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On the basis of the summary of basic characteristics of propagation, the dynamic model of the tectonic evolution in the South-western Subbasin (SWSB), South China Sea (SCS), has been established through high resolution multi-beam swatch bathymetry and multi-channel seismic profiles, combined with magnetic anomaly analysis. Spreading propagates from NE to SW and shows a transition from steady seafloor spreading, to initial seafloor spreading, and to continental rifting in the southwest end. The spreading in SWSB (SCS) is tectonic dominated, with a series of phenomena of inhomogeneous tectonics and sedimentation.  相似文献   

We performed an assimilation experiment of the southern South China Sea in summer 2000, and the altimeter data were assimilated into Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The result was evaluated with the in situ data. There were obvious improvements of the currents in the southern South China Sea, and the modeling uncertainty coming from the error of wind stress forcing was reduced. This experiment provides us a new idea about improving the modeling of the ocean currents.  相似文献   

The South China Sea (SCS) is one of the largest marginal seas in the western Pacific. Its northern part has the features of a passive continental margin. The studies of deep crustal structure in this area are very important for understanding the tectonic nature, evolution history, basin formation of the northern margin, and the origin of the SCS. In the past decades, the deep seismic experiments of crustal studies in the northern SCS have gone through three stages, namely the sonobuoy, two-ship Expanding Spread Profile (ESP), and Ocean Bottom Hydrophone/Seismometer (OBH/OBS). Along the continental slope, the sonobuoy experiments provided useful information about the velocity structure of the upper crust, while the ESP data recorded for the first time the seismic signals from deep crustal structure and Moho interface. And the OBH/OBS profiles revealed the crustal structure in much greater detail. This paper first gives a brief historical review of these deep seismic experiments and studies, then a summary of the latest progress and important research results. The remaining problems and suggestions for further research work are presented as conclusive remarks.  相似文献   

The low-velocity layer (LVL), closely related with tectonic activities and dynamic settings, has always been a hot topic in the deep crustal structure studies. The deep seismic (OBS/OBH) and onshore-offshore experiments have been extensively implemented in the northern South China Sea (SCS) since the 1990s. Six seismic profiles were finished on the northern margin of SCS by domestic and international cooperations. The features of crustal structures were revealed and five velocity-inversion layers were discovered. Among them three LVLs with 3.0—3.5 km?s-1 velocity are located in the sedimentary structure (2.0—6.0 km in depth and 2.0—4.6 km in thickness) of the Yinggehai Basin and Pearl River Mouth Basin. They were identified by the reflective and refractive phases for their shallow depth. The other two LVLs with 5.5—6.0 km?s-1 velocity generally existed in the middle crust (7.0—18.0 km in depth) with an about 2.5—6.0 km thickness in the transitional crustal structure of the northeastern and northwestern SCS. They were detected by the refractive phase from their overlain and underlying layers. We explored the possible tectonic formation mechanisms combining with previously reported results, which provided evidence for the formation and evolution of SCS.  相似文献   

The low-velocity layer (LVL), closely related with tectonic activities and dynamic settings, has always been a hot topic in the deep crustal structure studies. The deep seismic (OBS/OBH) and onshore-offshore experiments have been extensively implemented in the northern South China Sea (SCS) since the 1990s. Six seismic profiles were finished on the northern margin of SCS by domestic and international cooperations. The features of crustal structures were revealed and five velocity-inversion layers were discovered. Among them three LVLs with 3.0—3. 5 km·s-1 velocity are located in the sedimentary structure (2.0—6.0 km in depth and 2.0—4. 6 km in thickness) of the Yinggehai Basin and Pearl River Mouth Basin. They were identified by the reflective and refractive phases for their shallow depth. The other two LVLs with 5.5—6.0 km·s-1 velocity generally existed in the middle crust (7.0—18.0 km in depth) with an about 2.5—6.0 km thickness in the transitional crustal structure of the northeastern and northwestern SCS. They were detected by the refractive phase from their overlain and underlying layers. We explored the possible tectonic formation mechanisms combining with previously reported results, which provided evidence for the formation and evolution of SCS.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of inhomogeneous water on seismic imaging in deep water areas. An appropriate partial differen- tial equation is derived for the acoustic pressure field in inhomogeneous water, including current effects. Seismic wavefields are simulated and the results show that the traveltime of seismic waves can be affected. The maximum traveltime perturbation at zero offset is 20 ms. In particular, the structure of horizontal reflectors below the water is distorted by mesoscale eddies. Variations of water temperature are the fundamental cause of the distortion. Finally, a calibration method for the distortion of seismic imaging caused by inhomogeneous water is presented.  相似文献   

2006年南海夏季风爆发过程数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用中尺度模式MM5V37对2006年南海(SCS)夏季风爆发过程进行了数值模拟。结果表明,模拟结果很好的反映了此次季风爆发的过程及与季风爆发相伴台风演变过程。从而证明了通过台风的协助,南海上空的季风风场和水汽通道的建立,南海夏季风建立的过程。  相似文献   

Based on the CTD and meteorological data obtained by R/VXiangyanghong No. 14 in the South China Sea (SCS) in the summer of 1998, both current velocity and volume transport are calculated by using a modified inverse model. Circulation in the SCS is analyzed by combining the calculated results with ADCP data. The following results are obtained, (i) The most important feature of the circulation in the northeastern SCS is that a branch of the Kuroshio intrudes into the SCS with a small volume transport. It flows anticyclonically through the Bashi Strait and towards the southwest off the Taiwan Island, and it does not intrude into the inner SCS. (ii) The northern SCS is dominated mainly by a cyclonic circulation system with two cold eddies, (iii) The central and southwestern SCSs are mainly occupied by anticyclonic circulation systems, including three anticyclonic and one stronger cyclonic eddies. (iv) In the southeastern SCS, there is a large scope of cyclonic circulation extending in the SW-NE direction, (v) There is a “multi-eddy phenomenon” in the SCS, and a larger eddy contains several small eddies. (vi) There is western intensifying of the currents and eddies in the SCS.  相似文献   

Long-term passive source ocean bottom seis- mograph (OBS) observatory is challenging due to various technical difficulties. In order to gain experience in this field, and to reveal the lithospheric structure beneath the extinct ridge in the central South China Sea (SCS), we carried out a passive source OBS array experiment, which includes 18 OBSs, in the deep portion of SCS. Here we present the instrumentation, the OBS deployment and recovery of this experiment, and more importantly, the data quality evaluated by a number of approaches. Through processing and inspecting waveforms from global, regional and local earthquakes, we find that most of recovered OBSs have good data quality with discernible main phases. The ambient noise analyses of OBS recordings show that their noise is higher than the global average, and the horizontal component is noisier than the vertical, indicating current impacts on horizontal components are more severe. In the period range of 5-10 s, there is a noise notch for the SCS OBSs, and noise levels of horizontal components are comparable to the vertical. This feature, which is not seen at OBS stations in open ocean, suggests the distant sources for double frequency microseism in this marginal sea are not significant. In addition, we successfully determined the orientations for 7 OBSs by investigating their Rayleigh wave polarizations; and we demonstrated the dispersion feature of Rayleigh waves through the frequency-time analysis. Finally, we summarized lessons learned from this experiment regarding the passive source OBS investiga- tions in SCS.  相似文献   

使用美国NCEP/NCAR1958-1997年逐日资料,对南海季风爆发前后的气象要素场作了分析。结果表明:南海季风爆发时,南海南、北部要素场变化有差异,北部西南季风爆发特征更为显著。针对南海西南季风爆发特征,提出了用湿位势涡度定义季风指数,它能很好地反映夏季风爆发的特征。其中,用湿位热涡度定义的季风指数对长江中下及华北华南地区的旱涝具有一定的预示性。相关分析表明:前一年冬季的季风指数和秋季的季风指数分别与华北次年夏季降水、华南次年春季降水有显著的相关,而当年夏季的季风指数与长江中下游当年秋季降水呈显著正相关。  相似文献   

南海存在两种火山岩:洋中脊玄武岩(MORB)和洋岛玄武岩(OIB)。国际大洋发现计划(IODP)第349、367、368、368X航次在南海海盆的成功钻取,获得了南海初始扩张(~34 Ma)和停止扩张(~15—16 Ma)前的洋壳样品。南海东部、西南次海盆及北缘洋-陆过渡带代表海盆发展的不同阶段,具有不同的地幔潜能温度、物质组成和洋脊扩张速度,因此产生的洋中脊玄武岩成分差异显著。南海地区在扩张晚期及停止扩张之后存在大规模地幔上涌,与其周缘地区的持续俯冲有关,产出的海山OIB不同于地幔柱活动产生的火山链。南海虽小,但蕴含的信息异常丰富,是窥探地球深部难得的天然窗口。  相似文献   

This paper discusses deep crustal architecture of the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, northern South China Sea based on velocity analysis, time-depth conversion and seismic interpretation of the deep seismic reflection profile DSRP-2002. The profile was acquired and processed to 14 S TWT by the China National Offshore Oil Corp. (CNOOC) in 2002. It extends across the Baiyun Sag of the Pearl River Mouth Basin, from the northern continental shelf of the SCS to the deepwater province. As the first deep seismic reflection profile in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, this profile reveals seismic phases from basement down to upper most mantle. The Moho surface appears in the profile as an undulating layer of varying thickness of 1-3 km. It is not a single reflector interface, but a velocity gradient or interconversion layer. The crust thins stepwisely from the shelf to the continental slope and the abyssal plain (from north to south), and also thins under depocenters. The crustal thickness is only 7 km in the depocenter of the main Baiyun Sag, which corresponds to a Moho upwelling mirroring the basement topography. In the lower slope and the ocean-continental transition zone of the southernmost portion of the profile, three sub-parallel, NW-dipping strong reflectors found at depths around 10--21 km are interpreted as indications of a subducted Mesozoic oceanic crust. Crustal faults exist in the northern and southern boundaries of the Baiyun Sag. The intense and persistent subsidence of the Baiyun Sag might be related to the long-term activity of the crustal faults.  相似文献   

Onshore-offshore seismic experiments were carried out for the first time in northern South China Sea using large volume airgun sources at sea and seismic stations on land. The experimental results indicate that seismic signals from the new airgun array of R/V Shiyan 2 can be detected as far as 255 km. The signal effective area reaches nearly 50000 km2, which covers Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta. Compared with the old airgun array, the signal amplitude, propagation distance and effective area of the new airgun array have been increased notably, which demonstrates that the upgrade of the airgun source was successful. Comparisons with previous experimental results in other regions show that the shooting effect of the new airgun array is similar to those best airgun sources in the world. Especially, it is a new breakthrough in using the permanent seismic stations onshore to record long distance airgun signals offshore, which has great significance to the realization of the "seismic radar" concept and the 3D seismic surveys of crustal structure in coastal areas.  相似文献   

横波分裂可以用来探测地下介质的方位各向异性特征,如地幔流动方向、地壳内断层和应力的方向,以及近地表裂缝发育方位等,在地球深部结构探测和油气田勘探中具有重要作用。由于地下一般存在多层方位各向异性介质,记录的横波可能发生过多次分裂,因此,采用正演方法对横波分裂和再分裂进行数值模拟与分析,对于横波分裂反演和地下横向结构探测具有重要意义。旋转交错网格由于将速度和应力的不同分量置于同一网格点,可以避免各向异性参数的插值,正演更为精确。因此,采用旋转交错网格对方位倾斜横向各向同性介质的一阶速度-应力方程差分离散,并构造完全匹配层边界,实现了多层方位各向异性介质多分量逆VSP资料的正演;然后以此为基础,分析了横波发生分裂和再分裂时分裂参数随方位变化的规律;最后采用层剥离策略对多层方位各向异性进行反演和补偿,并探讨了层剥离方法的应用条件和技巧。  相似文献   

Coesite is an indicator mineral of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism. Since coesite was reported in the Habutengsu Valley, we have also found it in eclogite and schist from the Atantayi Valley in the southwestern Tianshan, China. Petrographic and micro-Raman analyses were carried out for the Atantayi metamorphic rocks and coesite was recognized in the predominant rock types, i.e. schist and eclogite, from three sections. The coesite-bearing schist consists mainly of garnet, Na-Ca amphibole, quartz, white mica and albite; the coesite-bearing eclogite is mainly composed of omphacite, garnet, glaucophane and zoisite. The coesite occurs as various mineral inclusions within porphyroblastic garnet. Findings of coesite in eclogite and associated schist indicate not only the regional in situ formation of the Atantayi ultra-high-pressure eclogite, but also the large areal extent of ultra-high-pressure metamorphism in southwestern Tianshan, extending up to 10 km north-south and 60-80 km east-west.  相似文献   

Integrated study on the tectonic, basin filling and thermal evolution of the Tertiary basins on the northern margin of the South China Sea has indicated that the rift continental margin on the northern South China Sea is not a passive margin and that the western margin is characteristic of the transform-extension. Episodic rifting and the thermal events since 10 Ma in the area have been documented by the integrated analysis of dynamic process. It has been clarified that the tectono-thermal events have exerted a significant influence on basin features and hydrocarbon accumulation, and particularly, the westward collision of the Lusong Island Arc, the generation of densely spaced faults in the Pearl River Mouth Basin, the rapid subsidence, high heat flow and large-scale over pressure and thermal-fluid breakthrough in the Yinggehai and the Qiongdongnan basins have proved to be the important factors determining the formation of oil and gas in these basins.  相似文献   

南海中部存在巨大的中南断裂将南海海盆分割为东-西两部分,至少自1亿年以来,在沉积环境与沉积厚度、洋陆边界的属性与特征、大陆破裂的时代、岩浆活动的来源与程度、减薄大陆架和大陆坡的宽度、洋壳年龄与磁性层结构、磁异常条带特征、岩石化学等诸多方面都存在巨大差异,它们主要受控于早期地质构造背景的差异、东西部大陆减薄伸展速率的变化以及海底扩张的构造环境的不同,并深刻影响了之后的区域沉积分区和沉降特征。  相似文献   

分析了1993与1994年南海夏季风爆发前后华南上空温度场演变特征及其热力过程,结果表明:南海夏季风的爆发与华南及邻近地区对流层的季节性增温从而使得华南与赤道地区对流层的南北温差逆转的现象有密切联系;暖平流作用是导致南海季风爆发前华南地区上空对流层增温的一个重要因子,在此期间由上升运动引起的绝热冷却过程总是抑制对流层的增温;非绝热加热因子对温度局地变化的贡献依赖于华南地区降水的多寡。由于1994年  相似文献   

南海北部陆坡位于南海北部大陆边缘,地质构造活动丰富,是大陆和深海进行物质和能量交换的重要过渡区。研究北部陆坡区复杂的地形地貌,有助于深化对南海北部陆缘海底地质活动与环境变化的认识,并为资源勘探与工程建设提供基础地质信息支撑。本研究基于全球水深地形图(General Bathymetric Chart of the Oceans,GEBCO)数据及实测多波束数据,对南海北部陆坡的地形地貌进行研究,识别出不同的地貌类型,并探讨其形成和发展的控制因素。研究表明,南海北部陆坡发育有海台、海山、海丘、海槽、海底峡谷以及冷泉地貌类型。南海北部陆坡地形地貌的发育和演化主要受控于构造活动及火山活动,而外动力地质作用如沉积输运、海平面变化及甲烷流体的活动等,都对研究区的地形地貌做了进一步的改造,使之更加复杂。  相似文献   

为了刻画川西南部地区二叠系火山岩相展布、厘清其分布主控因素,基于已钻井火山岩地球物理响应特征分析,结合火山机构模型正演,明确不同火山岩相所对应的地震响应特征,进而采用多信息地震属性技术预测火山岩相展布;结合火山岩相、基底断裂、古地貌等信息研究火山岩相分布主控因素。研究结果表明,川西南部BMM地区发育规模性火山岩爆发相发育区,面积达500 km2,是四川盆地火山岩油气勘探区带拓展的有利区。火山岩相分布主要受基底断裂及火山喷发前古地貌控制。  相似文献   

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