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Cloning and expression of a rat D2 dopamine receptor cDNA   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Dopamine receptors are classified into D1 and D2 subtypes on the basis of their pharmacological and biochemical characteristics. The D2 dopamine receptor has been implicated in the pathophysiology and treatment of movement disorders, schizophrenia and drug addiction. The D2 dopamine receptor interacts with guanine nucleotide-binding proteins to induce second messenger systems. Other members of the family of receptors that are coupled to G proteins share a significant similarity in primary amino-acid sequence and exhibit an archetypical topology predicted to consist of seven putative transmembrane domains. We have taken advantage of the expected nucleotide sequence similarities among members of this gene family to isolate genes coding for new receptors. Using the hamster beta 2-adrenergic receptor gene as a hybridization probe we have isolated related genes including a cDNA encoding the rat D2 dopamine receptor. This receptor has been characterized on the basis of three criteria: the deduced amino-acid sequence which reveals that it is a member of the family of G-protein-coupled receptors; the tissue distribution of the mRNA which parallels that of the D2 dopamine receptor; and the pharmacological profile of mouse fibroblast cells transfected with the cDNA.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding an endothelin receptor   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
H Arai  S Hori  I Aramori  H Ohkubo  S Nakanishi 《Nature》1990,348(6303):730-732
Endothelins are a newly described peptide family consisting of three peptides (ET-1, ET-2 and ET-3) which are the most potent vasoconstrictive peptides known. They are crucial in the regulation of vascular smooth muscle tone. The diverse functions of endothelins are thought to be mediated by interaction with many different receptors coupled to the inositol phosphate/calcium ion messenger pathway. However, because of the structural resemblance of the three peptides, the presence and nature of multiple endothelin receptors remain to be elucidated. We report here the cloning of a complementary DNA encoding a bovine endothelin receptor, which has a transmembrane topology similar to that of other G protein-coupled receptors and shows specific binding, with the highest selectivity to ET-1 in animal cells transfected with the cloned cDNA. This receptor messenger RNA is widely distributed in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues, particularly in the heart and lung. Our results support the view that there are other receptor subtypes.  相似文献   

Cloning, sequence and expression of human interleukin-2 receptor   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
D Cosman  D P Cerretti  A Larsen  L Park  C March  S Dower  S Gillis  D Urdal 《Nature》1984,312(5996):768-771
T lymphocytes, essential for the generation of a normal immune response, require the presence of the lymphokine interleukin-2 (IL-2) in order to proliferate. Cells that respond to IL-2 possess a surface receptor glycoprotein specific for this lymphokine. We have recently purified and chemically characterized the IL-2 receptor from both phytohaemagglutinin-activated human T cells and the human T-cell lymphoma HUT-102 (ref. 5). From the NH2-terminal protein sequence obtained in that study, we have now used synthetic oligonucleotides to probe a complementary DNA library, prepared from HUT-102 messenger RNA, for the presence of cDNA clones that might code for the IL-2 receptor. Two cDNA clones were isolated which had closely related DNA sequences. Interestingly, only one coded for an active receptor when transfected into COS-7 cells. This clone contained a 216-base pair (bp) insert that was not present in the other clone. The insert was flanked by an 8-bp direct repeat reminiscent of a transposable element, and appeared to code for a region of marked structural homology to the NH2-terminal region of the receptor molecule.  相似文献   

Identification of complementary DNAs encoding the human glucocorticoid receptor predicts two protein forms, of 777 (alpha) and 742 (beta) amino acids, which differ at their carboxy termini. The proteins contain a cysteine/lysine/arginine-rich region which may define the DNA-binding domain. Pure radiolabelled glucocorticoid receptor, synthesized in vitro, is immunoreactive and possesses intrinsic steroid-binding activity characteristic of the native glucocorticoid receptor.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of a cloned cDNA for human interleukin-2   总被引:95,自引:0,他引:95  
A cDNA coding for human interleukin-2 (IL-2) has been cloned from a cDNA library prepared from partially purified IL-2 mRNA. The DNA sequence codes for a polypeptide which consists of 153 amino acids including a putative signal sequence. A biologically active polypeptide, characteristic of human IL-2, was produced when the cDNA was fused to a simian virus 40 promoter sequence and used to transfect cultured monkey COS cells.  相似文献   

Cloning and expression analysis of human reticulon 4c cDNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Copper is one of the most important trace elements to life. Human HCUTA is a novel cDNA encoding a 156aa protein, which may participate in human copper tolerance system. The HCUTA protein is highly similar to protein CUT A1 of E. coli. The whole opening reading frame of HCUTA cDNA was amplified by PCR and cloned into pET28a + express vector, and the HCUTA protein was effectively expressed in E. coli BL21 (DE3).  相似文献   

The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) from fish electric organ has a subunit structure of alpha 2 beta gamma delta, and this is thought to be also the case for the mammalian skeletal muscle AChR. By cloning and sequencing the complementary or genomic DNAs, we have previously elucidated the primary structures of all four subunits of the Torpedo californica electroplax and calf muscle AChR and of the alpha- and gamma-subunits of the human muscle AChR; the primary structures of the gamma-subunit of the T. californica AChR and the alpha-subunit of the Torpedo marmorata AChR have also been deduced elsewhere. We have now cloned DNA complementary to the calf muscle messenger RNA encoding a novel polypeptide (the epsilon-subunit) whose deduced amino-acid sequence has features characteristic of the AChR subunits and which shows higher sequence homology with the gamma-subunit than with the other subunits. cDNA expression studies indicate that the calf epsilon-subunit, as well as the calf gamma-subunit, can replace the Torpedo gamma-subunit to form the functional receptor in combination with the Torpedo alpha-, beta- and delta-subunits.  相似文献   

Thembl (muscleblind) gene ofDrosophila encodes a nuclear protein which contains two Cys3His motifs. The mutation ofmbl gene will disturb the differentiation of all theDrosophila’s photoreceptors. Primers have been designed according to human EST086139, which is highly homologous tombl gene. Human fetal brain cDNA library has been screened and a novel cDNA clone has been obtained. The 2595 bp cDNA, designatedMBLL (muscleblind-like), contains an open reading frame which encodes 255 amino acids and has 4 Cys3His motifs (GenBank Acc. AF061261). The amino acids sequence shares high homology toDrosophila’s mbl. The Northern blot and RNA dot blot hybridization of 43 human adult tissues and 7 fetal tissues show thatMBLL is a widely expressed gene, but the expression amounts differ in these tissues.  相似文献   

Fast excitatory transmission in the vertebrate central nervous system is mediated mainly by L-glutamate. On the basis of pharmacological, physiological and agonist binding properties, the ionotropic glutamate receptors are classified into NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate), AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole-4-propionate) and kainate subtypes. Sequence homology between complementary DNA clones encoding non-NMDA glutamate receptor subunits reveals at least two subunit classes: the GluR1 to GluR4 class and the GluR5 class. Here we report the cloning and expression of a functional rat glutamate receptor subunit cDNA, GluR6, which has a very different pharmacology from that of the GluR1-GluR4 class. Receptors generated from the GluR1-GluR4 class have a higher apparent affinity for AMPA than for kainate. When expressed in Xenopus oocytes the homomeric GluR6 receptor is activated by kainate, quisqualate and L-glutamate but not by AMPA, and the apparent affinity for kainate is higher than for receptors from the GluR1-GluR4 class. Desensitization of the receptor was observed with continuous application of agonist. The homomeric GluR6 glutamate receptor exhibits an outwardly rectifying current-voltage relationship. In situ hybridizations reveal a pattern of GluR6 gene expression reminiscent of the binding pattern obtained with [3H]kainate.  相似文献   

The mbl (muscleblind) gene of Drosophila encodes a nuclear protein which contains two Cys3His motifs. The mutation of mbl gene will disturb the differentiation of all the Drosophila's photoreceptors. Primers have been designed according to human EST086139, which is highly homologous to mbl gene. Human fetal brain cDNA library has been screened and a novel cDNA clone has been obtained. The 2595 bp cDNA, designated MBLL (muscleblind-like), contains an open reading frame which encodes 255 amino acids and has 4 Cys3His motifs (GenBank Acc. AF061261). The amino acids sequence shares high homology to Drosophila's mbl. The Northern blot and RNA dot blot hybridization of 43 human adult tissues and 7 fetal tissues show that MBLL is a widely expressed gene, but the expression amounts differ in these tissues.  相似文献   

The amino acids L-glutamic and L-aspartic acids form the most widespread excitatory transmitter network in mammalian brain. The excitation produced by L-glutamic acid is important in the early development of the nervous system, synaptic plasticity and memory formation, seizures and neuronal degeneration. The receptors activated by L-glutamic acid are a target for therapeutic intervention in neurodegenerative diseases, brain ischaemia and epilepsy. There are two types of receptors for the excitatory amino acids, those that lead to the opening of cation-selective channels and those that activate phospholipase C (ref. 11). The receptors activating ion channels are NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) and kainate/AMPA (alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionate)-sensitive receptors. The complementary DNAs for the kainate/AMPA receptor and for the metabotropic receptor have been cloned. We report here on the isolation and characterization of a protein complex of four major proteins that represents an intact complex of the NMDA receptor ion channel and on the cloning of the cDNA for one of the subunits of this receptor complex, the glutamate-binding protein.  相似文献   

蛋白激酶C在秀丽小杆线虫中具有调节肌细胞渐进性萎缩的功能.为了揭示它的调节机制,本研究克隆了秀丽小杆线虫中蛋白激酶C pkc-2基因的cDNA pkc-2-c,构建了含该pkc-2 基因cDNA亚型的重组质粒pPD 118.20-pKG 63;揭示了该cDNA在秀丽小杆线虫体壁肌细胞中的定位.  相似文献   

T Sakurai  M Yanagisawa  Y Takuwa  H Miyazaki  S Kimura  K Goto  T Masaki 《Nature》1990,348(6303):732-735
Endothelin-1 was initially identified as a 21-residue potent vasoconstrictor peptide produced by vascular endothelial cells, but was subsequently found to have many effects on both vascular and non-vascular tissues. The discovery of three isopeptides of the endothelin family, ET-1, ET-2 and ET-3, each possessing a diverse set of pharmacological activities of different potency, suggested the existence of several different endothelin receptor subtypes. Endothelins may elicit biological responses by various signal-transduction mechanisms, including the G protein-coupled activation of phospholipase C and the activation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. Thus, different subtypes of the endothelin receptor may use different signal-transduction mechanisms. Here we report the cloning of a complementary DNA encoding one subtype belonging to the superfamily of G protein-coupled receptors. COS-7 cells transfected with the cDNA express specific and high-affinity binding sites for endothelins, responding to binding by the production of inositol phosphates and a transient increase in the concentration of intracellular free Ca2+. The three endothelin isopeptides are roughly equipotent in displacing 125I-labelled ET-1 binding and causing Ca2+ mobilization. A messenger RNA corresponding to the cDNA is detected in many rat tissues including the brain, kidney and lung but not in vascular smooth muscle cells. These results indicate that this cDNA encodes a 'nonselective' subtype of the receptor which is different from the vascular smooth muscle receptor.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning of cDNA encoding human interleukin-2 receptor   总被引:71,自引:0,他引:71  
The human interleukin-2 (IL-2) receptor was purified by affinity chromatography using the anti-Tac monoclonal antibody, and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined. Complementary DNA clones were isolated and sequenced to reveal the primary structure of the IL-2 receptor precursor, which has 272 amino acid residues. The receptor is separated into two domains by a putative 19-residue transmembrane region. Two mRNAs (1.4 and 3.5 kilobases) hybridizing to the cDNA clone were found in human T cells bearing the IL-2 receptor. The cDNA directed synthesis of the IL-2 receptor in COS cells.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of a human oxytocin receptor.   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
T Kimura  O Tanizawa  K Mori  M J Brownstein  H Okayama 《Nature》1992,356(6369):526-529
Just before the onset of labour, uterine myometrium becomes extremely sensitive to oxytocin, for which it is a primary target tissue, because of a dramatic increase in the number of oxytocin receptors. We report here the structure and expression of the human oxytocin receptor complementary DNA isolated by expression cloning. The encoded receptor is a 388-amino-acid polypeptide with 7 transmembrane domains typical of G protein-coupled receptors. The oxytocin receptor, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, specifically responds to oxytocin and induces an inward membrane current. Messenger RNAs for the receptor are of two sizes, 3.6 kilobases in breast, and 4.4 kilobases in ovary, uterine endometrium and myometrium. The mRNA level in the myometrium is very high at term. We conclude that the increase in receptor number in the myometrium at labour is, at least in part, due to the increase in mRNA.  相似文献   

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