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I show how quantum mechanics, like the theory of relativity, can be understood as a ‘principle theory’ in Einstein's sense, and I use this notion to explore the approach to the problem of interpretation developed in my book Interpreting the Quantum World.  相似文献   

Entanglement has long been the subject of discussion by philosophers of quantum theory, and has recently come to play an essential role for physicists in their development of quantum information theory. In this paper we show how the formalism of algebraic quantum field theory (AQFT) provides a rigorous framework within which to analyse entanglement in the context of a fully relativistic formulation of quantum theory. What emerges from the analysis are new practical and theoretical limitations on an experimenter's ability to perform operations on a field in one spacetime region that can disentangle its state from the state of the field in other spacelike-separated regions. These limitations show just how deeply entrenched entanglement is in relativistic quantum field theory, and yield a fresh perspective on the ways in which the theory differs conceptually from both standard non-relativistic quantum theory and classical relativistic field theory.  相似文献   

通过对自然能源的开发应用研究,推出一种“可燃物质脉冲爆轰发电系统。该系统利用可燃物质与空气(氧气)比例混合后,在爆轰室内的脉冲爆轰取代燃料的缓慢燃烧,使燃料能得到充分利用。由于该发电系统是以可燃物质与空气(氧气)比例混合以爆轰的方式做功,从而使得其燃料范围极为广泛且来源丰富,一切可燃物质都能作为该发电系统的燃料,甚至像垃圾、纸木屑、植物的根、叶、径和干燥草木等能作为本发电系统的燃料而变废为宝。提出了一种构建在可燃物质脉冲爆轰发电系统之上的一种自然能源开发利用模式,将使得具有间断性、波动性和分散性的能源如:太阳能、风能、潮汐能、海(江河)流能、海水温差能、地热能、空间电磁波和雷电能等具备了工业开发利用价值。并使得液态金属汞等成为一种较理想的可再生燃料。  相似文献   

大量微观和宏观物理现象都表明基本粒子不是类点结构,但这并非是弦学说才有的特色,三旋理论利用类圈体存在三种内禀自旋的发现,会有助于对微观和宏观量子现象及场的一些难题的探索。  相似文献   

在非线性系统中由于存在着与粒子状态相关的非线性相互作用,微观粒子的状态和特征相对于线性系统而发生了很大变化。原有的线性型的量子力学理论不能很好地描述这些微观粒子的状态和特征。至此,必然要发展新的理论。本文研究了微观粒子在非线性作用下的运动特性和本性的变化,说明了在线性作用和非线性场中微观粒子的性质是明显不同的,启示我们必须建立微观粒子在非线性场中运动的新理论。接着我们研究了与微观量子效应迥然不同的宏观量子效应与非线性作用的孤立子运动的紧密关系,结合现代孤立子理论和超导与超流理论,我们首先提出了非线性量子力学的基本原理及在此基础上建立了系统、完整的非线性量子力学理论体系,并得到的一些新结论。最后我们还论证了这个理论的正确性和自洽性,它的运用范围以及它的重大意义。  相似文献   

在非线性系统中由于存在着与粒子状态相关的非线性相互作用,微观粒子的状态和特征相对于线性系统而发生了很大变化。原有的线性型的量子力学理论不能很好地描述这些微观粒子的状态和特征。至此,必然要发展新的理论。本文研究了微观粒子在非线性作用下的运动特性和本性的变化,说明了在线性作用和非线性场中微观粒子的性质是明显不同的,启示我们必须建立微观粒子在非线性场中运动的新理论。接着我们研究了与微观量子效应迥然不同的宏观量子效应与非线性作用的孤立子运动的紧密关系,结合现代孤立子理论和超导与超流理论,我们首先提出了非线性量子力学的基本原理及在此基础上建立了系统、完整的非线性量子力学理论体系,并得到的一些新结论。最后我们还论证了这个理论的正确性和自洽性,它的运用范围以及它的重大意义。  相似文献   

Many consider the apparent disappearance of time and change in quantum gravity the main metaphysical challenge since it seems to lead to a form of Parmenidean view according to which the physical world simply is, nothing changes, moves, becomes, happens. In this paper, I argue that the main metaphysical challenge of Rovelli’s philosophical view of loop quantum gravity is to lead exactly to the opposite view, namely, a form of Heraclitean view, or rather, of radical process metaphysics according to which there is becoming (process, change, event) but not being (substance, stasis, thing). However, this does not entail that time is real. Fundamentally, time does not exist. I show how Rovelli’s understanding of loop quantum gravity supports the view that there is change without time, so that the physical world can be timeless yet ever-changing. I conclude by arguing that it is such a process-oriented conception that constitutes the revolutionary metaphysical challenge and philosophical significance of loop quantum gravity, while the alleged Parmenidean view turns out to be nothing but the endpoint of a long-standing metaphysical orthodoxy.  相似文献   

I analyse two different methods for the retrieval of a classical notion of spacetime from the theory of quantum cosmology in terms of the different means they employ to bring about the necessary loss of coherence. One method employs a direct coarse graining of the appropriate phase space, whereas the other method is based on decohering the system by the interaction with an environment. Although these methods are equivalent on a phenomenological level, I argue that conceptually the decoherence approach is superior. The coarse graining approach construes the necessary loss of coherence in epistemic terms, whereas the method based on decohering the system by interaction with an environment provides a dynamical explanation for the emergence of classical notions of spacetime. On the latter account the emergence of classical behaviour is an objective property of the physical system under consideration, in contradistinction with the subjective coarse graining account of the retrieval of a classical spacetime in terms of measurements made by an observer.  相似文献   

先进材料科学与应用的展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对材料的发展现状作了较为详尽的综述,对先进材料的开发使用和材料科学的发展前景作了展望。由于材料特别是高性能,多用途先进材料是人类社会发展的重要推动力,先进材料将继续成为科学和工程研究的重点。作者认为纤维增强树脂复合材料和硅基电子材料是当今工业中最重要的材料,而智能材料、纳米材料、光电材料、生物材料和高温陶瓷材料将是21世纪的研究重点,并将发挥愈来愈大的作用。  相似文献   

In 1756 Joseph Black published a new theory of the nature of lime, one that is now viewed as essentially correct. Black's theory was not immediately accepted, and a competing theory, published in 1764 by Johann Meyer, was widely preferred to Black's for some years. In this paper, probability theory is used to show that, and why, some of Black's evidence made his theory more probable than Meyer's.  相似文献   

实现深及单个量子系统的测量技术,能够揭示出在传统宏观测量中被系综统计所平均掉的独特的个体信息.金刚石中的氮–空位色心(NV色心)在室温下具有超长的相干时间,并可以通过光探测磁共振的方式进行单量子体系的操控和读出,已经成为实现量子精密测量和量子信息处理的重要平台.尤其在测磁学方面,朝向单分子成像的研究正在全力进行.本文回顾了基于NV色心的量子精密测量研究,介绍了其在测量磁场、电场、力学系统、温度等方面的相关进展,讨论了本领域今后可能的发展方向.  相似文献   

笔者在长期研究工作的基础上,从提出非线性量子力学的基本原理出发,建立起了非线性量子力学理论,形成了完整的非线性量子力学的理论体系。从而把量子力学从线性领域推广和发展到非线性领域。在本文中笔者描述了建立这个非线性量子力学的物理背景,它的基本构思,研究的技术路线,产生的实际效果,与国际同类研究比较,本研究的创新和特点以及研究的重大意义。  相似文献   

1999年,高等教育出版社出版了中国科学院何传启研究员的专著《第二次现代化》该书提出了人类社会发展新理论-第二次现代化理论,本文介绍了《第二次现代化》和第二次现代化理论,并对《第二次现代化》和《第三次浪潮》作了比较。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,铁路作为人类社会赖以生存的基础设施,一直在国家固定资产投资中占据着主导地位,因此,如何提高铁路建设项目的质量就显得尤为关键。本文提出铁路建设项目综合后评价的概念,并将铁路建设项目综合后评价的内容概括为工程管理水平、投融资管理水平和财务效益水平三个部分。在此基础上,建立了基于模糊综合理论的铁路建设项目综合后评价的模糊综合评价模型,并通过实例验证了该模型的实用性。  相似文献   

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