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Lexical organization of nouns and verbs in the brain   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
A Caramazza  A E Hillis 《Nature》1991,349(6312):788-790
The analysis of neuropsychological disorders of lexical processing has provided important clues about the general organization of the lexical system and the internal structure of the processing components. Reports of patients with selective dysfunction of specific semantic categories such as abstract versus concrete words, living things versus inanimate objects, animals, fruits and vegetables, proper names and so forth, support the hypothesis that the neural organization of the semantic processing component is organized in these categories. There are reports of selective dysfunction of the grammatical categories noun and verb, suggesting that a dimension of lexical organization is the grammatical class of words. But the results reported in these studies have not provided unambiguous evidence concerning two fundamental questions about the nature and the locus of this organization within the lexical system. Is the noun-verb distinction represented in the semantic or in the phonological and orthographic lexicons? Is grammatical-class knowledge represented independently of lexical forms or is it represented separately and redundantly within each modality-specific lexicon? Here we report the performance of two brain-damaged subjects with modality-specific deficits restricted principally (H.W.) or virtually only (S.J.D) to verbs in oral and written production, respectively. The contrasting performance suggests that grammatical-class distinctions are redundantly represented in the phonological and orthographic output lexical components.  相似文献   

Category-specific naming deficit following cerebral infarction   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
J Hart  R S Berndt  A Caramazza 《Nature》1985,316(6027):439-440
Studies aimed at characterizing the operation of cognitive functions in normal individuals have examined data from patients with focal cerebral insult. These studies assume that brain damage impairs functions of the cognitive processes along lines that honour the 'normal' pre-morbid organization of the cognitive system. For example, detailed study of individual brain-damaged patients has revealed apparently selective disruption of cognitive functions such as auditory/verbal working memory, phonological processing ability, grapheme-to-phoneme translation procedures and semantic processing. Warrington et al. have studied patients with even more fine-grained selective disturbances of the semantic system. The most selective deficits have been reported for four patients who were significantly better at identifying inanimate objects than they were at identifying living things and foods. These patterns of selective deficit after localized brain damage provide important information about the normal organization of the lexicon, and ultimately about how components of the lexical system are related to particular neural substrates. Here, we report a case study of a patient demonstrating a very selective disturbance of the ability to name items from two related semantic categories. Despite normal performance on a large battery of lexical/semantic tasks, the patient shows a consistent and striking disability in naming members of the semantic categories of 'fruits' and 'vegetables'. The selectivity of this deficit supports a category-specific organization of the mental lexicon, and suggests independence of the processing routes involving naming and name recognition.  相似文献   

Neural subsystems for object knowledge.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
J Hart  B Gordon 《Nature》1992,359(6390):60-64
Critical issues in the cognitive neuroscience of language are whether there are multiple systems for the representation of meaning, perhaps organized by processing system (such as vision or language), and whether further subsystems are distinguishable within these larger ones. We describe here a patient (K.R.) with cerebral damage whose pattern of acquired deficits offers direct evidence for a major division between visually based and language-based higher-level representations, and for processing subsystems within language. K.R. could not name animals regardless of the type of presentation (auditory or visual), but had no difficulty naming other living things and objects. When asked to describe verbally the physical attributes of animals (for example, 'what colour is an elephant?'), she was strikingly impaired. Nevertheless, she could distinguish the correct physical attributes of animals when they were presented visually (she could distinguish animals that were correctly coloured from those that were not). Her knowledge of input stimulus. To explain this selective deficit, these data mandate the existence of two distinct representations of such properties in normal individuals, one visually based and one language-based. Furthermore, these data establish that knowledge of physical attributes is strictly segregated from knowledge of other properties in the language system.  相似文献   

"X是X"在让步复句中可以构成不同的句法分布和组合,"是"具有表判断、表让步、表强调、表系连的二价性的语义特征."虽然A,但是B"和"X是X,但是B"具有宾语是否兼容的差异,而"X是X,但是B"可分为实然性和虚拟性,和"X1是X1,X2是X2"表界限、表差异具有共同的心理基础和语义前提.  相似文献   

社交网络包含复杂的结构信息与丰富的语义信息.互联的多类型数据,实体对象的行为关系等问题的研究面临极大的挑战.知识图谱旨在处理用户数据知识及行为信息,发现事物、概念与实体对象间的复杂联系,使事物间关联关系得到清晰说明.首先介绍知识图谱基本知识;其次基于知识图谱,在社交网络中,可视化表示用户的行为关系,对其中的行为知识抽取...  相似文献   

老子哲学智慧的核心是治国之道,在其哲学体系中,老子不但提出治国的最高境界在于无为,而且还对治国方略进行了具体规划。对于道的解读、老子哲学的来源及其归隐之路,也应从老子的本意进行研究,力求以老子之道治老子之学,回归老子哲学的本来面目。  相似文献   

探讨修辞的生成过程和理解过程可以为修辞的研究打开新的视窗,同时也是深化修辞研究的一条必由之路。别解作为一种修辞方式,其实质是人们换用了另外一个语言样板来对词义进行重新理解。别解的理解大致可以分为异质感的产生、自返性排查、语义类推、意义潜势的激活等几个具体过程。别解的生成必须以语言知识、百科知识等作为基础,但同时也离不开人的认知习惯。别解可能会使词语的意义发生“歧变”,成为词义发展演变的一种特殊途径。  相似文献   

庄子对腿脚这一肢体符号的把握,既承续了诸子对身体意象的一贯重视,也从与当下的联系中缩小对身体的聚焦范围,仅仅从肢体角度切入,折射出庄子对所处社会的无情控诉、对芸芸众生的深切关怀、对超脱万物之"道"的深刻认识。  相似文献   

汉语中的动词“跑”义项丰富,与宾语的语义关系较为复杂。“跑+N”结构语法结构关系的不同,动词“跑”义项的不同,“跑”与“N”之间语义关系的不同以及这三个方面的相互交错,都可以造成“跑+N”结构的歧义。  相似文献   

优越的生活环境和严格的皇家教育造就了奕以多血质为主的气质,其外向、反应迅速而灵活和可塑性个性特征使他能够较快地接受新事物,产生自强动机。这不仅为他赢得了崇高的政治威望,而且使他的动机能够转化为国家意志,推动中国近代化的起步。但他的一生又受制于自己的气质,导致他在帝位之争中落败,其政治生涯也充满了坎坷。  相似文献   

目的分析Ontology特点,探讨Ontology在自然语言理解中的应用。方法通过概念之间的关系来描述概念的语义。结果Ontology解决了自然语言理解中的消歧、推理问题和在语义Web中的应用。结论利用Ontology作为知识体进行自然语言理解,能够有效的把语言学知识和世界知识结合起来,运用世界知识对文本进行消歧和推理;Ontology与知识系统的知识库相融合,使得自然语言理解不仅仅是作为一种人机交互方式,而且能够与其它的基于知识的智能系统如专家系统整合。  相似文献   

隐喻是英语词义进化过程中的重要认知机制。隐喻思维的结果产生了一词多义现象。在客观世界的身体体验中,人们通过发现和创造不同事物之间的相似性创造新的意义。词义进化过程中的隐喻思维有抽象化趋势。从隐喻义到本义是一个动态连续统。  相似文献   

现代制造业领域诞生的动态联盟的成功运作,已经超出了其作为一种生产模式或管理手段的本质内涵,而抽象为一种崭新的管理理念或思维范式,越来越深刻地渗透到人类生产生活的众多领域,不但具有深刻的认识论和方法论意义,而且意味着人类对传统生存方式的超越和生存空间的拓展。  相似文献   

本体作为知识的承载者被信息科学领域引入,用来解决知识表示和知识组织方面的问题。基于语义本体理论,提出了多维语义本体模型,从不同维度对世界知识进行建模。基于知识的抽象层次,在多语言、多领域知识之间建立了语义关联,在此基础上构建了多维语义本体,用于解决信息共享时语义缺乏和多语言知识关联的关键问题。对多维语义本体进行了分析和横向比较,并对将来构建过程中面临的主要问题和挑战进行了探讨。  相似文献   

语篇是人们用于表达思想的主要形式.语篇中常常出现字面意思不关联,但语义上连贯的现象,语篇中存在着语言的关联性.对此,衔接与连贯理论主张用语境理论来解释;Grice曾提出用会话含义学说来解释这一现象;而Sperber和Wilson 则提出关联理论从另一层面对此进行了探讨.  相似文献   

0 IntroductionAsneim mapnotircta nWte pbre i-sco tnhdieti oabnilfiotry r etaoli zainnngotthatee go aWle obf trhe-esources with semanticinformation[1]. However ,annotationtools so far basically allowthe user to annotate with plaintext using the method of information extraction.In manycases ,one can hardly extract semantics from Web docu-ments ,such as problemset archivesinthe Web.Massive problemset archives are availableinthe Web,for example,http://acm.uva.es, while each problemsetarchives pr…  相似文献   

《维摩诘经》中的维摩诘是一位卓越的大乘佛教的导师和宣传家,他通达大乘佛法精义,其所说佛法精义主要包括:一是"缘起性空、法性无住",二是"不二法门"。他的理想追求是"引渡众生"。维摩诘这一富于理想色彩的美好形象千百年来一直成为中国居士佛教信仰的典范,给中国文学及其它艺术带来了广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   

本研究应用词汇联想测试调查了两组不同英语水平受试的心理词汇组织特征,结果发现两组受试的二语心理词汇的组织特征都以语义反应为主。至于不同词性的词汇义关系,名词和形容词更趋向于聚合反应,而动词更趋向于组合反应。  相似文献   

Harley HE  Putman EA  Roitblat HL 《Nature》2003,424(6949):667-669
How organisms (including people) recognize distant objects is a fundamental question. The correspondence between object characteristics (distal stimuli), like visual shape, and sensory characteristics (proximal stimuli), like retinal projection, is ambiguous. The view that sensory systems are 'designed' to 'pick up' ecologically useful information is vague about how such mechanisms might work. In echolocating dolphins, which are studied as models for object recognition sonar systems, the correspondence between echo characteristics and object characteristics is less clear. Many cognitive scientists assume that object characteristics are extracted from proximal stimuli, but evidence for this remains ambiguous. For example, a dolphin may store 'sound templates' in its brain and identify whole objects by listening for a particular sound. Alternatively, a dolphin's brain may contain algorithms, derived through natural endowments or experience or both, which allow it to identify object characteristics based on sounds. The standard method used to address this question in many species is indirect and has led to equivocal results with dolphins. Here we outline an appropriate method and test it to show that dolphins extract object characteristics directly from echoes.  相似文献   

语言与文化关系密切。作为语言的建筑材料,词汇更是语言文化内涵的主要载体。文化语义常常被附着在特定文化范畴的词汇上,词汇的文化语义是有效进行言语表达和理解的关键。词汇的文化语义具有动态特性,必须善于利用语境建构词汇的文化语义,以利于言语交际双方成功交流思想。  相似文献   

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