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后天环境对中青年人终身体育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以一些群众较普及的体育项目作为对终身体育研究的参考对象和出发点 ,讨论后天环境的相关因子对终身体育的影响。通过对杭州市不同年龄段随机抽查的样本 ,共抽取 2 34人进行问卷调查 ,再运用体育统计学进行假设检验 ,以探讨影响城市人口终身体育的因素。  相似文献   

The skin interfollicular epidermis (IFE) is the first barrier against the external environment and its maintenance is critical for survival. Two seemingly opposite theories have been proposed to explain IFE homeostasis. One posits that IFE is maintained by long-lived slow-cycling stem cells that give rise to transit-amplifying cell progeny, whereas the other suggests that homeostasis is achieved by a single committed progenitor population that balances stochastic fate. Here we probe the cellular heterogeneity within the IFE using two different inducible Cre recombinase–oestrogen receptor constructs targeting IFE progenitors in mice. Quantitative analysis of clonal fate data and proliferation dynamics demonstrate the existence of two distinct proliferative cell compartments arranged in a hierarchy involving slow-cycling stem cells and committed progenitor cells. After wounding, only stem cells contribute substantially to the repair and long-term regeneration of the tissue, whereas committed progenitor cells make a limited contribution.  相似文献   

地下混凝土结构硫酸盐及氯盐侵蚀的耐久性实验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对硫酸盐及氯盐共同侵蚀下混凝土中SO 42-和Cl-的扩散规律和性能劣化特征进行室内模拟实验研究。研究结果表明:硫酸根与氯离子在混凝土中扩散短期内起到相互牵制效应,SO 24-与水泥水化产物的合成物和Cl-生成的F盐堵塞孔隙,延缓侵蚀离子扩散。硫酸根与氯离子共同侵蚀下,抗侵蚀系数和抗渗透性能先增加后减小,同时水灰比、粉煤灰对抗侵蚀性及渗透性影响明显。实验研究指出物理侵蚀发生的最明显温度在21~24℃之间,缓解温度在30~35℃之间,较小的相对湿度(RH为45%)、较高的温度变化加快了硫酸盐物理侵蚀。微观测试和分析表明,Friede盐、大量钙矾石(AFt)以及硫酸钠结晶物,导致了混凝土内部结构松散劣化,Na,S和Cl等侵入元素的存在说明有害物质侵入痕迹。  相似文献   

微囊化基质细胞对脐带血造血干/祖细胞扩增支持   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将脐带血单个核细胞与包埋有兔骨髓间充质干细胞的海藻酸钙微胶珠在3种不同的培养液中进行了7d的体外静态共培养.每24h进行总有核细胞计数,在0、72和168h进行流式CD34+细胞分析以及甲基纤维素集落检验.实验结果表明:经过7d的静态共培养,在添加常规剂量造血生长因子的培养液中,总有核细胞扩增了(15±2.85)倍,CD34+细胞扩增了(5.33±0.32)倍,CFU-Cs扩增了(5.6±1.21)倍.微胶囊可以作为一种新的共培养隔离手段,微囊化兔骨髓间充质干细胞在添加适量血清或者造血生长因子组合的条件下对于脐带血造血干/祖细胞在静态下的扩增有明显的促进作用.  相似文献   

A Joyner  G Keller  R A Phillips  A Bernstein 《Nature》1983,305(5934):556-558
The haematopoietic system is made up of a hierarchy of cells with different developmental, functional and proliferative capacities. Although cellular diversity appears to arise from the commitment and maturation of stem cells, the molecular basis for this differentiation process is unknown. The introduction of cloned DNA sequences into haematopoietic progenitor cells would provide a novel approach for studying this differentiating in vivo system. One laboratory has reported DNA-mediated transfer of genes into mouse bone marrow cells. However, retroviruses offer a number of advantages over DNA-mediated gene transfer procedures, including high efficiency infection of a wide range of cell types in vitro and in vivo, stable and low copy integration into the host chromosome, and a defined integrated provirus structure. For these reasons recombinant DNA techniques have been utilized to construct high efficiency retrovirus vectors expressing foreign genes. We demonstrate here, using such a retrovirus vector, the transfer of a dominant selectable drug-resistance gene into defined classes of mouse haematopoietic progenitor cells. These observations should facilitate the development of molecular genetic approaches to fundamental and clinical problems in haematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Type-beta transforming growth factors (TGF-beta s) are polypeptides that act hormonally to control proliferation and differentiation of many cell types. Two distinct homodimeric TGF-beta polypeptides, TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 have been identified which show approximately 70% amino-acid sequence similarity. Despite their structural differences, TGF-beta 1 and TGF-beta 2 are equally potent at inhibiting epithelial cell proliferation and adipogenic differentiation. The recent immunohistochemical localization of high levels of TGF-beta in the bone marrow and haematopoietic progenitors of the fetal liver has raised the possibility that TGF-beta s might be involved in the regulation of haematopoiesis. Here we show that TGF-beta 1, but not TGF-beta 2, is a potent inhibitor of haematopoietic progenitor cell proliferation. TGF-beta 1 inhibited colony formation by murine factor-dependent haematopoietic progenitor cells in response to interleukin-3 (IL-3) or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF), as well as colony formation by marrow progenitor cells responding to CSF-1 (M-CSF). The progenitor cell lines examined were approximately 100-fold more sensitive to TGF-beta 1 than TGF-beta 2, and displayed type-I TGF-beta receptors with affinity approximately 20-fold higher for TGF-beta 1 than TGF-beta 2. These results identify TGF-beta 1 as a novel regulator of haematopoiesis that acts through type-I TGF-beta receptors to modulate proliferation of progenitor cells in response to haematopoietic growth factors.  相似文献   

Rejuvenation of the lithosphere by the Hawaiian plume   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Li X  Kind R  Yuan X  Wölbern I  Hanka W 《Nature》2004,427(6977):827-829
The volcanism responsible for creating the chain of the Hawaiian islands and seamounts is believed to mark the passage of the oceanic lithosphere over a mantle plume. In this picture hot material rises from great depth within a fixed narrow conduit to the surface, penetrating the moving lithosphere. Although a number of models describe possible plume-lithosphere interactions, seismic imaging techniques have not had sufficient resolution to distinguish between them. Here we apply the S-wave 'receiver function' technique to data of three permanent seismic broadband stations on the Hawaiian islands, to map the thickness of the underlying lithosphere. We find that under Big Island the lithosphere is 100-110 km thick, as expected for an oceanic plate 90-100 million years old that is not modified by a plume. But the lithosphere thins gradually along the island chain to about 50-60 km below Kauai. The width of the thinning is about 300 km. In this zone, well within the larger-scale topographic swell, we infer that the rejuvenation model (where the plume thins the lithosphere) is operative; however, the larger-scale topographic swell is probably supported dynamically.  相似文献   

The functional heart is comprised of distinct mesoderm-derived lineages including cardiomyocytes, endothelial cells and vascular smooth muscle cells. Studies in the mouse embryo and the mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation model have provided evidence indicating that these three lineages develop from a common Flk-1(+) (kinase insert domain protein receptor, also known as Kdr) cardiovascular progenitor that represents one of the earliest stages in mesoderm specification to the cardiovascular lineages. To determine whether a comparable progenitor is present during human cardiogenesis, we analysed the development of the cardiovascular lineages in human embryonic stem cell differentiation cultures. Here we show that after induction with combinations of activin A, bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4), basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF, also known as FGF2), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF, also known as VEGFA) and dickkopf homolog 1 (DKK1) in serum-free media, human embryonic-stem-cell-derived embryoid bodies generate a KDR(low)/C-KIT(CD117)(neg) population that displays cardiac, endothelial and vascular smooth muscle potential in vitro and, after transplantation, in vivo. When plated in monolayer cultures, these KDR(low)/C-KIT(neg) cells differentiate to generate populations consisting of greater than 50% contracting cardiomyocytes. Populations derived from the KDR(low)/C-KIT(neg) fraction give rise to colonies that contain all three lineages when plated in methylcellulose cultures. Results from limiting dilution studies and cell-mixing experiments support the interpretation that these colonies are clones, indicating that they develop from a cardiovascular colony-forming cell. Together, these findings identify a human cardiovascular progenitor that defines one of the earliest stages of human cardiac development.  相似文献   

Bleul CC  Corbeaux T  Reuter A  Fisch P  Mönting JS  Boehm T 《Nature》2006,441(7096):992-996
The thymus is essential for the generation of self-tolerant effector and regulatory T cells. Intrathymic T-cell development requires an intact stromal microenvironment, of which thymic epithelial cells (TECs) constitute a major part. For instance, cell-autonomous genetic defects of forkhead box N1 (Foxn1) and autoimmune regulator (Aire) in thymic epithelial cells cause primary immunodeficiency and autoimmunity, respectively. During development, the thymic epithelial rudiment gives rise to two major compartments, the cortex and medulla. Cortical TECs positively select T cells, whereas medullary TECs are involved in negative selection of potentially autoreactive T cells. It has long been unclear whether these two morphologically and functionally distinct types of epithelial cells arise from a common bi-potent progenitor cell and whether such progenitors are still present in the postnatal period. Here, using in vivo cell lineage analysis in mice, we demonstrate the presence of a common progenitor of cortical and medullary TECs after birth. To probe the function of postnatal progenitors, a conditional mutant allele of Foxn1 was reverted to wild-type function in single epithelial cells in vivo. This led to the formation of small thymic lobules containing both cortical and medullary areas that supported normal thymopoiesis. Thus, single epithelial progenitor cells can give rise to a complete and functional thymic microenvironment, suggesting that cell-based therapies could be developed for thymus disorders.  相似文献   

本文是该院1992~1998年间收治678例中风症患者中,34例老年中风后继发癫痫症患者的临床分析。文章指出:本组34例均属于中风后早期癫痫发作。其发病机理可能是由于在缺血性脑血管病早期,急性血液循环障碍(缺血、缺氧)引起急性代谢改变,造成维持细胞膜电位稳定的离子梯度失调,导致膜电位紊乱引起的癫痫发作。  相似文献   

Leukaemias and other cancers possess a rare population of cells capable of the limitless self-renewal necessary for cancer initiation and maintenance. Eradication of these cancer stem cells is probably a critical part of any successful anti-cancer therapy, and may explain why conventional cancer therapies are often effective in reducing tumour burden, but are only rarely curative. Given that both normal and cancer stem cells are capable of self-renewal, the extent to which cancer stem cells resemble normal tissue stem cells is a critical issue if targeted therapies are to be developed. However, it remains unclear whether cancer stem cells must be phenotypically similar to normal tissue stem cells or whether they can retain the identity of committed progenitors. Here we show that leukaemia stem cells (LSC) can maintain the global identity of the progenitor from which they arose while activating a limited stem-cell- or self-renewal-associated programme. We isolated LSC from leukaemias initiated in committed granulocyte macrophage progenitors through introduction of the MLL-AF9 fusion protein encoded by the t(9;11)(p22;q23). The LSC were capable of transferring leukaemia to secondary recipient mice when only four cells were transferred, and possessed an immunophenotype and global gene expression profile very similar to that of normal granulocyte macrophage progenitors. However, a subset of genes highly expressed in normal haematopoietic stem cells was re-activated in LSC. LSC can thus be generated from committed progenitors without widespread reprogramming of gene expression, and a leukaemia self-renewal-associated signature is activated in the process. Our findings define progression from normal progenitor to cancer stem cell, and suggest that targeting a self-renewal programme expressed in an abnormal context may be possible.  相似文献   

Reactivation of immunocompetence in spleen cells of aged mice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
D Friedman  V Keiser  A Globerson 《Nature》1974,251(5475):545-547

1998年10月在巴黎召开的“首届世界高等教育大会”指出 :“当21世纪的曙光出现在地平线上的时候 ,高等教育将成为世界的头等大事”。大学作为知识经济的发动机与充电器已是不争的事实 ,不遗余力地发展高等教育已毫无例外地成为世界各国的战略决策 ,以至于国际上已把毛入学率高于30 %作为现代化的重要标志之一。国际上成功的办学经验揭示 :高等教育不靠政府不行 ,全靠政府亦不行。在当今高等教育日趋国际化的背景下 ,面对国外大学的竞争与挑战 ,面对国内广大青年学子上大学的渴望 ,在当前国家经济仍处于快速发展时机 ,政府包办高等…  相似文献   

 1998年10月在巴黎召开的”首届世界高等教育大会“指出: ”当21世纪的曙光出现在地平线上的时候, 高等教育将成为世界的头等大事“.大学作为知识经济的发动机与充电器已是不争的事实, 不遗余力地发展高等教育已毫无例外地成为世界各国的战略决策, 以至于国际上已把毛入学率高于30 %作为现代化的重要标志之一。国际上成功的办学经验揭示: 高等教育不靠政府不行, 全靠政府亦不行。在当今高等教育日趋国际化的背景下, 面对国外大学的竞争与挑战, 面对国内广大青年学子上大学的渴望, 在当前国家经济仍处于快速发展时机, 政府包办高等教育的格局应尽速改变、尽快打破。  相似文献   

企业市场占优投资竞争策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用博弈论Cournot和Stackelberg竞争模型,并引入投资期权的分析工具研究两个竞争企业的市场占优投资决策的纯策略和混合策略.用数学模拟方法分析不同市场条件下具有或不具有垄断投资机会的企业市场占优投资决策策略,以及市场波动对不同性质企业进行市场占优投资决策的影响.结果表明,当面临激烈的市场竞争时,企业往往希望通过市场占优的投资进一步培育或发展自身的核心能力,以期望在未来的竞争中获取优势,占有更大的市场份额.但是,由于市场的不确定性,进行市场占优投资的决策可能给企业带来收益,也可能带来损失,如何进行市场占优投资的决策是企业应该切实关注的问题.  相似文献   

 利用噻唑蓝比色分析法(MTT法)研究"Anti-UV Clone"柴胡细胞株不同溶剂提取物对UV-B照射HaCaT细胞活性的影响.实验结果表明,"Anti-UV Clone"柴胡细胞株乙醇和乙酸乙酯提取物均抑制HaCaT细胞的活性,而水提取物则能提高HaCaT细胞的活性.因此,"Anti-UV Clone"柴胡细胞株水提取物进一步被用于HaCaT细胞紫外线照射研究.与UV-B照射组相比,在照射前或照射后加入"Anti-UV Clone"柴胡细胞株水提取物均能不同程度提高细胞的活性(p<0.05);在照射前或照射后加入0.2U/mL的"Anti-UV Clone"柴胡细胞株水提取物,细胞活性分别比照射组提高10.54%或14.95%.说明"Anti-UV Clone" 柴胡细胞株水提取物中可能含有UV-B保护物质.  相似文献   

Stanger BZ  Tanaka AJ  Melton DA 《Nature》2007,445(7130):886-891
The determinants of vertebrate organ size are poorly understood, but the process is thought to depend heavily on growth factors and other environmental cues. In the blood and central nervous system, for example, organ mass is determined primarily by growth-factor-regulated cell proliferation and apoptosis to achieve a final target size. Here, we report that the size of the mouse pancreas is constrained by an intrinsic programme established early in development, one that is essentially not subject to growth compensation. Specifically, final pancreas size is limited by the size of the progenitor cell pool that is set aside in the developing pancreatic bud. By contrast, the size of the liver is not constrained by reductions in the progenitor cell pool. These findings show that progenitor cell number, independently of regulation by growth factors, can be a key determinant of organ size.  相似文献   

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