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Zusammenfassung Der Gehalt an Ribonukleinsäure und Desoxyribonukleinsäure der normalen Tritoneier (T.palmatus) und der letalen Bastardeier (T.palmatus ×S.atra ) wurde im Morula-, Blastula- und Gastrulastadium mikrophotometriert. Bei normalen Eiern wurde keine wesentliche Änderung des Ribonukleinsäuregehaltes festgestellt. Hingegen nahm die Konzentration der Desoxyribonukleinsäure von der späten Morula bis zur mittleren Blastula deutlich zu und zeigte dann bis zum Gastrulastadium nur geringe Zunahme.Während der Furchung ist der Nukleinsäurengehalt der Bastardeier normal. Die mittlere Blastula (kritische Phase: etwa 24 h bei 18°C) ist aber gegenüber den Kontrollkeimen bedeutend ärmer an beiden Nukleinsäuren. Eine leichte Zunahme der Desoxyribonukleinsäure vor der kritischen Phase, ohne jedoch die Konzentration eines normalen Eies zu erreichen, wurde beobachtet. Die entwicklungsphysiologische Deutung der vorliegenden Befunde wird diskutiert.

This work was supported by a grant from the Karl-Hescheler-Stiftung.  相似文献   

Riassunto La stimolazione fotica iterativa produce abitudine dei potenziali visivi nel gattocerveau isolé. La stimolazione olfattoria o l'attivazione elettrica della sostanza reticolare mesencefalica provocano risveglio elettroencefalografico e disabitudine.

This research has been sponsored jointly by the Office of Scientific Research of the Air Research and Development Command, United States Air Force, through its European Office, under Contract No. AF 61(052)-107 and by the Rockefeller Foundation.

Fellowship of the Italian Government. On leave from: Institut de Physiologie, Université de Louvain (Belgique).  相似文献   

Summary Radioactivity in the fetal plasma 1 h after maternal injection of14C-4-corticosterone or14C-4-estradiol-17 on day 21 of gestation was markedly higher than that 1 h after injection on day 22. Radioactivity in the maternal plasma was not different on these 2 days. The results suggest that the placental permeability to steroids from the mother to the fetus declines toward the end of gestation in the rat.Acknowledgment. We are indebted to Professor Tatsuo Imori (Department of Veterinary Surgery, College of Agriculture, University of Osaka Prefecture) for his valuable suggestions during the course of this study.  相似文献   

This article attempts a contextual study of the origin and early development of August Kekulé's theory of aromatic compounds. The terminus a quo is essentially August Hofmann's coining of the modern chemical denotation of ‘aromatic’ in 1855; the terminus ad quem is the first full codification of Kekulé's theory in the sixth fascicle of his Lehrbuch der organischen Chemie, published in the summer of 1866. Kekulé's theory is viewed in context with the earlier and concurrent experimental work of such chemists as Hermann Kolbe, Friedrich Beilstein, Rudolph Fittig, and Hugo Müller. The reception of the theory is briefly examined. Attention is paid to the role of Kekulé's molecular models and of his celebrated dream anecdote of the snake that seizes its own tail. The episode is used as a case study for the continuity of scientific progress, and to illustrate the close reciprocal interactions of hypothesis and experiment in the evolution of a scientific theory.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Vom ektodermalen Proctodaeum wächst ein kleiner Divertikel dem Vornierengang entgegen und vereinigt sich mit dessen kaudalem Ende. Einen weiteren Anteil hat das Proctodaeum an der Bildung des Vornierenganges nicht. Zugleich mit dem Proctodaeum invaginiert Material für den Mesonephros, das sich in Zellgruppen entlang dem hinteren Ende des Vornierenganges lagert.  相似文献   

Neuroblastoma (NB) is a tumor of the sympathoadrenal system arising in children under 15 years of age. In Germany, NB accounts for 7% of childhood cancer cases, but 11% of cancer deaths. It originates from highly migratory progenitor cells that leave the dorsal neural tube and contribute neurons and glial cells to sympathetic ganglia, and chromaffin and supportive cells to the adrenal medulla and paraganglia. Clinically, histologically and molecularly, NBs present as extremely heterogeneous, ranging from very good to very poor prognosis. The etiology of NB still remains unclear and needs to be elucidated, however, aberrant auto- and paracrine embryonic cell communications seem to be likely candidates to initiate or facilitate the emergence, progression and regression of NB. The wingless-type MMTV integration site (WNT) family of proteins represents an evolutionary highly conserved signaling system that orchestrates embryogenesis. At least 19 ligands in the human, numerous receptors and co-receptors are known, which control not only proliferation, but also cell polarity, migration and differentiation. Here we seek to interconnect aspects of WNT signaling with sympathoadrenal and paraganglionic development to define new WNT signaling cues in the etiology and progression of NB.  相似文献   

Summary The four days administration of D-6-methyl-8-[-isopropylaminoethyl]ergoline-I (VÚFB-10726) to nursing rats decreases adenohypophyseal prolactin as determined with disc electrophoresis, and produces changes in the histological appearance of adenohypophyses, which indicate the inhibition of prolaction production and secretion.The authors thank Dr.I. J. Skála, Mrs.J. Boubínová, Mrs.J. Emanuelová and Mrs.V. Maitová for technical assistence.  相似文献   

Summary During the conversion of cholesterol into 3 -hydroxymethyl-A-nor-5-cholestane by the spongeAxinella verrucosa, the carbon-3 of this latter originate from carbon-4 of cholesterol. Cholestanol moreover does not seem an intermediate in this conversion.  相似文献   

Establishment of vertebrate left–right asymmetry is a critical process for normal embryonic development. After the discovery of genes expressed asymmetrically along the left–right axis in chick embryos in the mid 1990s, the molecular mechanisms responsible for left–right patterning in vertebrate embryos have been studied extensively. In this review article, we discuss the mechanisms by which the initial symmetry along the left–right axis is broken in the mouse embryo. We focus on the role of primary cilia and molecular mechanisms of ciliogenesis at the node when symmetry is broken and left–right asymmetry is established. The node is considered a signaling center for early mouse embryonic development, and the results we review here have led to a better understanding of how the node functions and establishes left–right asymmetry.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the binding of the liver-specific microRNA-122 (miR-122) to three conserved target sites of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA, two in the non-structural protein 5B (NS5B) coding region and one in the 3′ untranslated region (3′UTR). miR-122 binding efficiency strongly depends on target site accessibility under conditions when the range of flanking sequences available for the formation of local RNA secondary structures changes. Our results indicate that the particular sequence feature that contributes most to the correlation between target site accessibility and binding strength varies between different target sites. This suggests that the dynamics of miRNA/Ago2 binding not only depends on the target site itself but also on flanking sequence context to a considerable extent, in particular in a small viral genome in which strong selection constraints act on coding sequence and overlapping cis-signals and model the accessibility of cis-signals. In full-length genomes, single and combination mutations in the miR-122 target sites reveal that site 5B.2 is positively involved in regulating overall genome replication efficiency, whereas mutation of site 5B.3 showed a weaker effect. Mutation of the 3′UTR site and double or triple mutants showed no significant overall effect on genome replication, whereas in a translation reporter RNA, the 3′UTR target site inhibits translation directed by the HCV 5′UTR. Thus, the miR-122 target sites in the 3′-region of the HCV genome are involved in a complex interplay in regulating different steps of the HCV replication cycle.  相似文献   

Type-2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a disorder that is characterized by high blood glucose concentration in the context of insulin resistance and/or relative insulin deficiency. It causes metabolic changes that lead to the damage and functional impairment of organs and tissues resulting in increased morbidity and mortality. It is this form of diabetes whose prevalence is increasing at an alarming rate due to the 'obesity epidemic', as obesity is a key risk factor in the development of insulin resistance. However, the majority of individuals who have insulin resistance do not develop diabetes due to a compensatory increase in insulin secretion in response to an increase in insulin demand. This adaptive response is sustained by an increase in both β-cell function and mass. Importantly, there is increasing evidence that the Serine/Threonine kinase mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) plays a key role in the regulation of β-cell mass and therefore likely plays a critical role in β-cell adaptation. Therefore, the primary focus of this review is to summarize our current understanding of the role of mTOR in stimulating pancreatic β-cell mass and thus, in the prevention of type-2 diabetes.  相似文献   

Summary The in vitro development and attachment of hatched mouse blastocysts on the untreated substratum was enhanced by 10 M dibutyryl cCMP (dbcCMP). The result suggests that cCMP has an effect on embryonic development and on the blastocyst attachment process.25 November1986  相似文献   

While the distinction between theory and experiment is often used to discuss the place of simulation from a philosophical viewpoint, other distinctions are possible from a sociological perspective. Turkle (1995) distinguishes between cultures of calculation and cultures of simulation and relates these cultures to the distinction between modernity and postmodernity, respectively. What can we understand about contemporary simulation practices in science by looking at them from the point of view of these two computer cultures? What new questions does such an analysis raise for further studies? On the basis of two case studies, the present paper compares and discusses simulation activities in astrophysics and meteorology. It argues that simulation practices manifest aspects of both of these cultures simultaneously, but in different situations. By employing the dichotomies surface/depth, play/seriousness, and extreme/reasonable to characterize and operationalize cultures of calculation and cultures of simulation as sensitizing concepts, the analysis shows how simulation code work shifts from development to use, the importance of but also resistance towards too much visualizations, and how simulation modelers play with extreme values, yet also try to achieve reasonable results compared to observations.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of injury on the concentration of 1-macroglobulin and 2-macroglobulin in the plasmas of male and female rats has been investigated. At 5 days after injury to the male rats the 1-macroglobulin concentration increased to 131% of its preinjury value. The 2-macroglobulin concentration increased more rapidly to a maximum of 86 times its initial value. In the female rats 2-macroglobulin increased only slightly and 1-macroglobulin not at all.  相似文献   

Summary In a group of 84 pairs of 11-year-old children of both sexes, the level of the 1-antitrypsin ( 1-AT) were ascertained in the autumn and spring. Although the mean levels of 1-AT in the two seasons hardly differed, the highly significant seasonal changes in the distribution curves of 1-AT values were noted in boys, whereas the levels showed higher stability in girls.  相似文献   

Summary Daily s.c. injections of cyproterone acetate greatly decrease the protein content and-glucuronidase activity in the mouse hypothalamus. These effects are reversible and the recovery capacity of the animal seems to be inversely related to the duration of antiandrogenic treatment.Financial aid was given by CNR (finalized project Biologia della Riproduzione) and Ministry of Education. Thanks are also due to Prof. G. Chieffi for suggestions and to Mr R. Auriemma for maintenance of experimental animals.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the revival of Pliny's Naturalis historia within the scientific culture of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, focusing on a French effort to produce an edition with annotations by scientists and scholars. Between the Renaissance and the early eighteenth century, the Naturalis historia had declined in scientific importance. Increasingly, it was relegated to the humanities, as we demonstrate with a review of editions. For a variety of reasons, however, scientific interest in the Naturalis historia grew in the second half of the eighteenth century. Epitomizing this interest was a plan for a scientifically annotated, Latin-French edition of the Naturalis historia. Initially coordinated by the French governmental minister Malesherbes in the 1750s, the edition was imperfectly realized by Poinsinet a few decades later. It was intended to rival two of the period's other distinguished multi-volume books of knowledge, Diderot and D'Alembert's Encyclopédie and Buffon's Histoire naturelle, to which we compare it. Besides narrating the scientific revival of the Historia naturalis during this period, we examine its causes and the factors contributing to its end in the first half of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

Résumé 24 et 48 h après irradiation- (900 r) la quantité de 5-hydroxytryptamine dans l'intestin du rat n'a pas changé de manière significative. La quantité de 5-hydroxytryptamine dans la rate du rat, exprimée par g de tissu frais a augmenté. Le prétraitement avec de la cystéamine abaisse nettement la quantité de 5-hydroxytryptamine dans la rate, après l'irradiation.  相似文献   

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