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《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2283-2300
The genus Nasutopedia is a distinct lineage of tapinotaspidine bees that occurs in cloud forests of the tropical Andes, mostly in altitudes higher than 1200 m above sea level. Here, four new species of Nasutopedia are described for a total of seven species in the genus: Nasutopedia borealis sp. nov., from Colombia and Venezuela, Nasutopedia laeta sp. nov. from Ecuador, Nasutopedia morena sp. nov. from Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico, and Nasutopedia puncticutis sp. nov. from Bolivia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela. A key to Nasutopedia species is provided, including illustrations of main characters and a map of geographical distribution.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C3D6A837-7D84-4CB6-B74D-C4A9A5323A9B  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(35-36):2177-2181
Modern authors have treated Lutz and Cockerell’s indication of Centris umbraculata Fabricius, 1804 as the first valid type-species designation for Epicharis Klug, 1807. It is argued here, however, that Epicharis dasypoda Klug, 1807, junior synonym of Apis rustica Olivier, 1789, is the valid type species of Epicharis, as designated by Desmarest, in the article on Epicharis published in 1845 in volume 5 of d’Orbigny’s Dictionnaire Universel d’Histoire Naturelle. This overlooked designation makes Epicharana Michener, 1954, and not Xanthepicharis Moure, 1945, a junior synonym of Epicharis s.str. Therefore, Xanthepicharis should be revalidated for the group containing Epicharis umbraculata (Fabricius, 1804) and related species.

htpp://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:1BA1C185-25D8-45A8-BC29-109387C1E100  相似文献   

Two new species of Acmopolynema Ogloblin (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae), Acmopolynema pteron Manickavasagam & Palanivel sp. nov. and Acmopolynema pseudotachikawai Manickavasagam & Palanivel sp. nov., are described from India; a revised key to Indian species of the genus is provided. Acmopolynema shrawastianum Hayat & Anis syn. nov. is synonymized under Acmopolynema indochinense (Soyka); Acmopolynema orchidea Triapitsyn & Berezovskiy is reported from India, and new distributional records of Acmopolynema tachikawai Taguchi from Brunei and India are also given.www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3098457A-CA39-49CD-AEF1-19E788C33B78  相似文献   

The Holarctic species of the genus Anagrus Haliday are keyed. The Palaearctic species, other than the European ones revised earlier by Chiappini (1989), and 10 out of 11 valid species described from the Nearctic region are reviewed, based on a study of their type material. Two new species, A. rilensis Donev sp. n. and A. longitibialis Donev sp. n., are described from Bulgaria. A new specific synonymy is proposed: A. giraulti Crawford, 1913 with A. nigriventris Girault, 1911 (described as A. armatus var. nigriventris). New replacement name: A. oregonensis S. Triapitsyn nom. n. pro A. nigriceps Girault, 1915 (A. armatus var. nigriceps) nec Smits van Burgst, 1914. A. spiritus Girault, 1911 and A. columbi Perkins, 1905 are reinstated as valid species. A checklist of 68 presently recognized species of Anagrus is given in accordance with their distribution in different biogeographic regions.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(11):1649-1659
Four species of Encarsiella are recorded from China, including Taiwan, of which two species, E. nepalensis and E. amabilis sp. n. are new records for China. An illustrated key for their identification is provided, including the as yet extralimital species E. boswelli, which is almost certainly present in China, though currently unrecorded.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(37-38):2479-2492
Synosis Townes is a widely distributed genus of the family Ichneumonidae; most species recorded occur in the Old World and only two were formerly known to occur in the New World. Herein we describe Synosis rubinus sp. nov., Synosis cosnipatensis sp. nov., Synosis gauldi sp. nov. and Synosis townesi sp. nov. collected in various Peruvian cloud forests. A generic diagnosis and a key to the species occurring in the New World is also presented. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:8E5FA67F-F80A-4D78-8E5E-7CC8D6662396  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1639-1661
Based on a recent collection of ichneumonids from Lao Cai Province, at an elevation above 1500 m above sea level, the genus Brachyzapus Gauld and Dubois, 2006 Gauld, ID and Dubois, J. 2006. Phylogeny of the Polysphincta group of genera (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae; Pimplinae: a taxonomic revision of spider ectoparasitoids. Syst Entomol., 31: 529564. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] is reported from Vietnam for the first time and six new species are described: B. carinatus sp. nov., B. convexus sp. nov., B. duboisi sp. nov., B. fansipanensis sp. nov., B. hoanglienensis sp. nov. and B. politus sp. nov. Notes on distinguishing characters are provided and the new species are included in a tentative key to 12 species of Brachyzapus. Three species are formally transferred from Zabrachypus to Brachyzapus: B. atripedalis (Sheng, 2001), B. nitidus (Hao and Sheng, 2002 Hao, D and Sheng, ML. 2002. A new species of genus Zabrachypus Cushman (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae). J Northeast Forestry Univ., 30: 9596.  [Google Scholar]) and B. nonareaeidos (Wang, 1997) are new combinations.  相似文献   

The South Korean species of the genus Exochus are revised. Ten new species, Exochus acostulatus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus adentatus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus areolaris Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus carinalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus dentisternum Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus depressus Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus nigritulus Lee & Choi sp. nov., Exochus occipitalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., Exochus orbitalis Lee & Choi, sp. nov. and Exochus propodealis Lee & Choi, sp. nov., are described. Also, 21 species of this genus are reviewed and newly recorded from South Korea, with diagnoses provided. A key to the South Korean species of Exochus and illustrations of external characters are provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:B28700A7-9CA7-4AE7-9816-9C8F4CD46160  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(31-32):2039-2047
We describe a species of the exclusively Neotropical dorylomorph ant genus Leptanilloides (Leptanilloidinae), Leptanilloides atlantica sp. nov., based on workers collected in the Atlantic Forest, São Paulo, south-eastern Brazil. The 11 species of Leptanilloides described are known from relatively high altitudes in western America (from the Andes foothills in Bolivia to Sierra Morena in Mexico). The discovery of a Leptanilloides species in south-eastern Brazil represents a significant range extension for the genus; this new species shares characters with Leptanilloides biconstricta (Bolivia), Leptanilloides femoralis (Venezuela) and Leptanilloides gracilis (Mexico) and may be distinguished based on a combination of traits. The hypogaeic habits of Leptanilloidinae combined with inefficient collecting techniques may explain the paucity of information and of specimens of this group in most museum collections as well as its present apparent disjunct distribution. We compare Leptanilloides distribution to that of other organisms that show similar disjunct patterns in the Andes and montane sites in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E7E334AA-58C0-455D-A0A6-724D29226DD0  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(24):2919-2929
The species in the genus Osirinus Roig-Alsina are revised. Seven species are recognized, including O. ruficrus, new species, from south-eastern Brazil and O. tarsalis, new species, from western Brazil and Peru. Osiris parvicollis Ducke and O. santiagoi Almeida are transferred for the first time to Osirinus. An identification key based mainly on females is provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(23-24):1419-1425
An undescribed species of Banchinae from Chile in the Natural History Museum collections is described as Geraldus fittoni Broad, sp. nov. Four more specimens of Geraldus cambrensis have been found, from Chile and Argentina. The monophyly of Geraldus and of Philogalleria are supported.  相似文献   

Hedychridium is recorded for the first time for Brazil. A new species from southeastern Brazil, Hedychridium periotoi sp. nov., is described and illustrated. So far, the single species known to South America has been Hedychridium argentinum Buysson, which is restricted to the western and southern parts of Argentina.

www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:C0D66A84-3168-478D-9AC5-5EC3B4EB32FC  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(21-22):1311-1329
Three new genera and four new species of Banchinae are described from Central and South America: Terrylee gen. n., is described from Peru and Honduras to accommodate Terrylee olearius sp. n. and Terrylee peruensis sp. n. (type species: Terrylee peruensis sp. n.); Valdiviglypta gen. n. and Pristiboea gen. n. are described from Chile (type species: Valdiviglypta nimbus sp. n. and Pristiboea leiomano sp. n.). Terrylee and Pristiboea are placed in the tribe Atrophini, Valdiviglypta tentatively in the tribe Glyptini. All the three new genera are morphologically very distinctive and two have such character suites that they may not immediately be recognizable as banchines. By describing these three Neotropical genera from Chile, Honduras and Peru we aim to draw further attention to the considerable morphological variation within the ichneumonid subfamily Banchinae.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(43-44):2745-2794

The genus Baeoneurella Dodd, is resurrected, and Eumicrosoma Gahan, is treated as a junior synonym. A comparison between Baeoneurella and Telenomus Haliday, with emphasis on the T. floridanus group, is made to evaluate the generic limits of Baeoneurella, and synapomorphies for this genus are presented. The European species of Baeoneurella, including a new species, B. maceki Popovici, Masner and Polaszek, are described and illustrated, with new data concerning their distribution and habitats. Keys to the European species of this genus for females and for males are provided.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:3F3ECAB2-FBF9-40BB-8447-06CEF1073038  相似文献   

The complex of parasitoids attacking larval stages of Epermenia chaerophyllella in Britain is outlined, and the host range of each of the species recorded (three braconids and four ichneumonids) is discussed. ‘Ecological’ factors, such as the behavioural similarity of unrelated hosts during the vulnerable parts of their life histories, seem to have been important in the evolution of the host associations of several of these parasitoids, even though they are koinobionts. A new species, Triclistus epermeniae Shaw and Aeschlimann, is described.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(19-20):1199-1211
Three new eriophyoid mite species (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Eriophyidae) from China are described and illustrated. They are Cecidophyes truncatis sp. nov. on Acer truncatum Bunge (Aceraceae), Cecidophyes hirsutes sp. nov. on Cardamine hirsute L. (Cruciferae) and Paracolomerus fopingacer sp. nov. on Acer sp. L. (Aceraceae). All the new species described herein are vagrants on the host plant.  相似文献   

《Journal of Natural History》2012,46(27-28):1731-1745
A new mite species of the family Phytoseiidae (Acari: Mesostigmata), Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) thuriferus sp. nov. collected from the Cupressaceae Juniperus thurifera in Spain is described. Three species of the same subgenus, new records for Spain, are also included. A key to all the species of this subgenus is given.  相似文献   

Two new species of zerconid mites, Prozercon (Plumatozercon) orhani and P.(P.) kamili, from Turkey are described and illustrated.  相似文献   

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