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NIH(National Institutes of Health,国立卫生研究院)是美国促进公共健康和生物医学发展的政府研究机构。NIH由27个不同的机构和研究院所组成,在NIH中,科学家进行非常有意义的临床实验,以及药品的研发,还有治疗技术的开发。2005年公布的总预算是270亿美元,其中80%以上用于资助2800多家高校和研究机构中21.2万个研究人员,涉及竞标项目50000个。还有约10%的资金用于NIH所属机构中的实验室,那里有6000名博士科学家在NIH的实验室工作。尽管NIH中的项目大多属基础研究项目,但NIH对研究成果的技术转移一点也不放松。在NIH的机构设置中,技术转移办公室(OTT)占有重要地位。下面具体介绍OTT的运作。  相似文献   

北京化工大学现代催化研究所是1992年建立,依托于化工资源有效利用国家重点实验室,是教学、科研一体化的研究单位。研究所现有教授四名(其中双聘院士一名),若干名副教授和讲师以及海外归国的青年博士充实科研队伍。仪器设备齐全,科研经费充足,每年从国内外招收一定量的博士生、硕士生和高访人员从事科研工作。先后完成多项国家863项目,国家自然科学基金,并获奖。  相似文献   

美国能源部秘书Samuel W.Bodman日前宣布圣迪亚国家实验室作为新的固态光学国家研发中心。圣迪亚将会引导关键的固态光学研究,与有关的研究项目和其他国家实验室进行合作。能源部将会为7项固态光学研究计划提供500万美元的资助,包括其中260万美元投入到圣迪亚的四个项目中,Bodm  相似文献   

高压吸附只在临界温度以上才有可能,故高压吸附亦称为超临界吸附。天津大学高压吸附实验室是周理教授从1995年开始,历时数年建设起来的。实验室以清洁能源和环境领域重大问题为导向,开展吸附与化学、化工科学基础及技术基础研究。十余年来,在多个国家自然科学基金项目、科技部  相似文献   

针对NPD项目为了适应市场环境而不断改变自身要素状态的适应行为,借鉴适应度景观理论来揭示NPD项目的运行机制。在介绍适应度景观理论的基础上,阐述了NPD项目运行的适应度景观内涵。运用NK模型,对适应度景观建模并进行了数值仿真。研究发现,成功NPD项目的运行过程分为随机性游走、适应性游走和适应性跳跃三个阶段。在随机性游走阶段,适应度之间具有明显的波动性,且随要素间关系数量的增加而愈加显著。在适应性游走阶段,NPD项目的适应能力得到了渐进式提升,却容易陷入局部最优陷阱。在适应性跳跃阶段,成功的NPD项目通过将短跳和长跳相结合,即保证不断向更高的适应水平发展,又可以避免局限在局部高峰上,从而不断获得成功与发展。  相似文献   

本文概述了美国联邦政府实验室在测度与保证高水平科学研究时普遍采用的一些做法,进而以美国陆军实验室(ARL)为例,剖析了它们的具体实践,最后尝试总结出对我国科研管理工作的一些启示。  相似文献   

分析项目型组织知识流动的两种模式,针对项目型组织知识冲突与共享悖论,引入和谐管理理论界定了项目型组织知识和谐性概念。在此基础上,将项目型组织知识和谐分为组织与个人知识和谐、个人与个人知识和谐两类,以个人与项目型组织的知识存量变化作为研究这项目型组织和谐性的切入点,基于Logistic模型建立了项目型组织知识和谐共生模型及稳定性算法。最后仿真模拟了组织与个人、个人与个人知识存量变化趋势,提出相应的策略以保证项目型组织的知识和谐共生。  相似文献   

本文通过对国内项目知识管理相关研究文献的筛选、整理与分类,回顾了国内学者对项目知识的含义的探讨;从多个视角归纳分析了国内学者对项目知识管理的不同内容和应用领域的研究现状;并指出对项目知识管理信息化的研究还有很大的发展空间。  相似文献   

NASA高技术项目风险管理技术与方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
现代高技术项目具有探索性强、技术管理复杂、经费投入规模大等鲜明特征,其研发过程因而充满着极大的风险,国外太空探索项目更是有着不少失败的例子。本文以美国航空航天局太空项目的风险管理为例,深入阐述了现代高技术项目风险管理的主要技术方法,结合我国高技术项目管理现状,分析我国高技术项目风险管理中存在的主要问题,提出我国高技术项目动态风险管理的模型与思路。  相似文献   

针对高校软件项目缺乏高水平技术管理人员和过程管理机制的特点,以实验室项目煤矿安全监管系统为例,讨论敏捷开发的实施过程。实践表明,在高校软件项目中实施敏捷开发能够更好地进行项目管理、控制软件开发周期、降低返工率。  相似文献   

Phylogeography of crossbills, bullfinches, grosbeaks, and rosefinches   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) from 24 Carduelini species including crossbills, bullfinches, grosbeaks, rosefinches, and other related, but not conclusively classified species, was sequenced. These sequences were also compared with all the available sequences from the genera Carduelis, Serinus, and Passer. Phylogenetic analyses consistently gave the same groups of finches and the calculated divergence times suggest that speciation of the studied species occurred between 14 and 3 million years ago (Miocene-Pliocene), appearing before the Passer, Carduelis, and Serinus genera. Pleistocene glaciations may have been important in sub-speciation. Crossbills are integrated within the genus Carduelis, and within redpolls; the common crossbill shows subspeciation with Loxia japonica in the Pleistocene epoch. Pinicola enucleator groups together with bullfinches and is probably the ancestor of the group. Hawfinch is only distantly related to the studied groups, and might either represent an isolated genus or be related to the New World genus Hesperiphona. The grosbeak genera Eophona and Mycerobas are clearly sister groups, and species belonging to the former might have given rise to Mycerobas species. The isolated (in classification) Uragus sibiricus and Haematospiza sipahi are included within the genus Carpodacus (rosefinches); Carpodacus nipalensis is outside the genus Carpodacus in the molecular analyses and might be an isolated species or related to the genus Montifringilla.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Strukturaufklärung einer Gruppe von Antibiotika aus der Reihe der Makrolide.  相似文献   

The distribution of eight components of the extracellular matrix in immature human placenta was studied by an indirect immunofluorescence method with monospecific antibodies. In the stroma of the term chorionic villi, collagen types I, III, IV, V, and fibronectin formed a mesh of fibers and conglomerates. Heparan sulphate proteoglycan formed multiple conglomerates, whereas laminin comprised small, scanty, discrete granules. Collagen type IV, laminin, entactin, and heparan sulphate proteoglycan were confined to the basement membrane of the trophoblast. Sometimes, only collagen type IV was identified in fetal vascular basement membrane.  相似文献   

Summary Cap formation in mouse spleen cells induced by antiimmunoglobulin was inhibited by the metals Be, Fe, Cu and Al. Be was especially strong as an inhibitor of cap formation. It is suggested that these metals might change the mobility of the membrane and have some biological effects on the cross association of antigen receptors when B lymphocytes are attached by them.  相似文献   

Feeding a marginally low iron content diet (18-20 mg iron/kg diet) to weaned (21-day-old) rats for 8 weeks produced a significant decrease in liver non-heme iron (66%, p less than 0.001) but no change in blood hemoglobin. Total iron contents of liver (56%, p less than 0.01), spleen (20%, p less than 0.05), and kidney (19%, p less than 0.05) were also found to decrease along with increased zinc, copper, calcium, manganese lead and cadmium in various organs. The magnitude of alteration of a metal was different in different organs. However, liver was found to be the most affected organ. Two weeks of rehabilitation with iron-sufficient diet (390 mg iron/kg diet) normalized these altered levels.  相似文献   

Summary Feeding a marginally low iron content diet (18–20 mg iron/kg diet) to weaned (21-day-old) rats for 8 weeks produced a significant decrease in liver non-heme iron (66%, p<0.001) but no change in blood hemoglobin. Total iron contents of liver (56%, p<0.01), spleen (20%, p<0.05), and kidney (19%, p<0.05) were also found to decrease along with increased zinc, copper, calcium, manganese lead and cadmium in various organs. The magnitude of alteration of a metal was different in different organs. However, liver was found to be the most affected organ. Two weeks of rehabilitation with iron-sufficient diet (390 mg iron/kg diet) normalized these altered levels.  相似文献   

Summary Isothiocyanates react with deprotonated SH groups of investigated compounds to give the esters of N-monosubstituted dithiocarbamic acid. In the presence of the SH and NH2 groups (Cys, GSH), isothiocyanates react primarily with the SH groups. The reactions are dependent on the pKaSH values.  相似文献   

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