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Summary It is shown in this note that every sufficiently elongated conic frustum assumes, if radius of equatorr, lengthl and volumeV of a convex body of revolution are given, largest surfaceF as well as largest integral of mean curvatureM. The conic frustum is the only extremal body. For smalll, the situation is intricated and has not yet been clarified.  相似文献   

Summary It is shown that over the distance 0X8/2 in the diagram, there is a region which is free from picture points («Bildpunkten») of the convex rotation bodies. This assertion is based on two different groupings of the convex rotation bodies into troops, namely at constant lengthl and constant radius of the equatorr, and at constantl and constant length of the resulting meridial curveL. From this, new relations like between the measurements of the convex rotation bodies follow.  相似文献   

Summary It is possible to demonstrate antibodies against casein in the serum by the Ouchterlony technique. It is a simple technique and needs only a small amount of serum. In a few cases we could demonstrate antibodies against casein in sera, in which the hemagglutination-technique did not show positive results. In some cases, however, sera which were positive in hemagglutination-tests gave negative results by the Ouchterlony technique. The possibility is discussed that by the two techniques different kinds of casein-antibodies can be detected.

Für die Durchführung der serologischen Untersuchungen sind wir FräuleinChristine Dyballa und FräuleinIrene v. Schweinichen zu grossem Dank verpflichtet.  相似文献   

Summary (1) The evolution of the voice and of the vocal organs producing the articulated human speech, is dealt with.(2) The transformation of the anatomical structure of the larynx and the organs of the oral cavity serving articulation, does not begin with the Hominids but at the more primitive stages of the Primates.(3) The fact that anthropomorphous apes have but few possibilities of voice is due to supplementary specialisations of their vocal instruments.(4) The resulting problems of evolution are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Heterologous antibodies of the Ehrlich ascites tumor, in the presence of complement, cause a rapid drop of the ATP in the cells of this tumor. Probably there is a relation between this effect and the immune cytolysis.

FräuleinMarianne Kaestner und FrauChrista Duba danke ich für ihre gewissenhafte Mitarbeit. Die Untersuchungen wurden 1957–1959 am Max-Planck-Institut für Virusforschung in Tübingen und am Pathologischen Institut der Universität München, zum Teil mit Mitteln der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, durchgeführt.  相似文献   

Summary In the serum of rabbits,in vitro protein-synthesis takes place only in the presence of mitochondria (liver) and only with amino acids. Proteins synthesized in this manner are not identifiable with the serum proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Within the animal kingdom, two kinds of circulatory systems can be distinguished: those in which the circulation of the blood is seemingly congeneric in both directions, and those in which it flows, if not constantly at least chiefly, in one direction. In the latter case, all those factors must influence it which regulate the direction of the flow. They may be divided into active and passive factors. The active factors are the intervention of muscle fibres, while the passive factors are the arrangement of the heart as regards fore- and after-portions as well as the formation of the valves. By the interference of active or combined mechanisms the blood may be periodically hindered from circulating, sometimes even stopped for a longer period, a process which is of the utmost importance for the distribution of the blood in the organism. The higher the species ranks in the animal kingdom, the more complicated are the ways in which this can take place.From these facts, a general law can be established: if a circulatory system is built symmetrically, the circulation of blood in it can go in both directions, as is the case with various worms and tunicata. In the case of asymmetry in the arrangement, the flow will be especially in one direction.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMeinem verehrten Lehrer Wilhelm Kamlah zum 60. Geburtstag Vorgelegt von O. Fleckenstein  相似文献   

Summary Prephenic acid is discussed as a possible precursor of indol derivatives like tryptophane and lysergic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Intravenous or subcutaneous administration of pyribenzamine and other antihistaminics is able to decrease, and to delay the appearance of chemosis produced by mustard oils in the eye of the rabbit. Simultaneously occurring vascular reactions, on the other hand, are but slightly affected by antihistaminics. Intravenous or subcutaneous administration of rutin has no clear-cut effect on chemosis; it is however able to inhibit the vascular reaction.  相似文献   

Summary The electrodialytic purification of blood serum was attempted with the aid of specially prepared protein membranes. We succeeded in completely removing the electrolytes from the serum at any desiredp H. The blood serum was rendered quantitatively saltfree and any coagulation of proteins was avoided.Under conditions of sterility these highly concentrated saltfree protein solutions show a remarkable stability.The colloid-chemical and physiological significance of these results is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary From experiments on the uptake of phosphorus by excised barley roots, the temperature function of the rate-constant of this uptake reaction was determined and the enthalpy, free enthalpy and entropy of activation were calculated.  相似文献   

Summary The rate of loss of charge, measured with a string electrometer, is dependent in addition to physical factors on the variance of the observer's reaction time. It has been shown on one skilled observer that this parameter is significantly reduced with chlordiazepoxide (Librium) compared with placebo.

Herrn Prof. A. v.Muralt zum 60. Geburtstag gewidmet.  相似文献   

Summary (1) The influence of temperature on the dependence of tissue-respiration upon body-size is examined in those tissues of cold- and warm-blooded animals, which are similar with respect to their general enzymatic activity, namely the skin of frogs (intraspecific comparison) and the liver of mice, rats, and guinea pigs (interspecific comparison).(2) In both tissues the respiration decreases more, with increasing body-size, at higher temperature than at lower temperature.(3) This effect of temperature on size-dependent activities is possibly rather common. When poikilothermic and homoiothermic animals are compared, these relationships must be considered.  相似文献   

Summary Pulse frequencies for several species of crayfish were collected over a range of body weight from 10–5–103 g. Pulse rate varies in crayfish as (body weight)–0,12; the size of the animal therefore influences the pulse rate much less than in warm blooded vertebrata, but in the same degree as in some mollusca. It is supposed that the similarity between crayfish, snails and mussels is related to their open circulatory system.

Mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft und unter Benutzung des Arbeitsplatzes «Niedersachsen» an der Zoologischen Station Neapel.  相似文献   

Summary Electrical potential measurements of membrane resting and action potentials were made by means of electrolyte-filled glass micro-electrodes on single fibres of the musculus gracilis of the cat using a perfused hind-limb preparationin situ. The release of potassium from muscle and the tension developed by the gastrocnemius muscle were simultaneously recorded. The normal resting potential in our series was 91.7 mV (s.d. ± 6.7 mV). Partial replacement of the chloride by sulfate in the perfusion fluid led to (a) potassium release from the perfused hind-limb, (b) reversible contracture of the gastrocnemius muscle, (c) depression of the membrane resting potential which was proportional to the degree of replacement of chloride by sulfate in the perfusion fluid and (d) to the occurrence of volleys of spontaneous fibrillation potentials some of which had the shape of damped oscillations. These findings are similar to those observed after treatment with veratrine and are interpreted to be due to (1) increase in sodium permeability and (2) disturbance of the Donnan equilibrium for chloride ions.  相似文献   

Summary By means of a method permitting the continuous measurement of the dynamic stiffness of elastic structures, it was shown on the skeletal and heart muscle of the tortoise that during the latent period the elasticity remains unchanged in relation to the resting value.  相似文献   

Summary 300 r whole body X-ray irradiation of mice did not decrease the circulating platelet count, if this dose was preceeded by 24 h of ultraviolet-irradiation. More animals survived the X-ray (500, 550, 600 r) injury, if the irradiation occurred after ultraviolet treatment given 24 and 48 h before. The number of days survived is also increased. The ultraviolet light seems to have some protective effect against injury caused by X-ray.  相似文献   

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