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Verdun RE  Karlseder J 《Nature》2007,447(7147):924-931
During the evolution of linear genomes, it became essential to protect the natural chromosome ends to prevent triggering of the DNA-damage repair machinery and enzymatic attack. Telomeres - tightly regulated complexes consisting of repetitive G-rich DNA and specialized proteins - accomplish this task. Telomeres not only conceal linear chromosome ends from detection and inappropriate repair but also provide a buffer to counteract replication-associated shortening. Lessons from many model organisms have taught us about the complications of maintaining these specialized structures. Here, we discuss how telomeres interact and cooperate with the DNA replication and DNA-damage repair machineries.  相似文献   

Benefits of bad telomeres   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Hanahan D 《Nature》2000,406(6796):573-574

Structure and function of human perforin   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
Perforin (P1) is a cytolytic protein with similarity to complement component C9. P1 has been described as a unique component of murine cytolytic T-cell and rat natural killer cell granules Previous studies indicated that human granules and P1 differed from murine granules and P1 in that they appeared to be cytolytically less active and lacked the haemolytic activity characteristic of P1. It has been suggested that P1, like C9, is under the control of the homologous restriction factor. Here we determine the primary structure of human P1, re-examine its functional properties, and address the question of homologous restriction.  相似文献   

A complex of phycobiliproteins, containing phycoerythrocyanin (PEC), C-phycovyanin (C-PC) and allo-phycocyanin (APC) as well as some linker polypeptides, was reconstructed. The absorption and fluoreacence spectra of the complex were compared with those of native phycobilisomes (PBS) and the phycobiliproteins. Based on the measured data, it can be concluded that the complex can be taken as a model of PBS and is an entirely functional group for excitation energy transfer step by step from peripheral PEC to APC. The single terminal emitter feature of the complex makes it favorable for clarifying energy transfer pathways and the kinetics in comparison with native PBS. Further research is carried on in the lab.  相似文献   

Hypervariable ultra-long telomeres in mice   总被引:56,自引:0,他引:56  
D Kipling  H J Cooke 《Nature》1990,347(6291):400-402
Telomere structure and behaviour is less well understood in vertebrates than it is in ciliates and yeasts (reviewed in ref. 1). Like all other eukaryotic chromosomes, those of vertebrates terminate in an array of a short repeated sequence. In vertebrates this sequence is (TTAGGG)n, as shown by in situ hybridization. In humans, these terminal repeats are heterogeneous in length, averaging about 10 kilobases in blood cells. Here we report the structure and inheritance of the terminal repeats present at mouse telomeres. The (TTAGGG)n tracts are many times larger than those present at human telomeres. Because of their constancy in length through somatic cell divisions, they are resolved as multiple discrete restriction fragments of up to 150 kilobases. Strikingly, this banding pattern is highly polymorphic within populations of inbred mice, suggesting an unusually high mutation rate. Indeed, although the banding pattern is inherited in a largely mendelian fashion, (TTAGGG)n tracts of new size appear frequently in family studies.  相似文献   

Telomeric repeat from T. thermophila cross hybridizes with human telomeres   总被引:38,自引:0,他引:38  
The ends (telomeres) of eukaryotic chromosomes must have special features to ensure their stability and complete replication. Studies in yeast, protozoa, slime moulds and flagellates show that telomeres are tandem repeats of simple sequences that have a G-rich and a C-rich strand. Mammalian telomeres have yet to be isolated and characterized, although a DNA fragment within 20 kilobases of the telomeres of the short arms of the human sex chromosomes has been isolated. Recently we showed that a chromosome from the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe could, in some cases, replicate as an autonomous mini-chromosome in mouse cells. By extrapolation from other systems, we reasoned that mouse telomeres could be added to the S. pombe chromosome ends in the mouse cells. On setting out to test this hypothesis we found to our surprise that the telomeric probe used (containing both the S. pombe and Tetrahymena thermophila repeats) hybridized to a series of discrete fragments in normal mouse DNA and DNA from a wide range of eukaryotes. We show here that the sequences hybridizing to this probe are located at the telomeres of most, if not all, human chromosomes and are similar to the Tetrahymena telomeric-repeat component of the probe.  相似文献   

陕南山区的粮食生产主要集中于河谷盆地之中,洛南盆地作为一个典型,是秦岭山区的主要粮食产地之一.本文在结构分析的基础上,用力能学的研究方法,讨论了洛南县农田生态系统的功能特点,并对不同类型的系统功能进行了综合评判.  相似文献   

MgH2基态分子结构与势能函数   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用从头算CCSD(T)方法和aug-cc-pVTZ基函数对MgH2分子的结构进行优化,得到其平衡几何构型和谐振频率.根据原子分子反应静力学原理得到可能的电子状态和基态分子的离解极限.并用多体展式理论导出MgH2基态分子的解析势能函数.  相似文献   

DNA sequences of telomeres maintained in yeast   总被引:95,自引:0,他引:95  
J Shampay  J W Szostak  E H Blackburn 《Nature》1984,310(5973):154-157
Telomeres, the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes, have long been recognized as specialized structures. Their stability compared with broken ends of chromosomes suggested that they have properties which protect them from fusion, degradation or recombination. Furthermore, a linear DNA molecule such as that of a eukaryotic chromosome must have a structure at its ends which allows its complete replication, as no known DNA polymerase can initiate synthesis without a primer. At the ends of the relatively short, multi-copy linear DNA molecules found naturally in the nuclei of several lower eukaryotes, there are simple tandemly repeated sequences with, in the cases analysed, a specific array of single-strand breaks, on both DNA strands, in the distal portion of the block of repeats. In general, however, direct analysis of chromosomal termini presents problems because of their very low abundance in nuclei. To circumvent this problem, we have previously cloned a chromosomal telomere of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae on a linear DNA vector molecule. Here we show that yeast chromosomal telomeres terminate in a DNA sequence consisting of tandem irregular repeats of the general form C1-3A. The same repeat units are added to the ends of Tetrahymena telomeres, in an apparently non-template-directed manner, during their replication on linear plasmids in yeast. Such DNA addition may have a fundamental role in telomere replication.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of human telomeres in yeast   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
W R Brown 《Nature》1989,338(6218):774-776
Telomeres are the DNA sequences found at the ends of linear chromosomes. They define the boundaries of the genetical and physical maps of such chromosomes and so are particularly important for the complete mapping of large genomes that is now being attempted. Telomeres have been intensively studied in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in ciliated protozoa: in these organisms the telomeric DNA consists of arrays of tandemly repeated short sequences in which one strand is guanosine-rich and oriented 5' to 3' towards the chromosome end. The conservation of these structural features is reflected in the observation that telomeric DNA from a variety of protozoa will function as telomeres on artificial linear mini-chromosomes in yeast. Tandem arrays of the sequence TTAGGG have been identified at the telomeres of humans and other mammals and also of trypanosomes. This indicates that the structural features of telomeres are conserved between higher and lower eukaryotes and implies that human telomeric DNA could function in yeast. I have used this idea to develop a strategy to isolate a specific human telomere as a molecular clone in yeast and have devised a simple and effective way of cloning other human telomeres and their associated sequences.  相似文献   

Structure and function of the sarcolemma of skeletal muscle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R Reed  T W Wouston  P M Todd 《Nature》1966,211(5048):534-536

非编码小RNA(small RNA, sRNA)是细菌基因转录后调控的一个重要层次,也是近十年来原核生物研究领域的焦点之一。大多数sRNA的作用与Hfq蛋白密切相关,即Hfq可以促进sRNA与其靶标mRNA的互补配对,进而影响翻译的进行或者mRNA的稳定性。笔者对Hfq的结构、Hfq参与sRNA调节作用的机制、Hfq在多种细菌中的功能表型进行了综述。Hfq是一个保守的蛋白质,在很多细菌中广泛存在,并与真核生物中参与mRNA剪切与降解活动的Sm蛋白同源。在结构上,Hfq具有两个非等同的RNA结合面,可以结合并介导多个RNA分子的相互作用,其结构体现了和功能的高度统一性。目前,对Hfq的研究主要集中于革兰氏阴性细菌中,在革兰氏阳性细菌中,Hfq的功能尚不明晰; 此外,在许多重要的细菌中,Hfq影响功能表型的具体机制也不清楚。因此,今后有必要进一步精细研究Hfq的分子结构特征和功能特点,深入分析Hfq对细菌表型多样化的影响机制,探究Hfq影响靶标分子和功能表型的详尽机制。  相似文献   

Structure and function of Rac genes in higher plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As the sole ubiquitous signal GTP-binding protein in higher plants, Rac genes act as pivotal molecular switches and participate in regulations of many life activities, such as cell morphogenesis and polarity growth, programmed cell death, production of H2O2, cell differentiation, and hormone reaction. Based on our work on rice Rac genes, this paper summarizes the researches on Rac genes in higher plant of the last ten years. It will help us to understand the relation between the signal tranduction and the biological functions of plant Rac.  相似文献   

采用B3P86方法,在6-311G**水平上,优化出 HO2基态分子为CS构型,其电子状态为X2A,平衡核间距为ROO=0.13153 nm,ROH=0.09752 nm ,∠OOH=106.042°.同时计算了基态的谐振频率:ω1=1196.80 cm-1、ω2=1435.33cm-1、ω3=3628.37cm-1.应用群论及原子分子反应静力学方法得出了HO2自由基分子离解极限,在此基础上,运用多体展式理论方法推导出了HO2基态分子的解析势能函数,该势能函数准确再现了HO2(CS,X2A″)分子的平衡结  相似文献   

The Bcl-2 family plays an important role in the regulation of apoptosis. Some members in the family prevent apoptosis while others promote it. The newly discovered bcl-2 homolog, bak, promotes the apoptosis induced by a variety of stimuli. It can interact with the anti-apoptotic members through its BH3 domain and antagonize their activity. Investigation results suggest that the expression of bak gene becomes altered in some diseases, such as cancer. The preferential stimulation of Bak-induced apoptosis, therefore, may be involved in the mechanisms of some an-titumor drugs.  相似文献   

Cloning of human telomeres by complementation in yeast   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
S H Cross  R C Allshire  S J McKay  N I McGill  H J Cooke 《Nature》1989,338(6218):771-774
Telomeres confer stability on chromosomes by protecting them from degradation and recombination and by allowing complete replication of the end. They are genetically important as they define the ends of the linkage map. Telomeres of lower eukaryotes contain short repeats consisting of a G-rich and a C-rich strand, the G-rich strand running 5'-3' towards the telomere and extending at the end. Telomeres of human chromosomes share characteristics with those of lower eukaryotes including sequence similarity as detected by cross-hybridization. Telomeric repeats from many organisms can provide telomere function in yeast. Here we describe a modified yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) vector with only one telomere which we used to clone human telomeres by complementation in yeast. YACs containing human telomeres were identified by hydridization to an oligonucleotide of the trypanosome telomeric repeat. A subcloned human fragment from one such YAC is immediately subtelomeric on at least one human chromosome.  相似文献   

Structure, expression and function of a schwannoma-derived growth factor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
H Kimura  W H Fischer  D Schubert 《Nature》1990,348(6298):257-260
During the development of the nervous system, cells require growth factors that regulate their division and survival. To identify new growth factors, serum-free growth-conditioned media from many clonal cell lines were screened for the presence of mitogens for central nervous system glial cells. A cell line secreting a potent glial mitogen was established from a tumour (or 'schwannoma') derived from the sheath of the sciatic nerve. The cells of the tumour, named JS1 cells, were adapted to clonal culture and identified as Schwann cells. Schwann cells secrete an autocrine mitogen and human schwannoma extracts have mitogenic activity on glial cells. Until now, neither mitogen has been purified. Here we report the purification and characterization of a mitogenic molecule, designated schwannoma-derived growth factor (SDGF), from the growth-conditioned medium of the JS1 Schwann cell line. SDGF belongs to the epidermal growth factor family, and is an autocrine growth factor as well as a mitogen for astrocytes, Schwann cells and fibroblasts.  相似文献   

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