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Silver-110m and cobalt-60 in oceanic and coastal organisms   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
T R Folsom  D R Young 《Nature》1965,206(986):803-806

利用近岸海洋动力要素耦合作用的数学模型提供的水动力条件,对悬浮物质输移扩散规律进行了数值模拟,并与在单纯潮汐风暴潮条件下的悬浮物质输移扩散规律进行了比较.数值模拟结果表明,考虑波浪和潮汐耦合作用的海洋动力参数与实测资料更加吻合,从物理机制上看也更加合理;考虑近岸海洋动力要素耦合作用的悬浮物质输移扩散规律明显不同于单纯潮汐风暴潮情况下的悬浮物质输移扩散规律.因此,在考虑悬浮物质输移扩散时,不应只考虑潮流,必须考虑近岸海洋动力要素的耦合作用.  相似文献   

对南极硅藻进行定量研究较有必要,以客观准确地了解它的组成和分布特征。在南极长城湾沿岸海域共设置6个采样点,每个采样点定量采集3个浮游硅藻样本。结果显示:长城湾海域共发现浮游硅藻31种。浮游硅藻群落的优势种为Cocconesi fasciolata(18.5%)、Amphora holsatica(13.6%)。次优势种为Cocconeis costata(7.1%)、Cocconeis imperatrix(6.8%)、Thalassiosira antarctica(6.4%)、Rhoicosphenia genuflexa(6.1%)、Licmophora antarctica(5.1%)。各样点浮游硅藻细胞密度总平均值为1.92×10~5ind·L~(-1),变幅为1.44×10~5~2.56×10~5ind·L~(-1)。浮游硅藻的分布从湾心到湾口呈现出一定趋势:浮游硅藻的物种丰度,湾心处共15种,湾口处共25种;浮游硅藻的细胞密度,湾心处平均为2.51×10~5ind·L-1,湾口处平均为1.48×10~5ind·L~(-1)。通过相关性分析结果可知,浮游硅藻由湾心到湾口,物种丰度和硅藻细胞密度呈负相关。  相似文献   

虚拟现实技术在虚拟海洋环境中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵新华  孙尧 《应用科技》2006,33(10):56-59
介绍了从真实的电子海图中提取海洋地理信息数据,建立数据库,并转化成所需要的格式,分别存入海洋地理信息数据库的实现方法和步骤;根据这些数据库建立实体模型库,自动生成三维模型后建立三维模型库,最后实现了实体模型的动态装载。  相似文献   

Diatoms dominate the biomass of phytoplankton in nutrient-rich conditions and form the basis of some of the world's most productive marine food webs. The diatom nuclear genome contains genes with bacterial and plastid origins as well as genes of the secondary endosymbiotic host (the exosymbiont), yet little is known about the relative contribution of each gene group to diatom metabolism. Here we show that the exosymbiont-derived ornithine-urea cycle, which is similar to that of metazoans but is absent in green algae and plants, facilitates rapid recovery from prolonged nitrogen limitation. RNA-interference-mediated knockdown of a mitochondrial carbamoyl phosphate synthase impairs the response of nitrogen-limited diatoms to nitrogen addition. Metabolomic analyses indicate that intermediates in the ornithine-urea cycle are particularly depleted and that both the tricarboxylic acid cycle and the glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase cycles are linked directly with the ornithine-urea cycle. Several other depleted metabolites are generated from ornithine-urea cycle intermediates by the products of genes laterally acquired from bacteria. This metabolic coupling of bacterial- and exosymbiont-derived proteins seems to be fundamental to diatom physiology because the compounds affected include the major diatom osmolyte proline and the precursors for long-chain polyamines required for silica precipitation during cell wall formation. So far, the ornithine-urea cycle is only known for its essential role in the removal of fixed nitrogen in metazoans. In diatoms, this cycle serves as a distribution and repackaging hub for inorganic carbon and nitrogen and contributes significantly to the metabolic response of diatoms to episodic nitrogen availability. The diatom ornithine-urea cycle therefore represents a key pathway for anaplerotic carbon fixation into nitrogenous compounds that are essential for diatom growth and for the contribution of diatoms to marine productivity.  相似文献   

Density-dependent mortality in an oceanic copepod population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ohman MD  Hirche HJ 《Nature》2001,412(6847):638-641
Planktonic copepods are primary consumers in the ocean and are perhaps the most numerous metazoans on earth. Secondary production by these zooplankton supports most food webs of the open sea, directly affecting pelagic fish populations and the biological pump of carbon into the deep ocean. Models of marine ecosystems are quite sensitive to the formulation of the term for zooplankton mortality, although there are few data available to constrain mortality rates in such models. Here we present the first evidence for nonlinear, density-dependent mortality rates of open-ocean zooplankton. A high-frequency time series reveals that per capita mortality rates of eggs of Calanus finmarchicus Gunnerus are a function of the abundance of adult females and juveniles. The temporal dynamics of zooplankton populations can be influenced as much by time-dependent mortality rates as by variations in 'bottom up' forcing. The functional form and rates chosen for zooplankton mortality in ecosystem models can alter the balance of pelagic ecosystems, modify elemental fluxes into the ocean's interior, and modulate interannual variability in pelagic ecosystems.  相似文献   

建筑形式的生成原本不是以成就某种风格为目的,它受制于各种影响因素,这其中不仅仅是自然环境及气候因素,还包括生活方式及观念上的影响.本文将通过夏克尔建筑与西藏建筑的比较研究,特别是探讨它们艺术风格的宗教背景、风格特征以及它们在建筑与家具设计方面的影响,力图通过对两者比较分析,寻找到建筑形式生成的实质.  相似文献   

Indonesian Throughflow in an eddy-permitting oceanic GCM   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An eddy-permitting quasi-global oceanic GCM was driven by wind stresses from reanalysis data for the period of 1958-2001 to get the time series of the upper circulation in the Indonesian Sea. The model represents a reasonable pathway of Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) with Makassar Strait making the major passage transfer the North Pacific water southward. The simulated annual mean ITF transport is 14.5 Sv, with 13.2 Sv in the upper 700 m. Annual cycle is the dominant signal for the seasonal climatology of the upper layer transport. Both the annual mean and seasonal cycle agree well with the observation. The overall correlation between the interannual anomaly of the ITF transport and Nino 3.4 index reaches -0.65 in the simulation,which indicates that ENSO-related interannual variability in the Pacific is dominant in controlling the ITF transport. The relationship between the interannual anomalies of ITF and sea surface temperature in the Pacific, the Indian Ocean is not fixed in the simulation. In 1994, for instance, the intensive Indian Ocean sea surface temperature anomaly plays a dominant role in the formation of an impressive large transport of ITF.  相似文献   

Xu Y  Feng L  Jeffrey PD  Shi Y  Morel FM 《Nature》2008,452(7183):56-61
Carbonic anhydrase, a zinc enzyme found in organisms from all kingdoms, catalyses the reversible hydration of carbon dioxide and is used for inorganic carbon acquisition by phytoplankton. In the oceans, where zinc is nearly depleted, diatoms use cadmium as a catalytic metal atom in cadmium carbonic anhydrase (CDCA). Here we report the crystal structures of CDCA in four distinct forms: cadmium-bound, zinc-bound, metal-free and acetate-bound. Despite lack of sequence homology, CDCA is a structural mimic of a functional beta-carbonic anhydrase dimer, with striking similarity in the spatial organization of the active site residues. CDCA readily exchanges cadmium and zinc at its active site--an apparently unique adaptation to oceanic life that is explained by a stable opening of the metal coordinating site in the absence of metal. Given the central role of diatoms in exporting carbon to the deep sea, their use of cadmium in an enzyme critical for carbon acquisition establishes a remarkable link between the global cycles of cadmium and carbon.  相似文献   

洋底高原是在深海盆地中最显著的大火成岩省,记录着海洋大规模的岩浆活动,对研究地壳结构、板块构造、地幔动力学乃至地球演化历史都具有重要意义。西太平洋是洋底高原分布最密集的区域,是研究洋底高原内部结构与形成演化的最佳场所。选取西太平洋中最具代表性的6座洋底高原——沙茨基海隆、赫斯海隆、麦哲伦海隆、翁通爪哇高原、马尼希基高原以及希古朗基高原,通过对这6座洋底高原地质概况的简要描述,归纳近年来获得的地球物理与地球化学重要观测结果,揭示其内部结构的共性,包括大面积地形隆起、异常厚的地壳、异常负的地幔重力异常以及形成于洋中脊之上或者附近的位置特征;探索了其形成机制,即地幔柱与洋中脊的相互作用可能是洋底高原的主要成因。  相似文献   

Effects of diatoms on reproduction and growth of marine copepods   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hot spots in marine ecology, deleterious effects of diatoms and feeding selectivity of copepods, as well as new progress on these two issues achieved in the recent ten years, are reviewed. These two issues are considered correlated closely. Diatoms and their metabolites can induce deleterious effects on growth, reproduction and development of copepods, including increase of mortality and decrease of egg production, hatching and growth rates. Such negative effects, resulting from either chemical toxin or nutritional deficiency, can be conquered in natural environments by diverse feeding. It is therefore concluded that deleterious effects of diatoms observed in laboratory or during blooming period are only a special case that accommodation of feeding strategy of copepods is disabled. To understand their feeding strategy in natural environments is a prerequisite to explaining the mechanisms of deleterious effects caused by diatoms, and makes it possible to re-evaluate the energy flow in marine ecosystems.  相似文献   

The origin of species diversity has challenged biologists for over two centuries. Allopatric speciation, the divergence of species resulting from geographical isolation, is well documented. However, sympatric speciation, divergence without geographical isolation, is highly controversial. Claims of sympatric speciation must demonstrate species sympatry, sister relationships, reproductive isolation, and that an earlier allopatric phase is highly unlikely. Here we provide clear support for sympatric speciation in a case study of two species of palm (Arecaceae) on an oceanic island. A large dated phylogenetic tree shows that the two species of Howea, endemic to the remote Lord Howe Island, are sister taxa and diverged from each other well after the island was formed 6.9 million years ago. During fieldwork, we found a substantial disjunction in flowering time that is correlated with soil preference. In addition, a genome scan indicates that few genetic loci are more divergent between the two species than expected under neutrality, a finding consistent with models of sympatric speciation involving disruptive/divergent selection. This case study of sympatric speciation in plants provides an opportunity for refining theoretical models on the origin of species, and new impetus for exploring putative plant and animal examples on oceanic islands.  相似文献   

尚勇 《工程与建设》2007,21(6):903-904
现代社会能源危机日益严重,建筑节能越来越重要.建筑设计要充分考虑保温和通风,以减少能源的消耗.要利用新材料、新技术,发展新型建筑.  相似文献   

近代中国西方古典形式的建筑异常丰富,多变的细部表现是一个重要因素。这些形式中包含了它特有的细部特征,它既有自己一定的细部法则,也反映了中西融合与变异的历史背景,同时还带有装饰与象征的效果,在细部做法中,折中形式较之正统古典手法有着更多的应用,其中,巴洛克和洛可可成为中国工匠折中处理的主要素材。这应归因于这两种形式与中国传统文化的相通以及当时的社会风尚,折中建筑出现的意义还在于它取代了传统官式建筑而成为新兴官僚身份的象征,同时也反映出民众从伊洋到崇洋的社会心理变化过程。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic phosphorylation and electron transport   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
D I Arnon  H Y Tsujimoto  B D McSwain 《Nature》1965,207(5004):1367-1372

Fisher AT  Becker K 《Nature》2000,403(6765):71-74
Hydrothermal fluid circulation within the sea floor profoundly influences the physical, chemical and biological state of the crust and the oceans. Circulation within ridge flanks (in crust more than 1 Myr old) results in greater heat loss and fluid flux than that at ridge crests and persists for millions of years, thereby altering the composition of the crust and overlying ocean. Fluid flow in oceanic crust is, however, limited by the extent and nature of the rock's permeability. Here we demonstrate that the global data set of borehole permeability measurements in uppermost oceanic crust defines a trend with age that is consistent with changes in seismic velocity. This trend-which indicates that fluid flow should be greatly reduced in crust older than a few million years-would appear to be inconsistent with heat-flow observations, which on average indicate significant advective heat loss in crust up to 65 Myr old. But our calculations, based on a lateral flow model, suggest that regional-scale permeabilities are much higher than have been measured in boreholes. These results can be reconciled if most of the fluid flow in the upper crust is channelized through a small volume of rock, influencing the geometry of convection and the nature of fluid-rock interaction.  相似文献   

文章以建筑中的"动"为切人点,从建筑形态、空间、环境、文脉、真正的动的建筑等方面,探析建筑中的动态元素.从人的需求和外部环境的角度,结合相应的实际案例对这一新型建筑设计方向进行研究和思考.解析了动态建筑的基本精神一动态与自然;动态建筑的基本特征--多文化、多维度、复杂动态的功能空间、回归自然的梦想;剖析了动态建筑思想的...  相似文献   

鉴于日益突出的滨海湿地生态环境问题及生物修复技术的优越性,对滨海湿地的生物修复技术进行了综述,首先从有机污染及重金属污染方面阐述了生物修复的两大技术应用:微生物修复及植物修复,然后提出最佳的修复技术——植物-微生物联合生物修复,最后指出进一步研究的方向,对滨海湿地的修复会有一定的帮助.  相似文献   

Nanometer properties of oceanic polymetallic nodules and cobalt-rich crusts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
An ammonia leaching process was utilized to extract Co, Ni and Cu from oceanic polymetallic nodules, whereas an acid leaching process was utilized to extract Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and Mn from cobalt-rich crusts. Both processes produced nanometer materials—ammonia leaching residue and acid leaching residue. A systematic study was conducted on the phase, composition and physicochemistry properties of these residues. The result shows that both residues contain a large amount of nanometer minerals. Ammonia l eaching residue mainly consists of rhodochrosite, with the average grain diameter of 17.9 nm; whereas the acid leaching residue mainly consists of well-developed bassanite, with the average grain deameter of 9.5 nm. The bassanite also has a microporous structure, the volume of the pore space is 1.23 × 10−2 mL/g. Both the ammonia and acid leaching residues have a large specific surface area, and they display a strong adsorption capacity to saturate sodium chloride vapour, N2 and SO2. Both residues have high contents of rare earth elements, and most of these elements exist in the state of ionic adsorption. The content of σ FeO is high. The P2O5 enrichment is observable in acid leaching residues. The unique composition and nanometer solid properties of the leaching residues displayed their potential value and promised a bright future for their application in the field of environmental protection and materials.  相似文献   

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