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Starting from the problem of missing data in surveys with Likert-type scales, the aim of this paper is to evaluate a possible improvement for the imputation procedure proposed by Lavori, Dawson, and Shera (1995) here called Approximate Bayesian bootstrap with Propensity score (ABP). We propose an imputation procedure named Approximate Bayesian bootstrap with Propensity score and Nearest neighbour (ABPN), which, after the ??propensity score step?? of ABP, randomly selects a donor in the nonrespondent??s neighbourhood, which includes cases with response patterns similar to the one of the nonrespondent to be imputed. A preliminary simulation study with single imputation on missing data in two Likerttype scales from a real data set shows that ABPN: (a) performed better than the ABP imputation, and (b) can be considered as a serious competitor of other procedures used in this context.  相似文献   

A common approach to deal with missing values in multivariate exploratory data analysis consists in minimizing the loss function over all non-missing elements, which can be achieved by EM-type algorithms where an iterative imputation of the missing values is performed during the estimation of the axes and components. This paper proposes such an algorithm, named iterative multiple correspondence analysis, to handle missing values in multiple correspondence analysis (MCA). The algorithm, based on an iterative PCA algorithm, is described and its properties are studied. We point out the overfitting problem and propose a regularized version of the algorithm to overcome this major issue. Finally, performances of the regularized iterative MCA algorithm (implemented in the R-package named missMDA) are assessed from both simulations and a real dataset. Results are promising with respect to other methods such as the missing-data passive modified margin method, an adaptation of the missing passive method used in Gifi’s Homogeneity analysis framework.  相似文献   

Optimization Strategies for Two-Mode Partitioning   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Two-mode partitioning is a relatively new form of clustering that clusters both rows and columns of a data matrix. In this paper, we consider deterministic two-mode partitioning methods in which a criterion similar to k-means is optimized. A variety of optimization methods have been proposed for this type of problem. However, it is still unclear which method should be used, as various methods may lead to non-global optima. This paper reviews and compares several optimization methods for two-mode partitioning. Several known methods are discussed, and a new fuzzy steps method is introduced. The fuzzy steps method is based on the fuzzy c-means algorithm of Bezdek (1981) and the fuzzy steps approach of Heiser and Groenen (1997) and Groenen and Jajuga (2001). The performances of all methods are compared in a large simulation study. In our simulations, a two-mode k-means optimization method most often gives the best results. Finally, an empirical data set is used to give a practical example of two-mode partitioning. We would like to thank two anonymous referees whose comments have improved the quality of this paper. We are also grateful to Peter Verhoef for providing the data set used in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper we will offer a few examples to illustrate the orientation of contemporary research in data analysis and we will investigate the corresponding role of mathematics. We argue that the modus operandi of data analysis is implicitly based on the belief that if we have collected enough and sufficiently diverse data, we will be able to answer most relevant questions concerning the phenomenon itself. This is a methodological paradigm strongly related, but not limited to, biology, and we label it the microarray paradigm. In this new framework, mathematics provides powerful techniques and general ideas which generate new computational tools. But it is missing any explicit isomorphism between a mathematical structure and the phenomenon under consideration. This methodology used in data analysis suggests the possibility of forecasting and analyzing without a structured and general understanding. This is the perspective we propose to call agnostic science, and we argue that, rather than diminishing or flattening the role of mathematics in science, the lack of isomorphisms with phenomena liberates mathematics, paradoxically making more likely the practical use of some of its most sophisticated ideas.  相似文献   

Suppose y, a d-dimensional (d ≥ 1) vector, is drawn from a mixture of k (k ≥ 2) populations, given by ∏1, ∏2,…,∏ k . We wish to identify the population that is the most likely source of the point y. To solve this classification problem many classification rules have been proposed in the literature. In this study, a new nonparametric classifier based on the transvariation probabilities of data depth is proposed. We compare the performance of the newly proposed nonparametric classifier with classical and maximum depth classifiers using some benchmark and simulated data sets. The authors thank the editor and referees for comments that led to an improvement of this paper. This work is partially supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMS-0604726. Published online xx, xx, xxxx.  相似文献   

In two-class discriminant problems, objects are allocated to one of the two classes by means of threshold rules based on discriminant functions. In this paper we propose to examine the quality of a discriminant functiong in terms of its performance curve. This curve is the plot of the two misclassification probabilities as the thresholdt assumes various real values. The role of such performance curves in evaluating and ordering discriminant functions and solving discriminant problems is presented. In particular, it is shown that: (i) the convexity of such a curve is a sufficient condition for optimal use of the information contained in the data reduced byg, and (ii)g with non-convex performance curve should be corrected by an explicitly obtained transformation.  相似文献   

T clusters, based on J distinct, contributory partitions (or, equivalently, J polytomous attributes). We describe a new model/algorithm for implementing this objective. The method's objective function incorporates a modified Rand measure, both in initial cluster selection and in subsequent refinement of the starting partition. The method is applied to both synthetic and real data. The performance of the proposed model is compared to latent class analysis of the same data set.  相似文献   

Framework of this paper is statistical data editing, specifically how to edit or impute missing or contradictory data and how to merge two independent data sets presenting some lack of information. Assuming a missing at random mechanism, this paper provides an accurate tree-based methodology for both missing data imputation and data fusion that is justified within the Statistical Learning Theory of Vapnik. It considers both an incremental variable imputation method to improve computational efficiency as well as boosted trees to gain in prediction accuracy with respect to other methods. As a result, the best approximation of the structural risk (also known as irreducible error) is reached, thus reducing at minimum the generalization (or prediction) error of imputation. Moreover, it is distribution free, it holds independently of the underlying probability law generating missing data values. Performance analysis is discussed considering simulation case studies and real world applications.  相似文献   

I consider a new problem of classification into n(n ≥ 2) disjoint classes based on features of unclassified data. It is assumed that the data are grouped into m(M ≥ n) disjoint sets and within each set the distribution of features is a mixture of distributions corresponding to particular classes. Moreover, the mixing proportions should be known and form a matrix of rank n. The idea of solution is, first, to estimate feature densities in all the groups, then to solve the linear system for component densities. The proposed classification method is asymptotically optimal, provided a consistent method of density estimation is used. For illustration, the method is applied to determining perfusion status in myocardial infarction patients, using creatine kinase measurements.  相似文献   

We present a new distance based quartet method for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, called Minimum Tree Cost Quartet Puzzling. Starting from a distance matrix computed from natural data, the algorithm incrementally constructs a tree by adding one taxon at a time to the intermediary tree using a cost function based on the relaxed 4-point condition for weighting quartets. Different input orders of taxa lead to trees having distinct topologies which can be evaluated using a maximum likelihood or weighted least squares optimality criterion. Using reduced sets of quartets and a simple heuristic tree search strategy we obtain an overall complexity of O(n 5 log2 n) for the algorithm. We evaluate the performances of the method through comparative tests and show that our method outperforms NJ when a weighted least squares optimality criterion is employed. We also discuss the theoretical boundaries of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Graphical displays which show inter-sample distances are important for the interpretation and presentation of multivariate data. Except when the displays are two-dimensional, however, they are often difficult to visualize as a whole. A device, based on multidimensional unfolding, is described for presenting some intrinsically high-dimensional displays in fewer, usually two, dimensions. This goal is achieved by representing each sample by a pair of points, sayR i andr i, so that a theoretical distance between thei-th andj-th samples is represented twice, once by the distance betweenR i andr j and once by the distance betweenR j andr i. Selfdistances betweenR i andr i need not be zero. The mathematical conditions for unfolding to exhibit symmetry are established. Algorithms for finding approximate fits, not constrained to be symmetric, are discussed and some examples are given.  相似文献   

X is the automatic hierarchical classification of one mode (units or variables or occasions) of X on the basis of the other two. In this paper the case of OMC of units according to variables and occasions is discussed. OMC is the synthesis of a set of hierarchical classifications Delta obtained from X; e.g., the OMC of units is the consensus (synthesis) among the set of dendograms individually defined by clustering units on the basis of variables, separately for each given occasion of X. However, because Delta is often formed by a large number of classifications, it may be unrealistic that a single synthesis is representative of the entire set. In this case, subsets of similar (homegeneous) dendograms may be found in Delta so that a consensus representative of each subset may be identified. This paper proposes, PARtition and Least Squares Consensus cLassifications Analysis (PARLSCLA) of a set of r hierarchical classifications Delta. PARLSCLA identifies the best least-squares partition of Delta into m (1 <= m <= r) subsets of homogeneous dendograms and simultaneously detects the closest consensus classification (a median classification called Least Squares Consensus Dendogram (LSCD) for each subset. PARLSCLA is a generalization of the problem to find a least-squares consensus dendogram for Delta. PARLSCLA is formalized as a mixed-integer programming problem and solved with an iterative, two-step algorithm. The method proposed is applied to an empirical data set.  相似文献   

Data holders, such as statistical institutions and financial organizations, have a very serious and demanding task when producing data for official and public use. It’s about controlling the risk of identity disclosure and protecting sensitive information when they communicate data-sets among themselves, to governmental agencies and to the public. One of the techniques applied is that of micro-aggregation. In a Bayesian setting, micro-aggregation can be viewed as the optimal partitioning of the original data-set based on the minimization of an appropriate measure of discrepancy, or distance, between two posterior distributions, one of which is conditional on the original data-set and the other conditional on the aggregated data-set. Assuming d-variate normal data-sets and using several measures of discrepancy, it is shown that the asymptotically optimal equal probability m-partition of , with m 1/d ∈ , is the convex one which is provided by hypercubes whose sides are formed by hyperplanes perpendicular to the canonical axes, no matter which discrepancy measure has been used. On the basis of the above result, a method that produces a sub-optimal partition with a very small computational cost is presented. Published online xx, xx, xxxx.  相似文献   

Reduced K-means (RKM) and Factorial K-means (FKM) are two data reduction techniques incorporating principal component analysis and K-means into a unified methodology to obtain a reduced set of components for variables and an optimal partition for objects. RKM finds clusters in a reduced space by maximizing the between-clusters deviance without imposing any condition on the within-clusters deviance, so that clusters are isolated but they might be heterogeneous. On the other hand, FKM identifies clusters in a reduced space by minimizing the within-clusters deviance without imposing any condition on the between-clusters deviance. Thus, clusters are homogeneous, but they might not be isolated. The two techniques give different results because the total deviance in the reduced space for the two methodologies is not constant; hence the minimization of the within-clusters deviance is not equivalent to the maximization of the between-clusters deviance. In this paper a modification of the two techniques is introduced to avoid the afore mentioned weaknesses. It is shown that the two modified methods give the same results, thus merging RKM and FKM into a new methodology. It is called Factor Discriminant K-means (FDKM), because it combines Linear Discriminant Analysis and K-means. The paper examines several theoretical properties of FDKM and its performances with a simulation study. An application on real-world data is presented to show the features of FDKM.  相似文献   

The main aim of this work is the study of clustering dependent data by means of copula functions. Copulas are popular multivariate tools whose importance within clustering methods has not been investigated yet in detail. We propose a new algorithm (CoClust in brief) that allows to cluster dependent data according to the multivariate structure of the generating process without any assumption on the margins. Moreover, the approach does not require either to choose a starting classification or to set a priori the number of clusters; in fact, the CoClust selects them by using a criterion based on the log–likelihood of a copula fit. We test our proposal on simulated data for different dependence scenarios and compare it with a model–based clustering technique. Finally, we show applications of the CoClust to real microarray data of breast-cancer patients.  相似文献   

Multiple imputation is one of the most highly recommended procedures for dealing with missing data. However, to date little attention has been paid to methods for combining the results from principal component analyses applied to a multiply imputed data set. In this paper we propose Generalized Procrustes analysis for this purpose, of which its centroid solution can be used as a final estimate for the component loadings. Convex hulls based on the loadings of the imputed data sets can be used to represent the uncertainty due to the missing data. In two simulation studies, the performance of Generalized Procrustes approach is evaluated and compared with other methods. More specifically it is studied how these methods behave when order changes of components and sign reversals of component loadings occur, such as in case of near-equal eigenvalues, or data having almost as many counterindicative items as indicative items. The simulations show that other proposed methods either may run into serious problems or are not able to adequately assess the accuracy due to the presence of missing data. However, when the above situations do not occur, all methods will provide adequate estimates for the PCA loadings.  相似文献   

This contribution investigates the role ofcontext in natural-language communication bydifferentiating between linguistic andsociocultural contexts. It is firmly anchoredto a dialogue framework and based on arelational conception of context as astructured and interactionally organisedphenomenon. However, context is not onlyexamined from this bottom-up or microperspective, but also from a top-down or macroviewpoint as pre- and co-supposed socioculturalcontext. Here, context is not solely seen as aninteractionally organised phenomenon, butrather as a sociocultural apparatus whichstrongly influences the interpretation of microsituations.The section, micro building blocks andlocal meaning, argues for a sociopragmaticapproach to natural-language communication thusaccommodating both speech act theory andconversation analysis. It examines the questionof how linguistic and sociocultural contextsare accommodated by the micro building blocksof speech act and turn, and speaker and hearer.The results obtained are systematised in thesection, micro meets macro, and adaptedto the requirements of the dialogue act ofa plus/minus-validity claimbased on thecontextualisation of Jürgen Habermas'sconception of ratification of validityclaimadopted from this theory ofcommunicative action(1987). The definition ofa plus/minus-validity claim is furthersupplemented by the Gricean CooperativePrinciple, the ethnomethodological premise ofaccountability of social action, theconversation-analytic notion of sequentialorganisation and the interpersonal concepts offace and participation format. Validity claimsare discussed from both bottom-up and top-downperspectives stressing the dynamics of contextwith regard to both process and product, andselection and construction.In conclusion, the relational status of contextrequires an interactive frame of referenceaccounting for context, contextualisation,decontextualisation and recontextualisation.  相似文献   

L 1) criterion. Examples of ultrametric and additive trees fitted to two extant data sets are given, plus a Monte Carlo analysis to assess the impact of both typical data error and extreme values on fitted trees. Solutions are compared to the least-squares (L 2) approach of Hubert and Arabie (1995a), with results indicating that (with these data) the L 1 and L 2 optimization strategies perform very similarly. A number of observations are made concerning possible uses of an L 1 approach, the nature and number of identified locally optimal solutions, and metric recovery differences between ultrametrics and additive trees.  相似文献   

Analytic procedures for classifying objects are commonly based on the product-moment correlation as a measure of object similarity. This statistic, however, generally does not represent an invariant index of similarity between two objects if they are measured along different bipolar variables where the direction of measurement for each variable is arbitrary. A computer simulation study compared Cohen's (1969) proposed solution to the problem, the invariant similarity coefficientr c , with the mean product-moment correlation based on all possible changes in the measurement direction of individual variables within a profile of scores. The empirical observation thatr c approaches the mean product-moment correlation with increases in the number of scores in the profiles was interpreted as encouragement for the use ofr c in classification research. Some cautions regarding its application were noted.This research was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Grant no. 410-83-0633, and by the University of Toronto.  相似文献   

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