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Zusammenfassung Durch starke Unterkühlung des Warmblüterorganismus kann man die Stellreflexe sukzessiv und reversibel ausschalten. Zuerst erlöschen die Magnusschen Körper-Stellreflexe und zuletzt die labyrinthären Stellreflexe.  相似文献   

The sensitive strain and tetracycline-resistant mutants exhibit two types of growth curves after addition of tetracycline. The level of resistance of these strains is enhanced by a short period of preincubation with a non-inhibitive concentration of tetracycline.  相似文献   

It is shown that pH and ionic strength are tightly interdependent in cytochrome oxidase activity at the level of inner membranes of the mitochondrion, as a direct consequence of the polyanionic environment of this enzyme. Application of polyelectrolyte theory explains a number of biochemical reactions controlled by ionic strength fluctuations.  相似文献   

The insoluble pellet of human mammary carcinomas was solubilized by an acid buffer. Antiserum prepared with this acidosoluble fraction, after suitable absorption gave one precipitin line with the immunizing extracts: this line is different from those given by the tumor associated antigens actually known. The same antiserum reacted only with sections of human mammary carcinomas by immunofluorescence . It did not stain sections of normal mammary glands or benign mammary diseases. Reactivity with cancers of other organs was absent or doubtful. Hence it is likely that an antigen associated to human mammary carcinomas was characterized.  相似文献   

Isolated hepatocytes incubated at 1 degrees C loss K, gain Na and water. Rewarming results in a transient increase in K and Na permeabilities. These are insensitive to quinine, suggesting that they are not caused by an intracellular Ca accumulation.  相似文献   

Allantoic epithelium and epithelium from different levels of the digestive tube of the guail embryo were grafted into chick embryo splanchnopleure so that these epitheliums would come into contact with the mesoderm of the developing host digestive tube at a variety of levels. Under these conditions, the allantoic epithelium develops into an epithelium corresponding to the level of the digestive tube at which it was grafted. By contrast, the presumptive fate of epithelium from the small intestine is not modified by the mesenchyme with which it becomes associated. Mesenchyme from the small intestine, on the other hand, always dictates the type of differentiation in epithelial grafts from other levels of the digestive tube.  相似文献   

Using as references a lymphoblastoid cell line established from the pleural effusion of a lymphosarcoma patient and the corresponding autochtonous reactive serum, absorption typing assays resulted in the identification of a cell surface antigen associated with acute lymphoid leukaemia. This antigen, provisionally termed PON, may also be demonstrated on the cells of some acute myelomonocytic leukaemias and lymphosarcomas.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Wirkung des Thymolepticums Prothiaden [10-(4-Methylpiperazino)-10, 11-dihydrobenzo(b, f)thiepin] auf die Oxydation des Pyruvats, Oxoglutarats und Succinats sowie auf die Aktivität der Hexokinase, Glucoso-6-phosphatase und Mg++-aktivierten, DNP-aktivierten und Mg++Na+-aktivierten, K+-stimulierten Adenosintriphosphatase (NaKA) wurde untersucht und mit der Wirkung von Chlorpromazin verglichen. Im allgemeinen weisen beide Substanzen ähnliche Eigenschaften auf, welche in einer relativen Unwirksamkeit gegenüber glykolytischen Enzymen, Hemmung der Pyruvatoxydation und starker NaKA-Hemmung bestehen.  相似文献   

A ribonuclease associated with vaccinia virus can be detected when reduced concentrations of nucleotides are used for an in vitro RNA synthesis assay. The non-viral origin of this ribonuclease may be inferred from its external location and from its variable activity on different purified virus stocks. The detection of this ribonuclease activity on purified virus grown without foetal Calf serum may suggest that this enzyme is of cellular origin.  相似文献   

Virus particles and their morphogenesis have been observed in the cytoplasm of connective cells in the Japanese Oyster Crassostrea gigas. This virus seems to be similar to those described in the Portuguese Oyster Crassostrea angulata when high rates of mortality were recorded in 1970-1973 and those found in gill disease of this species.  相似文献   

研究了一个不可靠混杂双设备生产线系统。对此系统而言,每台设备可以出现多种故障模式,并且缓冲区也可能发生故障。在离散模型的基础上,分析了系统状态概率的变迁情况,给出了相应的求解方法及算法,探讨并发展了一种评价多故障混杂生产线系统性能的近似解析方法。仿真结果证明了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The Gross virus associated cell surface antigen GCSAa was extracted from (C58NT)D cells by solubilization of membranes with detergent and partially purified. This antigen was entraped in liposomes. Absorption experiments of the cytotoxic activity towards EmaleG2 cells of a W/Fu anti (C58NT)D serum showed the presence of the antigen at the surface of sensibilized liposomes.  相似文献   

Résumé De nouvelles observations concernant les réactions de transesterification entre l'éthylène phosphate et les amino-alcools sont rapportées et des mécanismes possibles de cette réaction discutés.

The author is indebted to Dr.Ch. Dekker for many helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

利用机器视觉技术对蔬菜幼苗的生长特征信息进行了无损检测,该研究技术是定量化研究植物生长规律的关键技术之一,并为蔬菜自动化生产过程中的嫁接、移栽、间苗等作业提供必要的技术理论依据.该研究通过在温室内设计了一套计算机视觉系统,对多株群体蔬菜苗的生长进行了长时间、连续、快速的无损检测,并利用VB6.0编制了图像处理软件,提取了蔬菜幼苗的外部形态特征,经过图像处理软件分析得到蔬菜幼苗的日生长变化规律,发现蔬菜苗在夜间的生长率明显高于白天.研究表明,采用机器视觉及图像处理技术可以快速、准确地监测出蔬菜幼苗的外部形态特征量,能够对蔬菜生长状态进行直观测量,实现对蔬菜幼苗生长规的定量化研究,为蔬菜生产过程中相关作业的自动化提供可靠的理论依据.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans les mélanophores des grenouilles et des lézards examinés in vitro, les inhibiteurs du groupe sulfhydryl (thiol) tels que le mérsalyle et les maléimides N-substitutés bloquent irrévocablement la dispersion des mélanosomes soumis à l'action de la MSH et provoquent même leur retrait. On étudie les conditions structurales de l'action inhibitrice d'un certain nombre de maléimides N-substitués, étroitement apparentés.  相似文献   

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