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Sequence variation in human genes is largely confined to single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and is valuable in tests of association with common diseases and pharmacogenetic traits. We performed a systematic and comprehensive survey of molecular variation to assess the nature, pattern and frequency of SNPs in 75 candidate human genes for blood-pressure homeostasis and hypertension. We assayed 28 Mb (190 kb in 148 alleles) of genomic sequence, comprising the 5' and 3' untranslated regions (UTRs), introns and coding sequence of these genes, for sequence differences in individuals of African and Northern European descent using high-density variant detection arrays (VDAs). We identified 874 candidate human SNPs, of which 22% were confirmed by DNA sequencing to reveal a discordancy rate of 21% for VDA detection. The SNPs detected have an average minor allele frequency of 11%, and 387 are within the coding sequence (cSNPs). Of all cSNPs, 54% lead to a predicted change in the protein sequence, implying a high level of human protein diversity. These protein-altering SNPs are 38% of the total number of such SNPs expected, are more likely to be population-specific and are rarer in the human population, directly demonstrating the effects of natural selection on human genes. Overall, the degree of nucleotide polymorphism across these human genes, and orthologous great ape sequences, is highly variable and is correlated with the effects of functional conservation on gene sequences.  相似文献   

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been explored as a high-resolution marker set for accelerating the mapping of disease genes. Here we report 48,196 candidate SNPs detected by statistical analysis of human expressed sequence tags (ESTs), associated primarily with coding regions of genes. We used Bayesian inference to weigh evidence for true polymorphism versus sequencing error, misalignment or ambiguity, misclustering or chimaeric EST sequences, assessing data such as raw chromatogram height, sharpness, overlap and spacing, sequencing error rates, context-sensitivity and cDNA library origin. Three separate validations-comparison with 54 genes screened for SNPs independently, verification of HLA-A polymorphisms and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) testing-verified 70%, 89% and 71% of our predicted SNPs, respectively. Our method detects tenfold more true HLA-A SNPs than previous analyses of the EST data. We found SNPs in a large fraction of known disease genes, including some disease-causing mutations (for example, the HbS sickle-cell mutation). Our comprehensive analysis of human coding region polymorphism provides a public resource for mapping of disease genes (available at http://www.bioinformatics.ucla.edu/snp).  相似文献   

Here we report the application of high-density oligonucleotide array (DNA chip)-based analysis to determine the distant history of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in current human populations. We analysed orthologues for 397 human SNP sites (identified in CEPH pedigrees from Amish, Venezuelan and Utah populations) from 23 common chimpanzee, 19 pygmy chimpanzee and 11 gorilla genomic DNA samples. From this data we determined 214 proposed ancestral alleles (the sequence found in the last common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees). In a diverse human population set, we found that SNP alleles with higher frequencies were more likely to be ancestral than less frequently occurring alleles. There were, however, exceptions. We also found three shared human/pygmy chimpanzee polymorphisms, all involving CpG dinucleotides, and two shared human/gorilla polymorphisms, one involving a CpG dinucleotide. We demonstrate that microarray-based assays allow rapid comparative sequence analysis of intra- and interspecies genetic variation.  相似文献   

Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been the focus of much attention in human genetics because they are extremely abundant and well-suited for automated large-scale genotyping. Human SNPs, however, are less informative than other types of genetic markers (such as simple-sequence length polymorphisms or microsatellites) and thus more loci are required for mapping traits. SNPs offer similar advantages for experimental genetic organisms such as the mouse, but they entail no loss of informativeness because bi-allelic markers are fully informative in analysing crosses between inbred strains. Here we report a large-scale analysis of SNPs in the mouse genome. We characterized the rate of nucleotide polymorphism in eight mouse strains and identified a collection of 2,848 SNPs located in 1,755 sequence-tagged sites (STSs) using high-density oligonucleotide arrays. Three-quarters of these SNPs have been mapped on the mouse genome, providing a first-generation SNP map of the mouse. We have also developed a multiplex genotyping procedure by which a genome scan can be performed with only six genotyping reactions per animal.  相似文献   

Substantial efforts are focused on identifying single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) throughout the human genome, particularly in coding regions (cSNPs), for both linkage disequilibrium and association studies. Less attention, however, has been directed to the clarification of evolutionary processes that are responsible for the variability in nucleotide diversity among different regions of the genome. We report here the population sequence diversity of genomic segments within a 450-kb cluster of olfactory receptor (OR) genes on human chromosome 17. We found a dichotomy in the pattern of nucleotide diversity between OR pseudogenes and introns on the one hand and the closely interspersed intact genes on the other. We suggest that weak positive selection is responsible for the observed patterns of genetic variation. This is inferred from a lower ratio of polymorphism to divergence in genes compared with pseudogenes or introns, high non-synonymous substitution rates in OR genes, and a small but significant overall reduction in variability in the entire OR gene cluster compared with other genomic regions. The dichotomy among functionally different segments within a short genomic distance requires high recombination rates within this OR cluster. Our work demonstrates the impact of weak positive selection on human nucleotide diversity, and has implications for the evolution of the olfactory repertoire.  相似文献   

Surveys of protein-coding sequences for evidence of positive selection in humans or chimpanzees have flagged only a few genes known to function in neural or nutritional processes, despite pronounced differences between humans and chimpanzees in behavior, cognition and diet. It may be that most such differences are due to changes in gene regulation rather than protein structure. Here, we present the first survey of promoter (5'-flanking) regions, which are rich in cis-regulatory sequences, for evidence of positive selection in humans. Our results indicate that positive selection has targeted the regulation of many genes known to be involved in neural development and function, both in the brain and elsewhere in the nervous system, and in nutrition, particularly in glucose metabolism.  相似文献   

The locations and properties of common deletion variants in the human genome are largely unknown. We describe a systematic method for using dense SNP genotype data to discover deletions and its application to data from the International HapMap Consortium to characterize and catalogue segregating deletion variants across the human genome. We identified 541 deletion variants (94% novel) ranging from 1 kb to 745 kb in size; 278 of these variants were observed in multiple, unrelated individuals, 120 in the homozygous state. The coding exons of ten expressed genes were found to be commonly deleted, including multiple genes with roles in sex steroid metabolism, olfaction and drug response. These common deletion polymorphisms typically represent ancestral mutations that are in linkage disequilibrium with nearby SNPs, meaning that their association to disease can often be evaluated in the course of SNP-based whole-genome association studies.  相似文献   

The sequences of three cosmids (90 kilobases) from the Huntington's disease region in chromosome 4p16.3 have been determined. A 30,837 base overlap of DNA sequenced from two individuals was found to contain 72 DNA sequence polymorphisms, an average of 2.3 polymorphisms per kilobase (kb). The assembled 58 kb contig contains 62 Alu repeats, and eleven predicted exons representing at least three expressed genes that encode previously unidentified proteins. Each of these genes is associated with a CpG island. The structure of one of the new genes, hda1-1, has been determined by characterizing cDNAs from a placental library. This gene is expressed in a variety of tissues and may encode a novel housekeeping gene.  相似文献   

Inbred mouse strains provide the foundation for mouse genetics. By selecting for phenotypic features of interest, inbreeding drives genomic evolution and eliminates individual variation, while fixing certain sets of alleles that are responsible for the trait characteristics of the strain. Mouse strains 129Sv (129S5) and C57BL/6J, two of the most widely used inbred lines, diverged from common ancestors within the last century, yet very little is known about the genomic differences between them. By comparative genomic hybridization and sequence analysis of 129S5 short insert libraries, we identified substantial structural variation, a complex fine-scale haplotype pattern with a continuous distribution of diversity blocks, and extensive nucleotide variation, including nonsynonymous coding SNPs and stop codons. Collectively, these genomic changes denote the level and direction of allele fixation that has occurred during inbreeding and provide a basis for defining what makes these mouse strains unique.  相似文献   

Systematic screen for human disease genes in yeast   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
High similarity between yeast and human mitochondria allows functional genomic study of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to be used to identify human genes involved in disease. So far, 102 heritable disorders have been attributed to defects in a quarter of the known nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins in humans. Many mitochondrial diseases remain unexplained, however, in part because only 40-60% of the presumed 700-1,000 proteins involved in mitochondrial function and biogenesis have been identified. Here we apply a systematic functional screen using the pre-existing whole-genome pool of yeast deletion mutants to identify mitochondrial proteins. Three million measurements of strain fitness identified 466 genes whose deletions impaired mitochondrial respiration, of which 265 were new. Our approach gave higher selection than other systematic approaches, including fivefold greater selection than gene expression analysis. To apply these advantages to human disorders involving mitochondria, human orthologs were identified and linked to heritable diseases using genomic map positions.  相似文献   

Targeted capture combined with massively parallel exome sequencing is a promising approach to identify genetic variants implicated in human traits. We report exome sequencing of 200 individuals from Denmark with targeted capture of 18,654 coding genes and sequence coverage of each individual exome at an average depth of 12-fold. On average, about 95% of the target regions were covered by at least one read. We identified 121,870 SNPs in the sample population, including 53,081 coding SNPs (cSNPs). Using a statistical method for SNP calling and an estimation of allelic frequencies based on our population data, we derived the allele frequency spectrum of cSNPs with a minor allele frequency greater than 0.02. We identified a 1.8-fold excess of deleterious, non-syonomyous cSNPs over synonymous cSNPs in the low-frequency range (minor allele frequencies between 2% and 5%). This excess was more pronounced for X-linked SNPs, suggesting that deleterious substitutions are primarily recessive.  相似文献   

Analysis of expressed sequence tags indicates 35,000 human genes   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Ewing B  Green P 《Nature genetics》2000,25(2):232-234
The number of protein-coding genes in an organism provides a useful first measure of its molecular complexity. Single-celled prokaryotes and eukaryotes typically have a few thousand genes; for example, Escherichia coli has 4,300 and Saccharomyces cerevisiae has 6,000. Evolution of multicellularity appears to have been accompanied by a several-fold increase in gene number, the invertebrates Caenorhabditis elegans and Drosophila melanogaster having 19,000 and 13,600 genes, respectively. Here we estimate the number of human genes by comparing a set of human expressed sequence tag (EST) contigs with human chromosome 22 and with a non-redundant set of mRNA sequences. The two comparisons give mutually consistent estimates of approximately 35,000 genes, substantially lower than most previous estimates. Evolution of the increased physiological complexity of vertebrates may therefore have depended more on the combinatorial diversification of regulatory networks or alternative splicing than on a substantial increase in gene number.  相似文献   

Dwarf8 polymorphisms associate with variation in flowering time.   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
Historically, association tests have been used extensively in medical genetics, but have had virtually no application in plant genetics. One obstacle to their application is the structured populations often found in crop plants, which may lead to nonfunctional, spurious associations. In this study, statistical methods to account for population structure were extended for use with quantitative variation and applied to our evaluation of maize flowering time. Mutagenesis and quantitative trait locus (QTL) studies suggested that the maize gene Dwarf8 might affect the quantitative variation of maize flowering time and plant height. The wheat orthologs of this gene contributed to the increased yields seen in the 'Green Revolution' varieties. We used association approaches to evaluate Dwarf8 sequence polymorphisms from 92 maize inbred lines. Population structure was estimated using a Bayesian analysis of 141 simple sequence repeat (SSR) loci. Our results indicate that a suite of polymorphisms associate with differences in flowering time, which include a deletion that may alter a key domain in the coding region. The distribution of nonsynonymous polymorphisms suggests that Dwarf8 has been a target of selection.  相似文献   

Linkage disequilibrium (LD), or the non-random association of alleles, is poorly understood in the human genome. Population genetic theory suggests that LD is determined by the age of the markers, population history, recombination rate, selection and genetic drift. Despite the uncertainties in determining the relative contributions of these factors, some groups have argued that LD is a simple function of distance between markers. Disease-gene mapping studies and a simulation study gave differing predictions on the degree of LD in isolated and general populations. In view of the discrepancies between theory and experimental observations, we constructed a high-density SNP map of the Xq25-Xq28 region and analysed the male genotypes and haplotypes across this region for LD in three populations. The populations included an outbred European sample (CEPH males) and isolated population samples from Finland and Sardinia. We found two extended regions of strong LD bracketed by regions with no evidence for LD in all three samples. Haplotype analysis showed a paucity of haplotypes in regions of strong LD. Our results suggest that, in this region of the X chromosome, LD is not a monotonic function of the distance between markers, but is more a property of the particular location in the human genome.  相似文献   

A survey of expressed genes in Caenorhabditis elegans.   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
As an adjunct to the genomic sequencing of Caenorhabditis elegans, we have investigated a representative cDNA library of 1,517 clones. A single sequence read has been obtained from the 5' end of each clone, allowing its characterization with respect to the public databases, and the clones are being localized on the genome map. The result is the identification of about 1,200 of the estimated 15,000 genes of C. elegans. More than 30% of the inferred protein sequences have significant similarity to existing sequences in the databases, providing a route towards in vivo analysis of known genes in the nematode. These clones also provide material for assessing the accuracy of predicted exons and splicing patterns and will lead to a more accurate estimate of the total number of genes in the organism than has hitherto been available.  相似文献   

DNA microarrays can be used to identify gene expression changes characteristic of human disease. This is challenging, however, when relevant differences are subtle at the level of individual genes. We introduce an analytical strategy, Gene Set Enrichment Analysis, designed to detect modest but coordinate changes in the expression of groups of functionally related genes. Using this approach, we identify a set of genes involved in oxidative phosphorylation whose expression is coordinately decreased in human diabetic muscle. Expression of these genes is high at sites of insulin-mediated glucose disposal, activated by PGC-1alpha and correlated with total-body aerobic capacity. Our results associate this gene set with clinically important variation in human metabolism and illustrate the value of pathway relationships in the analysis of genomic profiling experiments.  相似文献   

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