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A M Jetten 《Nature》1980,284(5757):626-629
Retinoids elicit many biological and biochemical responses from cells in vitro. One widely used criterion for the responsiveness of cells to retinoids is inhibition of growth; retinoids reduce the saturation density and/or growth rate of many normal and tumorigenic cell lines. Propagation of eukaryotic cells has been demonstrated to be dependent on the presence of macromolecular growth factors such as epidermal growth factor (EGF), which can stimulate proliferation of epithelial and fibroblastic cell lines. We now describe the effect of retinoids on the binding of EGF to its receptor. Retinoic acid enhances binding of 125I-labelled EGF to various fibroblastic and epidermal cell lines. It has no marked effect on the affinity of this growth factor for its receptor, but increases the number of EGF receptor sites. Retinoic acid has little effect on the binding of concanavalin A (Con A) and insulin, indicating the specific nature of the action of retinoids on cell-surface glycoproteins. Treatment of cells with the phorbol ester 12-o-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and retinoic acid shows poor antagonism between these compounds on EGF binding. It has been previously shown that retinoids induce or stimulate differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells. EGF binding can be used as a marker to monitor differentiation of these cells.  相似文献   

L S Lee  I B Weinstein 《Nature》1978,274(5672):696-697

G J Todaro  J E De Larco  S Cohen 《Nature》1976,264(5581):26-31
Normal cells in culture have membrane receptors for epidermal growth factor (EGF); EGF stimulates cells to divide by binding to these receptors. Cells transformed by murine and feline sarcoma viruses rapidly lose the ability to bind EGF, whereas cells transformed by the DNA tumour viruses, polyoma and SV40, or infected with non-transforming RNA tumour viruses have normal levels of functional EGF receptors. The results suggest that a product of the sarcoma virus genome specifically changes cell EGF receptors; the sarcoma gene product may, then, be functionally related to EGF.  相似文献   

R F Doolittle  D F Feng  M S Johnson 《Nature》1984,307(5951):558-560
The cDNA sequence of the precursor of mouse epidermal growth factor (EGFP) has recently been reported by two groups, both of whom noted the presence of repeated similar segments, each about 40 residues long. One of these repeat units overlaps with the sequence of epidermal growth factor itself. The sequence of epidermal growth factor has been reported to be similar to that of pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor (PSTI) and a somewhat better match has been found with part of the sequence of bovine factor X, one of the blood coagulating factors. We report here that there is an even stronger similarity between the sequences of some of the repeat units of epidermal growth factor precursor and certain segments in factor X. This sequence similarity is also apparent in comparisons with other blood coagulation factors. On the basis of these sequence comparisons we suggest a scheme for the evolution of the epidermal growth factor precursor. We have also identified certain structural features in the precursor sequence that bear on the way in which the mature epidermal growth factor is generated.  相似文献   

The solution structure of human epidermal growth factor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The epidermal growth factors (EGFs) are powerful mitogens for a wide variety of cells in culture; human EGF (hEGF), known as urogastrone, also inhibits gastric acid secretion in vivo. The transforming growth factors (TGF-alpha) are related to the EGF family both in sequence and activity and EGF-like sequences are often observed in a wide range of functionally unrelated proteins. Attempts to examine the structure of EGF by diffraction methods have not yet succeeded because of difficulties with crystallization. We report here a three-dimensional structure of a biologically active derivative (residues 1-48) of the 53-residue human EGF. An analysis of high resolution 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra was used together with a combination of distance geometry, restrained energy minimization and restrained molecular dynamics methods. The three-dimensional structure provides a basis for understanding the properties of EGFs and for predicting the structures of homologous sequences in other proteins.  相似文献   

The tumour promoter 12-O-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) and structurally related phorbol esters effect changes in avian and mammalian cell cultures that mimic transformation by oncogenic viruses or chemical carcinogens and the inhibition or induction of various types of differentiation (for review see refs 1--3). Unlike initiating carcinogens, which seem to act by binding covalently to cellular DNA, the primary site of action of the phorbol ester tumour promoters seems to be the cell membrane; indeed, specific high-affinity saturable receptors for phorbol esters have been identified in cell membranes. The recently discovered class of tumour promoters, the teleocidins, are as potent as TPA in the induction of ornithine decarboxylase in mouse skin, the inhibition of differentiation of Friend erythroleukaemia cells, the induction of HL-60 cell adhesion and the promotion of tumours on mouse skin. As the teleocidins are structurally unrelated to the phorbol esters, we set out to determine their effects on cell membranes and receptors. We found that in rodent cell cultures, teleocidin B and dihydroteleocidin B have effects similar to those of TPA and that, at nanomolar concentrations, teleocidin inhibits the binding of phorbol esters to cell-surface receptors, which suggests that the action of both classes of compounds may be mediated by the same or a similar receptor system.  相似文献   

Autophosphorylation sites on the epidermal growth factor receptor   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
J Downward  P Parker  M D Waterfield 《Nature》1984,311(5985):483-485
The epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor is a tyrosine-specific protein kinase with autophosphorylating activity. A 300 amino acid-long region of the receptor's cytoplasmic domain matches (35-90% homology) sequences of transforming proteins from the src family and includes a putative nucleotide binding site. Several of the src transforming proteins have tyrosine kinase activity, but v-erb-B, which appears to be a truncated EGF receptor, is virtually identical to the receptor over this region and yet lacks detectable kinase activity. To locate possible acceptor sites in the v-erb-B protein, we have mapped these sites in the human EGF receptor. We report here that three tyrosine sites near the C-terminus are phosphorylated in vitro. In intact cells, we find that EGF stimulates phosphorylation of several sites, the tyrosine 14 residues from the C-terminus being modified the most extensively. The equivalent site is absent in the v-erb-B protein of avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV) and may influence tyrosine kinase activity.  相似文献   

J P Brown  D R Twardzik  H Marquardt  G J Todaro 《Nature》1985,313(6002):491-492
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and transforming growth factor type I (TGF) are polypeptides of 53 and 50 amino acid residues, respectively. Both bind to EGF receptor, a 1,200-residue transmembranous glycoprotein, leading to phosphorylation of the receptor, enhancement of its tyrosine-specific kinase activity and ultimately to stimulation of cell growth. We report here that a 140-residue polypeptide encoded by one of the early genes of vaccinia virus (VV) is related closely to EGF and TGF. The presence of putative signal and transmembranous sequences further suggests that the viral protein might be an integral membrane protein, but that, as in the case of EGF itself, the membrane-associated form may be the precursor of a soluble growth factor. Production of EGF-like growth factors by virally infected cells could account for the proliferative diseases associated with members of the poxvirus family such as Shope fibroma virus, Yaba tumour virus, and molluscum contagiosum virus (MCV).  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor gene and its product   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
T Hunter 《Nature》1984,311(5985):414-416

Cellular localisation of human urogastrone/epidermal growth factor.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J B Elder  G Williams  E Lacey  H Gregory 《Nature》1978,271(5644):466-467

B Mroczkowski  G Mosig  S Cohen 《Nature》1984,309(5965):270-273
The receptor for epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been identified as a transmembrane glycoprotein that has tyrosine-specific kinase activity. The kinase activity of the receptor is enhanced in the presence of EGF (or related peptides), and the phosphorylation of a number of substrates, as well as autophosphorylation of the receptor, has been reported. Analogous findings have been described for the insulin receptor and the receptor for platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). Thus, a number of hormone receptors and several viral transforming proteins appear to share the highly unusual property of tyrosine-specific kinase activity. Nevertheless, the specific relationship between tyrosine kinase activity and the control of cell growth and replication is unknown. It is known that after the initial binding of EGF to the plasma membrane, the hormone together with its receptor is rapidly internalized in endocytic vesicles and the hormone is eventually degraded in lysosomes. It is possible that the function of EGF is simply to stimulate internalization of its receptor, and that as a result of its altered location the receptor is able to phosphorylate a cytoplasmic component or even interact directly with a nuclear component. We now report that the purified receptor for EGF is able to interact with and nick supercoiled double-stranded DNA in an ATP-stimulated manner.  相似文献   

Klein DE  Nappi VM  Reeves GT  Shvartsman SY  Lemmon MA 《Nature》2004,430(7003):1040-1044
The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) has critical functions in development and in many human cancers. During development, the spatial extent of EGFR signalling is regulated by feedback loops comprising both well-understood activators and less well-characterized inhibitors. In Drosophila melanogaster the secreted protein Argos functions as the only known extracellular inhibitor of EGFR, with clearly identified roles in multiple stages of development. Argos is only expressed when the Drosophila EGFR (DER) is activated at high levels, and downregulates further DER signalling. Although there is ample genetic evidence that Argos inhibits DER activation, the biochemical mechanism has not been established. Here we show that Argos inhibits DER signalling without interacting directly with the receptor, but instead by sequestering the DER-activating ligand Spitz. Argos binds tightly to the EGF motif of Spitz and forms a 1:1 (Spitz:Argos) complex that does not bind DER in vitro or at the cell surface. Our results provide an insight into the mechanism of Argos function, and suggest new strategies for EGFR inhibitor design.  相似文献   

The neu oncogene encodes an epidermal growth factor receptor-related protein   总被引:103,自引:0,他引:103  
C I Bargmann  M C Hung  R A Weinberg 《Nature》1986,319(6050):226-230
The neu oncogene is repeatedly activated in neuro- and glioblastomas derived by transplacental mutagenesis of the BDIX strain of rat with ethylnitrosourea. Foci induced by the DNAs from such tumours on NIH 3T3 cells contain the neu oncogene and an associated phosphoprotein of relative molecular mass 185,000 (p185). Previous work has shown that the neu gene is related to, but distinct from, the gene encoding the EGF receptor (c-erb-B). Here we describe a neu complementary DNA clone isolated from a cell line transformed by this oncogene; the clone has biological activity in a focus-forming assay. The nucleotide sequence of this clone predicts a 1,260-amino-acid transmembrane protein product similar in overall structure to the EGF receptor. We found that 50% of the predicted amino acids of neu and the EGF receptor are identical; greater than 80% of the amino acids in the tyrosine kinase domain are identical. Our results suggest strongly that the neu gene encodes the receptor for an as yet unidentified growth factor.  相似文献   

Potentiation of synaptic transmission in the hippocampus by phorbol esters   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
R C Malenka  D V Madison  R A Nicoll 《Nature》1986,321(6066):175-177
Protein kinase C (PKC), a calcium-dependent phospholipid-sensitive kinase which is selectively activated by phorbol esters, is thought to play an important role in several cellular processes. In mammalian brain PKC is present in high concentrations and has been shown to phosphorylate several substrate phosphoproteins, one of which may be involved in the generation of long-term potentiation (LTP), a long-lasting increase in synaptic efficacy evoked by brief, high-frequency stimulation. Since the hippocampus contains one of the brain's highest levels of binding sites for phorbol esters and is the site where LTP has been most thoroughly characterized, we examined the effects of phorbol esters on hippocampal synaptic transmission and LTP. We found that phorbol esters profoundly potentiate excitatory synaptic transmission in the hippocampus in a manner that appears indistinguishable from LTP. Furthermore, after maximal synaptic enhancement by phorbol esters, LTP can no longer be elicited. Although the site of synaptic enhancement during LTP is not clearly established, phorbol esters appear to potentiate synaptic transmission by acting primarily at a presynaptic locus since changes in the postsynaptic responses to the putative transmitter, glutamate, cannot account for the increased synaptic responses induced by phorbol esters. These findings, in conjunction with previous biochemical studies, raise the possibility that, in mammalian brain, PKC plays a role in controlling the release of neurotransmitter and may be involved in the generation of LTP.  相似文献   

J G Rheinwald  H Green 《Nature》1977,265(5593):421-424
The culture lifetime of epidermal cells of newborn humans is increased from 50 to 150 generations by adding to the medium epidermal growth factor, a polypeptide mitogen. EGF seems to delay senescence of the cells by maintaining them in a state further removed from terminal differentiation. This effect is revealed by a greater ability of the cells to survive subculture and initiate new colonies, but not necessarily by an increased growth rate.  相似文献   

Each of six peptides derived from the human epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor very closely matches a part of the deduced sequence of the v-erb-B transforming protein of avian erythroblastosis virus (AEV). In all, the peptides contain 83 amino acid residues, 74 of which are shared with v-erb-B. The AEV progenitor may have acquired the cellular gene sequences of a truncated EGF receptor (or closely related protein) lacking the external EGF-binding domain but retaining the transmembrane domain and a domain involved in stimulating cell proliferation. Transformation of cells by AEV may result, in part, from the inappropriate acquisition of a truncated EGF receptor from the c-erb-B gene.  相似文献   

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