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In this study, to reconstruct the paleoclimatic history, pollen and oxygen isotope were analyzed on the 160 samples of a 2.7 m peat core from Taishizhuang, Huailai County, Hebei Province. Combining our data with other information of climate history and archaeology from this area, we found that there is a close linkage between cultural development and the mid-Holocene (6000-3000 cal. aBP) environment changes. The main results and conclusions are presented as the following: The climate during 5678-5400 cal. aBP was unstable and in general colder and drier than today. From 5400 to 4800 cal. aBP the climate was much warmer and wetter than before. The climate during 4800-4300 cal. aBP was persistently cold, with an exceptional cold event occurring at 4600-4300 cal. aBP. This cold event was recorded at several other localities in Northern China even the Northern Hemisphere and played an important role in the cultural development. After the cold event, there was a return to warmer conditions between 4200 and 3300 cal.aBP.  相似文献   

Archaeological analysis of a section of ancient rice fields at Tianluoshan for diatoms, seeds and phytoliths has shown that the highest local sea level in eastern China during the Holocene appeared before 7.0 ka BP. Entering the Mid-Holocene, as seawater regressed, a vast wetland plain appeared in the coastal area, where farmers of the Neolithic Hemudu culture cultivated rice. However, there were still several sea-level fluctuations in the Mid-Holocene, of which the biggest were from 6.4 to 6.3 ka BP and from 4.6 to 2.1 ka BP. In addition, in the period dominated by wetland grass vegetation, 6.3 to 4.6 ka BP, smaller fluctuations appar- ently pushed the coastline back on to the land. Even though the sea-level rises associated with these shoreline transgressions did not have the intensity of the highest sea level period, there still would have been profound impacts on the lives and production activities of people living in the region. Archaeological evidence from ancient rice fields at Tianluoshan shows that larger sea-level rise events pushed seawater onto the land and inundated large areas of rice fields, whereas weaker sea-level rise events resulted in the intrusion of seawater along rivers, causing an increase in soil salinity and a decrease in rice yields. The impact of sea-level rise on rice cultivation caused changes in local diet. In regions where rice production fell, the prevalence of gathering and hunting rose. High sea levels in the early Holocene imply that the origin of rice cultivation in the eastern coastal plain is likely to have been in small nearby mountain basins.  相似文献   

中原地区距今5000-4000年间古环境重建的软体动物化石证据   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
河南孟津邙山黄土台塬上发现的全新世湖沼沉积保存有丰富的古环境信息。根据其中所含水生、两栖与陆生软体动物化石的系统研究,作者着重讨论了距今5000-4000年间古代湖沼演化的历史,并进一步根据软体动物化石的古生态分析,指出古代湖沼的演化与当时气候的变化一致。这一研究为探讨中原地区环境演变的历史及华夏文明起源的环境背景提供了重要的资料。  相似文献   

记述了舟山海域发现的120余件哺乳动物化石并对其中4件带有人工痕迹的鹿角进行了观察和描述;结合台湾澎湖海沟、福建东山等海域的发现以及海洋地质学、冰川学、第四纪孢粉学资料,对末次冰期时舟山地区的古气候和古生态环境进行了探讨;通过对河姆渡遗址以及国内外考古资料的分析,说明宁绍平原可能是冰后期一个人类生产活动和文化传播的中心.  相似文献   

秦皇岛全新世海岸的演化和现代海岸的保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
秦皇岛海岸东自山海关西至洋河口。经过六十年代与八十年代两个时期对岸带的调查与实验分析资料的对比,作者认为其全新世时期的发育演化分为四个阶段:1)距今七千年前的海退阶段,2)距今七千年至五千年的海进阶段,3)距今五千年至三千年的海退阶段,4)距今三千年来的海进阶段。本文还论述了海岸带现代侵蚀问题,认为遭受侵蚀的原因有:海面的上升,沿海河流建水坝和茌河床及岸带大量挖砂使海岸带泥沙供应减少。此外,还对海岸的保护提出了具体的建议。  相似文献   

Based on pollen records in B-3GC gravity core, environmental change since 9500 aBP of Okinawa Trough and its adjacent islands was derived. The result showed that the most time during this period was in a warm temperate climate except in middle Holocene (6800-4400 aBP) that was under subtropical climate control. During 9500–8300 aBP and 3100–2000 aBP periods, it appeared colder and drier than the rest time. The original area of pollen sources surrounding Okinawa Trough was covered by evergreen and deciduous broadleaf forest alternatively with mixed broad-leaf-conifer forest distributed in high mountainous areas. Usually, these three kinds of forests existed at the same time with difference in altitude. Pollen from subtropical and tropical plants increased obviously in about 5000–6000 aBP, reflecting a great lifting of vegetation zone and expansion of evergreen broad-leaf forest in the study area. However, there was a slight descending of plant zone and shrinking of evergreen broadleaf forest during 9500-8300 aBP and 3000-2000 aBP. During the remaining periods vegetation zone was higher than the present but in a limited range.  相似文献   

Systematic mass spectrometric 230Th ages are reported for a Porites coral reef terrace from Dengloujiao,Leizhou Peninsula, South China Sea. Seven episodes of coral growth were recognized in this terrace: 7125±96, 6764±29,5826±37, 5006±54, 2543±24, 1915±15, and 1513±22 calendar years before present (cal. aBP). 50% of the coral age population fall between 7200 and 6600 cal. aBP, marking post-glacial stabdization of global sea level. Considering the facts that ( i ) Dengloujiao reef fiat was measured at 1.6-2.5m above modern tidal datum plane; (ii) modern Porites corals in the South China Sea are living at least ~1 m below the modern tidal datum plane; (iii) the top 20-30 cm of the reef was eroded; and (iv) crustal subsidence in the region since mid-Holocene was negligible, we conclude that the above age groups record at least two major periods (7200-5000 and 2500-1500 cal. aBP) of high sea-level at least 2.9-3.8 m above the present-day level.  相似文献   

作为2001年全国十大考古新发现之一的跨湖桥新石器时代文化遗址,及其与它同一类型的下孙遗址,在器物形态及其组合、制陶技术、彩陶风格等有其自身的特点和相对独立性,文化内涵迥异于附近地区发现的同时期的河姆渡文化和马家浜文化,可明确为浙江境内一个新型的、独立的新石器时代文化类型,即跨湖桥文化。跨湖桥文化的命名,有助于加深对浙江省境内新石器时代考古学文化类型及其相互间关系问题的认识,有助于认识当时的生态环境,有助于加强对长江流域新石器时代文化交流的探讨,有助于进一步开展的田野考古工作。  相似文献   

通过室内航片解译和野外调查, 发现中条山北麓中段虞乡镇西南山前洪积扇上发育走向NW290°的陡坎。野外差分GPS测量和DEM数据分析得到其最大高度为13 m, 最小高度只有3 m, 高度的差别主要与陡坎所在的地貌面的发育先后有关, 早期冲积扇上发育的陡坎高度较大, 晚期冲积扇上发育的陡坎高度较小。另外, 断层下降盘冲沟扇状堆积也影响同一期洪积扇面上陡坎的高度, 离开冲沟越远, 堆积作用越弱, 陡坎就高一些。探槽研究揭示, 虞乡镇西南洪积扇上断层陡坎晚更新世晚期以来至少发生过两次古地震事件, 断层第一次活动时间在16720±70 aBP以后, 7700±40 aBP之前, 接近16720±70 aBP; 断层第二次活动的时间在7700±40~7020±40 aBP之间, 垂直断距大于2.2 m, 说明该陡坎为全新世断层陡坎。对比研究估计, 该断层垂直活动速率约为0.9 mm/a。  相似文献   

Comprehensive field investigations and laboratory analyses show that palaeolakes, including fresh- mesohaline water Megalake Tengger and other semi-con- nected, isolated water bodies, during late Pleistocene covered an area of more than 20000 km2, which is more than half of the Tengger Desert in NW China. Stratigraphic correlation and chronological evidence indicate that before ca. 42000 aBP the area was more arid. The palaeolakes started to develop around 40000 uncal. 14C aBP but until 37000 14C aBP their scope was limited. High water levels established from 35000 14C aBP lasted until 22000 14CaBP. Lake levels regressed between 22000 and 20000 14C aBP but transgressed from 20000 to 18600 14C aBP. Subsequently, water level declined further and the Megalake Tengger finally desiccated at around 18000 14C aBP. Megalake Tengger possessed a fresh-mesohaline water property, implying that the regional precipitation increased significantly. During the period of Megalake Tengger, the climate was warmer-humid than present. The annual rainfall was 250 to 350 mm more than that of today and the temperature was 1.5 to 3.0℃ higher.  相似文献   

洛阳二里头遗址南沉积剖面的粒度和磁化率分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
洛阳盆地内二里头遗址南沉积剖面位于遗址所在二级阶地的前缘,属于河流堆积。对剖面的沉积物样品做了光释光测年及磁化率、粒度分析。结果表明:剖面沉积年代大致在2000~5000 aBP之间。剖面下部(113~123 cm)沉积物粒度较细,磁化率偏高,粒度曲线反映水流较弱的泛滥平原沉积环境,属河漫滩堆积;中部(90~113 cm)粒度较粗,磁化率较低,粒度曲线反映水动力较强的边滩–漫滩沉积环境,属河床边滩堆积;上部(0~90 cm)粒度变细,磁化率升高,粒度曲线反映水动力条件较弱的泛滥平原沉积环境,属河漫滩堆积。其中沿水平方向可见剖面中部的河床边滩堆积直接覆盖在二级阶地顶面的龙山时期灰坑之上,由此可以确认剖面中部地层记录了一场漫上了河流阶地的特大洪水事件,这一记录与孢粉分析得到的气候变化过程具有明显的相关性。4000 aBP前后异常洪水的出现和大洪水前后河流过程的变化,可能是对4200 aBP全球性气候异常事件的区域响应,对我国最早的都邑——二里头城址的选址有重要的影响。  相似文献   

浙江中全新世古气候古环境变化与河姆渡古人类   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
初步讨论了浙江东部中全新世古气候古环境变化及其对河姆渡古人类发展的影响。研究结果表明,中全新世大暖期是促使河姆渡古人类定居、发展和稻作农业在本区出现发展的重要条件,古气候古环境不同变化阶段与河姆渡古人类的发展阶段可以相互对比,而当时近于热带的古气候古环境变化,包括其导致的自然灾害的加强,对河姆渡古人类的生产,生活面貌的变化和发展有深刻影响,特别是缓慢降温后紧接着急剧升温的变化过程是引起人类发展面貌发生重大改变的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

Shanghai Museum has got great achievements in re-excavating Guangfulin relics.It is the first time that the cultural remains of Wangyoufang type is found above the Liangzhu cultural remains which comes from East Henan Province,providing previous materials for researching culture evolution around Taihu Lake.Samples were taken from the immature soil layer and cultural layers of Guangfulin relics for phytolith analysis.According to the systemic research for the archaeological remains and phytolith fossil,the phytoliths in Guangfulin relics can be divided into four xones.The development of rice agriculture and living condition of Guangfulin ancestors was discussed based on the existing rice fan-shaped phytolith,rice shell phytolith.diatom fossil and archaeology,evidence in the same layer.The Guangfulin relics has gradually developed since a high sea level 5000 years ago,and the broad rice agriculture has simultaneously developed.The newly re-excavated relics provides valuable materials for the research of ancestors and ancient culture in Shanghai.  相似文献   

通过对东洞庭湖地区ZK01钻孔沉积物的粒度、磁化率、孢粉等古环境指标的分析, 初步揭示了该地区6000 aBP以来湖泊环境及气候演变的历史: 6000~4000 aBP, ZK01钻孔所在区域为水深较大的湖泊环境, 湖泊周围地区分布有亚热带常绿阔叶林植被, 代表较为湿热的气候; 4000~1000 aBP仍为深湖环境, 但后期水深有所减小, 其中4000 aBP的气候有明显变干变凉的趋势, 植被也发生了明显的变化; 1000~600 aBP湖泊演变为浅湖环境, 600 aBP之后进一步演变为浅滩与湖沼交互相环境。 该地区环境演变同史前及历史时期人类活动的相互关系研究表明, 6000~1000 aBP的水文环境及气候变化显著地影响了区域的古代人类文化与历史的进程, 其中4000 aBP的气候变凉及水文环境的变化可能是该地区史前文明迅速衰落的原因; 1000 aBP以来, 人类在长江两岸的筑堤和围垦等活动明显影响了洞庭湖地区的水沙过程及河湖环境的演变历史。  相似文献   

1 Survey The Changjiang Delta Region is one of the cradles of the national culture. 300 cultural sites of Neolithic, which separately belong to 4 archaeology cultural styles, includ-ing Majiabang culture (7—6 kaBP), Songze culture (6—5 kaBP), Liangzhu culture (5—4 kaBP) and Maqiao culture (4—3 kaBP), were excavated and represent the develop-ing steps of continuous ancient culture[1]. After 1949 the archaeologists in Shanghai have been doing a great deal of excavation to ancient rel…  相似文献   

安徽淮河流域是我国古文化相互交流、相互碰撞的一个重要区域,新石器时代演绎了多期古文化,石山子文化时期以渔猎为主,大汶口文化时期渔猎与农耕并重,而龙山文化时期以农耕为主,渔猎为辅。本文利用钻孔孢粉、海面变化及海岸线变迁等研究成果恢复本区全新世自然环境演变过程,利用田野考古资料和考古研究成果,系统地梳理本区新石器文化发展进程,并将环境演变研究和古文化研究有机地结合起来,探讨该地区全新世环境演变对古文化发展的影响。研究表明,随着全新世大暖期的开始,新石器早期出现石山子文化,地方特征明显。6.5~5.5kaB.P.气候暖湿,受高海面、海侵及洪涝灾害的影响,地表环境恶劣,导致文化发展中断、考古遗址缺失,5.5~4.0kaB.P.气候趋干,自然条件有利于人类生存,大汶口、龙山文化逐渐繁荣。  相似文献   

河南孟津地区中全新世环境变化及其对人类活动的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在河南孟津地区发现全新世古土壤-黄土沉积剖面和湖沼相沉积剖面。作者对这2个剖面之间进行了野外调查,绘制了其间的地层图,并在古土壤-黄土沉积剖面采样,对样品做了粒度、磁化率以及CaCO3含量分析。通过古土壤-黄土沉积剖面与湖沼相沉积剖面的对比,研究了中全新世孟津地区环境变化及其对人类活动的影响。结果表明孟津地区在7020~5660aBP和4610~3755aBP是古湖泊形成和古土壤发育的时期,气候温暖湿润;在5660~4610aBP孟津地区经历了一次气候波动,湖泊缩小为零星湖沼, 古土壤发育中断;3755~3055aBP湖泊萎缩干涸,黄土开始沉积,气候转向冷干。河南龙山文化时代晚期,湖面水位较高,人类在古土壤上活动;二里头文化时期湖泊萎缩,人类活动向低处转移,湖泊完全干涸时人类开始在干涸的湖相沉积层上活动。  相似文献   

乌迳古道位于南岭之大庾岭东部,是沟通岭南与中原、江南及对接海陆丝路的重要通道。乌迳古道文化圈是广东南雄东部以乌迳古道文化为内容的文化区域。乌迳古道文化具有自身的语言、风俗、民居建筑特征,是兼具移民文化、农耕文化和商贸文化于一体的区域文化,是以珠玑文化为代表的南雄古文化的重要内容,也是韶关古道文化、岭南文化的重要组成部分。对乌迳古道文化圈的探析,可以进一步推动和深化对韶关古道文化及南雄其他几个文化区域的研究。  相似文献   

本文论证我国东部第四纪气候变化特征。由于青藏高原的强烈隆起,我国东部于冰期中气候极端干燥而严寒;间冰期及全新世新高温时期,我国华北及内蒙部分地区气温与降水均高于今日。当大气中C_2O倍增时,据GCMs,北半球中伟地带将趋向干燥,美国中西部平原、气温升高,土壤湿度低降,气候干早。本文据我国前一间冰期及全新世新高温时代的气候图象,与太平洋彼岸的下一世纪图象有显著差异。本文运用EOF's函数分析方法研究我国相对海面上升率为3mm/年。由于温室效应引起21世纪气温升高,对我国农作物产量有其有利的一面,而沿海新构造下沉平原区,可能招致严重灾害,应引起我国经济建设决策上的重视,及时作出相应措施。  相似文献   

北京-中原与北方民族文化融合的中心   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北京由于地处与华北平原,东北平原和内蒙古高原三大地区相通的特殊地带,历史上一直是中原农耦民族与北方游牧狩猎民族文化交流融合的一个枢纽地区。新石器时代,中原与北方民族文化就在这里有了初步交汇。随着历史的演进,中原与北方民族文化不断在这里进行交流与融合。从战国时起,就有多民族在这里进行贸易。魏晋以后,大量少数民族在这里定居,与汉族杂处。北京上升为全国政治中心之后,更加成为多民族文化交融和全国及中外经济  相似文献   

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