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从有两个不同角动量参数的5维转动黑洞的线元出发,首先明显地计算出其不为零的协变度规分量和相应的逆变度规分量以及度规行列式,然后将有质量的Klein-Gordon标量场方程分离变量,得到径向方程与角向方程.最后利用径向方程讨论了5维黑洞中有质量的Klein-Go,do.标量场的Hawking辐射.  相似文献   

J Greiner  J G Cuby  M J McCaughrean 《Nature》2001,414(6863):522-525
The X-ray source known as GRS1915+105 belongs to a group dubbed 'microquasars'. These objects are binary systems which sporadically eject matter at speeds that appear superluminal, as is the case for some quasars. GRS1915+105 is also one of only two known binary sources thought to contain a maximally spinning black hole. Determining the basic parameters of GRS195+105, such as the masses of the components, will help us to understand jet formation in this system, as well as providing links to other objects which exhibit jets. Using X-ray data, indirect methods have previously been used to infer a variety of masses for the accreting compact object in the range 10-30 solar masses (M middle dot in circle). Here we report a direct measurement of the orbital period and mass function of GRS1915+105, which allow us to deduce a mass of 14 +/- 4 M middle dot in circle for the black hole. Black holes with masses >5-7 M middle dot in circle challenge the conventional picture of black-hole formation in binary systems. Based on the mass estimate, we interpret the distinct X-ray variability of GRS1915+105 as arising from instabilities in an accretion disk that is dominated by radiation pressure, and radiating near the Eddington limit (the point where radiation pressure supports matter against gravity). Also, the mass estimate constrains most models which relate observable X-ray properties to the spin of black holes in microquasars.  相似文献   

The flare of radiation from the tidal disruption and accretion of a star can be used as a marker for supermassive black holes that otherwise lie dormant and undetected in the centres of distant galaxies. Previous candidate flares have had declining light curves in good agreement with expectations, but with poor constraints on the time of disruption and the type of star disrupted, because the rising emission was not observed. Recently, two 'relativistic' candidate tidal disruption events were discovered, each of whose extreme X-ray luminosity and synchrotron radio emission were interpreted as the onset of emission from a relativistic jet. Here we report a luminous ultraviolet-optical flare from the nuclear region of an inactive galaxy at a redshift of 0.1696. The observed continuum is cooler than expected for a simple accreting debris disk, but the well-sampled rise and decay of the light curve follow the predicted mass accretion rate and can be modelled to determine the time of disruption to an accuracy of two days. The black hole has a mass of about two million solar masses, modulo a factor dependent on the mass and radius of the star disrupted. On the basis of the spectroscopic signature of ionized helium from the unbound debris, we determine that the disrupted star was a helium-rich stellar core.  相似文献   

Zwart SF  Baumgardt H  Hut P  Makino J  McMillan SL 《Nature》2004,428(6984):724-726
A luminous X-ray source is associated with MGG 11--a cluster of young stars approximately 200 pc from the centre of the starburst galaxy M 82 (refs 1, 2). The properties of this source are best explained by invoking a black hole with a mass of at least 350 solar masses (350 M(o)), which is intermediate between stellar-mass and supermassive black holes. A nearby but somewhat more massive cluster (MGG 9) shows no evidence of such an intermediate-mass black hole, raising the issue of just what physical characteristics of the clusters can account for this difference. Here we report numerical simulations of the evolution and motion of stars within the clusters, where stars are allowed to merge with each other. We find that for MGG 11 dynamical friction leads to the massive stars sinking rapidly to the centre of the cluster, where they participate in a runaway collision. This produces a star of 800-3,000 M(o) which ultimately collapses to a black hole of intermediate mass. No such runaway occurs in the cluster MGG 9, because the larger cluster radius leads to a mass segregation timescale a factor of five longer than for MGG 11.  相似文献   

Many galaxies are thought to have supermassive black holes at their centres-more than a million times the mass of the Sun. Measurements of stellar velocities and the discovery of variable X-ray emission have provided strong evidence in favour of such a black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, but have hitherto been unable to rule out conclusively the presence of alternative concentrations of mass. Here we report ten years of high-resolution astrometric imaging that allows us to trace two-thirds of the orbit of the star currently closest to the compact radio source (and massive black-hole candidate) Sagittarius A*. The observations, which include both pericentre and apocentre passages, show that the star is on a bound, highly elliptical keplerian orbit around Sgr A*, with an orbital period of 15.2 years and a pericentre distance of only 17 light hours. The orbit with the best fit to the observations requires a central point mass of (3.7 +/- 1.5) x 10(6) solar masses (M(*)). The data no longer allow for a central mass composed of a dense cluster of dark stellar objects or a ball of massive, degenerate fermions.  相似文献   

Gallo E  Fender R  Kaiser C  Russell D  Morganti R  Oosterloo T  Heinz S 《Nature》2005,436(7052):819-821
Black holes undergoing accretion are thought to emit the bulk of their power in the X-ray band by releasing the gravitational potential energy of the infalling matter. At the same time, they are capable of producing highly collimated jets of energy and particles flowing out of the system with relativistic velocities. Here we show that the 10-solar-mass (10M(o)) black hole in the X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 (refs 3-5) is surrounded by a large-scale (approximately 5 pc in diameter) ring-like structure that appears to be inflated by the inner radio jet. We estimate that in order to sustain the observed emission of the ring, the jet of Cygnus X-1 has to carry a kinetic power that can be as high as the bolometric X-ray luminosity of the binary system. This result may imply that low-luminosity stellar-mass black holes as a whole dissipate the bulk of the liberated accretion power in the form of 'dark', radiatively inefficient relativistic outflows, rather than locally in the X-ray-emitting inflow.  相似文献   

Imai H  Obara K  Diamond PJ  Omodaka T  Sasao T 《Nature》2002,417(6891):829-831
Evolved stars of about one solar mass are in general spherically symmetric, yet the planetary nebulae that they produce in the next phase of their evolution tend not to exhibit such symmetry. Collimated 'jets' and outflows of material have been observed up to approximately 0.3 parsec from the central stars of planetary nebulae, and precession of those jets has been proposed to explain the observed asymmetries. Moreover, it has recently been shown theoretically that magnetic fields could launch and collimate such jets. Here we report the detection of a collimated and precessing jet of molecular gas that is traced by water-vapour maser spots approximately 500 astronomical units (au) from the star W43A in Aquila. We conclude that the jet is formed in the immediate vicinity of the star, and infer that elongated planetary nebulae are formed by jets during the short period, of less than 1,000 years, when the star makes its transition through the proto-planetary nebula phase to become a planetary nebula.  相似文献   

Hada K  Doi A  Kino M  Nagai H  Hagiwara Y  Kawaguchi N 《Nature》2011,477(7363):185-187
Powerful radio jets from active galactic nuclei are thought to be powered by the accretion of material onto the supermassive black hole (the 'central engine'). M87 is one of the closest examples of this phenomenon, and the structure of its jet has been probed on a scale of about 100 Schwarzschild radii (R(s), the radius of the event horizon). However, the location of the central black hole relative to the jet base (a bright compact radio 'core') remains elusive. Observations of other jets indicate that the central engines are located about 10(4)-10(6)R(s) upstream from the radio core. Here we report radio observations of M87 at six frequencies that allow us to achieve a positional accuracy of about 20?microarcseconds. As the jet base becomes more transparent at higher frequencies, the multifrequency position measurements of the radio core enable us to determine the upstream end of the jet. The data reveal that the central engine of M87 is located within 14-23R(s) of the radio core at 43?GHz. This implies that the site of material infall onto the black hole and the eventual origin of the jet reside in the bright compact region seen on the image at 43?GHz.  相似文献   

 利用协变反常取消法研究一种类RN黑洞的霍金辐射.结果表明,为了在量子水平上保持有效场的广义协变性和规范不变性,类RN黑洞的出射波的电荷总通量和能量总通量必须与一个具有相应化学势和霍金温度的(1+1)维黑体辐射的总通量相等.该结论支持了Robinson等人的观点,同时又使其在静态条件下得到了扩展.  相似文献   

近年来,研究发现中子星的转动惯量I和四极矩Q存在着一个关系式,即I-Q关系.而且,该关系式不依赖于中子星内部的物态方程,与引力理论相关.因此,对该关系式的研究可用来检验引力理论.de Rham-GabadadzeTolley(dRGT)massive gravity是一种自洽的引力子静止质量不为零的修正引力理论,是目前国际引力理论研究的热点.本论文主要基于该修正引力理论,在慢速旋转近似下,利用多方指数n=0的物态方程,计算了dRGT massive gravity中牛顿极限下的I-Q关系.我们将dRGT massive gravity与爱因斯坦引力中的I-Q关系进行比较,发现引力子质量不会影响I与Q的平方之间无量纲化后的正比关系,但会改变其比例系数.  相似文献   

Detailed high-resolution observations of the innermost regions of nearby galaxies have revealed the presence of supermassive black holes. These black holes may interact with their host galaxies by means of 'feedback' in the form of energy and material jets; this feedback affects the evolution of the host and gives rise to observed relations between the black hole and the host. Here we report observations of the ultraviolet emissions of massive early-type galaxies. We derive an empirical relation for a critical black-hole mass (as a function of velocity dispersion) above which the outflows from these black holes suppress star formation in their hosts by heating and expelling all available cold gas. Supermassive black holes are negligible in mass compared to their hosts but nevertheless seem to play a critical role in the star formation history of galaxies.  相似文献   

从标量粒子满足的克莱因-高登方程出发,利用薄膜模型方法计算精质包围的Reissner—Nordstrom(R—N)黑洞的熵。薄膜模型的应用,克服了原始砖墙模型中的小质量近似和对数项忽略等不自然的操作。计算结果表明,该黑洞的熵是黑洞视界面积和宇宙视界面积之和的1/4。可见,精质包围的Reissner—Nordstrom黑...  相似文献   

The death of massive stars produces a variety of supernovae, which are linked to the structure of the exploding stars. The detection of several precursor stars of type II supernovae has been reported (see, for example, ref. 3), but we do not yet have direct information on the progenitors of the hydrogen-deficient type Ib and Ic supernovae. Here we report that the peculiar type Ib supernova SN 2006jc is spatially coincident with a bright optical transient that occurred in 2004. Spectroscopic and photometric monitoring of the supernova leads us to suggest that the progenitor was a carbon-oxygen Wolf-Rayet star embedded within a helium-rich circumstellar medium. There are different possible explanations for this pre-explosion transient. It appears similar to the giant outbursts of luminous blue variable stars (LBVs) of 60-100 solar masses, but the progenitor of SN 2006jc was helium- and hydrogen-deficient (unlike LBVs). An LBV-like outburst of a Wolf-Rayet star could be invoked, but this would be the first observational evidence of such a phenomenon. Alternatively, a massive binary system composed of an LBV that erupted in 2004, and a Wolf-Rayet star exploding as SN 2006jc, could explain the observations.  相似文献   

Vaidya-Bonner黑洞的自发辐射   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用弯曲时空中标量粒子运动的Hamilton Jacobin方程 ,研究Vaidya Bonner黑洞周围时空的自发辐射 ,得到了自发辐射的能量条件。它不仅依赖于黑洞的质量、电荷 ,还与黑洞视界的变化有关。  相似文献   

 将Parikh-Wilczek的半经典隧穿方法推广到动态Vaidya-Bonner黑洞.注意到Hawking辐射是黑洞事件视界附近由于真空涨落而引发的一种量子隧穿,在考虑辐射粒子自引力作用的情况下,计算了粒子的隧穿率及其相应的出射修正谱,结果满足量子理论的幺正性定理.  相似文献   

分析讨论了一般球对称蒸发黑洞视界附近的狄拉克方程,准确的定出了一般球对称蒸发黑洞的Hawking温度和辐射谱,同时计算出事件视界方程,所得结果与用零曲面方程得到的结果一致.  相似文献   

讨论了在黑洞熵具有量子修正的情况下黑洞温度的修正,以及由此而引起的黑洞寿命的变化.研究发现,黑洞蒸发到普朗克质量时,温度降出现无限大,再减小质量时将出现负温,此时黑洞熵也将出现极小值.  相似文献   

采用Parikh的半经典量子隧穿模型,研究了Antide Sitter时空中的平面对称黑洞的量子隧穿效应.结果表明,在能量守恒的条件下,此黑洞事件视界处粒子的隧穿率与BekensteinHawking熵变有关,真实的辐射谱不再是纯热谱,但满足量子力学中的么正性原理.  相似文献   

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