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An improved identity-based proxy ring signature scheme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Proxy ring signature schemes have been shown to be useful in various applications, such as electronic polling, electronic payment, etc. In this paper, we point out that Lang‘s scheme is unreasonable and propose an improved Identity-based proxy ring scheme from bilinear pairings which is reasonable and overcomes the deficiencies of Lang‘s scheme. Our scheme can prevent the original signer from generating the proxy ring signature, thus the profits of the proxy signer are guaranteed. In addition, our scheme satisfies all the security requirements of proxy ring signature, I.e. Signer-ambiguity, non-forgeability, verification, non-deniability and distinguishability. As compared with Zhang‘s scheme, our scheme is a computational efficiency improvement for signature verification because the computational cost of bilinear pairings required is reduced from O(n) to O(1).  相似文献   

在代理签名方案中,原始签名者将签名权利委托给代理签名者,代理签名者代表原始签名者进行消息签名。环签名方案中,验证者只能确信签名来自某个环成员,但无法确定签名者的具体身份。结合代理签名和环签名的优点,提出一个高效的基于身份代理环签名方案,新方案可以严格满足代理环签名的安全特性,相比现有的其它方案,具有更高的计算效率。  相似文献   

Efficient ID-Based Proxy Blind Signature Scheme   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
0 Introduction Ablind signature, primitively introduced by Chaum[1], plays a central role in cryptographic protocols such as e-voting,e-payment that require user anonym- ity[2,3]. Such a signature allows a user to obtain a signa- ture of a message in a wa…  相似文献   

结合代理签名和盲签名,利用双线性映射,构造了一种新的基于身份的代理盲签名方案.通过分析表明,该方案不仅能满足代理盲签名所要求的所有性质,而且其效率也优于已有文献。  相似文献   

An identity-based proxy blind signature scheme from bilinear pairings is introduced, which combines the advantages of proxy signature and blind signature. Furthermore, our scheme can prevent the original signer from generating the proxy blind signature, thus the profits of the proxy signer are guaranteed. We introduce bilinear pairings to minimize computational overhead and to improve the related performance of our scheme. In addition, the proxy blind signature presented is non-repudiable and it fulfills perfectly the security requirements of a proxy blind signature.  相似文献   

代理盲签名技术是指由原始签名者授权的代理签名者在不知晓待签名的消息的具体内容的情况下完成签名的技术。代理盲签名技术可以保证消息的匿名性,将签名权外放,减轻签名者的负担,同时能保证签名的安全性,常被用于电子商务,电子现金交易和电子投票方面。提出了一个新的基于身份的代理盲签名方案,论证了方案的正确性和安全性,证实了该方案具有较高的效率,并阐述了其在电子现金领域的应用,尤其是在使用移动终端进行购物方面的应用。  相似文献   

对某高效无证书代理签名方案进行分析,发现该方案达不到其声称的高效率,而且存在安全隐患.为进一步提高无证书代理签名方案的效率,利用双线性对构造了一个新的无证书代理签名方案,其安全性基于Diffie-Hellman困难问题,证明了新方案满足代理签名的安全性要求,且该方案比前述某高效无证书代理签名方案更为高效.  相似文献   

Lin-Wu等人的使用双线性对构造的基于身份的环签名是不合理的,该文对Lin-Wu等人的签名方案进行修改,得到一个合理的使用双线性对构造的基于身份的环签名。  相似文献   

An Identity-Based Strong Designated Verifier Proxy Signature Scheme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
0 IntroductionIn 1996 ,Jakobsson, Sako and Impagliazzo introduced anew pri mitive called designated verifier proofs[1]. Suchproofs enable a prover Signy to designate who will be con-vinced by a proof .Furthermore,Jakobsson,Sako and Impa-gliazzo proposed a designated verifier signature. Designatedverifier signatures provide authentication of a message, with-out having the non-repudiation property of traditional signa-tures . They convince one-and only one-specified recipient thatthey are va…  相似文献   

In the last couple of years, D-based cryptography has got fruitful achievements. Proxy multi-signature allows a designated person, called a proxy signer, to sign on behalf of two or more original signers. In this paper, we present a general security model for ID-based proxy multi-signature (ID-PMS) schemes. Then, we show how to construct a secure ID-PMS scheme from a secure ID-based signature scheme, and prove that the security of the construction can be reduced to the security of the original ID-based signature scheme.  相似文献   

结合基于身份的密码体制和代理多重签名,使用双线性映射,构造了一种基于身份的代理多重签名方案.分析表明,该方案可有效地抵御对代理签名的伪造攻击,满足代理签名所要求的安全特性.  相似文献   

文章针对实际应用中代理者权限等级不同的情况,结合特权集的思想,提出有特权集的门限代理签名方案,当特权代理者和普通代理者分别达到相应门限值才能共同产生有效的门限代理签名,同时特权代理者和普通代理者之间可以互相监督,防止任意一方滥用代理权限;方案可以抵抗合谋攻击,具有特权集和门限签名的特性,满足不可伪造性和不可否认性;证明了方案的安全性和正确性;分析表明方案的效率和通信量是合理的。  相似文献   

To overcome the drawbacks such as high computational cost, unreasonable security model and long signature length in existing certificateless ring signature schemes, we propose an efficient certificateless ring signature scheme in this paper. Our construction is inspired by some efficient ID-based ring signature schemes, and uses bilinear pairings as a basic tool. Using a reasonable security model, the unforgeability of the proposed scheme is proven based on the intractability of the computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) problem. The signature length of the new scheme is only |G2|+n|G1| (|Gi| is the bit length of an element in group Gi, i =1, 2). Compared with other existing certificateless ring signature schemes, the newly proposed scheme has a shorter signature length and is more efficient and practical.  相似文献   

目的提高基于椭圆曲线的代理签名方案的效率和安全性。方法通过对Hwang等人的代理签名方案及其改进方案的分析和研究,针对其在代理证书绑定及秘密共享传输中存在的问题进行了改进。结果提出一个新的基于椭圆曲线的代理签名方案。结论克服了原方案的不足,实现了普通信道传输秘密,提高了其安全性。  相似文献   

王等人结合了代理签名方案与指定验证者签名方案的优点,利用Weil对的双线性映射,构造了一个基于身份的指定验证者代理签名方案.然而,该方案是不安全的,存在严重的安全漏洞,攻击者可以利用代理授权参数成功的伪造原始签名者.当出现争议时,可信中心无法揭示原始签名者的真正身份.为了避免这一安全隐患,提出了新的签名方案,新方案克服了原方案的不足,提高了系统的安全性.  相似文献   

多代理签名是一种特殊的数字签名技术,它允许一个原始签名人授权给一组代理签名人,让他们替代行使签名权.在盲签名中,消息的内容对签名者是不可见的,签名被用户泄露后,签名者不能追踪签名.结合多代理签名和盲签名,基于双线性配对首先设计了一个安全有效的多代理盲签名方案.该方案实现了多个代理签名人进行盲签名和公开信道授权.  相似文献   

In this present paper, we propose a new proxy blind signature scheme, which is publicly verifiable distributed. The algorithm uses the idea of secret sharing schemes to distribute original signer's ability and the power of the proxy signer, and ensure the property of publicly verifiable secret sharing schemes. A new concept "verifiable time period" is also introduced to reduce the time cost in the period of verifications and increases the efficiency of our scheme.  相似文献   

一个基于椭圆曲线的代理签名和代理盲签名方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
代理签名和盲签名是比较新的两种签名类型。文中给出了基于椭圆曲线的一个椭圆曲线代理签名和代理盲签名方案,并对其安全性作了分析。  相似文献   

0 IntroductionIdentity-based (ID-based) cryptography[1]is rapidly emer-gingin recent years .The concept of the proxy signature scheme was first in-troduced by Mamboet al[2]in 1996 .The concept of thresholdproxy signature was proposed[3 ,4]. Apractical and secure (t,n) threshold proxy signature scheme should satisfy the secre-cy,the proxy protected,the unforgeability,the non-repudia-tion,the ti me constraint ,andthe known signers[5].In 2006 , Baoet al[6]proposed an ID-based thresholdproxy si…  相似文献   

In 2006, Bao et al proposed an identlty-based threshold proxy signature scheme with known signers. In this paper, we show that Bao et al's scheme is vulnerable to the forgery attack. An adversary can forge a valid threshold proxy signature for any message with knowing a previously valid threshold proxy signature. In addition, their scheme also suffers from the weakness that the proxy signers might change the threshold value. That is, the proxy signers can arbitrarily modify the threshold strategy without being detected by the original signer or verifiers, which might violate the original signer's intent. Furthermore, we propose an improved scheme that remedies the weaknesses of Bao et al's scheme. The improved scheme satisfies all secure requirements for threshold proxy signature.  相似文献   

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