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A new species of Limnoporeia is described. The material examined was collected on the scope of the Mini Biological Trawl Project, off southeastern Brazil’s coast on the states of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo, ranging from 34 to 72 metres depth. Limnoporeia infirmichelata sp. nov. is diagnosed by: head with short rostrum; gnathopods weakly chelate; gnathopod 1, propodus wider than long; gnathopod 2, basis posterodistal corner with a long plumose seta; telson with 1 stout seta on each lobe. This is the first record of the genus for the Atlantic Ocean. An identification key is provided for all world species of Limnoporeia.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:CB9A8E15-196F-4CCC-8EE4-235246760111  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(14):1757-1772
A new species of ischyrocerid amphipod, Ischyrocerus fractus sp. nov., is described from south-west Ireland. An examination of material from the Sars Collection at the Zoologisk Museum, Oslo, has confirmed that Ischyrocerus minutus Sars, previously placed as a synonym of Ischyrocerus anguipes Krøyer, is a valid species and is widespread in the British Isles, while I. anguipes is Arctic/boreal in distribution.  相似文献   


The genus Tanaostigma is newly recorded from the Afrotropical region and three new species are described: Tanaostigma lasallei van Noort sp. nov. (South Africa), Tanaostigma mulu van Noort sp. nov. (Kenya) and Tanaostigma ukumbusho van Noort sp. nov. (Kenya). We provide comprehensive images of the holotypes and an illustrated identification key to the African species. New country distribution records are provided for Tanaostigmodes tambotis Prinsloo & LaSalle, 1995. All images presented here as well as supplementary images and online keys are available on www.waspweb.org

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:61D1A59D-3702-480A-B146-73067C29CD82  相似文献   

The South Korean species of the genus Exochus are revised. Ten new species, Exochus acostulatus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus adentatus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus areolaris Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus carinalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus dentisternum Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus depressus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus nigritulus Lee & Choi sp. nov., Exochus occipitalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus orbitalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov. and Exochus propodealis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., are described. Also, 21 species of this genus are reviewed and newly recorded from South Korea, with diagnoses provided. A key to the South Korean species of Exochus and illustrations of external characters are provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B28700A7-9CA7-4AE7-9816-9C8F4CD46160  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(9):1259-1290
Monocotyle is revised and three new species are proposed. Monocotyle corali sp. nov. is described from the gills of the cowtail ray, Pastinachus sephen (Forsskål) (Dasyatididae), and is distinguished from other members of Monocotyle by the large hamuli with a distinct tail on the guard and by the male copulatory organ with three loops and a wing-like accessory piece at the distal end. Monocotyle jordani sp. nov. from the gills of the southern eagle ray, Myliobatis australis Macleay (Myliobatididae), is differentiated by the male copulatory organ with a large, unique accessory piece. Monocotyle youngi sp. nov., from the gills of Himantura fai Jordan and Seale (Dasyatididae), has marginal haptoral papillae armed with 12 to 15 sclerites, a male copulatory organ with 20 loops and a unique accessory piece at the distal end. Monocotyle trygoni (Venkatanarsaiah and Kulkarni, 1980) Timofeeva, 1985 is synonymized with M. spirophallus Tripathi, 1959 and M. spirophallus is redescribed fully. There are now 16 valid species of Monocotyle and a key to species is presented. Additional data and illustrations of important taxonomic characters are provided. The developmental sequence of the male copulatory organ of M. spiremae Measures, Beverley-Burton and Williams, 1990 from juvenile to adult is described. The anterior glands and the type of secretion they contain are also documented for several species of Monocotyle.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(6):1413-1419
Didogobius schlieweni sp. nov. is described from a single specimen collected among pebbles in shallow water at Unije island, near Cres, in the northern Adriatic Sea. The holotype has vivid dark and pale patterning, and is assigned to Didogobius on the basis of head neuromast patterns and meristic features. Diagnostic values of the latter are D2 I/12, A I/11, P 17, and LL 55–56. A key to species of the Chromogobius and Didogobius complex is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1923-1936
A new species-group, the apiculata-group, of Clubiona Latreille, 1804 is erected to accommodate four new spider species closely related to the hystrix- and pahilistapyasea-groups from tropical forests of Borneo. These new taxa are Clubiona apiculata sp. nov., Clubiona conica sp. nov., Clubiona cylindriformis sp. nov. and Clubiona cultrata sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6063425C-2445-4173-91B7-0F730B30708F  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1867-1884
Four species and two genera of corinnid spiders are recognized from Korea and are described and illustrated. Castianeira shaxianensis Gong, 1983 Gong, J. X. 1983. Neue und wenig bekannte Clubionidae aus China (Arachnida: Araneae).. Verh Natur Vereins Hamburg., 26: 6168.  [Google Scholar] has previously been synonymized with C. paikdoensis Kim, 1997 Kim, J. P. 1997. A new species of the genus Castianeira (Araneae: Corinnidae) from Korea.. Korean Arachnol., 13(1): 15.  [Google Scholar] and is misidentified with C. flavimaculata Hu, Song and Zheng, 1985 in Korea. Trachelas acuminus (Zhu and An, 1988 Zhu, M. S. and An, R. 1988. Two new species of the genus Clubiona from China (Araneae: Clubionidae).. J Hebei Norm Univ (Nat. Sci. Ed.)., 1988: 7275.  [Google Scholar]) is synonymized with Trachelas coreanus Paik, 1991 based on the copualtory duct, the position of the spermatheca and the shape of the circular genital opening of the female situated posteriorly near the epigastric furrow. Trachelas joopili, a new species, is described and is distinguished by the largely triangular apophysis and slender coiled modified cymbium at the basal and distal part, a large horn‐shaped tibial apophysis, and slender linear embolus, twice coiled along with slender distal cymbium. A map showing the distribution of these species and a key to the species of two genera (Castianeira and Trachelas) from Korea are provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(5-6):317-331
Four new species of Clinotanypus Kieffer, 1913 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from Brazil are described and figured as male and immatures: Clinotanypus caritus, Clinotanypus gymnos, Clinotanypus setosus and Clinotanypus striatus. Keys to the Neotropical males, pupae and larvae of known species of Clinotanypus are provided. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:DAE70C2F-15CA-4B72-9AE5-F601EAD76A7C  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2519-2535
Most species of the Old World pseudoscorpion genus Megachernes are associated with mammals, either within their nests or in their pelage, whereas others are found in cave systems, usually in bat guano. The first Sri Lankan species of the genus, Megachernes kanneliyensis, is described from the fur of an endemic, threatened Sri Lankan mouse, Mus mayori pococki from the Kanneliya rainforest. The species is compared with other species of the genus. Host associations of all named and several unnamed species of Megachernes are reviewed, with two main habitat types, those found in mammal nests and in their pelage, and those found in bat guano. Based on similarities with Megachernes, Chiridiochernes is transferred to Lamprochernetinae as the spermathecae are T-shaped, the sole diagnostic feature of the subfamily.  相似文献   

Ten species of gobiid fishes (Teleostei: Gobioidei) now listed from the Cape Verde islands fall into several zoogeographical categories, including tropical West African Bathygobius casamancus, Mauligobius nigri, Porogobius schlegelii (unconfirmed) and Vanneaugobius canariensis, tropical amphiatlantic B. soporator and Gnatholepis thompsoni, and Canarian Didogobius kochi. Two new species of the eastern Atlantic, predominantly temperate genus Gobius are described: G. ateriformis sp. nov. and G. tetrophthalmus sp. nov., known so far only from the Cape Verdes, but reported occurrence of the congeneric Atlantic-Mediterranean G. paganellus has not been confirmed. The pattern of free neuromast organs (sensory papillae) of the head lateral-line system in Mauligobius nigri and the habitat of this species are described for the first time and its distribution further discussed. Diversity of gobies and other inshore fishes at the Cape Verdes is briefly indicated.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2311-2326
Ameroseius Berlese is the most numerous genus of family Ameroseiidae Evans (in Hughes 1961). Species of this genus have been reported from many regions around the world. A few species of this genus are known from Brazil. Ameroseius mineiro Narita, Bernardi and Moraes, sp. nov. is described based on the morphology of adult females and males collected from guano in caves of Minas Gerais State, Brazil. This is the second Ameroseius species described from Brazil. The holotypes of Ameroseius plumosus (Oudemans) and Ameroseius plumigera (Oudemans) were examined, given their close similarity with the species described in this paper, and they are here redescribed. A key is provided to separate these and other most similar species. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:17A7D831-EC49-4D65-B06B-5E13EF52C696  相似文献   

The small eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean gobiid genus Vanneaugobius Brownell, 1978 (type-species: V. dollfusi Brownell, 1978) is redefined to include new skeletal and head lateral-line criteria. Provisionally, V. dollfusi is retained as distinct from V. pruvoti (Fage, 1907), the latter being now recorded from the Canary Islands, and a new species, V. canariensis, is described from the Canaries and Guinea. Originally associated with the Indo-Pacific Valenciennea and Asterropteryx, Vanneaugobius is actually synapomorphic with two other small eastern Atlantic genera, Wheelerigobius Miller, 1981, and Odondebuenia De Buen, 1930, in virtual separation of the pelvic fins and a trend for modification of upper and lower scales at the caudal fin origin. Vanneaugobius occupies an intermediate position between the two former genera in head lateral-line specialization. The genus-group shares a modal vertebral number of 28 with the north-eastern Atlantic-Mediterranean Gobius-Thorogobius complex.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the family Raspailiidae has always been controversial. The family was first included in the order Poecilosclerida. It was then allocated to the order Axinellida and later moved back to Poecilosclerida. Currently with the development of molecular tools it has been assigned to the order Axinellida. In this contribution we describe 10 species from the Mexican Pacific Ocean. Seven of them are new to science: Raspailia (Parasyringella) rubra sp. nov., Raspailia (Raspaxilla) hymani (Dickinson 1945 Dickinson, MG. 1945. Sponges on the Gulf of California. Allan Hancock Pac Exp, 11(1): 1251.  [Google Scholar]), Raspailia (Raspaxilla) hyle (de Laubenfels 1930 de Laubenfels, MW. 1930. The sponges of California. (Abstracts of dissertations for the degree of doctor of philosophy). Stanford Univ Bull, 5(98): 2429.  [Google Scholar]), Aulospongus cerebella (Dickinson 1945 Dickinson, MG. 1945. Sponges on the Gulf of California. Allan Hancock Pac Exp, 11(1): 1251.  [Google Scholar]), Aulospongus californianus sp. nov., Aulospongus aurantiacus sp. nov., Eurypon patriciae sp. nov., Eurypon tylospinosum sp. nov., Eurypon diversicolor sp. nov. and Eurypon brunus sp. nov. We discuss the genus Eurypon and include a table for all the species described worldwide with some comments about this genus. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:D462084B-EE9C-4C61-884A-C9DB70003B4A  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):1895-1904
Two new species, Onychiurus gulinensis sp. nov. and Onychiurus antennalis sp. nov., are described from Eastern China. The two new species share most features with Onychiurus, but possess 11 chaetae in the distal whorl of tibiotarsus (seven or nine in Onychiurus), granulated sense clubs on Ant. III organ (smooth in Onychiurus) and three manubrial rows of chaetae present (two in Onychiurus). Here we place the two new species in Onychiurus rather than erect a new genus and the three characters considered to be unstable in many genera are discussed.  相似文献   

A new species of Indiacypris, I. chalakkudensis n. sp., is described from Chalakkudy River in Kerala, India; an asexual population of I. dispar occurred sympatrically with the new species and is here briefly redescribed. This is only the third species reported in this genus, and indeed also in the subfamily. The taxonomic position of this lineage is discussed in light of new morphological evidence. The subfamily could either belong to Cyprididae, or to Ilyocyprididae, or could represent an intermediate branch. Until molecular phylogeny can test these hypotheses, the subfamily remains in Ilyocyprididae.  相似文献   

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