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The manufacturing industry in 1990's is faced with se-vere challenge among the global competition for mar-kets.Production for a small quantity and high varietyeven lot-sizes of one-digit numbers products has be-come a main trend today.Traditional production proce-dure limits the flexibility of the production system.Inthis paper,based on the analysis of the procedure charac-teristics,a design strategy for re-usage of informationand resource is introduced,and an order-oriented pro-cedure model with concurrent,hierarchical and micro-cycle structure for a robust and agile production systemis proposed in order to realize flexible and adaptive pro-duction for dynamically-changing orders.  相似文献   

利用合成纳米锰钾矿去除模拟废水中Cd (Ⅱ),研究不同去除反应条件对废水中镉离子去除率的影响.结果表明:合成纳米锰钾矿对水溶液中Cd2+的去除平衡时间约为2 h;在Cd2+质量浓度为50 mg · L-1、溶液初始pH=6.50、反应温度25℃、处理剂粒径96~120μm、每升模拟废水中投加2g合成纳米锰钾矿时,平衡后Cd2+去除率为90.6%.当Cd2+质量浓度不高于300 mg·L-1时,吸附等温线近似符合Langmuir模型,合成纳米锰钾矿最大理论吸附量为120.5mg·g-1.纳米锰钾矿对于Cd2+的去除是表面配位吸附、静电吸附、离子交换三种模式共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

A biotelemetry experiment is conducted to study the migrant behavior of green turtles(Chelonia mydas)in South China Sea and acquire the physical environment data.The method in use is to track the post-nesting migrant routes of green turtles through the satellite linked transmitters attached on the back of turtles and the global satellite signal transmitting system of Argos.We obtained the positions of the post-nesting migrant routes of three green turtles and environment data,which are important in conservation of green turtles and the research of physical oceanography.Based on the test,the concept,principle and method of biotelemetry are also introduced in this paper with a discussion of the further development of this technique and its applying prospection in future.  相似文献   

1 Results Hydrocarbon PEM materials are being widely studied as replacements for Nafion-type perfluorinated polymeric materials to reduce cost and improve performance such as operating temperature and methanol crossover in the DMFC application. Among some of the important property considerations required are thermal and chemical stability, low dimensional swelling, low methanol permeability in the case of DMFC and high proton conductivity. Careful structural design can reduce the effect of swelling associated with increased proton conductivity brought about by increasing the sulfonic acid content or ion exchange capacity (IEC). Several promising synthetic strategies for improved PEM materials have been explored such as incorporation of nitriles to introduce dipolar chain interactions, more ordered homopolymer PEM designs, and unique comb-shaped polymer architecture. In the latter case, the comb-shaped PEMs exhibit clear phase-separated morphology and high proton conductivities. These PEM materials and data of their respective membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs) will be discussed.  相似文献   

AnObject-RelationalDatabasePrototypeO-RBASE(extracted)LiTianzhu;HuangWei;MaXiuli;RenJianli(ComputerCenter,HebeiUniversity,Bao...  相似文献   

设T_n是[n]={1,…,n}上的全变换半群.对任意1≤k≤n,令Tn(k)={α∈T_n|x∈[n],x≤kxα≤k},则Tn(k)是Tn的子半群.刻画了半群GT_n(k)的正则元的特征,并描述了该半群上的Green关系.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the intermediate results of the development of a national standardized classification system called JCCS to ensure harmonized use of various kinds of information to be processed through the whole life cycle of construction projects in a nation-wide Japanese CALS/EC scheme. JCCS is planned to be a Japanese IFD and developped on the technical basis of ISO 12006-2 and 12006-3. Japan has currently no such an IFD-like library of terminologies which is to be an essential tool for the multiple and harmonized information processing, so that JCCS should be a key technology for the successful CALS/EC. First, the development concepts and related technologies are described. Second, evaluation of the current situation of information process in the construction industry is clarified, and followed by the requirements of the development of JCCS. In the main part, the current version of JCCS is outlined, major contents of which are the basic architecture of JCCS, JCCS schema, JCCS basic tables and the usage of JCCS in practice. Finally, future develoment in plan is briefly explained.  相似文献   

igure 1 EffectivedielectricconstantofasimpletetragonallatticewithspacingdintheZdirectionandwintheXandYdirectionasafunctionofspacing/radius(d/R)atconstantvolumefraction (f) .FullcirclesindicatetheresultofdipoleapproximationandopencirclesarefromtheextendedR…  相似文献   

MSDBMS是一个基于空间位置的通用多媒体数据库管理系统;它不仅具有一般图形系统和数据库系统的基本功能,而且还能处理多媒体,如图像、文字、视频和声音等信息.系统可以从不同的角度,用多种方式来描述同一实体,并在同一画面上显示各种相关信息,从而强化了信息的表现能力.系统提供了多媒体查询系统(QBE);它与传统的QBE查询语言的主要差别是在结果视图中不仅包含了数据,还包含了相关的多媒体信息.  相似文献   

(+)—1—异丙胺基—3(α—萘氧基)—2—丙醇是一个新的优良避孕药物。它具有安全、有效、经济和使用方便等优点。本文研究了其外消旋体拆分的新方法、新工艺。产物通过了元素分析,红外光谱分析。比旋光度和熔点等物理常数接近文献值。  相似文献   

本文在许永华教授的论文《环的σ—结构》的基础上,对环作了进一步的探讨,提出了意义更广泛的环的(στ)—反同态和(στ)—Jordan同态的概念。结果表明:环的(στ)—同态、(στ)—反同态及(στ)—Jordan同态具有与一般意义的同态,反同态及Jordan同态相类似的性质。本文还推广了Jacobson、Ricket及Hua的一些关于环的基本定理。  相似文献   

激光是六十年代初兴起的一门新的科学技术。它的出现,标志着人们对光的控制和利用有了新的飞跃,引起世界各国的重视,在短短十四、五年内,迅速广泛地应用到了许多科学技术领域中。激光具有的特性,为军事技术、生产建设和科学实验的许多方面的发展提供了一系列的途径。激光具有的特性是: 1.很高的方向性。普通光源发出的光是向四面八方均匀地发散的,而激光具有很高的方向性。它是沿着一定方向发光的,光束的发散角很小,一般可达毫弧度(10~(-3)弧度)的数量级,比最好的探照灯的发散角还要小几百倍。 2.很好的单色性。普通光源发出的光,波长分布很宽,如可见光含有从0.40~0.76微米的波长。太阳光的白光在分光镜下可分成红、橙、黄、绿、青、兰、紫七色以及其它的辐射波长,这种光称为非单色光。而激光波长范围很窄,一般小于几个埃(1微米=10~(-4)厘米,1埃=10~(-8)厘米,平时用Α作埃的标记)。所以,激光单色性很好。 3.很好的相干性。在普通光源中,各发光中心是相互独立的,相互之间根本上没有相  相似文献   

定义一个 PBW 代数Vq(An)使得量子包络代数 Uq(An)是其同态象,对 Vq(An)用Gröbner-Shirshov基方法计算量子包络代数Uq(An)的Gelfand-Kirillov维数。  相似文献   

首次实现了以 H_2SO_4为基液的 U(Ⅵ)—U(Ⅳ)氧化还原排代色谱过程,阐明了阳床—Ti(Ⅲ)—FeCl_3—H_2SO_4体系的色谱学特点:随 H_2SO_4浓度的增加,ρ急剧减小、β增加、Mu(Ⅵ)减低、φ作微小变动,因而(?)明显减小,所有这些都归因于 H_2SO_4有较强的络合作用。  相似文献   

五绝春日偶成一九一四年一极目青郊外,烟霾布正浓。中原方逐鹿,博浪踵相踪。  相似文献   

本文用极谱法研究了HCl—HClO_4体系中锑(Ⅲ)—氯络合物。实验在25℃、离子强度和酸度均为4M的条件下进行,证明溶液中存在SbCl~(2+)、SbCl_2~+、SbCl_3和SbCl_4~-四种络合离子,其生成常数分别为59、851、18620和37150。用电位法测定了Sb_2O_3—NaOH—NaClO_4体系中锑(Ⅲ)—羟基络合物的组成,证明溶液中Sb(OH)_3和Sb(OH)_4~-是主要存在形式。  相似文献   

给出自然循环系统中欠热沸腾及闪蒸的动态分析及实验结果。实验在清华大学核能技术设计研究院的5MW核供热堆模拟实验回路HRTL-5上完成。采用带有质量、蒸汽质量、能量及动量守恒方程的一维两相流漂移模型分析HRTL-5中的流动不稳定性。通过时域动态分析方法,给出了以加热功率—进口欠热度平面表示的流动稳定边界。研究表明热力学非平衡态,即在加热段中的欠热沸腾及上升段中的空泡闪蒸,在自然循环低压低干度条件下对流动稳定性有很大的影响。计算结果与实验值吻合得很好。研究结果对丰富和发展两相流及两相流稳定性理论,对自然循环两相流系统,特别是对以自然循环方式运行的低温核供热反应堆有重大意义。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a methodology for evaluating the robustness of a distributed system in the riwter's consideration a DIS's system scheme. This DIS is a multi-microcomputer system suppported by a local network.Robustness is evaluated in term of availability. Two ar chi tectures are explored, a planar model and a hierarchical model.In the 3 level hierarchical model, users commumicate to higher level hosts via intermediate level microcomputers. the planar architecture has all machines on the same level.With the methodology, the robustness of DIS can be quantified.  相似文献   

以I_3~-—淀粉络合物为指示剂研究了Se(Ⅳ)对Cr(Ⅵ)—I~-氧化还原反应体系的诱导作用,并据此提出了一种测定痕量硒的动力学新方法;本法测定硒的线性范围为0~2.1μg/ml.方法检测限为7ng/ml Se(Ⅳ)。除Te(Ⅳ)、Fe(Ⅱ)和Sb(Ⅲ)外,其余离子具有较大允许共存量,可不经分离直接测定。用本法测定了铜矿标准物及污染土壤中的硒含量,结果满意。样品加标回收宰为95.8~97.9%,相对标准偏差RSD<2.9%。  相似文献   

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