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由于电子拍卖自身的高效性和公正性,因此基于无线频谱分配的拍卖机制应运而生,且满足了人们日益增长的无线通信服务需求。而安全的频谱拍卖算法是保证无线频谱拍卖机制安全运行的重要保障。通过分析无线频谱分配的算法特点和其所确保的安全需求,提出了一种无线单频谱安全拍卖算法。该算法结合无线频谱分配的拍卖特点与密码学机制来确保拍卖过程中信息的安全,并正确选出拍卖赢家,以及计算出赢家所需要支付的频谱拍卖价格。分析证明了算法具有较高的安全性。  相似文献   

认知网络中基于快速多赢家多频段拍卖的动态频谱分配   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统拍卖方法在动态频谱分配中的低效问题,本文提出了一种基于FADM(fast auction with multiple bands and multiple winners)算法的动态频谱分配方法.FADM算法将传统的多物品拍卖问题转化为整数型0/1背包问题,从而可用动态规划寻求最佳的出清向量;新算法采用了保留价格和差异定价抑制共谋,且根据供求关系动态调整保留价格和竞标价格,兼顾了频谱分配的经济效益和社会效益.性能分析和计算机仿真结果表明,FADM算法可以使频谱有效利用率逼近实际需求率,同时尽可能提高分配收益.  相似文献   

彭健 《上海信息化》2016,(11):36-42
各领域对频谱的需求快速增长,需要科学配置和利用有限的频谱资源,发挥其最大的经济和社会价值.选择适合的频谱分配方式是实现频谱高效利用的重要环节,频谱拍卖通过市场导向分配频谱,能够有效地提升频谱利用率,是目前国际上商业用频的主要频谱分配方式.  相似文献   

通用指定验证者签名证明(UDVSP)系统旨在保护签名拥有者的私有性,即从签名者得到有效签名的拥有者确信某个验证者他拥有有效签名,但是没有泄露签名的任何信息.与通用指定验证者签名相比,现有的UDVSP拥有指定的验证者不必预先建立自己的公私钥对的优点,以及如下缺点:①在签名拥有者和验证者之间存在一个交互协议;②签名拥有者不能验证指定验证者的身份.结果任意的攻击者都可以冒充指定验证者.文章给出了基于身份的非交互UDVSP和它的安全性定义.接着使用双线性对最早构造了基于身份的非交互UDVSP,该证明具有如下的优点:①指定验证者不需建立公私钥对;②证明是非交互的;③只有指定的验证者才能相信签名拥有者拥有签名者的有效签名.而且,在DLP,CDH,SDH和BPI是难的假设下,本系统是安全的.  相似文献   

以在频谱拍卖中为电信运营企业提供最优竞价策略为思路,在前期相关研究的基础上,根据频谱对电信运营企业的价值分布特点,运用不完全信息静态博弈理论,构建了优化后的频谱拍卖竞价博弈模型,并通过仿真以数值解的形式求得该竞价博弈模型的纳什均衡.通过均衡分析发现:电信运营企业在频谱拍卖中的最优竞价是关于其自身估价、所有竞拍企业估价的集中趋势、估价的波动幅度和参加竞拍企业数的综合折算值.而且电信运营企业对频谱估价的集中趋势和波动幅度同向激励其均衡出价;企业的单位估价对其均衡出价的激励作用在超过临界值后会随着所有电信运营企业估价的集中趋势和波动幅度的增大而不断增大.  相似文献   

基于统计信息与多队列的CR动态频谱分配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有动态频谱分配方法主要着眼于频谱分配的无冲突性、以及频谱利用率最大化等方面,没有充分考虑动态频谱的统计信息、用户不同业务需要不同带宽以及实时性-非实时需要等问题。为此,提出一种基于统计信息与多队列的CR动态频谱分配,并将一般独占分配方法与频谱池共享方法进行比较。仿真结果表明,在集中控制的情况下,频谱池共享能保证较好的分配公平性、频谱切换性和提供较高的系统吞吐性。  相似文献   

在认知无线电网络中,为了实现对频谱资源更加高效合理的分配,对原有基于拍卖模型的分配算法进行改进。引入供求理论加入需求因子和补贴函数,提出了一种基于需求拍卖竞价的认知无线电频谱分配算法。根据拍卖模型及动态频谱分配的特点,使用基于需求的系统总体效用最优的分配准则。在估价时考虑到了认知用户对频谱需求情况的不同,优先分配需求急迫的认知用户并对无线环境较差的用户进行竞价补贴以确保相对公平。通过仿真验证结果表明,本算法较之前提出算法在系统效用方面基本相当,公平性得到了明显提高,复杂度也得到了降低,提升了系统的整体效能。  相似文献   

为提高无线频谱资源利用率,针对认知无线电网络次用户具体资源需求,提出了一个基于VickreyClarke-Groves(VCG)拍卖机制的两层双拍卖频谱资源分配算法TACC,在实现频谱高效分配的同时,保证了主、次用户以及中继节点的效益.首先给出主用户、中继节点以及次用户的效用函数;然后对主用户的频谱资源进行分配;TACC拍卖算法在第一层实现中继节点和次用户的虚拟拍卖,并在第二层拍卖实现中继节点竞争主用户的频谱资源,最后综合两层拍卖结果将主用户频谱通过中继节点分配给次用户.数值实验结果表明:主用户和中继节点的效益得到了保证,TACC算法在主用户效益上比随机算法平均提高3倍;当次用户数量少于80时,系统运行时间低于25s,随着主用户数量增加,算法运行时间呈指数型增长.  相似文献   

巫朝霞  王路 《佳木斯大学学报》2021,39(4):97-101,165
基于双向异质频谱拍卖模型设计了具有隐私保护的频谱拍卖方案DPDA,在双向异质的频谱拍卖模型中,为了提高频谱拍卖的高效性和收益最大化,通常假设拍卖者是可信的,在此基础上的提交的所有买卖双方信息都将以明文状态提交给拍卖者,这将极大地增加了拍卖过程中个人隐私泄露的风险.DPDA方案有机结合了差分隐私机制和Diffie-Hellman算法使得该方案在原有模型的基础上达到了保护用户个人隐私的目的,并做了安全分析,证明了该方案的安全性,通过仿真实验结果表明该方案具有较好的频谱收益和隐私安全性.  相似文献   

有时间约束的多属性网上顺序拍卖研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拍卖机制与竞标人出价策略是拍卖理论研究的核心问题,网上拍卖的时间终止规则有固定时间和固定期限无应答两种类型.网上拍卖最后时刻投标对竞标人往往是最优策略,但是会影响到拍卖的效率.有时间约束的多属性网上顺序拍卖,通过设定最后一轮的拍卖机制,在最后一轮拍卖中,新的竞标人不准许加入拍卖,每一个竞标人按顺序只能提交一次报价,在投标结束后拍卖人根据评分函数和最优权重对竞标评分.这种拍卖机制有利于提高拍卖人收益,同时又给竞标人提供一种稳定的策略,可以有效地避免最后时刻投标所带来的效率损失.  相似文献   

Extensive research in recent years has shown that dynamic spectrum sharing is a promising approach to address the artificial spectrum scarcity problem by improving spectrum utilization.This new communication paradigm,however,requires a well-designed spectrum allocation mechanism.This paper designs a double spectrum auction framework that allows unlicensed secondary users to obtain selected idle spectra assigned to licensed primary users.This is a win-win game because primary users can earn extra revenue and secondary users can obtain spectra they desperately need.The competition among primary users in the auction framework is studied combining game theory with a double spectrum auction in a non-cooperative game with the Nash Equilibrium (NE) as the best solution.Primary users use the prices obtained from the NE as their bid strategies to participate in the auction.In this auction sellers and buyers bid privately and confidentially,which means that the secondary users do not actually know the price and the spectrum size offered by the primary users,then a new net utility function was developed for the primary users with an iterative algorithm to find the Nash equilibrium point.Simulations demonstrate that this design effectively improves spectrum utilization.  相似文献   

A traffic sensitive spectrum access scheme is proposed to satisfy the traffic load requirement of secondary users (SUs). In the proposed design, SU only accesses available channels which can meet the traffic demand. To achieve this, the expected transmission time (E3W) of the SU is calcu- lated first based on the delivery ratio. Then, the channel idle time is estimated based on the activity of primary users (PUs). Therefore, available channels with estimated idle time longer than ETr could be chosen. With high probability, the SU can finish transmission on these channels without disruption, thereby satisfying the traffic load demand of the SU. Finally, our method is extended to the multi-channel scenario where each SU can access multiple channels simultaneously. Performance analysis shows that our method satisfies the requirement of SUs while effectively improving the throughput.  相似文献   

为了提高频谱利用率,认知无线电技术可使非授权用户在不影响授权用户正常通信的情况下,利用瞬时的频谱空穴满足自身通信需求。如何通过感知频谱及时有效地发现频谱空穴是一个至关重要的问题,尤其是对于多信道认知无线电网络。针对多信道认知无线电网络,该文在连续时间Markov链的信道占用模型基础上,根据信道状态可能发生变化的概率,提出了一个动态的直观信道感知策略,并考虑了感知周期的影响。仿真结果表明:在感知周期合适的情况下,该策略能够有效地发现并利用频谱空穴,并且比周期感知和随机感知策略消耗更少的能量用于感知。  相似文献   

研究了认知MIMO无线网络中基于博弈论的动态频谱接入技术,以使得具有不同风险偏好的次级用户(买家)可以动态地选择竞标策略,同时主用户也可以根据系统情况,自适应地调整拍卖机制。基于非合作博弈设计了一个有限离散博弈模型,该博弈至少有一个混合策略的纳什均衡。基于自动学习机的概念,设计了一个有限反馈的分布式随机学习算法。仿真结果表明,所设计的算法具有良好的性能,与传统的固定竞拍机制和随机的选择竞价策略相比,该算法能够帮助主用户获得更高的利润,且让次级用户根据自身的风险偏好,选择一个合理的竞拍策略。  相似文献   

A large number of previous works have demonstrated that cooperative spectrum sensing(CSS) among multiple users can greatly improve detection performance.However,when the number of secondary users(SUs;i.e.,spectrum sensors) is large,the sensing overheads(e.g.,time and energy consumption) will likely be intolerable if all SUs participate in CSS.In this paper,we proposed a fully decentralized CSS scheme based on recent advances in consensus theory and unsupervised learning technology.Relying only on iteratively information exchanges among one-hop neighbors,the SUs with potentially best detection performance form a cluster in an ad hoc manner.These SUs take charge of CSS according to an average consensus protocol and other SUs outside the cluster simply overhear the sensing outcomes.For comparison,we also provide a decentralized implementation of the existing centralized optimal soft combination(OSC) scheme.Numerical results show that the proposed scheme has detection performance comparable to that of the OSC scheme and outperforms the equal gain combination scheme and location-awareness scheme.Meanwhile,compared with the OSC scheme,the proposed scheme significantly reduces the sensing overheads and does not require a priori knowledge of the local received signal-to-noise ratio at each SU.  相似文献   

For a hierarchical cognitive radio network (CRN), the secondary users (SUs) may access the licensed spectrum opportunistically, whenever it is not occupied by the primary users (PUs). An important issue for this kind of CRN is the achievable quality-of-service (QoS) performance, such as traffic transmission delay, which is critical to the SUs?? traffic experience. In this paper, we focus on the delay performance analysis of the SU system and the design of the corresponding optimal access strategy for the case of SUs sharing multiple licensed channels. In our analysis, the transmission of PU and SU traffic is modeled as M/G/1 queues. By merging the PU and SU traffic, we propose the model of a priority virtual queue on the licensed channels. Based on this model, we obtain the expected system delay expression for SU traffic through M/G/1 preemptive repeat priority queuing analysis. For the case of multiple licensed channel access, the access strategy is further investigated with respect to the expected system delay for SU traffic. By minimizing the expected transmission delay, the optimal access strategy is modeled as a nonlinear programming problem, which can be resolved by means of the classic Genetic Algorithm (GA). Numerical results validate our analysis and design of an optimal access strategy. Meanwhile, by considering the time taken by the GA approach, we can also adopt the inverse proportional access strategy to obtain near-optimal results in practice.  相似文献   

A large number of previous works have demonstrated that cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS) among multiple users can greatly improve detection performance. However, when the number of secondary users (SUs; i.e., spectrum sensors) is large, the sensing overheads (e.g., time and energy consumption) will likely be intolerable if all SUs participate in CSS. In this paper, we proposed a fully decentralized CSS scheme based on recent advances in consensus theory and unsupervised learning technology. Relying only on iteratively information exchanges among one-hop neighbors, the SUs with potentially best detection performance form a cluster in an ad hoc manner. These SUs take charge of CSS according to an average consensus protocol and other SUs outside the cluster simply overhear the sensing outcomes. For comparison, we also provide a decentralized implementation of the existing centralized optimal soft combination (OSC) scheme. Numerical results show that the proposed scheme has detection performance comparable to that of the OSC scheme and outperforms the equal gain combination scheme and location-awareness scheme. Meanwhile, compared with the OSC scheme, the proposed scheme significantly reduces the sensing overheads and does not require a priori knowledge of the local received signal-to-noise ratio at each SU.  相似文献   

如何在不干扰授权用户(主用户)正常通信的情况下提高次用户使用频谱的效率,这是认知无线电系统中需要解决的关键问题。在主用户优先的基础上,提出了基于干扰门限的动态频谱接入系统的M arkov频谱占用模型,并基于该模型对动态频谱接入过程进行了分析。为了进一步降低次用户间的相互干扰,通过对次用户接入概率的设计,以协调各类次用户间的频谱接入。在3种优化准则下,对次用户依据概率接入的基于干扰门限的主用户优先的动态频谱接入系统进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,基于干扰门限的主用户优先的动态频谱接入系统能大大提高次用户的接入机会,最大程度地提高了次用户的吞吐量。在比例公平准则下次用户接入的性能,与最大化吞吐量准则相比体现了更好的公平性,与最大化最小准则相比能够获得更大的吞吐量,因此基于比例公平准则可以使得系统在高效性和公平性间得到很好的均衡。  相似文献   

给出了计算非连续OFDM(NC-OFDM)系统带外功率泄漏和主用户(PU)频带干扰功率的数学模型,在此基础上,把NC-OFDM系统参数设计问题转化为次用户(SU)频谱开销和主用户(PU)干扰温度限制下的非线性规划问题的优化求解.给出了NC-OFDM系统最优参数与高功率放大器(HPA)的输入回退(IBO)参数、PU频带占用率和PU干扰温度容限之间的关系.仿真结果表明,当PU频带占用率和干扰容限给定的条件下,求解所建立的优化问题可以为SU设计最佳的系统参数:最少的保护载波数及系统对功率放大器IBO参数的要求.  相似文献   

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