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The main aim of this work is the study of clustering dependent data by means of copula functions. Copulas are popular multivariate tools whose importance within clustering methods has not been investigated yet in detail. We propose a new algorithm (CoClust in brief) that allows to cluster dependent data according to the multivariate structure of the generating process without any assumption on the margins. Moreover, the approach does not require either to choose a starting classification or to set a priori the number of clusters; in fact, the CoClust selects them by using a criterion based on the log–likelihood of a copula fit. We test our proposal on simulated data for different dependence scenarios and compare it with a model–based clustering technique. Finally, we show applications of the CoClust to real microarray data of breast-cancer patients.  相似文献   

The issue of determining “the right number of clusters” in K-Means has attracted considerable interest, especially in the recent years. Cluster intermix appears to be a factor most affecting the clustering results. This paper proposes an experimental setting for comparison of different approaches at data generated from Gaussian clusters with the controlled parameters of between- and within-cluster spread to model cluster intermix. The setting allows for evaluating the centroid recovery on par with conventional evaluation of the cluster recovery. The subjects of our interest are two versions of the “intelligent” K-Means method, ik-Means, that find the “right” number of clusters by extracting “anomalous patterns” from the data one-by-one. We compare them with seven other methods, including Hartigan’s rule, averaged Silhouette width and Gap statistic, under different between- and within-cluster spread-shape conditions. There are several consistent patterns in the results of our experiments, such as that the right K is reproduced best by Hartigan’s rule – but not clusters or their centroids. This leads us to propose an adjusted version of iK-Means, which performs well in the current experiment setting.  相似文献   

Single linkage clusters on a set of points are the maximal connected sets in a graph constructed by connecting all points closer than a given threshold distance. The complete set of single linkage clusters is obtained from all the graphs constructed using different threshold distances. The set of clusters forms a hierarchical tree, in which each non-singleton cluster divides into two or more subclusters; the runt size for each single linkage cluster is the number of points in its smallest subcluster. The maximum runt size over all single linkage clusters is our proposed test statistic for assessing multimodality. We give significance levels of the test for two null hypotheses, and consider its power against some bimodal alternatives. Research partially supported by NSF Grant No. DMS-8617919.  相似文献   

Two algorithms for pyramidal classification — a generalization of hierarchical classification — are presented that can work with incomplete dissimilarity data. These approaches — a modification of the pyramidal ascending classification algorithm and a least squares based penalty method — are described and compared using two different types of complete dissimilarity data in which randomly chosen dissimilarities are assumed missing and the non-missing ones are subjected to random error. We also consider relationships between hierarchical classification and pyramidal classification solutions when both are based on incomplete dissimilarity data.  相似文献   

Clustering with a criterion which minimizes the sum of squared distances to cluster centroids is usually done in a heuristic way. An exact polynomial algorithm, with a complexity in O(N p+1 logN), is proposed for minimum sum of squares hierarchical divisive clustering of points in a p-dimensional space with small p. Empirical complexity is one order of magnitude lower. Data sets with N = 20000 for p = 2, N = 1000 for p = 3, and N = 200 for p = 4 are clustered in a reasonable computing time.  相似文献   

A natural extension of classical metric multidimensional scaling is proposed. The result is a new formulation of nonmetric multidimensional scaling in which the strain criterion is minimized subject to order constraints on the disparity variables. Innovative features of the new formulation include: the parametrization of the p-dimensional distance matrices by the positive semidefinite matrices of rank ≤p; optimization of the (squared) disparity variables, rather than the configuration coordinate variables; and a new nondegeneracy constraint, which restricts the set of (squared) disparities rather than the set of distances. Solutions are obtained using an easily implemented gradient projection method for numerical optimization. The method is applied to two published data sets.  相似文献   

Probabilistic D-Clustering   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We present a new iterative method for probabilistic clustering of data. Given clusters, their centers and the distances of data points from these centers, the probability of cluster membership at any point is assumed inversely proportional to the distance from (the center of) the cluster in question. This assumption is our working principle. The method is a generalization, to several centers, of theWeiszfeld method for solving the Fermat–Weber location problem. At each iteration, the distances (Euclidean, Mahalanobis, etc.) from the cluster centers are computed for all data points, and the centers are updated as convex combinations of these points, with weights determined by the above principle. Computations stop when the centers stop moving.  相似文献   

Holman (1972) proved theorems which led him to suggest that there was a fundamental opposition between hierarchical clustering and non-metric Euclidean multidimensional scaling. Empirical experience has shown this to be untrue. Explanations of this apparent contradiction have been offered previously by Kruskal (1977) and Critchley (1986). In this paper we point out the feasibility of perfectly scaling a hierarchical tree in one dimension when the primary approach to ties (Kruskal 1964) is taken. Indeed, there is a whole polyhedral convex cone of solutions for which we obtain an explicit expression.  相似文献   

Dimensionality reduction techniques are used for representing higher dimensional data by a more parsimonious and meaningful lower dimensional structure. In this paper we will study two such approaches, namely Carroll’s Parametric Mapping (abbreviated PARAMAP) (Shepard and Carroll, 1966) and Tenenbaum’s Isometric Mapping (abbreviated Isomap) (Tenenbaum, de Silva, and Langford, 2000). The former relies on iterative minimization of a cost function while the latter applies classical MDS after a preprocessing step involving the use of a shortest path algorithm to define approximate geodesic distances. We will develop a measure of congruence based on preservation of local structure between the input data and the mapped low dimensional embedding, and compare the different approaches on various sets of data, including points located on the surface of a sphere, some data called the "Swiss Roll data", and truncated spheres.  相似文献   

A Binary Integer Program to Maximize the Agreement Between Partitions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This research note focuses on a problem where the cluster sizes for two partitions of the same object set are assumed known; however, the actual assignments of objects to clusters are unknown for one or both partitions. The objective is to find a contingency table that produces maximum possible agreement between the two partitions, subject to constraints that the row and column marginal frequencies for the table correspond exactly to the cluster sizes for the partitions. This problem was described by H. Messatfa (Journal of Classification, 1992, pp. 5–15), who provided a heuristic procedure based on the linear transportation problem. We present an exact solution procedure using binary integer programming. We demonstrate that our proposed method efficiently obtains optimal solutions for problems of practical size. We would like to thank the Editor, Willem Heiser, and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments that resulted in improvements of this article.  相似文献   

A validation study of a variable weighting algorithm for cluster analysis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
De Soete (1986, 1988) proposed a variable weighting procedure when Euclidean distance is used as the dissimilarity measure with an ultrametric hierarchical clustering method. The algorithm produces weighted distances which approximate ultrametric distances as closely as possible in a least squares sense. The present simulation study examined the effectiveness of the De Soete procedure for an applications problem for which it was not originally intended. That is, to determine whether or not the algorithm can be used to reduce the influence of variables which are irrelevant to the clustering present in the data. The simulation study examined the ability of the procedure to recover a variety of known underlying cluster structures. The results indicate that the algorithm is effective in identifying extraneous variables which do not contribute information about the true cluster structure. Weights near 0.0 were typically assigned to such extraneous variables. Furthermore, the variable weighting procedure was not adversely effected by the presence of other forms of error in the data. In general, it is recommended that the variable weighting procedure be used for applied analyses when Euclidean distance is employed with ultrametric hierarchical clustering methods.  相似文献   

A common practice in cross validation research in the behavioral sciences is to employ either the product moment correlation or a simple tabulation of first-choice “hits” for measuring the accuracy with which various preference models predict subjects’ responses to a holdout sample of choice objects. We propose a nonparametric approach for summarizing the accuracy of predicted rankings across a set of holdout-sample options. The methods that we develop contain a novel way to deal with ties and an approach to the different weighting of rank positions.  相似文献   

We present a new distance based quartet method for phylogenetic tree reconstruction, called Minimum Tree Cost Quartet Puzzling. Starting from a distance matrix computed from natural data, the algorithm incrementally constructs a tree by adding one taxon at a time to the intermediary tree using a cost function based on the relaxed 4-point condition for weighting quartets. Different input orders of taxa lead to trees having distinct topologies which can be evaluated using a maximum likelihood or weighted least squares optimality criterion. Using reduced sets of quartets and a simple heuristic tree search strategy we obtain an overall complexity of O(n 5 log2 n) for the algorithm. We evaluate the performances of the method through comparative tests and show that our method outperforms NJ when a weighted least squares optimality criterion is employed. We also discuss the theoretical boundaries of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Divisive hierarchical clustering algorithms with the diameter criterion proceed by recursively selecting the cluster with largest diameter and partitioning it into two clusters whose largest diameter is smallest possible. We provide two such algorithms with complexitiesO( N 2) andO(N 2logN) respectively, where denotes the maximum number of clusters in a partition andN the number of entities to be clustered. The former algorithm, an efficient implementation of an algorithm of Hubert, allows to find all partitions into at most clusters and is inO(N 2) for fixed . Moreover, if in each partitioning the size of the largest cluster is bounded byp times the number of entities in the set to be partitioned, with 1/2<=p<1, it provides a complete hierarchy of partitionsO(N 2 logN) time. The latter algorithm, a refinement of an algorithm of Rao allows to build a complete hierarchy of partitions inO(N 2 logN) time without any restriction. Comparative computational experiments with both algorithms and with an agglomerative hierarchical algorithm of Benzécri are reported.
Résumé Les algorithmes de classification hiérarchique descendante utilisant le critère du diamètre, sélectionnent récursivement la classe de plus grand diamètre et la partitionnent en deux classes, dont le plus grand diamètre est le plus, petit possible. Nous proposons deux tels algorithmes, avec des complexités enO ( N2) etO(N 2 logN) respectivement, où désigne le nombre maximum de classes d'une partition etN le nombre d'objets à classifier. Le premier algorithme, une implantation d'un algorithme de Hubert, permet de construire des partitions avec au plus classes et est enO(N 2) pour fixé. De plus, si dans chaque bipartition le nombre d'objets de la plus grande classe, est borné parp fois le nombre d'objets de l'ensemble à partitionner, où 1/2≤p<1, cet algorithme permet de construire une hiérarchie complète de partitions en tempsO(N 2 logN). Le second algorithme, un raffinement d'un algorithme de Rao, permet de construire une hiérarchie complète de partitions en tempsO(N 2 logN) sans aucune restriction On présente également des résultats de calcul comparatifs pour les deux algorithmes et pour l'algorithme de classification hiérarchique ascendante de Benzécri.

Optimization Strategies for Two-Mode Partitioning   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Two-mode partitioning is a relatively new form of clustering that clusters both rows and columns of a data matrix. In this paper, we consider deterministic two-mode partitioning methods in which a criterion similar to k-means is optimized. A variety of optimization methods have been proposed for this type of problem. However, it is still unclear which method should be used, as various methods may lead to non-global optima. This paper reviews and compares several optimization methods for two-mode partitioning. Several known methods are discussed, and a new fuzzy steps method is introduced. The fuzzy steps method is based on the fuzzy c-means algorithm of Bezdek (1981) and the fuzzy steps approach of Heiser and Groenen (1997) and Groenen and Jajuga (2001). The performances of all methods are compared in a large simulation study. In our simulations, a two-mode k-means optimization method most often gives the best results. Finally, an empirical data set is used to give a practical example of two-mode partitioning. We would like to thank two anonymous referees whose comments have improved the quality of this paper. We are also grateful to Peter Verhoef for providing the data set used in this paper.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a bicriterion objective function for clustering a given set ofN entities, which minimizes [d–(1–)s], where 01, andd ands are the diameter and the split of the clustering, respectively. When =1, the problem reduces to minimum diameter clustering, and when =0, maximum split clustering. We show that this objective provides an effective way to compromise between the two often conflicting criteria. While the problem is NP-hard in general, a polynomial algorithm with the worst-case time complexityO(N 2) is devised to solve the bipartition version. This algorithm actually gives all the Pareto optimal bipartitions with respect to diameter and split, and it can be extended to yield an efficient divisive hierarchical scheme. An extension of the approach to the objective [(d 1+d 2)–2(1–)s] is also proposed, whered 1 andd 2 are diameters of the two clusters of a bipartition.This research was supported in part by the National Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada (Grant OGP 0104900). The authors wish to thank two anonymous referees, whose detailed comments on earlier drafts improved the paper.  相似文献   

Dendrograms are widely used to represent graphically the clusters and partitions obtained with hierarchical clustering schemes. Espaliers are generalized dendrograms in which the length of horizontal lines is used in addition to their level in order to display the values of two characteristics of each cluster (e.g., the split and the diameter) instead of only one. An algorithm is first presented to transform a dendrogram into an espalier without rotation of any part of the former. This is done by stretching some of the horizontal lines to obtain a diagram with vertical and horizontal lines only, the cutting off by diagonal lines the parts of the horizontal lines exceeding their prescribed length. The problem of finding if, allowing rotations, no diagonal lines are needed is solved by anO(N 2) algorithm whereN is the number of entities to be classified. This algorithm is the generalized to obtain espaliers with minimum width and, possibly, some diagonal lines.Work of the first and second authors has been supported by FCAR (Fonds pour la Formation de Chercheurs et l'Aide à la Recherche) grant 92EQ1048, and grant N00014-92-J-1194 from the Office of Naval Research. Work of the first author has also been supported by NSERC (Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) grant to École des Hautes Études Commerciales, Montréal and by NSERC grant GP0105574. Work of the second author has been supported by NSERC grant GP0036426, by FCAR grant 90NC0305, and by an NSF Professorship for Women in Science at Princeton University from September 1990 until December 1991. Work of the third author was done in part during a visit to GERAD, Montréal.  相似文献   

All the attempts to find the justification of the privileged evolution of phenomena exclusively in the external world need to refer to the inescapable fact that we are living in such an asymmetric universe. This leads us to look for the origin of the “arrow of time” in the relationship between the subject and the world. The anthropic argument shows that the arrow of time is the condition of the possibility of emergence and maintenance of life in the universe. Moreover, according to Bohr’s, Poincaré’s and Watanabe’s analysis, this agreement between the earlier-later direction of entropy increase and the past-future direction of life is the very condition of the possibility for meaningful action, representation and creation. Beyond this relationship of logical necessity between the meaning process and the arrow of time the question of their possible physical connection is explored. To answer affirmatively to this question, the meaning process is modelled as an evolving tree-like structure, called “Semantic Time”, where thermodynamic irreversibility can be shown. Time is the substance I am made of. Time is a river which sweeps me along, but I am the river ; it is a tiger which destroys me, but I am the tiger ; it is a fire which consumes me, but I am the fire. – (Jorge Luis Borges)  相似文献   

ConsiderN entities to be classified, with given weights, and a matrix of dissimilarities between pairs of them. The split of a cluster is the smallest dissimilarity between an entity in that cluster and an entity outside it. The single-linkage algorithm provides partitions intoM clusters for which the smallest split is maximum. We consider the problems of finding maximum split partitions with exactlyM clusters and with at mostM clusters subject to the additional constraint that the sum of the weights of the entities in each cluster never exceeds a given bound. These two problems are shown to be NP-hard and reducible to a sequence of bin-packing problems. A (N 2) algorithm for the particular caseM =N of the second problem is also presented. Computational experience is reported.Acknowledgments: Work of the first author was supported in part by AFOSR grants 0271 and 0066 to Rutgers University and was done in part during a visit to GERAD, Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, whose support is gratefully acknowledged. Work of the second and third authors was supported by NSERC grant GP0036426 and by FCAR grant 89EQ4144. We are grateful to Silvano Martello and Paolo Toth for making available to us their program MTP for the bin-paking problem and to three anonymous referees for comments which helped to improve the presentation of the paper.  相似文献   

Efficient algorithms for agglomerative hierarchical clustering methods   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
Whenevern objects are characterized by a matrix of pairwise dissimilarities, they may be clustered by any of a number of sequential, agglomerative, hierarchical, nonoverlapping (SAHN) clustering methods. These SAHN clustering methods are defined by a paradigmatic algorithm that usually requires 0(n 3) time, in the worst case, to cluster the objects. An improved algorithm (Anderberg 1973), while still requiring 0(n 3) worst-case time, can reasonably be expected to exhibit 0(n 2) expected behavior. By contrast, we describe a SAHN clustering algorithm that requires 0(n 2 logn) time in the worst case. When SAHN clustering methods exhibit reasonable space distortion properties, further improvements are possible. We adapt a SAHN clustering algorithm, based on the efficient construction of nearest neighbor chains, to obtain a reasonably general SAHN clustering algorithm that requires in the worst case 0(n 2) time and space.Whenevern objects are characterized byk-tuples of real numbers, they may be clustered by any of a family of centroid SAHN clustering methods. These methods are based on a geometric model in which clusters are represented by points ink-dimensional real space and points being agglomerated are replaced by a single (centroid) point. For this model, we have solved a class of special packing problems involving point-symmetric convex objects and have exploited it to design an efficient centroid clustering algorithm. Specifically, we describe a centroid SAHN clustering algorithm that requires 0(n 2) time, in the worst case, for fixedk and for a family of dissimilarity measures including the Manhattan, Euclidean, Chebychev and all other Minkowski metrics.This work was partially supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and by the Austrian Fonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung.  相似文献   

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