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TH network has been applied successfully to linear optimum and some quadratic optimum problems. This paper discusses how to determine the gain function of the net amplifiers and choose appropriate parameters to solve weighted least-squares problems. To test the performance of the net, it is used for seismic traveltime tomography in computer simulation. Two media of different contrast are taken in simulation. The experimental results show that if the parameters are determined appropriately, the performance of the network is good and the results are close to the ideal ones. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Ma Ning: born in Nov. 1970. Ph. D. graduate student  相似文献   

A new method for reconstructing electrical conductivity distribution from electromagnetic (EM) data by using traveltime tomography is presented in this paper. Diffusive EM fields can be mathematically transformed to wavefields defined in a time-like variable. The transform uniquely relates a field satisfying a diffusion equation in time, or in frequency, to an integral of the corresponding wavefield. This paper first transforms numerically calculated transient magnetic fields to wavefields. Traveltime data from a source to the receivers are estimated from the transformed wavefields. Then an iterative reconstruction algorithm is used to obtain the slowness distribution of a medium. This algorithm is an improved ART algorithm taking account of bending ray paths. The slowness distribution is transformed to electrical conductivity distribution according to their relation. The simulation result is presented in this paper. Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Ma Ning: born in Nov. 1970, Ph. D. graduate student  相似文献   

In view of the fact that the problem of sorting unsigned permutation by reversal is NP-hard, while the problem of sorting signed permutation by reversal can be solved easily, in this paper, we first transform an unsigned permutation of length n,π (π1 ,… ,πn), into a set S(π) containing 2^n signed permutations, so that the reversal distance of π is equal to the reversal distance of the optimal signed permutation in S(π). Then analyze the structural features of S(π) by creating a directed graph and induce a new computing model of this question. Finally, an improved genetic algorithm for solving the new model is proposed. Experimental results show that the proposed model and algorithm is very efficient in practice.  相似文献   

改进的电阻抗反投影成像算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在等位线反投影算法基础上,结合计算机断层成像中均值反投影理论,形成应用于电阻抗成像的改进反投影算法.改进算法以注入电极对中点到测量电极对中点的长度作为投影路径的近似长度,在反投影的过程中考虑投影长度的影响;计算反投影后相对电导率的正负均值;最终的相对电导率值是在反投影结果基础上根据符号减去相应的均值,如果改变符号就令相对值为0.仿真和水槽实验验证均改进电阻抗反投影算法相比于等位线反投影算法可以减小重构图像的星状伪迹.改进电阻抗反投影算法是实用有效的.  相似文献   

同步迭代图像重建技术在电容层析成像系统中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在电容层析成像 (ECT)系统中 ,为克服电容测量值数目有限以及管道内敏感场分布的“软场效应”,引入了一种同步迭代图像重建技术 (SIRT)。针对收敛速度和重建后图像的模糊效应 ,对 SIRT算法进行了改进。改进后的 SIRT算法使重建图像的速度和质量都有了明显的提高。对八电极ECT系统进行的仿真和静态实验结果表明 ,这种算法可望满足用于在线工业过程电容层析成像系统成像的要求。  相似文献   

网络拓扑图多级分割塌缩阶段算法改进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对网络拓扑图上的宏观异常预警可视化显示需要,分析了当前图的多级划分算法.算法分为图塌缩、初始划分和多级优化三个阶段.在多级分割算法的图塌缩阶段,提出改进算法———KV算法和VC算法.实验验证改进后算法在运行时间、恢复时间和分割边数上均优于传统算法.改进塌缩KV算法在分割边数上平均提高了4.6%,在运行时间上提高了12%,而VC算法降低了KV算法的时间复杂度.  相似文献   

The design and operation features of the automatic data acquisition system for the low-latitude ionospheric tomography along the 120°E meridian are presented. The system, automatically collects the differential Doppler phase data, and GPS satellite beacon signal is simultaneously collected to achieve time synchronization of all recelvers in whole station-chain. An improved reconstruction algorithm of computerized ionospheric tomography is also proposed, in which calculating of the integral phase constant and choosing of the initial guess are integrated in the procedure of reconstruction and evaluated by the reconstructed image. Both numerical simulation examples and reconstructed results from observed data show that the new algorithm works reasonably and effectively with ionospheric CT problems. Foundation item: Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (49584006) Biography: WU Xiong-bin (1968-), male, Ph. D candidate. Research direction: computerized ionospheric tomography.  相似文献   

传统串行干扰消除(SIC)算法进行信号检测时,前期的错误判决,会对后期的检测造成巨大的影响、为了降低这种差错传播的概率,提出一种新型的反馈串行干扰消除算法,利用反馈信息,通过选取候选点,构造候选向量,从构成的向量集合中,利用ML准则选取最接近接收信号一个向量,以此达到降低因前期错误判决而引起的差错传播的概率,提升系统的检测性能。仿真结果表明,在天线数量N_t=N_r=6,阈值d_(th)=0.5的情况下,误码率达到10~(-4)时,本文检测算法的检测性能比OSIC检测算法的检测性能提升了约3 d B。  相似文献   

基于Kalman滤波的电容成像图像重建算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在电容成像(E lectrica l C apac itance T om ography,ECT)中,为充分利用多次量测信息以提高电容成像图像重建质量,提出一种基于K a lm an滤波的电容成像图像重建算法。该算法重点考虑了测量噪声的影响,利用对流型一系列多次测量中获得的新息不断进行最优加权以获得重建图像的最小方差估计。针对3种典型介电常数分布进行了仿真,结果表明K a lm an滤波应用于ECT图像重建的可行性和有效性。提出了提高该算法运算速度的方案,分析和仿真结果表明通过预先计算最优滤波增益,并寻找合适的迭代次数,算法可快速地获得满意的图像重建结果。  相似文献   

为了提高有向有环图有向割集生成算法的效率,通过收缩有向有环图环路中的边将有向有环图转换成带收缩顶点的有向无环图,并使得生成有向无环图有向割集的算法可以生成有向有环图的有向割集.在理论上分析了本文提出的算法的时间复杂度和空间复杂度,并进行了实验测试.理论分析和实验测试的结果表明本文提出的算法是很高效的.  相似文献   

基于Dijkstra算法的一种最短路径改进算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在Dijkstra算法的基础上,增加了一些数据结构,提出一种能直观地求出从一个顶点到其它各顶点的所有最短路径的算法。  相似文献   

多阶段有向图是常见的一种有向图,许多运输、工程、管理等实际问题能转化为有向图最短路问题进行求解,尤其赋权多阶段有向图对解决该类实际问题更具有重要意义.研究了赋权多阶段有向图的最短路问题,从图上逆序标号法、表上作业法和动态规划法不同的角度对文中实例给出了赋权多阶段有向图最短路求解方法。  相似文献   

目的 提出一种全变分(TV)修补模型的改进方案,而且具有良好的边缘特性,并弥补原有的TV修补模型的不能满足连通性原则的缺陷.方法 定义在图像修补区定义一种"加权全变分,即沿修补区边界法线方向的梯度分量对全变分的贡献,远大于沿切线方向的梯度分量的贡献.结果 通过对相同的受损图像,采用原有模型和改进模型作比对实验表明,文中的改进模型可以完全满足图像修补的连通性原则.结论 改进的TV模型较原始TV模型更适合于非纹理图像修复.  相似文献   

为了抑制单光子发射断层成像(SPECT)中噪声的影响,提高重建图像的质量和定量精度,应用奇异值分解(SVD)方法进行图像重建。对人体胸腔模型进行Monte-Carlo模拟计算,生成三维SPECT系统传输矩阵和模拟投影图像,求解系统传输矩阵的广义逆矩阵。在有噪声情况下,存在最佳保留奇异值数目,使重建图像质量达到最优。最佳保留奇异值数目的不同体现了噪声的差异。与常规重建方法进行比较,SVD重建算法具有更好的噪声抑制和重建图像质量,是一种值得关注的SPECT图像重建算法。  相似文献   

We describe a new two-phase flow electrical capacitance tomography algorithm of image reconstruction which is based on 12-electrode capacitance transducers. According to the result of computer simulation, this algorithm is able to greatly increase the imaging fidelity without decreasing the imaging velocity. Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Guangdong Province (No. 950490) Yan Jie: born in 1969. Ph.D.  相似文献   

改进的基于径向基函数的曲面重建算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的改进基于径向基函数的曲面重建算法。方法针对数据量过大,无法在中低端计算机上进行曲面重建的问题,采用分而治之的思想,将点云曲面先分割后重建。结果所给方法能够明显提高曲面重建效率,实现了在中低端计算机上的曲面重建。结论对于不规则的待重建物体,使用任意方向的包围盒比使用轴向包围盒能更好地降低重建过程中的运算次数。  相似文献   

To reduce resources consumption of parallel computation system,a static task scheduling optimization method based on hybrid genetic algorithm is proposed and validated,which can shorten the scheduling length of parallel tasks with precedence constraints.Firstly,the global optimal model and constraints are created to demonstrate the static task scheduling problem in heterogeneous distributed computing systems(HeDCSs).Secondly,the genetic population is coded with matrix and used to search the total available time span of the processors,and then the simulated annealing algorithm is introduced to improve the convergence speed and overcome the problem of easily falling into local minimum point,which exists in the traditional genetic algorithm.Finally,compared to other existed scheduling algorithms such as dynamic level scheduling(DLS),heterogeneous earliest finish time(HEFT),and longest dynamic critical path(LDCP),the proposed approach does not merely decrease tasks schedule length,but also achieves the maximal resource utilization of parallel computation system by extensive experiments.  相似文献   

 Photon Mapping是一种在全局光照计算中得到广泛应用的算法,尤其在光线跟踪算法中Photon Mapping已成为计算全局光照的最重要的算法.针对Photon Mapping中光强估计过程计算速度较慢这一缺陷提出了一种较为高效的光强估计算法,该算法利用对场景中少量点的光强估计结果通过加权平均的方法来近似地计算出绘制点处的光强值.实验结果表明在典型场景中该方法的计算速度与原方法相比有3~5倍的提高,并且在图像质量方面也有令人满意的效果.  相似文献   

针对稀疏表示超分辨率重建算法中稀疏表示系数正则化效果不明显、字典完备性弱以及重建图像存在虚边缘等问题,提出了一种改进的稀疏表示超分辨率重建算法.首先对正则化正交匹配追踪(regularized orthogonal matching pursuit,ROMP)稀疏表示系数求解算法进行了改进,通过引入局部约束加权来提高稀疏表示系数的精度、增强图像的纹理特性;然后,将Huber影响函数用于提取图像的先验特征信息,以增强图像特征、提升高分辨率字典的表示能力;最后,提出了基于学习的迭代反投影方法,提高了图像后处理阶段预测误差的准确性,进一步改善了高分辨率重建图像效果.实验结果表明,该方法在峰值信噪比和视觉效果上都有所提高,重建图像的纹理特性和质量得到了有效增强.  相似文献   

频繁模式挖掘中基于FP-growth的算法需要扫描两次事务数据库,预先给定支持度,且不支持时间敏感型数据。本文提出了一种基于频繁模式有向无环图的数据流频繁模式挖掘算法,它根据事务到来的时间给每个事务一个序号,每个事务中的数据项在存储前按数据项的顺序进行调整,频繁模式有向无环图的构建遵循这个顺序并用序号来记录事务与数据项的包含关系,模式增长过程只需要增加有向边上的序号。通过逆向遍历带有相同序号的有向边,产生条件模式基,根据动态定义的阈值抽取条件模式基信息,一次扫描数据库得到频繁模式。实验结果表明,本文算法的执行效率优于FP-growth算法,且存储节点的数目明显减少。  相似文献   

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