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In this special issue, we present to the readers the current experimental results in the research of materials processing, superconducting properties, and industrial applications. The invited authors in this special issue are prominent researchers in the  相似文献   

We show that the second magnetization peak (SMP), i. e., an increase in the magnetization hysteresis loop width in type-II superconductors,vanishes for samples smaller than a critical size. We argue that the SMP is not related to the critical current enhancement but can be well explained within a framework of the thermomagnetic flux-jump instability theory, where flux jumps reduce the absolute irreversible magnetization relative to the isothermal critical state value at low enough magnetic fields. The recovering of the isothermal critical state with increasing field leads to the SMP. The low-field SMP takes place in both Iow-Tc conventional and high-Tc unconventional superconductors. Our results show that the restoration of the isothermal critical state is responsible for the SMP occurrence in both cases.  相似文献   

The motivation for continuous columnar pinning centers has been to provide maximum Upin It has been assumed that this provides the best Jc and Bpin. Limitations on Jc and Bpin, observed for columnar pinning have been attributed to degradation of the order parameter and Tc. We examine columnar pinning by ionic damage and cooclude instead that geometrical effects of columnar pinning on percolation path and on the number of pinning centers are the dominant limitations of columnar pinning, leading to a limit of Bpin—4T.Evidence suggests that multiple-in-line-defects (MILD) are far better suited to increase Jc and Bpin,. The morphology of MILD pinning is reviewed. Ion energy loss per unit distance, Se, is found to be most promising in a regime almost diametrically opposite to that sought to maximize Upin. We expect Jc—10^6 A/cm^2 and Bpin>,40 T from MILD pinning, despite sharply decreased Upin. Experimental confirmation is proposed.  相似文献   

The discovery of superconductivity in magnesium diboride (MgB2) has opened up a new field in materials science research. It offers a possibility of a new class of high performance superconducting materials for practical applications because of the relatively low cost of fabrication, high critical current densities (Jc)and fields, large coherence length, absence of Weak links, higher Tc (Tc = 39 K) compared with Nb3Sn and Nb-Ti alloys (two or four times that of Nb3Sn and Nb-Ti alloys). However, the weak flux pinning in the magnetic field remains a major challenge. This paper reports the most interesting results on nenomaterial (SiC and Si) doping in magnesium diboride. The high density of nano-scele defects introduced by doping is responsible for the enhanced pinning. The fabrication method, critical current density, microstructures, flux pinning and cost for magnesium diboride bulks, wires and tapes are also discussed. It is believed that high performance SiC doped MgB2 will have a great potential for many practical applications at 5K to 25K up to 5T.  相似文献   

Short cores of about 80-cm retrieved from three main basins of th e deepwater areas in Qinghai Lake,the largest inland enclosed lake in China, were studied. Sta-ble isotopes of authigenlc carbonates, grain-size, carbonate and organic matter content at 5-year resolution are used to reconstruct the climatic history over the last 800 years in the Northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Chronology was established according to 210^pb dating and 137^Cs methods and the core corrdation. It is found that cores from different deep basins of the lake can be well correlated. The sedimentary rate is highest in the western basin of the lake and lowest in the east.In the southern basin of the lake where the short core Qing-6is located, the recent average sedimentation rate is 0.1004cm/yr. Variations in effective precipitation recorded by the oxygen isotopes and grain size data durine the last 800 years are consistent with the glacial accumulation record form the Dunde and Guliya ice cores. A dry climate lasted for 300 years from 1200 AD to 1500 AD, followed by a wet period from 1500 to 1560 AD. The two dry periods, 1560 to 1650 AD and 1780 to 1850 AD, were the results of southwest monsoon weakening. The effective precipitation generally increased since 1650 AD due to the strengthening of the Asian South-west Monsoon, resulting in a wet period until the 1950s. Ex-cept the early stage, the Little Ice Age on the Plateau is characterized b y increased effective moisture. Organic mat-ter content, with nearly 200-year cycles, shows similar trend with the atmospheric delta earbon-14 before the 1850s, indi-eating that the bioproductivity responds to solar activity.  相似文献   

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