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Loess deposit in the northeastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau offers an excellent record of climate and environment changes in this region.We have conducted multiparameter mineral magnetic analyses of smaples of loess deposits from the Dongchuan,Lalakou and Panzishan sections.The methods used include magnetic susceptibility,fre-quency-dependent suceptibility,temperature-dependent susceptibility,isothermal remanent magnetization acquisibility.Maghemite and hematite is also present in the loess layers and paleosol horizons.The higher concentration of maghemite in paleosols suggests that the formation of maghemite occurred during in situ pedogenesis,which plays an important role in the enhancement of the magnetic susceptibitily.Similar to that in the Chinese Loess Plateau lying to the east of the Liupan Mountains,magnetic granulometry in the studied loess and paleosols is predominantly pseudo-single-domain(PSD). However,the mean grain-size of the ferrimagnetic minerals in loess is evidently coarser (larger PSD and multiomain-like) than in paleosols (mainly PSD).The magnetic susceptibility of loess and paleosols is positively correlated with the content of ultrafine magnet-ite/maghemite grains,and hence with the intensity of in situ pedogenesis.Therefore,the enhanced magnetic susceptibility in the studied loess-paleosol sequences can be interpreted as being due to climatically induced in situ pedogenesis.  相似文献   

Since the 1990s, the papers and data involved withthe South China Sea (SCS) have been emerging in largenumbers in the world as people pay more attention to thepaleoceanography of the SCS. There have been more than100 cores mentioned in papers containing p…  相似文献   

XRD, TEM, SEM and EDS are employed to analyze smectites in the clay fraction of the surface sediments from the East Pacific. It is shown from the XRD results that the clay fraction consists of about 20% smectites.Three types of smectites are identified, Fe-rich (Type Ⅰ), Fe,Mg-rich (Type Ⅱ) and Na,Ca smectite (Type Ⅲ), and most of them are not well-crystallized. Type Ⅰ is widely distributed in sediments, showing honeycomblike in the SEM, and aggregated or dispersive hairlike, or cloudy assemblage with a bit curl near its edge in the TEM. This type is considered to be typomorphic type of authigenic smectite in the East Pacific. Type Ⅱ is similar to Type Ⅰ in micromorphology in the TEM, showing a transition micronite, while Type Ⅲ is tabletlike in the TEM with an unclear edge. Type Ⅰ may be altered from voleanics and some of them even precipitated from the low subthermal water. Type Ⅱ could also be formed in the ocean floor, while Type Ⅲ comes from dry and distant continental area. This study suggests that the characteristic of chemical composition and morphology of smectite may give a clue to understand sediment source, origin of minerals and sedimentation in the deep sea.  相似文献   

The characteristic distributions of magnetic susceptibility (MS) are analyzed on the basis of susceptibility of 172 surface sediment samples in the southern Yellow Sea (SYS). The preliminary results are as follows: first, the distributions clearly correspond to different modern sediment assemblages in the continental sea, which indicates different sediment origins. With the 30 μCGS isoline being taken as demarcation line, the study area can then be divided into section H (high MS value area) and section L (low MS value area). Section H is mainly adjacent to land with two main sources of the Changjiang River and the Huanghe River.Section L is mainly an eddy sediment area, where Yellow Sea Cold Water is entrenched all the year round. The distribution pattern of MS could tell apart strong or weak hydrodynamic conditions and has a close relation to the circulation system in this area. At the areas of the SYS Circumfluent and northern East China Sea (NECS) Circumfluent (weak hydrodynamic), the MS has low values, while in the areas of Coastal Current (strong hydrodynamic), the values are high.At the same time, the oxidizing areas tend to take on higher MS, while the reducing areas have lower one. It seems safe to say that the MS in the continental sea reflects more of the sediment origin and sedimentary environment, which is different from that of loess, lake and surface soil as a climate proxy.  相似文献   

Multiple magnetic parameters were measured for nine different grain-sized fractions separated from the sediment samples that are representatives of four different sedimentary environments of the Okinawa Trough. Based on the measured results, the contributions of different grain-sized particles to total magnetic susceptibility of bulk sediments, the magnetic mineral assemblage and magnetic domain state as well as their relationships to sedimentary environment were discussed. Our research shows that the magnetic mineral is dominated by magnetite with a small amount of hematite and is primarily in pseudo-single-domain state. That indicates that the different sedimentary environments in the Okinawa Trough have certain correlation in material provenance. The magnetic minerals enrich in different grain-sized particles in response to different sedimentary environments. The contribution of the grain sizes from coarse to fine to coarse and fine to the magnetic susceptibility from the west to the east is in accordance with terrigenous material transportation from continental shelf of the East China Sea to the Okinawa Trough. It also shows difference in magnetic properties as a result of some environmental factors.  相似文献   

This is a report on magnetic properties of highroad-side tree (Pinus pumila Regel) leaves collected along an expressway linking Beijing City and the Capital International Airport and further focus on their environmental contributions. A series of rock magnetic experiments show that the primary mag-netic mineral of leaf samples was identified to be magnetite,in the pseudo-single domain (PSD) grain size range 0.2―5.0 μm. On the other hand,magnet-ite concentration and grain size in leaves are ascer-tained to decrease with increasing of sampling dis-tance to highroad asphalt surface,suggesting that high magnetic response to traffic pollution is localized within a distance of some two meters away from highroad asphalt surface. Although magnetic suscep-tibility is ordinarily regarded as a simple,rapid and low-cost method for monitoring traffic pollution,saturation isothermal remanent magnetization (SIRM) can be treated as a valid proxy for monitoring air par-ticulate matter (PM) when samples are magnetically weak. It is believed that a synthetic rock magnetic study is an effective method for determining concen-tration and grain size of ferromagnets in the atmos-pheric PM,and then it should be a rapid and feasible technique for monitoring atmospheric pollution.  相似文献   

Three short geomagnetic excursions, the Go thenburg, Mono Lake and Mungo (or Maelifell) in the Brunhes Positive Polarity period, were revealed based on the studies of magnetostratigraphy, susceptibility (χ) and δ^18O of sediments in core WP 92-5 from the central temperature area of the Western Pacific Warm Pool (WPWP), and the ages of them are 12.1--11.3 kaBP, 25.0--24.0 kaBP, and 31.0--28.0 kaBP respectively. Furthermore, the Younger Dryas (YD) and Heinrich (H) cold events were also discovered in this core by the susceptibility record. The YD cold event occurred at the depth of 30--22 cm with an age of 11.5--10.6 kaBP; H1, H2 and H3 cold events occurred at depths of 51--39 cm, 108---91 cm and 140--126 cm with ages of 15.1--13.0 kaBP, 25.0--22.1 kaBP and 30.6---28.2 kaBP respectively, which well correspond to the HI, H2, H3 events recorded by susceptibility of core SU90-09 from middle Atlantic, indicating that the susceptibility change of marine sediments can be an important sign of climatic frequent fluctuations.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that paleoclimatic changes and tectonic events strongly affect hominoid evolution. The Zhupeng section at Yuanmou Basin, southwestern China, with the hominoid-bearing fluvial-lacustrine sediments, is an ideal natural laboratory to test this hypothesis. This study provided an integrated magnetic study, including low-frequency susceptibility, the anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, temperature-dependent susceptibility, hysteresis loops, isothermal remanent magnetization, and anhysteretic remanent magnetization, on samples from the Baozidongqing section at Zhupeng. Results show that the dominant mag- netic carrier is hematite, with minor amount of magnetite. Both the composition and concentration of magnetic miner- als strongly correlate with the lithostratigraphy. At least eight short-term events defined by higher concentrations of magnetite were identified. These short events reflect that the subtropical dry-hot climate is similar to today's climate. Basing on the lithostratigraphic and rock magnetic results, we suggest that Yuanmou Basin was in a steady deposition environment from about 11 to 7 Ma, which is characterized by alternating of long-term torrid-humid climate and short-term dry-hot climate. Our study provides invaluable environment information for understanding the climate shift and the relationship between paleoenvironment and hominoid evolution in southwestern China during late Miocene.  相似文献   

Sm-Nd isotope systematics of ores and fluorites places precise time constraints on REE mineralization of the Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE deposit in Yunnan Province which occur in the Proterozoic Kunyan group. The ore-related fluorites contain high abundant REE, and show a strong enrichment of LREE and a positive Eu anomaly, which is in marked contrast to post-ore fluorites that are HREE enriched. The Sm-Nd isochron ages of the ores and fluorites are 1539±40 Ma and 1617±100 Ma, respectively, and calculated εNd(t) are -4.6 and -3.2. Accurate age determinations of the mineralization demonstrate that the REE mineralization took place during early Mesoproterozoic. Together with other geological evidence from the ore deposit, the primary REE-bearing ore-forming fluids are suggested to have been derived from the Enriched Mantle, and the Yinachang Fe-Cu-REE ore deposit is of volcanic exhalation- hydrothermal sedimentary origin. This study also imply that the sudden large-scale REE mineralization in the Mesoproterozoic epoch may have been induced by alkaline-rich anorogenic magmatism which occurred at marginal rifts of the continent in the Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   

The authors have made a further investigation on the tidal-zone paleoforest remains found in the Shenhu bay,Fujian Province.By surveying (scale of 1:500) and numbering of the remains,65 tree trunks were found.They are relatively concentrated in three different regions from south to north.Their growing ages ranged from 45 a to 100a. 22 ancient trunks‘ sections with low degree of carbonization show that the paleoforest was composed of Keteleeria Carr., Morus L.and Gleditsia L.^14C dating shows that the paleoforest was living in 9420-6760 aBP.Later it stopped developing and was buried by the alluvial aggradation caused by the sea level rise.  相似文献   

The content and hydrogen isotope ratios of n-alkanes extracted from recent lake surface sediments sampled from nine lakes in three different climate zones on the Southwestern Tibetan Plateau were analyzed. Values were compared with n-alkanes in plants from lake drain- ages, and δD values of meteoric water, lake water, and mean annual precipitation. The results showed that n-C23 was predominantly derived from aquatic plants, and n-C27- n-C33 from terrestrial higher plants. The average carbon chain length of n-C27-n-C33 (ACL27-33) was positively correlated with the mean annual precipitation. δD values of the long-chain n-alkanes n-C29 and n-C31 of terrestrial origin (varying between -214‰ and -169 ‰, and-226 ‰ and -185 ‰, respectively) were inversely correlated with mean annual precipitation; but in accordance with the average annual variations in δD (OIPC), δD values of n-C31 were strongly related to the δD values of growing season meteoric water (R2 = 0.74). The large difference between δD values of n-C23 of aquatic origin and n-C31 (an average of about 27 ‰) demonstrates the enrichment of the lake water δD compared to precipitation, caused by strong evaporation in the semiarid-arid areas of the southwestern Tibetan Plateau. Average value of εn-c25- 31/p (-95 ‰) is evidently higher than the value observed in European wet regions (-128 ‰); besides, εn-C31 (about -116 ‰) is constant along the study transect (SD = 9), which indicates that n-C31 is a useful proxy for the environment.  相似文献   

Modern electronic devices utilize the charge degree of freedom of electrons to process information in semiconductors and the spin degree of freedom to store information in magnetic materials. For example, inte- grated circuits and high–frequency devices …  相似文献   

Wu  Yi  Zhu  ZhaoYu  Rao  ZhiGuo  Qiu  ShiFan  Yang  Tian 《科学通报(英文版)》2010,55(26):2989-3000
The application of rock magnetism methods to investigating the variations of magnetic minerals in the sediments is an important approach to the reestablishment of paleoclimate evolution. Thus we performed fine magnetic measurements on the loess-paleosol sequence (from L15 upwards to S5, in which L is short for Loess, S is short for Paleosol, the same hereinafter) of Yushan stratigraphic section, which is on the southeastern margin of Chinese Loess Plateau, in Lantian County of China’s Shaanxi Province, and the thickness of which is ca. 40 m. Our study shows that the primary magnetic carriers of loess and paleosol in this section are magnetite, maghemite, hematite and goethite. Thermomagnetic analyses on the samples of representative horizons show that the higher pedogenesis degree of the sediments, the smaller variations of magnetization there will be before and after heating, probably related to the pedogenic alteration of loess sediments. Analyses of several magnetic parameters show a significant discrepancy between the paleoclimatic conditions recorded in the strata from the loess unit L15 upward to the paleosol unit S5 in the study area and those recorded in the relative strata of other sections on the Chinese Loess Plateau, and those recorded in marine sediments, indicating the great impact of regional geological background. Similarly, the rapid and intensive change recorded in the segment from L15 to S9-1, and the significant difference between the paleoclimate evolutions of the two periods before and after the change (from L15 to S9-1, and from L9 to the base of S6) indicate the strong alteration of magnetic carriers in the study area as a result of the alternations of summer and winter monsoons in East Asia.  相似文献   

When a ferromagnetic (FM)/antiferromagnetic (AFM) bilayer is field-cooled below the Neel temperature (TN) of the AF layer, a unidirectional anisotropy is induced in the FM. Exchange bias is one of the phenomena as- sociated with the exchange anisotorpy cr…  相似文献   

Concentrations of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) and heavy metals in two sediment cores, taken from the Dagu Drainage River, were determined. The contamination trends of these three kinds of compounds were obtained. The results showed that concentrations of PBDEs increased in recent years; there were new contamination sources for OCPs in this area; contamination levels of heavy metals had no significant change in the last several years. Comparing the results of these two cores, erosion and dilution of seawater had different effects on the transportation of these compounds.  相似文献   

Nearly 200000 animal skeletons are unearthed in the Unit T0202 from Zhongba Site of Zhongxian County.According to the analysis of 129165 specimens,these skeletons may be classified into 5 kinds, namely,Mammalia,Osteichthys,Aves,Amphibian and Reptilia,which belong to 13 orders,28 families and 42 genera.In this paper,based on archeological dating and AMS 14 C data,through statistically analyzing the unearthed skeletons and studying the change of the smallest individual numbers,these research results detected the following:1)In almost all the time of 2370―200 BC,in Zhongba region, some animals distributed widely,such as Muntiacus sp,Elaphodus cephalophus and Muntiacus sp. inhabiting in glade and grassland,Scrofa sp.and Canis familiaris raised by the ancient people,rodentia rabbit and Rattus rattus,which suggested that a fairly good ecological environment of forest and grassland was preserved at that period and the predecessors began to raise domestic animals from 1750 to 1000 BC,which has lasted until today.2)Rhinoceros only lived during 2000―1750 BC,1000― 700 BC and 700―500 BC,which indicates that the ecological environment of grassland and wetland might be better in these phases.3)Macaca sp.and Ursus arctos appeared only after 1750―1000 BC, which may show that the forest condition is better for animals to live during 1750―200 BC.4)The smallest individual numbers of Bublus sp.,bos sp.and otters emerged during about 2370―1750 BC, which perhaps infers that water area during the early period was wider than that of the late period.5) Since skeletons of rhinoceros are discovered in strata of Zhongba Site during 2000―1750 BC and 1000―500 BC,according to the climate and ecology environment which rhinoceros live in now,the average annual temperature and precipitation during 2000―1750 BC and 1000―500 BC are supposed to be probably higher than that of today.Although Zhu Kezhen considered that the first low temperature period in the past 5000 years of China was between 1100 BC and 850 BC,massive pollen  相似文献   

The biocompatibility and biodistribution of magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in vivo are essential to ensure their safely clinical application. We have studied these aspects with our 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane-coated magnetic nanoparticles (APTS-MNPs) formulation, which can be used as magnetic induction hyperthermia media. Changes in tissue iron levels were analyzed after intraperitoneal injection of APTS-MNPs to ICR mice. Liver and kidney functions were tested. Heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, testis, and brain were sectioned for pathological analysis. Biodistribution of iron in various body tissues changed with time but greater fraction of the injected iron localized in the liver and spleen than in other tissues. Serum showed an increase in AST and LDH fol-lowing APTS-MNPs injection. Histological analyses of selected tissues showed no obvious abnormal changes. In conclusion, APTS-MNPs did not cause continuing changes in the liver and kidney function and thus can be safely used for in vivo application.  相似文献   

The vortex domains, structural properties and ferroelectric polarization in Y1-xInxMn O3 with 0 B x B 0.6have been extensively investigated in well-characterized samples. X-ray diffraction measurements demonstrated that the lattice parameters change continuously following the substitution of In for Y. Measurements of magnetic susceptibilities revealed that In substitution could visibly affect the magnetic transition and low-temperature magnetic properties. Transmission electron microscopy study showed that In substitution could result in notable decrease of the size of ferroelectric vortex domains. Cs-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy observations and our careful analysis on atomic-poling configurations demonstrate that the ferroelectric polarizations of Y1-xInxMn O3 are suppressed with the increase of In content.  相似文献   

The genus Arthricocephalus Bergeron, 1899 is revised, and Halipanktos Balker & Peel, 1997 is suggested here as a senior synonym. The subgenus Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalites) Chien & Lin in Lu et al., 1974 is considered as a separate genus. Of the 20 previously assigned species of Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalus) Bergeron, 1899, Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalites) Chien & Lin in Lu et al., 1974, Arthricocephalus (Euarthricocephalus) Ju, 1983 are lumped into eight species. The speciation trend of Arthricocephalus and Arthricocephalites is demonstrated based on their stratigraphic occurrences. It not only enhances the resolution of the biostatigraphic zonation in the uppermost Lower Cambrian, but also represents a potential candidate to define the Duyunian stage. The base of the stage is suggested at the first appearance datum (FAD) of Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron, 1899 within the evolutionary lineage from Ar. jiangkouensis Yin in Yin & Li,1978 to Ar. chauveaui in a global scale.  相似文献   

The genus Arthricocephalus Bergeron, 1899 is revised, and Halipanktos Balker & Peel, 1997 is suggested here as a senior synonym. The subgenus Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalites) Chien & Lin in Lu et al., 1974 is considered as a separate genus. Of the 20 previously assigned species of Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalus) Bergeron, 1899, Arthricocephalus (Arthricocephalites) Chien & Lin in Lu et al., 1974, Arthricocephalus (Euarthricocephalus) Ju, 1983 are lumped into eight species. The speciation trend of Arthricocephalus and Arthricocephalites is demonstrated based on their stratigraphic occurrences. It not only enhances the resolution of the biostatigraphic zonation in the uppermost Lower Cambrian, but also represents a potential candidate to define the Duyunian stage. The base of the stage is suggested at the first appearance datum (FAD) of Arthricocephalus chauveaui Bergeron, 1899 within the evolutionary lineage from Ar. jiangkouensis Yin in Yin & Li,1978 to Ar. chauveaui in a global scale.  相似文献   

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