被往往较稀疏,反映气候相对的干冷.根据出现的不同类型植物的孢粉浓度及其生态环境特性,结合地层、有机质、粒度、蜗牛化石和炭屑等其他代用指标分析结果反映,早中全新世是比较温暖湿润的时期,大约在8.8—5.8 kaBP高湿润期最明显,呈现湿地/沼泽沉积地层;自3.8 kaBP以后孢粉成分、含量和浓度明显降低,植被开始向荒漠草原化演变,气候环境总的变化趋势是逐渐变冷干.以苏家湾和大地湾剖面为例,根据云杉含量和针叶树种总量以及花粉总浓度计算结果推测,全新世可能存在着7次较明显的气候干寒事件.  相似文献   

杭嘉湖平原全新世沉积的孢粉组合及其意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对杭嘉湖平原六个钻孔的全新世沉积的孢粉分析,揭示了本区全新世沉积的六个孢粉组合,它们自下而上分别为:(1)松属、栎属、禾本科孢粉组合;(2)栎属、松属、禾本科孢粉组合;(3)青刚栎属、栲属、栎属、藜科孢粉组合;(4)松属、栎属、禾本科、藜科孢粉组合;(5)栎属、青刚栎属、栲属,禾本科孢粉组合(6)栎属、禾本科、水龙骨科孢粉组合.这六个孢粉组合反映了本地区全新世时期存在着六个古植被演变阶段和相应的六次气候波动,为本地区全新世地层划分提供了重要依据.  相似文献   

河南洛阳寺河南剖面中全新世以来的孢粉分析及环境变化   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
对河南洛阳寺河南剖面进行的高分辨率的孢粉分析表明,该地区中全新世以来的孢粉组合以草本植物占绝对优势。其中以蒿属(Artemisia)最为丰富,其次为禾本科(Gramineae)和藜科(Chinopodiaceae)。乔木花粉含量较少,以松属(Pinus)为主。根据孢粉组合的变化,将剖面划分为5个孢粉组合带。早期(7.235~7.380 aBP)气候较为寒冷干燥,缺少乔木花粉。随着全新世大暖期的到来,在Ⅱ孢粉带上乔木花粉大量出现,种类丰富。尤其5.625~6.120 aBP期间出现了很多喜暖树种,是中全新世以来气候最好的时期。在4.580~5.625 aBP期间,乔木花粉急剧减少,表明气候发生恶化。随着气候的逐渐好转,乔木花粉在Ⅳ孢粉带(3.090~4.580 aBP)上重新出现,但喜暖树种较少。3.090 aBP以后出现较多的禾本科花粉,可能和该地区人类活动的增强相关。  相似文献   

平潭岛全新世孢粉组合及其地质意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择平潭岛芦洋埔平原南部和北部两个钻孔岩芯,作为该地区全新世沉积地层代表,进行系统的孢粉研究,得出孢粉组合,从而恢复了平潭岛全新世古植被及古环境,探讨了平潭岛全新世地层时代的划分与对比及海平面变化。  相似文献   

在利用剖面孢粉数据准确恢复古植被类型时,存在较大的地方性差异,本文选取岐山、西峰、耀县、秦安、定西、宝鸡等不同位置、不同地貌类型的几个剖面全新世孢粉资料,利用孢粉百分含量与浓度数据,通过对比统计,得出剖面孢粉组合的地方分异性特征.建议为准确恢复古植被类型,应依据本剖面的孢粉资料分析结果,并考虑大的气候背景条件和具体地点的地理位置,地貌类型等小环境因素决定的地域性规律,来修正古植被类型.  相似文献   

杭嘉湖平原全新世沉积的孢粉组合及其意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对杭嘉湖平原六个钻孔的全新世沉积的孢粉分析,揭示了本区全新世沉积的六个孢粉组合,它们自下而上分别为:(1)松属、栎属、禾本科孢粉组合;(2)栎属、松属、禾本科孢粉组合;(3)青刚栎属、栲属、栎属、藜科孢粉组合;(4)松属、栎属、禾本科、藜科孢粉组合;(5)栎属、青刚栎属、栲属,禾本科孢粉组合(6)栎属、禾本科、水龙骨科孢粉组合。这六个孢粉组合反映了本地区全新世时期存在着六个古植被演变阶段和相应的六次气候波动,为本地区全新世地层划分提供了重要依据。  相似文献   

下辽河平原全新世孢粉组合与古气候演化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王秀玲  介冬梅  李瑛 《河南科学》2010,28(7):794-798
通过对下辽河滨海平原区田家镇LT钻孔样品不同种属孢粉所占的数量百分比进行分析,将柱状样划分了7个孢粉组合带.根据各孢粉带的不同孢粉组合特征,利用对应分析方法以及在14C测年技术的支持下,重建了该地区全新世以来以温湿—暖湿—湿热—冷干—暖湿—凉干为特征的古气候演化序列.  相似文献   

A 5.3 m lake core was drilled in Baahar Nuur Lake in the Ordos Plateau, and measurements of meangrain size, organic δ 13C (δ 13Corg), organic carbon content (TOC), C/N, carbonate content, carbonate δ 13C(δ 13Ccar) and δ 18O (δ 18Ocar) were conducted for retrieving the Holocene chronosequence of climaticchanges based on 15 AMS 14C dates. The record documented four major stages of climate change inthe Ordos Plateau: (IV) a cold and dry condition before ~7.65 14C ka BP; (III) a warm and humid stagebetween ~7.65 and ~5.40 ka BP; (II) a generally drier and cooler climate since ~5.40 ka BP with twohumid events occurring from ~4.70 to ~4.60 ka BP and from ~4.20 to ~3.70 ka BP, and (I) a dry climatecharacterized by complete desiccation of the lake after 3.70 ka BP. Stage III can be further divided intothree sub-stages: (IIIa) a warm and humid episode from ~7.65 to ~6.70 ka BP, (IIIb) a warm and relativelydry episode from ~6.70 to ~6.20 ka BP, and (IIIc) the magthermal and maghumid episode of the Holo-cene from ~6.20 to ~5.40 ka BP.  相似文献   

A continuous 7.44 m lake core was successfully drilled at Gun Nuur Lake, northern Mongolia, and analyses on environment magnetic parameters, organic matter content and organic δ^13C were conducted in an attempt to retrieve the Holocene chronosequence of climatic changes based on 6 AMS ^14C dates. We found that the Holocene climate in northern Mongolia has been alternating between cold (or cool)/wet conditions and warm/arid conditions, and also punctuated with a series of abrupt climate shifts. The abrupt climate shifts occurred around 1750, 2800, 4000, 5200, 7200, and 9200 aBP (^14C age), being chronologically correlative to those abrupt climatic events recorded in the high-latitude North Atlantic Ocean. The correlation indicates that the climatic changes in northern Mongolia were linked with those in the North Atlantic Ocean probably via the North Atlantic Oscillation-affected westerly winds. The strength and position of westerly winds might have modulated the Siberian-Mongolian high pressure system (winter monsoon), directly influencing the climate in China.  相似文献   

Based on modern pollen studies and reliable chronology of nine AMS 14C dates, a detailed history of vegetation and climate changes during the past 8660 cal. a BP was reconstructed by a high-resolution pollen record from Ugii Nuur in central Mongolia. Poaceae-steppe dominated the study area and the climate was mild and semi-humid before 7800 cal. a BP with a noticeable cool and humid interval at 8350―8250 cal. a BP. Xerophytic plant increased and the climate became warm and dry gradually since 7800 cal. a BP...  相似文献   

通过对萨拉乌苏河流域滴哨沟湾左岸沉积剖面常量元素Si、Al、Fe、Ca、Mg、K、Na含量及其比值变化的分析,结合~(14)C测年结果及粒度、有机质指标,并综合已有研究,探讨了该地区全新世以来的气候变化.研究表明,9.6ka BP前气候干冷,沉积相为风成沉积;9.6~8.4ka BP气候由干冷向暖湿转变,期间存在干冷波动;8.4~4.0ka BP进入全新世大暖期,其中,8.4~6.5ka BP为全新世大暖期的鼎盛时期,降水增加,积水成湖,湖泊水位高且稳定;6.5ka BP气候发生明显转变;6.5~4.0ka BP湖泊水位逐步下降形成富含螺壳的浅水环境,但气候整体仍较为湿润;4.0~1.2ka BP气候变干冷,发育沼泽;1.2~0.7ka BP气候转暖湿,沉积相由沼泽相转变为湖泊相;0.7~0.5ka BP为河流相沉积,气候较为干冷.剖面记录的气候变化可与东亚季风变化、温度变化、太阳辐射进行对比,反映了该区域气候变化与全球气候变化的一致性.  相似文献   

A high-resolution pollen record of the past 13000 a from Huguangyan Maar Lake reveals the vegetation and environment changes in southern China during the Holocene. It shows that (i) pollen percentage of trees and shrubs reached 56% during the early Holocene (11600―7800 cal a BP), of which the pollen percentage of tropical trees reached a maximum at 9500―8000 cal a BP, reflecting a hot and wet envi- ronment; (ii) during the mid-Holocene (7800―4200 cal a BP), the pollen percentage of montane conif- erous trees and herbs increased, while the percentage of tropical-subtropical trees decreased, indi- cating lower temperature and humidity; (iii) in the late Holocene spanning from 4200 to 350 cal a BP, the pollen percentage of herbs and montane conifer increased significantly, indicating a marked decrease of temperature and humidity. Our pollen data reveal that the time period 9500―8000 cal a BP in south- ern China represents a climatic optimum for the Holocene characterized by hot and wet conditions. This is consistent with the Holocene optimum found in lower latitude regions globally. We speculate that strong insolation might cause the northward migration of the ITCZ and subtropical summer mon- soon front, which resulted in an early Holocene optimum in the Huguangyan area. The dry tendency and climate fluctuations of the middle and late Holocene could be associated with a decrease in solar insolation and frequent ENSO event.  相似文献   

A high-resolution pollen record of the past 13000 a from Huguangyan Maar Lake reveals the vegetation and environment changes in southern China during the Holocene. It shows that (i) pollen percentage of trees and shrubs reached 56% during the early Holocene (11600-7800 cal a BP), of which the pollen percentage of tropical trees reached a maximum at 9500-8000 cal a BP, reflecting a hot and wet environment; (ii) during the mid-Holocene (7800-4200 cal a BP), the pollen percentage of montane coniferous trees and herbs increased, while the percentage of tropical-subtropical trees decreased, indicating lower temperature and humidity; (iii) in the late Holocene spanning from 4200 to 350 cal a BP, the pollen percentage of herbs and montane conifer increased significantly, indicating a marked decrease of temperature and humidity. Our pollen data reveal that the time period 9500-8000 cal a BP in southern China represents a climatic optimum for the Holocene characterized by hot and wet conditions. This is consistent with the Holocene optimum found in lower latitude regions globally. We speculate that strong insolation might cause the northward migration of the ITCZ and subtropical summer monsoon front, which resulted in an early Holocene optimum in the Huguangyan area. The dry tendency and climate fluctuations of the middle and late Holocene could be associated with a decrease in solar insolation and frequent ENSO event.  相似文献   

A typical lake sediment core is obtained from the Chaohu Lake in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River,Anhui Province,China.The timing scale is constrained by AMS 14 C dating method.Climate proxies such as pollen and grain size in the core are analyzed to reconstruct the environment changes at this site approximately between 9870 and 2170 cal.a BP.The results indicate that at the research area, the climate in the early-middle Holocene had evolved through 3 stages.From 9870 to 6040 cal.a BP, proxy records show a warm and dry climate with low water levels after the late-glacial period.During this stage,cool and dry events occurred at about 8910 and 6060-6030 cal.a BP.Then,between 6040 and 4860 cal.a BP,the climate was humid and vegetation was more flourishing in the Chaohu Lake Valley.The Holocene Optimum occurred at 5840-5500 cal.a BP in the Chaohu Lake,showing the best condition of water and heat.Elm Decline occurred at the period of 5380-4930 cal.a BP.Since 4860 cal.a BP,the climate was warm and dry through 2170 cal.a BP as shown in both pollen spectrum and grain-size histories.Two obvious dry events occurred in 3760 and 2170 cal.a BP,respectively.At 2170 cal.a BP,the water level of the Chaohu Lake reached the lowest as the lakebed possibly exposed. Such lake sediment observations are consistent with the historical records in this area.  相似文献   

By careful sampling and accurate analysis of recent sediments, the time series of sediment grain sizes and 6" 1B0, S 13C of carbonates in recent 700 years are successfully established, based on which the evolutionary history of the regional climate and environment in Erhai Lake is reconstructed. The results show that the climatic succession type in the region of Erhai Lake is warm-dry and cold-humid alternatively, and there exist 200 and 400 years of quasi-periodical changes in temperature and 100, 200 and 400 years of quasi-periodical changes in aridity/humidity regime. The two coldest periods in recent 700 years occurred in the 14th century and the duration of 1550—1800 AD. The latter period may be the imprint left of the Little Ice Age.  相似文献   

Based on pollen records in B-3GC gravity core, environmental change since 9500 aBP of Okinawa Trough and its adjacent islands was derived. The result showed that the most time during this period was in a warm temperate climate except in middle Holocene (6800-4400 aBP) that was under subtropical climate control. During 9500–8300 aBP and 3100–2000 aBP periods, it appeared colder and drier than the rest time. The original area of pollen sources surrounding Okinawa Trough was covered by evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forest alternatively with mixed broad-leaf-conifer forest distributed in high mountainous areas. Usually, these three kinds of forests existed at the same time with difference in altitude. Pollen from subtropical and tropical plants increased obviously in about 5000–6000 aBP, reflecting a great lifting of vegetation zone and expansion of evergreen broad-leaf forest in the study area. However, there was a slight descending of plant zone and shrinking of evergreen broadleaf forest during 9500-8300 aBP and 3000-2000 aBP. During the remaining periods vegetation zone was higher than the present but in a limited range.  相似文献   

The results of sedimentary characteristics,grain-size,clay mineral,C/N and pollen analysis reveal the evolution history of the Shuangchi Maar Lake of Hainan Island as well as the short-term climate variations in tropical areas.It is testified that the Maar sediment system was sensitive in recording the rapid climate changes in the Holocene.These multidisciplinary results demonstrate that the thermal maximum in the Holocene climate lasted from 7200 to 2700 aBP,with serveral abrupt ephemeral vibrations occurring between 7250-6120aBP and at around 4460,3850 and 2700 aBP.In the late Holocent,particularly at -2700 aBP,a distinct environmental change indicating an important climate transition in the tropical eastern Asia was recorded,probably responding to the enhancement of ENSO phenomena in the Pacific Ocean.In addition,the high-resolution algae record clearly indicates periodical climate fluctuations at 500 a cyclicity during the last 2500 years.  相似文献   

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