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0IntroductionSettlement refers to the spatial unit of as-sembled human inhabitation,and it is ahuman-activity-dominated complex ecosystemlinking society,economy,and nature[1].Ruralsettlement complex ecosystemrefers to the as-sembled humaninhabitationinthe countryside.The term denotes not only courtyard ecosys-tem,agriculture ecosystem,non-agriculture eco-system,but also the social systemcomposed ofhuman and human activities in the settlementand natural ecosystem-forest,grassland,andwater ecosy…  相似文献   

This article gives a summary and analasis to experimental study on the restoration and giving a new lease of life to the alpine grassland vegetation along the Qinghai-Tibet Railway. Through on-the-spot investigation and vegetaion storation experimental study to the constructive fetching soil ground in Tuotuo River experiment section in the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the result shows : after the activities of the construction, soil conditions on the fetching soil ground have changed a lot, the soil quality has obviously degraded. In order to do well the vegetaton storation and reconstruction in the process of the construction of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the backfilling of the surface soil should really be done well. According to the result of on -the-spot experiment, the Elymus dahuricus Turcz and Poa annua Linn are all more suitable to the fetching soil environment on the alpine grassland, the plant can normally grow in the growing season. The timing selection of the vegetation should fully use feature of both rain and heat in the same season, thus can improve the percentage of success.  相似文献   

There are abundant coastal wetlands in South China and their main characters are the tidal flats, mangroves and coral reefs. In this paper, the status quo of coastal wetlands in South China is introduced and their degradation trends in the last decades are analyzed based on the existing literatures and information. Their degradation trends are characterized by reduction of coastal wetlands' area, pollution of seawater environment, degeneration of ecological environment, sharp decrease of biodiversity in the wetlands and so on. At the same time, the causes resulting in the above-mentioned degradations are discussed, mainly concluding imperfect systems of management and legislation, deficient property and assessment systems of the wetlands, weak consciousness of protecting coastal wetlands, shortage of basic study and backward management level and so on. Some countermeasures are put forward for the sake of a sustainable use of the coastal wetlands of South China, mainly including establishing and perfecting administrative and legal systems for the coastal wetlands, developing the study on assessment of coastal wetland, heightening the consciousness of public participation, and strengthening scientific research and establishment of wetland nature reserves.  相似文献   

In the case study in Agricultural Area of Tibet, the process and characteristics of farmers‘ land use were surveyed by semi-structural interview questionnaire. By comparing the change of land covers and farmers‘ land decision in two periods, the spatial connection of them was obtained. And the relations among farmers‘ land decision, land use change and environment were examined by calculating emergy and value flow. The results show that: hunting the maximal profits is the primary aim of farmers‘ land decisions farmers‘ land decision is incompatible with sustainable land use presently; farmers‘ land decision and land cover can be embodied spatially by each others the change of farmers‘ land decision can be monitored by observing the change of land cover, and the sustainability of farmers‘ land decision can be appraised by calculating emergy and value flow.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study on species diversity and its ecological service function in the plateau area in western Sichuan. The results show that species diversity in the plantations on the cutover land has a tendency to increase and that its ecological service function is to be improved with stand age growing. The species diversity in forest communities is also gradually increased on different succession stage till reaching a climax level. But the species diversity in the climax community is slightly decreased before it reaches a relatively constant status. Ecological service function of diversity is gradually strengthened with the progress of succession. In addition, species diversity in a stand in a similar site and at a same age differs among forest types. Species diversity index within a coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest is larger than that within a coniferous forest. Meanwhile, species diversity enriches as the tree density increases.  相似文献   

0Introduction Thereisaconflictrootedinfarmers’behaviorsintheprocessoflandusepracticesandtheconstitutionofmany sustainablelandusepolicieswhiletheproblemsoflanddegeneration,soilpollution,etc.are moreandmoreseverely.Itisgenerallybelievedthatoriginoftheconfl…  相似文献   

Introduction Housing markets have distinct characteristics that re- sult in a higher level of imperfect information than markets of other goods. Houses are unique and hetero- geneous, so buyers must gather enough information concerning the quality as well…  相似文献   

1BasicBackgroundoftheExperi mentalStudy1.1TheBasisandPurposeoftheStudyTheconstructionoftheQinghai TibetRailwayistheensuranceoftheprosperityandsustainable developmentofQinghaiProvinceandTibetAutonomousRegion.Throughscientificandexperimentalstudyandtheapplicationofnew technology,strengtheningtheprotectionofecologicalenvironmentandtherestorationofthesurfacevegetationaftertheconstructionaretheimportantworkcontentofbuildingtheQinghai TibetRailwayintotherailwayofenvironmentalprotection.Ontheq…  相似文献   

In this paper, Kaixian County, situated in the hinterland of the Three Gorges Reservoir Region, was selected for the case study. Factors of soil erosion were obtained based on the technique of remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS). Combining with field survey, soil erosion data in the years of 1988, 2000 and 2004 which covered the period from the beginning of the Three Gorges Reservoir Project to nowadays were investigated through the judgment model established on soil erosion intensity. With the function of spatial analysis in the geographic information system, the analysis and appraisal of dynamic soil erosion changes were carried out, and the spatial characteristics of the vicious change were highlighted, and the main causes of the vicious change of soil erosion were explored.  相似文献   

The uncontrolled growth in urbanization and motorization generally contributes to an urban land use and transportation system that is socially, economically, and environmentally unsustainable. This paper uses Karachi as a case study, which is the largest urban and economic centre of Pakistan, passing through an uncontrolled phase of rapid urbanization and motorization. The paper first reviews research related to sustainable transportation systems to comprehend the concept of sustainable development and transporta-tion. The paper then evaluates the existing transportation and infrastructure system, national transportation policies, and urban transportation projects to determine if the current paradigm is moving toward or away from sustainable transportation. Furthermore, the principles for sustainable urban transportation are devel-oped to see what significance national transportation policies have given to urban transportation from a sus-tainable transportation point of view. Finally some strategies are suggested, adoption of which may lead to a sustainable urban development and transportation system in Karachi.  相似文献   

为探讨青藏高原过度放牧与草地退化的治理机制以及治理成本变化、不同治理措施对地方政府监管和牧民放牧行为的影响,本研究构建了涉及地方政府与牧民双方的治理演化博弈模型。研究发现:满足一定条件时地方政府监管有效,此时牧民适度放牧,人地关系和谐。地方政府监管的固定成本、可变成本和不监管的压力均能促进地方政府选择监管策略。地方政府的监管措施主要有事前约束和事后惩罚两种,这两种治理措施均能有效约束牧民的过度放牧行为,促进草地退化治理。本研究将地方政府监管措施和农牧民的放牧行为纳入到博弈论的框架中,揭示出青藏高原草地退化治理的多主体互动模式和不同情景下的治理效果,相关结论能够为草地退化治理和青藏高原生态安全屏障建设政策的制定提供启示。  相似文献   

The wetland functional degradation can be described as the weakening or unbalance of the wetland functions under natural interference or active jamming, which makes the wetland unable to perform its unique functions or causes the weakening of these functions. By using fuzzing mathematics, this paper studied the grades the wetland functions and calculated their index values. By this quantitative method and based on the function index values, we analyzed the wetland function degradation and calculated the water quantity required to meet different functional needs in each season... Here we put forth three graded restoration schemes by integrating the ecological water requirement of different grades with the ecological restoration including water replenishing, water consumption and water pollution. According to the calculated model, the water level and water quantity for the low scheme are 1414.53 m and 1.30×10^8 m^3 respectively; 1415.38 m and 1.78×10^8 m^3 for the middle sheme, and 416.87 m and 2.14×10^8 m^3 for the high scheme.  相似文献   

探讨了青藏高原高寒湿地的动态变化及演变趋势,分析了湿地面积变化、生态系统结构与功能退化现状与原因。分析表明,国家近20年来在青藏高原实施的生态保护、修复及生态工程项目取得了一定的成效,但高寒湿地生态系统的退化形势依然严峻。生态保护和修复是一项系统、长期的工作,今后要加强生态修复技术研发项目与工程类项目的衔接,建立长效管理机制,提高退化湿地的自然恢复能力。同时,要构建适于青藏高原高寒湿地保护效应的评价模型和指标体系,完善重大工程项目的系统监测与评价。在黄河、长江上游源区布局高寒湿地生态系统的长期监测,将与三江源区同样重要的黄河首曲湿地、若尔盖湿地纳入国家公园管理体系,统筹规划,建立健全科技服务平台和信息共享机制。  相似文献   

Whether the Tibetan Plateau is a significant dust source area is of great importance, because this is related to the understanding of sources, accumulation and environmental effects of dusts on the Tibetan Plateau and inthe Far East-Pacific Ocean regions as well as to the evointion of coupling of the Tibetan Plateau and atmaspbere-oeean-continent exchange. Synoptic dynamics and remote sensing tracing of a dust storm on 3 to 5 March, 2003 in Lhasa onSouth Tibet demonstrate that the Tibetan Plateau possessesall factors and conditions of generating dust storms. Accompanied with this dust storm is a strong ascending stream onthe Plateau which has raised various sizes of durst particlesinto different levels. The lifted coarse particles were largelyfallen down and accumulated as loess on the eastern TibetanPlateau, and the fine particles were translated by the westerly jet and subsided in the northern Pacific Ocean. The spa-tial-temporal distribution of dust-storms between years 1961and 2000 ou the Plateau shows that duststorms mainly occurin winter and early spring with high frequency, and tile pathof dust storm moves gradually from south to north, which isclosely coupled with the northward moving of the westerlyjet from winter to spring over the Tibetan Plateau. Com-pared with other twelve dust source areas in China. the Ti-betan Plateau is one of the key dust souree areas for thelong-distance transport because its high occurring frequencyand elevation cause fine particles easily to be lifted into thezone of the westerly jet.  相似文献   

草地承包政策是近年来国家在藏区实施的一项范围广、影响大的政策。在具体实施过程中,不同藏区的实施力度和实施效果等方面有着很大不同。文章通过分析甘肃玛曲县和西藏当雄县两个调查点的政策执行情况,在理论层面上进行反思,为草地承包政策更好地执行提出了建议。  相似文献   

 青藏高原是研究大陆-大陆碰撞、造山、地壳增厚机制等大陆动力学基本理论问题的理想实验场所。本文依据中国地质科学院执行的3大项目(中法合作、中美合作、亚东格尔木研究)及其他有关研究的成果,从15个方面(包括9个地壳上地幔相关及6个派生的矿产资源和地震问题)论述了研究进展和有待深化的科学问题。  相似文献   

The Kunlun Pass Basin, located in the middle of the eastern Kunlun Mountains, received relatively continuous late Cenozoic sediments from the surrounding mountains, archiving great information to understand the deformation and uplift histories of the northern Tibetan Plateau. The Kunlun-Yellow River Movement, identified from the tectonomorphologic and sedimentary evolution of the Kunlun Pass Basin by Cui Zhijiu et al. (1997, 1998), is roughly coincident with many important global and Plateau climatic and environmental events, becoming a crucial time interval to understand tectonic-climatic interactions. However, the ages used to constrict the events remain great uncertainty. Here, we present the results of detailed magnetostratigraphy of the late Cenozoic sediments in the Kunlun Pass Basin, which show the basin sediments were formed between about 3.6 Ma and 0.5 Ma and the Kunlun-Yellow River Movement occurred at 1.2 to ~0.78 Ma. The lithology, sedimentary facies and lithofacies associations divide the basin into five stages of tectonosedimentary evolution, indicating the northern Tibetan Plateau having experienced five episodes of tectonic uplifts at ~3.6, 2.69-2.58, 1.77, 1.2, 0.87 and ~0.78 Ma since the Pliocene.  相似文献   

地处滇、藏、川三省(区)结合部的德钦县,自古是各民族南来北往的重要通道,因此形成了以藏族为主多民族聚居、以藏传佛教为主导多元信仰并存的现象。长期以来,多元信仰影响着多元文化与民族间的和谐,进而影响着该地区社会和谐。文章通过实地调查和文献研究法重点对德钦县燕门乡和升平镇多元宗教信仰及社会和谐的关系进行了探讨。通过调查研究,发现各种宗教信仰的适时变通、相互尊重、不同信仰者间的通婚以及政府的积极引导促成了德钦县多元宗教信仰和谐并存、多元宗教信仰与社会和谐的局面。文章指出,在当今构建和谐社会的时代主旋律下,在政策上因势利导,努力促进各宗教信仰之间的和谐,促进多元宗教信仰与社会之间的和谐是一项必须长期坚持的任务。  相似文献   

生态卫生系统通过污染源的分类收集处理,再进行循环利用,其系统构成具有可持续性。生态卫生系统的经济效益是该系统推广应用的前提条件,该文针对中国内蒙古鄂尔多斯郝兆奎生态小区生态卫生系统,对大量实际数据进行测算,采用费用-效益方法进行分析,同时与同等规模的传统卫生系统进行经济性比较。结果表明,在中国规定社会折现率为8%时,郝兆奎生态小区生态卫生系统经济上可行,同时生态卫生系统的经济性优于传统卫生系统。因此,从经济角度分析看,生态卫生系统在中国北方城市具有可行性。  相似文献   

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