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The jaguar ( Panthera onca ) has been classified as an opportunistic hunter that takes as many as 85 prey species, according to availability. In this study we analyzed jaguar food habits throughout its range to quantify the importance of small, medium, and large prey in the diet. Because peccaries ( Tayassu ) are present in most studies, we also tested their importance in relation to other prey items. We conclude that jaguars are equally using medium- and large-size prey, with a trend toward use of larger prey as distance increases from the equator. There was no significant difference between the importance of peccaries and other large prey.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(1-2):107-117
Males of Conops quadrifasciata “claim” females in late morning and then spend the rest of the day exposed as “riders” to attacks by other males. Male riders can respond to an attack by performing an abdomen‐lift which denies the attacker access to the female's genitalia. Attacking males can tailor their behaviour to suit the prevailing conditions. If a rider is engaged in a “repeat” copulation (as he does at regular intervals), the attacker “waits” beside the rider. If the rider is not in genitalic contact with the female, the attacker tries to mate with her immediately. It is proposed that females deliberately expose their riders to takeovers in order to gain the fittest mate.  相似文献   

There are no published studies on the diet of Mogollon voles ( Microtus mogollonensis ) although this species occurs throughout the Southwest in montane forestlands. Mogollon voles are believed to be herbivorous, selecting the vegetative portion of grass as their dominant food source. Herbivores frequently select more easily digested C 3 plants over C 4 plants; we thus expected Mogollon voles would feed primarily on C 3 plants. We collected hair samples from Mogollon voles captured in northern Arizona between 1967 and 2003 and plant samples from some capture sites. Then we compared stable carbon (δ 13 C) and nitrogen (δ 15 N) isotope ratios to investigate dietary preferences for C 3 or C 4 plants. Mean isotope ratios for C 3 plants we sampled were –26.84‰ ( s = 0.17) for δ 13 C and –0.02‰ ( s = 0.32) for δ 15 N. For C 4 plants, mean isotope ratios for δ 13 C and δ 15 N were –15.04 ‰ ( s = 0.38) and –0.74‰ ( s = 0.55), respectively. Mogollon voles were largely herbivorous based on δ 15 N (mean and standard error: 3.77 ± 0.17‰) and used C 3 plants more than C 4 based on δ 13 C (–24.21 ± 0.14‰). Activities that lead to changes in plant species composition or reduction in C 3 plants in montane grasslands and forests (e.g., excessive ungulate grazing) may reduce habitat quality for Mogollon voles.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(41-42):2609-2615
Final‐instar larvae of the microcaddisfly, Scelotrichia willcairnsi sp. nov. (Trichoptera: Hydroptilidae) were discovered feeding on a moss, Platyhypnidium muelleri in north‐eastern Queensland. Not only do the larvae feed on the moss, but their cases are constructed from fragments of moss leaves. Microscopic examination of larval guts and cases showed a total contrast in the angle at which the moss leaves are cut for each purpose: for cases the moss leaves are cut longitudinally, in parallel with the length of the cells, whereas for feeding the leaves are cut perpendicular to the leaf margin, across the cells, presumably an adaptation that releases the cell contents for digestion. The new caddisfly species is described based on the adult males. Scelotrichia willcairnsi represents the first Australian record of the South‐east Asian‐New Guinean Stactobiini genus Scelotrichia.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(15-16):1011-1025
Diet composition of slow worms (Anguis fragilis) from a Danish population was recorded from May to September 2006. Slow worms were maintained in cool conditions (at 8°C) for a maximum of 126 h, which made approximately half of the animals regurgitate. The method worked equally well on juveniles and adults. The regurgitations revealed that the slow worms preyed on small snails, slugs, pill millipedes (Glomeris marginata), earthworms and Lepidoptera larvae. There were seasonal changes in taxon composition of the diet but no ontogenetic or sex‐related differences. The food quality of selected prey types was tested on juveniles in a laboratory experiment. Mealworms gave a significantly lower gain in mass and snout–vent length than slugs, earthworms and a mix of all three prey types. A supplementary experiment revealed that slow worms from the present population completely rejected mealworms as prey. Earthworms seemed to be nutritionally inferior to molluscs.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(47-48):2985-3000
In a coastal salt-marsh of Spain, the digger wasp Stizus continuus primarily hunted for grasshoppers of the genus Heteracris, revealing (at least in the period of the study and in this area) this wasp to be almost monophagous. In contrast, grasshoppers of the genus Acrotylus were ignored by the wasps in spite of their high abundance in the environment. We hypothesize that this bias occurred because Acrotylus is found more often on the soil and on grasses, while Heteracris is nearly only found on Sarcocornia bushes, which probably represent the habitat mostly exploited by the wasps for hunting. The greater variance in size of the prey collected by larger females produced weak wasp–prey size correlations. Some wasps were observed to carry in flight prey weighing close to or more than the maximum theoretically possible, suggesting that they have to descend with prey to the nest from the above-soil hunting sites.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(39-40):2473-2485
In order to assess the efficacy of reinforcement as a conservation tool for rehabilitated elongated tortoises Indotestudo elongata (Blyth, 1854) we released 10 adults equipped with radio tracking transmitters to the Kulen Promtep Wildlife Sanctuary in northern Cambodia. Based on short-term success indicators for reintroduction studies on reptiles we studied the tortoises’ adaptation to the new environment for five months. The tortoises successfully settled in the new environment without showing adverse effects regarding their behaviour, condition index (CI) and physical appearance. The annual survival rate was 76%. Based on individual locations collected, we analysed the tortoises’ movement patterns including daily displacement, five-month and seasonal home range sizes using minimum convex polygons (MCPs) and fixed kernel density estimators (KDEs).  相似文献   

The green June beetle (Cotinis nitida) was observed in northern Virginia for a second and third flight season. The study yielded some results that were consistent with earlier findings, namely that mate-locating beetles were vulnerable to attack by avian predators and matings occurred primarily early in the flight season. Novel findings included the following: (1) blue jays (Cyanocitta cristata) were the major predators, not common grackles (Quiscalus quiscala), (2) some jays appeared to selectively prey on female beetles, (3) competition for mates among male beetles could be so intense that some males attempted to copulate with already mated (unreceptive) females, and (4) the sex ratio of the beetle population feeding on wild blackberries remained near equality late in the flight season despite the fact that the sex ratio of the population of beetles at the emergence site became highly female-biased over time.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(1-2):129-137
Plants bearing extrafloral nectaries can attract wasps, bugs, and mainly ants. Ants can defend plants against herbivores by treating the plant as an extension of their own territory. We evaluated the efficiency of resting sites built by Dryas iulia alcionea larvae as protection against ant predation on their host plant Passiflora suberosa. The results showed that ants on P. suberosa have significant influence on the survival of D. iulia caterpillars. The use and construction of resting sites was recorded through the fourth larval stadium. A strong inverse relationship between the number of resting sites constructed per larva and the developmental stage of the larvae was observed. Additional results suggest that the efficacy of resting sites against cursorial predators decreases with larval development. The behaviour of constructing resting sites probably evolved by natural selection. It is likely that this behaviour was important for the ancestral lineage that gave origin to Heliconiinae genera Dryas, Dryadula and Phylaethria.  相似文献   


The Cicadellidae collected from the Aldabra, Astove and Cosmoledo Atolls by the Royal Society Expedition 1967–68 are enumerated. Thirty-three species are recorded representing 25 genera of which four genera and 18 species are described as new. Lectotypes are designated for Paganalia virescens Distant, Rhombopsis virens Haupt and Scaphoideus ineffectus Baker.  相似文献   

A new introduced species, Otala punctata (Müller, 1774) and new records in Chile for Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) and Deroceras laeve (Müller, 1774) are documented based on surveys carried out in northern and central areas of the country. The presence and distribution of these alien species are complemented with a comprehensive compilation of all 34 non-indigenous species of marine, freshwater and terrestrial Mollusca in Chile; until 1999, only 16 alien species were known in Chile. Most of these alien species are found exclusively in transformed habitats, few exist in natural environments. The mechanism of introduction for the majority of these non-indigenous species is unknown; however, horticultural development, urban and suburban transformation of original natural habitats, and the aquarium trade are the most likely pathways of introduction. The highest threat of alien species is direct competition and predation of native molluscs, especially the small native land gastropods. Education and continuous field surveys are vital to detect and prevent their propagation as well as to avoid introduction of additional alien taxa.  相似文献   

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