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Focusing on the region of Yarlung Zangbo River and the middle reaches of its two tributaries of Nianchu River and Lhasa River in Tibet (Herefter referred to as the “One River and Two Tributaries” region), and based on the data from China 3rd, 4th and 5th population censuses, the article has analyzed change patterns of this region's labor force, Major findings from the study are summarized as follows: ① Compared with the data from the 3rd census, labor force population in 2000 has increased significanlty. ② Children dependency coefficient has dropped, while old people dependency coefficient has changed very slightly with an increase of 0.047% only. ③ Compared 2000 with 1982, illiteracy and semi-illiteracy rate of the population above 15 years old have decreased significantly by 30. 69 percentage points, but still higher than the national average. ④ Women's illiteracy rate has dropped faster than men's, but up to 2000 it was generally quite high. The upgrading of the entire population's overall quality has a long way to go.  相似文献   

Focusing on the 18 counties along ““““One River and Two Tributaries““““ region, and based on the data from China 3^nd , 4th and 5^th population censuses, this article has analyzed the time and spatial changing patterns of the population in this region, The analyses show that since the 3^al population census, total population, average age and total birth rate have all changed considerably: ① Total population has grown fast, with most counties‘ annual average growth rate of more than 10. ② In terms of the region‘s average age, in 2000 the age inthe 18 counties is younger than 30 years old. ③ Compared with the 3^rd population census, labor force by the 5^th census is much younger. ④ Countermeasures are proposed to control population by controlling birth rate as the result of the local resident‘s quality improvement by education.  相似文献   

本文在分析我国不同年龄组劳动参与率变化规律的基础上,基于作者关于我国二孩政策背景下人口规模与结构的预测结果,测算了2018—2025年我国15—64岁每5岁年龄组劳动力的供给量。结果表明,我国劳动力将在2018—2025期间逐年递减,由7.60亿下降至7.37亿人,并将出现高龄化趋势。2025年我国25—29岁、45—49岁劳动力的占比分别比2018年的明显减少4.5与3个百分点,50—59岁劳动力的占比较2018年明显增加4.2个百分点。为缓解劳动力供给下降对经济发展带来的不良影响,建议通过减少育儿成本的举措提高生育水平,尤其是提高一孩的生育率;同时提高我国45—54岁的城市和镇女性的劳动参与率,增加劳动力供给。  相似文献   

现阶段中国人口存在总量增长、老龄化加速与劳动力下降以及地域不平衡性的特点.以平顶山市劳动力人口变化趋势为研究对象,运用短维灰色GM(1,1)模型进行平顶山市劳动年龄人口预测,运用线性回归进行平顶山市劳动参与率分析,并建立平顶山市劳动力人口预测模型,最终预测2010—2019年平顶山市劳动力人口供给情况.结果表明:以15~64岁为统计口径的平顶山市劳动力人口在2010—2019年间将保持平稳缓慢增长状态,年均增长速度约为0.4%,尚未出现劳动力短缺拐点.  相似文献   

劳动力作为商品具有许多不同于一般商品的特殊性,这种特殊性对劳动力价值有着重要影响.劳动力商品特殊性对劳动力价值的影响表现为三个方面:劳动力价值的复杂性、劳动力价格与价值的背离、复杂劳动力的价值问题.  相似文献   

The Jialing River is one of the main tributaries of the Yangtze River. The average annual runoff accounts for 16 % and the sediment load 26% of the total at Yichang therefore it's one of the main contributors of sediment to the Three Gorges Reservoir. Ever since 1989, our country has implemented "Yangtze River soil and water conservation" project, Till the end of 1996, altogether 25.8 % of erosion area in Jialing River has been improved after large scale conservation has taken effect. The analysis and comparison between records taken before and after the implementation of soil and water conservation on runoff and sediment yield indicated that the sediment load soil erosion in Jialing river basin has been taken under control to some extent. Amount of annual runoff in main conservations have generally dropped by exponential function. Obvious result has been achieved in Jialing River, efficiency of sand reduction is about 10%-25%. Therefore, sediment to Three Gorges Reservoir is decreased accordingly, and it will be beneficial to take advantage of reser- voir's synthetic benefit.  相似文献   

Based on the Tibet Autonomous Region‘s statistic yearbooks and the data from the two household surveys in 2002 and 2004, this paper has comprehensively analyzed the pattern of changes on the farmers and herdsmen‘s income sources in the Tibet Autonomous Region since 1990 with the main findings as follows: ① The change of income from the labor payment is the fastest;② There is no regular pattern of income variation for the household economic activities, the farmers and herdsmen‘s household income generation projects are impacted by the elements like prices and returns, and there is a lack of appro-priate direction; ③ The income structure of labor payment shows that the income from the farmers and herdsmen working outside grows fastest; ④ The income from the farmers and herdsmen‘s labor payment correlate positively to their net income per capita; ⑤ From the perspective of the variation by region, labor payment income has changed fastest in the counties of Rutok, Nyerong and Khangmar compared the data from the household survey in 2002 with that of 2004.  相似文献   

在样本相关系数具有渐近正态性的条件下,给出了一种二维正态总体分量相关性的假设检验方法,并且与大样本情形下的传统检验方法比较了功效,得到渐近相对效率为1的结论,且新的检验统计量形式明显简单,从而说明新的检验方法是简便可行的.  相似文献   

在对中国人口年龄结构、消费率与城乡消费差距现状分析的基础上,基于2000-2014年中国省级面板数据,综合时空尺度,建立动态面板及空间面板数据模型,探究人口年龄结构对城镇消费率、农村消费率及城乡消费差距的影响.结果显示,少儿抚养比与老年抚养比对城镇居民消费率均具有正向影响,而对农村地区居民消费率则分别产生负效应和正效应;城乡少儿抚养系数比、城乡老年抚养系数比对城乡消费差距均具有正效应,且城乡居民消费差距存在空间集聚格局,呈现正的空间依赖性;"全面两孩"生育政策将改善人口年龄结构,从而有利于缩小城乡消费差距.  相似文献   

主要利用地方统计年鉴中人口、劳力和产业发展的数据,对桂东南的劳力状况进行了分析,发现桂东南农村可向现代产业转移的劳力是均匀地分布于该区域的可居住地上,这对区域内劳力密集型的中小企业的发展有不同影响。劳力密集型的中小企业主要有劳力分散型和集中型两类,桂东南劳力的分布状况对劳力分散型中小企业的发展更为有利,但改善交通状况或加速城市化进程对所有劳力密集型的产业发展均有促进作用。  相似文献   

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