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对P.Q.R的透视几何意义用矩阵的方法进行了分析证明,得出P.Q.R绝对值的倒数分别为原X.Y.Z向平行线在经旋转变换后的灭点(若存在)到视点的距离.  相似文献   

G A Bentley  G Boulot  M M Riottot  R J Poljak 《Nature》1990,348(6298):254-257
Serologically detected antigenic determinants unique to an antibody or group of antibodies are called idiotopes. The sum of idiotopes of an antibody constitute its idiotype. Idiotypes have been intensively studied following a hypothesis for the self-regulation of the immune system through a network of idiotype-anti-idiotype interactions. Furthermore, as antigen and anti-idiotypes can competitively bind to idiotype-positive, antigen-specific antibodies, anti-idiotypes may carry an 'internal image' of the external antigen. Here we describe the structure of the complex between the monoclonal anti-lysozyme FabD1.3 and the anti-idiotopic FabE225 at 2.5 A resolution. This complex defines a private idiotope consisting of 13 amino-acid residues, mainly from the complementarity-determining regions of D1.3. Seven of these residues make contacts with the antigen, indicating a significant overlap between idiotope and antigen-combining site. Idiotopic mimicry of the external antigen is not achieved at the molecular level in this example.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of the E. coli DNA-binding protein FIS   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

The three-dimensional (3D) structure of the wild-type rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) has been determined to a resolution of 3.2 nm by electron cryomicroscopy and computer image reconstruction techniques. The 3D density map exhibits characteristic structural features of a calicivirus: a T=3 icosahedral capsid with 90 arch-like capsomeres at the icosahedral and local 2-fold axes and 32 large surface hollows at the icosahedral 5- and 3-fold axes. This result confirms that the RHDV isolated in China is a member of the Caliciviridae family. A rather continuous capsid shell was found without channels. However, our RHDV structure also reveals some distinct structural characteristics not observed in other caliciviruses, including interconnected capsomeres and the lack of protuberance on the base of each of the surface hollows. Two types of particles were identified with similar outer capsid structure but different density distributions inside the capsid shells, which could not be distinguished by conventional negative staining electron microscopy. As the genomic and subgenomic RNAs are both packaged into particles for RHDV, we suggest that the two types of particles identified correspond to those containing either the genomic or subgenomic RNAs, respectively.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of calmodulin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The three-dimensional structure of calmodulin has been determined crystallographically at 3.0 A resolution. The molecule consists of two globular lobes connected by a long exposed alpha-helix. Each lobe binds two calcium ions through helix-loop-helix domains similar to those of other calcium-binding proteins. The long helix between the lobes may be involved in interactions of calmodulin with drugs and various proteins.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of tosyl-alpha-chymotrypsin   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
B W Matthews  P B Sigler  R Henderson  D M Blow 《Nature》1967,214(5089):652-656

Three-dimensional structure of tosyl-elastase   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
D M Shotton  H C Watson 《Nature》1970,225(5235):811-816

Transport and membrane integration of polypeptides is carried out by specific protein complexes in the membranes of all living cells. The Sec transport path provides an essential and ubiquitous route for protein translocation. In the bacterial cytoplasmic membrane, the channel is formed by oligomers of a heterotrimeric membrane protein complex consisting of subunits SecY, SecE and SecG. In the endoplasmic reticulum membrane, the channel is formed from the related Sec61 complex. Here we report the structure of the Escherichia coli SecYEG assembly at an in-plane resolution of 8 A. The three-dimensional map, calculated from two-dimensional SecYEG crystals, reveals a sandwich of two membranes interacting through the extensive cytoplasmic domains. Each membrane is composed of dimers of SecYEG. The monomeric complex contains 15 transmembrane helices. In the centre of the dimer we observe a 16 x 25 A cavity closed on the periplasmic side by two highly tilted transmembrane helices. This may represent the closed state of the protein-conducting channel.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional structure of the ion-coupled transport protein NhaA   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Williams KA 《Nature》2000,403(6765):112-115
Ion-coupled membrane-transport proteins, or secondary transporters, comprise a diverse and abundant group of membrane proteins that are found in all organisms. These proteins facilitate solute accumulation and toxin removal against concentration gradients using energy supplied by ion gradients across membranes. NhaA is a Na+/H+ antiporter of relative molecular mass 42,000, which is found in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli, and which has been cloned and characterized. NhaA uses the H+ electrochemical gradient to expel Na+ from the cytoplasm, and functions primarily in the adaptation to high salinity at alkaline pH. Most secondary transporters, including NhaA, are predicted to have 12 transmembrane helices. Here we report the structure of NhaA, at 7 A resolution in the membrane plane and at 14 A vertical resolution, determined from two-dimensional crystals using electron cryo-microscopy. The three-dimensional map of NhaA reveals 12 tilted, bilayer-spanning helices. A roughly linear arrangement of six helices is adjacent to a compact bundle of six helices, with the density for one helix in the bundle not continuous through the membrane. The molecular organization of NhaA represents a new membrane-protein structural motif and offers the first insights into the architecture of an ion-coupled transport protein.  相似文献   

P Jordan  P Fromme  H T Witt  O Klukas  W Saenger  N Krauss 《Nature》2001,411(6840):909-917
Life on Earth depends on photosynthesis, the conversion of light energy from the Sun to chemical energy. In plants, green algae and cyanobacteria, this process is driven by the cooperation of two large protein-cofactor complexes, photosystems I and II, which are located in the thylakoid photosynthetic membranes. The crystal structure of photosystem I from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus described here provides a picture at atomic detail of 12 protein subunits and 127 cofactors comprising 96 chlorophylls, 2 phylloquinones, 3 Fe4S4 clusters, 22 carotenoids, 4 lipids, a putative Ca2+ ion and 201 water molecules. The structural information on the proteins and cofactors and their interactions provides a basis for understanding how the high efficiency of photosystem I in light capturing and electron transfer is achieved.  相似文献   

D H Ohlendorf  R F Wrenn  L J Banaszak 《Nature》1978,272(5648):28-32
Microcrystals of the lipoprotein-phosphoprotein complex which are found in the oocytes of Xenopus laevis were examined using electron microscopy. Analysis of Fourier transforms of the images of the (010) and (001) projections showed the space group to be P2(1)22(1). Ten projections were combined to produce a map of the complex having about 20 A resolution. The lipoprotein complex consists of two subunits related by a local twofold symmetry axis. The density was averaged around the local symmetry and reasonably well defined structural domains can be seen in the resulting model.  相似文献   

对比分析了非隔震结构直接嵌固,及设置与隔震结构隔震层高度相同的框架柱两种做法对水平向减震系数计算结果的影响;同时探讨了随隔震层高度及结构层数变化、水平向减震系数的变化规律。结果表明:与直接将非隔震结构嵌固在基础的做法相比,采用在上部结构下设置框架柱的做法得到的水平向减震系数均偏大,按此做法得到的减震系数结果设计上部结构将偏于安全。随隔震层高度的增加,此做法所得减震系数结果小幅增大。随结构层数的增加,两种做法所得水平向减震系数逐渐接近于相等。在隔震设计时,对于中低层建筑,建议采用下设同高框架柱的方法;对于高层建筑,两种方法均可采用,该结果可供相关设计和研究人员进行隔震设计时参考使用。  相似文献   

An unambiguous determination of the three-dimensional structure of nanoparticles is challenging. Electron tomography requires a series of images taken for many different specimen orientations. This approach is ideal for stable and stationary structures. But ultrasmall nanoparticles are intrinsically structurally unstable and may interact with the incident electron beam, constraining the electron beam density that can be used and the duration of the observation. Here we use aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy, coupled with simple imaging simulation, to determine with atomic resolution the size, three-dimensional shape, orientation and atomic arrangement of size-selected gold nanoclusters that are preformed in the gas phase and soft-landed on an amorphous carbon substrate. The structures of gold nanoclusters containing 3096 atoms can be identified with either Ino-decahedral, cuboctahedral or icosahedral geometries. Comparison with theoretical modelling of the system suggests that the structures are consistent with energetic considerations. The discovery that nanoscale gold particles function as active and selective catalysts for a variety of important chemical reactions has provoked much research interest in recent years. We believe that the detailed structure information we provide will help to unravel the role of these nanoclusters in size- and structure-specific catalytic reactions. We note that the technique will be of use in investigations of other supported ultrasmall metal cluster systems.  相似文献   

P Nordlund  B M Sj?berg  H Eklund 《Nature》1990,345(6276):593-598
The enzyme ribonucleotide reductase furnishes precursors for the DNA synthesis of all living cells. One of its constituents, the free radical protein, has an unusual alpha-helical structure. There are two iron centres that are about 25 A apart in the dimeric molecule. Tyrosine 122, which harbours the stable free radical necessary for the activity of ribonucleotide reductase, is buried inside the protein and is located 5 A from the closest iron atom.  相似文献   

D R Kearns  Y P Wong  E Hawkins  S H Chang 《Nature》1974,247(442):541-543

Three-dimensional structure of the neuronal-Sec1-syntaxin 1a complex   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Misura KM  Scheller RH  Weis WI 《Nature》2000,404(6776):355-362
Syntaxin 1a and neuronal Sec1 (nSec1) form an evolutionarily conserved heterodimer that is essential for vesicle trafficking and membrane fusion. The crystal structure of the nSec1-syntaxin 1a complex, determined at 2.6 A resolution, reveals that major conformational rearrangements occur in syntaxin relative to both the core SNARE complex and isolated syntaxin. We identify regions of the two proteins that seem to determine the binding specificity of particular Sec1 proteins for syntaxin isoforms, which is likely to be important for the fidelity of membrane trafficking. The structure also indicates mechanisms that might couple the action of upstream effector proteins to conformational changes in syntaxin 1a and nSec1 that lead to core complex formation and membrane fusion.  相似文献   

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