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T Goodman  L Lefran?ois 《Nature》1988,333(6176):855-858
The vast majority of mature T lymphocytes in the peripheral blood and lymphoid organs use the CD3-associated alpha, beta T-cell receptor (TCR) heterodimer for antigen recognition. A second class of TCRs consists of disulphide-linked gamma and delta proteins that are also CD3-associated. A subset of early CD3+ fetal and adult CD4- 8- thymocytes express gamma, delta TCRs before alpha, beta TCRs are detectable. In addition, a minor (1-5%) subpopulation of peripheral T lymphocytes, and some spleen cells from nude mice express gamma, delta TCRs. Notably, dendritic epidermal cells have also been shown to express gamma, delta TCRs. All of these populations lack CD4 and CD8 molecules. We now report that most mature T cells residing in the murine intestinal epithelium express CD3-associated TCRs composed of gamma-chains disulphide-linked to a protein resembling the delta-chain. The striking feature of these intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) was that they were exclusively CD4-8+. In addition, approximately half of CD3-bearing IEL lacked detectable Thy-1 on the cell surface, which is unprecedented for murine T cells. In contrast to other CD8+ peripheral T cells, freshly isolated IEL could be induced to display cytolytic activity by engaging the CD3 molecule, indicating that activation had occurred in vivo. Thus, CD8+ IEL are a phenotypically diverse and anatomically restricted population of lymphocytes that use gamma-chain containing heterodimers for antigen recognition.  相似文献   

Infections localized to peripheral tissues such as the skin result in the priming of T-cell responses that act to control pathogens. Activated T cells undergo migrational imprinting within the draining lymph nodes, resulting in memory T cells that provide local and systemic protection. Combinations of migrating and resident memory T cells have been implicated in long-term peripheral immunity, especially at the surfaces that form pathogen entry points into the body. However, T-cell immunity consists of separate CD4(+) helper T cells and CD8(+) killer T cells, with distinct effector and memory programming requirements. Whether these subsets also differ in their ability to form a migrating pool involved in peripheral immunosurveillance or a separate resident population responsible for local infection control has not been explored. Here, using mice, we show key differences in the migration and tissue localization of memory CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells following infection of the skin by herpes simplex virus. On resolution of infection, the skin contained two distinct virus-specific memory subsets; a slow-moving population of sequestered CD8(+) T cells that were resident in the epidermis and confined largely to the original site of infection, and a dynamic population of CD4(+) T cells that trafficked rapidly through the dermis as part of a wider recirculation pattern. Unique homing-molecule expression by recirculating CD4(+) T effector-memory cells mirrored their preferential skin-migratory capacity. Overall, these results identify a complexity in memory T-cell migration, illuminating previously unappreciated differences between the CD4(+) and CD8(+) subsets.  相似文献   

Yasutomo K  Doyle C  Miele L  Fuchs C  Germain RN 《Nature》2000,404(6777):506-510
Signals elicited by binding of the T-cell antigen receptor and the CD4/CD8 co-receptor to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules control the generation of CD4+ (helper) or CD8+ (cytotoxic) T cells from thymic precursors that initially express both co-receptor proteins. These precursors have unique, clonally distributed T-cell receptors with unpredictable specificity for the self-MHC molecules involved in this differentiation process. However, the mature T cells that emerge express only the CD4 (MHC class II-binding) or CD8 (MHC class I-binding) co-receptor that complements the MHC class-specificity of the T-cell receptor. How this matching of co-receptor-defined lineage and T-cell-receptor specificity is achieved remains unknown, as does whether signalling by the T-cell receptors, co-receptors and/or general cell-fate regulators such as Notch-1 contributes to initial lineage choice, to subsequent differentiation processes or to both. Here we show that the CD4 versus CD8 lineage fate of immature thymocytes is controlled by the co-receptor-influenced duration of initial T-cell receptor-dependent signalling. Notch-1 does not appear to be essential for this fate determination, but it is selectively required for CD8+ T-cell maturation after commitment directed by T-cell receptors. This indicates that the signals constraining CD4 versus CD8 lineage decisions are distinct from those that support subsequent differentiation events such as silencing of co-receptor loci.  相似文献   

Deletion of self-reactive thymocytes occurs at a CD4+8+ precursor stage   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
B J Fowlkes  R H Schwartz  D M Pardoll 《Nature》1988,334(6183):620-623
As T cells develop in the thymus, they become tolerant of self-antigens. A major advance in the understanding of how this process occurs was the direct demonstration that cells bearing autoreactive T-cell receptors (TCRs) are physically eliminated from the population of functionally mature T cells present in both the thymus and periphery. We have sought to determine the developmental stage at which autoreactive T cells are eliminated by examining the expression of V beta 17a anti-I-E TCRs under various experimental conditions. In vivo antibody blockage of the CD4 molecule on developing thymocytes of I-E+ C57BR mice was found to inhibit the deletion of V beta 17a-bearing cells from the CD4-8+ single positive thymocyte subset. This result provides strong evidence that deletion of potentially autoreactive T cells occurs at a CD4+8+ precursor stage, that the non-clonally distributed accessory molecules (CD4, CD8) are significant participants in the self-recognition process that leads to clonal elimination, and that thymic class II major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules can influence the repertoire of CD4-8+ cells.  相似文献   

Kronenberg M  Rudensky A 《Nature》2005,435(7042):598-604
A basic principle of immunology is that lymphocytes respond to foreign antigens but tolerate self tissues. For developing T cells, the ability to distinguish self from non-self is acquired in the thymus, where the majority of self-reactive cells are eliminated. Recently, however, it has become apparent that some self-reactive T cells avoid being destroyed and instead differentiate into specialized regulatory cells. This appears to be beneficial. Subpopulations of self-reactive T cells have a strong influence on self tolerance and may represent targets for therapeutic intervention to control a variety of autoimmune diseases, tumour growth and infection.  相似文献   

CD4+ murine T cells develop from CD8+ precursors in vivo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L Smith 《Nature》1987,326(6115):798-800
The adult murine thymus contains four subpopulations of thymocytes defined by the T-cell surface antigens CD4 (L3T4) (a marker of helper T cells) and CD8 (Lyt2) (a marker of cytotoxic/suppressor T cells): CD4+8- and CD4-8+ (single positives), CD4+8+ (double positives) and CD4-8- (double negatives). To understand how T cells develop in the thymus, it is important to determine the lineage relationships among these subpopulations. In particular, the status of double positives, which make up approximately 80% of the total thymocyte population, has long been controversial. Some purpose that double positives are 'dead-end cells' that all die in the thymus, perhaps because they have been rejected by some selection process. Others suggest that, although most double positives die in the thymus, some develop into the more mature single positives that leave the thymus. The experiments presented here show that repeated injections of anti-CD8 monoclonal antibodies block the development of CD4+ cells, demonstrating that these cells develop from CD8+ precursors, probably double positive thymocytes, in vivo.  相似文献   

CD8+ T cells have a crucial role in resistance to pathogens and can kill malignant cells; however, some critical functions of these lymphocytes depend on helper activity provided by a distinct population of CD4+ T cells. Cooperation between these lymphocyte subsets involves recognition of antigens co-presented by the same dendritic cell, but the frequencies of such antigen-bearing cells early in an infection and of the relevant naive T cells are both low. This suggests that an active mechanism facilitates the necessary cell-cell associations. Here we demonstrate that after immunization but before antigen recognition, naive CD8+ T cells in immunogen-draining lymph nodes upregulate the chemokine receptor CCR5, permitting these cells to be attracted to sites of antigen-specific dendritic cell-CD4+ T cell interaction where the cognate chemokines CCL3 and CCL4 (also known as MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta) are produced. Interference with this actively guided recruitment markedly reduces the ability of CD4+ T cells to promote memory CD8+ T-cell generation, indicating that an orchestrated series of differentiation events drives nonrandom cell-cell interactions within lymph nodes, optimizing CD8+ T-cell immune responses involving the few antigen-specific precursors present in the naive repertoire.  相似文献   

The 'help' provided by CD4+ T lymphocytes during the priming of CD8+ T lymphocytes confers a key feature of immune memory: the capacity for autonomous secondary expansion following re-encounter with antigen. Once primed in the presence of CD4+ T cells, 'helped' CD8+ T cells acquire the ability to undergo a second round of clonal expansion upon restimulation in the absence of T-cell help. 'Helpless' CD8+ T cells that are primed in the absence of CD4+ T cells, in contrast, can mediate effector functions such as cytotoxicity and cytokine secretion upon restimulation, but do not undergo a second round of clonal expansion. These disparate responses have features of being 'programmed', that is, guided by signals that are transmitted to naive CD8+ T cells during priming, which encode specific fates for their clonal progeny. Here we explore the instructional programme that governs the secondary response of CD8+ T cells and find that helpless cells undergo death by activation-induced cell death upon secondary stimulation. This death is mediated by tumour-necrosis factor (TNF)-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL). Regulation of Trail expression can therefore account for the role of CD4+ T cells in the generation of CD8+ T cell memory and represents a novel mechanism for controlling adaptive immune responses.  相似文献   

A long-standing paradox in cellular immunology concerns the conditional requirement for CD4+ T-helper (T(H)) cells in the priming of cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocyte (CTL) responses in vivo. Whereas CTL responses against certain viruses can be primed in the absence of CD4+ T cells, others, such as those mediated through 'cross-priming' by host antigen-presenting cells, are dependent on T(H) cells. A clearer understanding of the contribution of T(H) cells to CTL development has been hampered by the fact that most T(H)-independent responses have been demonstrated ex vivo as primary cytotoxic effectors, whereas T(H)-dependent responses generally require secondary in vitro re-stimulation for their detection. Here, we have monitored the primary and secondary responses of T(H)-dependent and T(H)-independent CTLs and find in both cases that CD4+ T cells are dispensable for primary expansion of CD8+ T cells and their differentiation into cytotoxic effectors. However, secondary CTL expansion (that is, a secondary response upon re-encounter with antigen) is wholly dependent on the presence of T(H) cells during, but not after, priming. Our results demonstrate that T-cell help is 'programmed' into CD8+ T cells during priming, conferring on these cells a hallmark of immune response memory: the capacity for functional expansion on re-encounter with antigen.  相似文献   

T-cell receptors and T-cell subsets were analysed in T-cell receptor transgenic mice expressing alpha and beta T-cell receptor genes isolated from a male-specific, H-2Db-restricted CD4-8+ T-cell clone. The results indicate that the specific interaction of the T-cell receptor on immature thymocytes with thymic major histocompatibility complex antigens determines the differentiation of CD4+8+ thymocytes into either CD4+8- or CD4-8+ mature T cells.  相似文献   

Wakim LM  Bevan MJ 《Nature》2011,471(7340):629-632
After an infection, cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors proliferate and become effector cells by recognizing foreign peptides in the groove of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules expressed by antigen-presenting cells (APCs). Professional APCs specialized for T-cell activation acquire viral antigen either by becoming infected themselves (direct presentation) or by phagocytosis of infected cells, followed by transfer of antigen to the cytosol, processing and MHC class I loading in a process referred to as cross-presentation. An alternative way, referred to as 'cross-dressing', by which an uninfected APC could present antigen was postulated to be by the transfer of preformed peptide-MHC complexes from the surface of an infected cell to the APC without the need of further processing. Here we show that this mechanism exists and boosts the antiviral response of mouse memory CD8(+) T cells. A number of publications have demonstrated sharing of peptide-loaded MHC molecules in vitro. Our in vitro experiments demonstrate that cross-dressing APCs do not acquire peptide-MHC complexes in the form of exosomes released by donor cells. Rather, the APCs and donor cells have to contact each other for the transfer to occur. After a viral infection, we could isolate cross-dressed APCs able to present viral antigen in vitro. Furthermore, using the diphtheria toxin system to selectively eliminate APCs that could only acquire viral peptide-MHC complexes by cross-dressing, we show that such presentation can promote the expansion of resting memory T cells. Notably, naive T cells were excluded from taking part in the response. Cross-dressing is a mechanism of antigen presentation used by dendritic cells that may have a significant role in activating previously primed CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

Interleukin-4 mediates CD8 induction on human CD4+ T-cell clones   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
X Paliard  R W Malefijt  J E de Vries  H Spits 《Nature》1988,335(6191):642-644
CD4 and CD8 antigens are simultaneously expressed on most of the cortical thymocytes, that weakly express the T-cell antigen receptor(TCR)/CD3 complex. Mature peripheral T cells, however, strongly express the TCR complex and are positive for either CD4 or CD8. Nevertheless, a small percentage of peripheral CD3+ T cells express CD4 and CD8 simultaneously. These mature, double positive cells could be intermediates between CD4+CD8+ thymocytes and mature, single positive T cells, or they may originate from single positive T cells that acquire either CD4 or CD8. Here we report that activation and culturing of cloned CD4+ T cells in interleukin-4 (IL-4), results in the acquisition of CD8 due to its de novo synthesis. The IL-4-induced co-expression of CD8 on CD4+ T cells is reversible, in that CD8 disappeared from double positive T-cell clones isolated in IL-4, when they were cultured in IL-2. CD8 induced by IL-4 can be functional as a monoclonal antibody to CD8 inhibited anti-CD3-mediated cytotoxicity by a double positive T-cell clone.  相似文献   

M K Slifka  F Rodriguez  J L Whitton 《Nature》1999,401(6748):76-79
CD8-positive T cells protect the body against viral pathogens by two important mechanisms: production of antiviral cytokines and lysis of infected cells. Cytokine production can have both local and systemic consequences, whereas cytolytic activity is limited to infected cells that are in direct contact with T cells. Here we analyse activated CD8-positive T cells from mice infected with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus and find that cytokines are not produced ex vivo in the absence of peptide stimulation, but that they are rapidly generated after T cells encounter viral peptides bound to the major histocompatibility complex. Remarkably, cytokine production ceases immediately upon dissociation of the T cells from their targets and resumes when antigenic contact is restored. In contrast to the 'on/off/on' cycling of cytokines, the pore-forming cytotoxic protein perforin is constitutively maintained. Our results indicate that there is differential expression of effector molecules according to whether the antiviral product is secreted (like cytokines) or stored inside the cell (like perforin). The ability to turn cytokines on and off while maintaining intracellular stores of perforin shows the versatility of the cellular immune response and provides a mechanism for maintaining effective immune surveillance while reducing systemic immunopathology.  相似文献   

T Nakayama  A Singer  E D Hsi  L E Samelson 《Nature》1989,341(6243):651-654
Thymic selection of the developing T-cell repertoire occurs in immature CD4+CD8+ double-positive thymocytes and is thought to be mediated by signals transduced by T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) molecules and possibly by CD4 and CD8 accessory molecules as well. It is not known, however, which signal-transduction mechanisms function in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes on engagement of TCR, CD4 or CD8 molecules. In mature T cells, CD4 and CD8 molecules are each associated with the src-like protein tyrosine kinase p56 lck and signals transduced by TCR and CD4 activate tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate TCR-zeta chains and other intracellular substrates. Consequently, we examined whether tyrosine kinases could be similarly activated in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes. Unexpectedly, we found that TCR-zeta chains from CD4+CD8+ thymocytes were already phosphorylated in vivo, and that dephosphorylation of this TCR subunit occurred on removal of CD4+CD8+ cells from their intrathymic environment. Rephosphorylation of TCR-zeta in cultured CD4+CD8+ thymocytes occurred rapidly in vitro, either in response to cross-linking of TCR, CD4 or CD8 by specific monoclonal antibodies, or on cell-cell contact. These observations indicate that tyrosine kinases are activated in vivo in immature CD4+CD8+ thymocytes undergoing thymic differentiation and selection. They also indicate that TCR, CD4 and CD8 molecules can function in CD4+CD8+ thymocytes as signalling molecules to activate tyrosine kinases and that phosphorylated TCR-zeta serves as a marker of these signalling events.  相似文献   

R Abe  M S Vacchio  B Fox  R J Hodes 《Nature》1988,335(6193):827-830
The precursor frequency of T cells specific for any given foreign antigen is, in general, extremely low. Prominent exceptions to this rule are the T cells that are specific for foreign major histocompatibility complex (MHC) products or for products of the minor lymphocyte stimulatory (Mls) genes in the mouse which are present at high frequencies. Here, we report a striking overlap or cross-reactivity between the T cells specific for the protein antigen pigeon cytochrome c in association with Ek alpha Ek beta and the set of T cells specific for Mlsc products. In addition, we demonstrate that the basis for this overlap is the predominant expression of one T-cell receptor (TCR) V beta gene, V beta 3, by T cells that recognize Mlsc products. These results indicate the importance of specific TCR alpha beta dimers in the recognition of Mlsc products and that positive or negative selection of T cells specific for Mls self-determinants may selectively alter the repertoire of T cells available for MHC-restricted recognition of foreign antigens.  相似文献   

M K Newell  L J Haughn  C R Maroun  M H Julius 《Nature》1990,347(6290):286-289
Effector T cells are restricted to recognizing antigens associated with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Specific recognition is mediated by the alpha beta heterodimer of the T-cell receptor (TCR)/CD3 complex, although other membrane components are involved in T-cell antigen recognition and functions. There has been much controversy in this regard over the part played by the CD4 glycoprotein. It is known that expression of CD4 correlates closely with the cell's ability to recognize antigens bound to class II MHC molecules and that CD4 can bind to class II molecules. Also monoclonal antibodies to CD4 can modify signals generated through the TCR/CD3 complex. It has therefore been proposed that CD4 binds to class II molecules, coaggregates with the TCR-CD3 complex and aids the activation of T cells. But given that TCR can itself impart restriction on the cell, it remains unclear whether the contribution of CD4-derived signals to those generated through the TCR alpha beta-CD3 complex is central to this activation. Here we report that when preceded by ligation of CD4, signalling through TCR alpha beta results in T cell unresponsiveness due to the induction of activation dependent cell death by apoptosis. These results imply that CD4 is critically involved in determining the outcome of signals generated through TCR, and could explain why the induction of effector T cells needs to be MHC-restricted.  相似文献   

A Bendelac  R H Schwartz 《Nature》1991,353(6339):68-71
Peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes carry out different functions during immune reactions, partly as a result of the distinct patterns of lymphokines that they secrete upon stimulation. Using thymic cells from adult and newborn mice as well as from fetal organ cultures, we show here that this functional differentiation occurs inside the thymus and is completed during the single positive stage by the time the T-cell receptor becomes fully coupled to the intracellular activation pathways leading to lymphokine secretion. Surprisingly, CD4+8- thymocytes differ from their immediate progeny, naive peripheral CD4+ cells, in that they secrete a broader range of lymphokines, including interleukins 4, 5 and 10 and gamma-interferon, and more closely resemble immunologically experienced (activated or memory) CD4+ lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The major problem in the study of T-cell development is that of tracking thymocytes of a given specificity. Recent studies have exploited natural correlations between the expression of a particular V beta gene segment and T-cell receptor (TCR) specificity. We and others (refs 5, 6 and M. Davis, personal communication) have taken an alternative approach. We have generated transgenic mice expressing the alpha beta antigen receptor from the cytotoxic T-lymphocyte clone 2C (ref. 7). In transgenic mice of the same haplotype as the 2C clone, the 2C TCR was expressed on 20-95% of peripheral T cells. Very few of these T cells carried the CD4 antigen; the vast majority were CD4-CD8+ and were able to lyse targets with the same specificity as the original 2C clone. These results indicate that the alpha beta heterodimer transfers specificity to recipient cells as expected from earlier studies, and that receptor specificity in T-cell repertoire selection is determined by both alpha beta heterodimer and CD4 or CD8 accessory molecules.  相似文献   

Functional impairment of T cells is characteristic of many chronic mouse and human viral infections. The inhibitory receptor programmed death 1 (PD-1; also known as PDCD1), a negative regulator of activated T cells, is markedly upregulated on the surface of exhausted virus-specific CD8 T cells in mice. Blockade of this pathway using antibodies against the PD ligand 1 (PD-L1, also known as CD274) restores CD8 T-cell function and reduces viral load. To investigate the role of PD-1 in a chronic human viral infection, we examined PD-1 expression on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-specific CD8 T cells in 71 clade-C-infected people who were naive to anti-HIV treatments, using ten major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I tetramers specific for frequently targeted epitopes. Here we report that PD-1 is significantly upregulated on these cells, and expression correlates with impaired HIV-specific CD8 T-cell function as well as predictors of disease progression: positively with plasma viral load and inversely with CD4 T-cell count. PD-1 expression on CD4 T cells likewise showed a positive correlation with viral load and an inverse correlation with CD4 T-cell count, and blockade of the pathway augmented HIV-specific CD4 and CD8 T-cell function. These data indicate that the immunoregulatory PD-1/PD-L1 pathway is operative during a persistent viral infection in humans, and define a reversible defect in HIV-specific T-cell function. Moreover, this pathway of reversible T-cell impairment provides a potential target for enhancing the function of exhausted T cells in chronic HIV infection.  相似文献   

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