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Late Carboniferous fossils (such as Boultonia? sp., Tabulata, and spiriferoid specimens with smooth she/Is), bioclastic material (such as crinoid stems and sponge fragments), and Late Ordovician microfossils of the conodont Belodina have been discovered in the lower part of the strata typically referred to as the Neoproterozoic on the boundary of the provinces of Anhui and Henan in the southern margin of the North China Block. These findings prove that the strata contain macrofossils belonging to the Late Carboniferous, which belonged to a carbonate debris flow deposit that was formed under a carbonate slope environment. The conodont fossils might belong to a detrital deposit. Thus, it is possible to reset the stratigraphic sequences and tectonic attributes belonging to the North Huaiyang tectonic belt and limit the Shouxian fault to the boundary between the Dabie Orogen and North China Block.  相似文献   

Oxidationisaubiquitousphenomenonofnature.Theeconomiclossduetooxidationisverylargeeveryyear.Theinvestigationoftheadsorptionofoxygenonthesur-facesofmetalsisofgreatimportanceforbetterunder-standingoftheoxidationmechanismbecauseitistheverybeginningstageofoxidationofmetals.Itisgenerallybe-lievedthattheprocessofO2adsorptiononmetalsisinanorderofO2?O?O-?O2-,andthefollowingstagesareoxidenucleation,growthandtheoxidefilmformation.Astheprocessofadsorptionistooquicktobeobservedbyexperiments,atheoreticals…  相似文献   

We conducted an oceanographic census in 1959, 2002, and 2005 to evaluate changes in the temporo-spatial distribution and abundance of Lucifer intermedius and L. hanseni in the Changjiang estuary. In general, the abundance and frequency of occurrence (OF) for these two species were highest during the summer. We measured a significant change in the abundance and OF between years. The abundance and OF of L. intermedius increased from 3.7 individuals m−3 and 66.67%, respectively, in 1959, to 8.93 individuals m−3 and 85.19%, in 2002. In 1959, L. hanseni was only found during the summer (abundance: 0.01 individuals m−3, OF: 3.70%). However, in 2002, this species was collected during all seasons except the winter. Furthermore, abundance (0.47 individuals m−3) and OF (25.93%) were higher in 2002 than in 1959. Further increases in abundance and OF were measured during cruises during the spring of 2005. We hypothesize that global warming is responsible for the increase in abundance of L. intermedius and L. hanseni and the northward expansion of L. hanseni in the Changjiang estuary. Given our results, monitoring of both species may be useful to evaluate the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Calcium ions play an important role in the oxygen_evolving process of photosystem Ⅱ as demonstrated in many experiments. The changes of the secondary structures of PS Ⅱ induced by the depletion of Ca 2+ were reported. The results indicated that the removal of Ca 2+ led to the transition of α helix to turns and sheet structures. While Ca 2+ was re_added to the media, only the structures changed to turns could be recovered. The protein conformational changes of PS Ⅱ during the donor side photoinhibition induced by the depletion of Ca 2+ were also studied. This showed that the protein conformational changes differed between the control and Ca 2+ _depleted samples in a short period of illumination (within 10 min). However, the changes became similar when the illumination time was increased.  相似文献   

Electrospun aligned ultrafine fibers of poly( lactide-coglycolide)( PLGA) can be used to construct biomimetic scaffolds for engineering those structurally anisotropic and dense tissues( e. g.,tendon,ligament,etc.). But the acidic degradation products of the PLGA could result in p H decrease in the vicinity of the scaffolds,which may give rise to biocompatibility concerns. To address the noted problem, this study was designed to evaluate the p Hcompensation capacity of using Lysine( Lys) —a kind of basic amino acid on the acidic degradation products of PLGA. Ultrafine PLGA( 50∶ 50) fibers with 0,10%,20%,and 30% by weight of Lys loadings were prepared by a stable jet electrospinning( SJES)approach. The morphology,structure,and mechanical properties of the electrospun aligned fibrous mats of Lys-incorporated PLGA( 50∶50) were characterized by scanning electron microscope( SEM),Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy( FTIR),and tensile testing,respectively. Thereafter,the fibrous PLGA( 50 ∶50) scaffolds were subjected to degradation by being immersed in phosphate buffered saline( PBS,p H 6. 86) solution at 37 ℃ for 5weeks. Our results show that the formed Lys / PLGA composite ultrafine fibers have a well-aligned and uniform morphology with a fineness of ca. 1 #m in diameter. Introduction of Lys led to increased mechanical performance; that is,when the Lys loading is less than 30%,tensile strength and Young's modulus of the aligned Lys / PLGA fibers reached up to the impressive values of 84. 5 MPa and 2. 4 GPa,respectively. Degradation results show that the p H of the PLGA group fell to 5. 6 in 5 weeks while the p H of the Lys /PLGA groups with 10%,20%, and 30% of Lys loadings was maintained at 6. 3, 6. 5 and 6. 7, respectively. This work demonstrated that incorporation of Lys into electrospun PLGA fibers could be an effective approach in mediating the p H decrease caused by the acidic degradation products of the PLGA.  相似文献   

The architecture and growth history of Precambrian crustal basements in the Central Tianshan Block play a key role in understanding the tectonic evolution of the Chinese Tianshan Orogenic Belt.In this study,we present precise LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating and LAMC-ICPMS zircon Hf isotopic data for two granitic gneisses from Alatage area in the Central Tianshan Block.The magmatic zircons from both samples yield similar protolith ages of 945±6 and 942±6 Ma,indicating that the early Neoproterozoic magmatism is prevailed in the Alatage area.These zircons have crustal Hf model ages of1.82–2.22 and 1.70–2.03 Ga,respectively,which are significantly older than their crystallization ages.It indicates that their parental magmas were derived from the reworking of ancient crust.However,we suggest that these Paleoproterozoic Hf model ages might result from mixing of continental materials with different ages in the Neoproterozoic crust.The inherited(detrital)zircon cores not only yield a wide age range of ca.989–1617 Ma,but also exhibit large Hf-isotope variations with Hf model ages of1.54–2.30 Ga.In particular,some 1.4–1.6 Ga zircons show high initial176Hf/177Hf ratios,consistent with those of depleted mantle,which indicates that the Mesoproterozoic event involved both reworking of older crust and generation of juvenile crust.The Central Tianshan Block has different Precambrian crustal growth history from the Tarim Craton.Therefore,it would not be a fragment of the Precambrian basement of the Tarim Craton.  相似文献   

The ground-based Atmospheric Emitted Radi- ance Interferometer (AERI) was deployed in Shouxian, China in 2008 to measure down-welling infrared radiances with high resolution. Based on AERI observations, we propose a new method for retrieving vertical temperature and water vapor profiles in the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The method exclusively uses NCEP-2, a global reanalysis data as a first-guess profile in an iterative recursive algorithm. The PBL profiles of temperature and moisture under clear sky conditions in Shouxian have been retrieved using this new method. Compared with coinci- dent radiosonde measurements, we find that AERI is able to obtain more accurate temperature and water vapor pro- files in the PBL. The retrieval results with high temporal resolution can be used to monitor the PBL stability and evolution.  相似文献   

The meridian(Jingluo经络)is a core principle of traditional Chinese medicine.The meridian plays a central role in the regulation of human health and vitality.In the past50years,the scientific evidence has been gathered via our physiological experiments to confirm the biological basis of the human meridian pathway phenomenon.Meridian Science has been established as a new branch of natural science to advance and promote the study of this important phenomenon for human life.In this paper,the authors describe the theoretical concept of the meridian and mathematics expression,its relationship to an efficient meridian circadian cycle,and its significance to human life.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the estabhshment of T(1) theorem on Hardy space H^l under condition of weak regldarity. An operator or a function is identified on the basis of their wavelet coefficients which axe regrouped on some blocks. The actions of each block operator ( pseudo-annular operator) on each block function(atom) axe exactly analyzed to establish T( 1 ) theorem on Hardy space.  相似文献   

为深入揭示水溶性有机物(DOM)对土壤中重金属迁移性影响形成机制的研究现状及发展趋势,通过对国外相关文献的分析与比较,阐述了DOM通过吸附-解吸作用、络合作用及溶解-沉淀作用等化学行为实现对重金属迁移性影响的作用特点与规律,并指出了值得近一步深入的研究问题,为今后相关研究的深入及成果的应用提供有益的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

GaN基高电子迁移率晶体管(high electron mobility transistor,HEMT)器件在航天、通讯、雷达、电动汽车等领域具有广泛的应用,近年来成为电力电子器件的研究热点。在实际应用中,GaN基HEMT器件随着使用时间的延长会发生退化甚至失效的情况,器件的可靠性问题仍是进一步提高HEMT器件应用的绊脚石。因此,研究器件的可靠性及退化机制对于进一步优化器件性能具有极其重要的意义。将从影响器件可靠性的几个关键因素如高电场应力、高温存储、高温电场和重离子辐照等进行阐述,主要对近几年文献里报道的几种失效机制及相应的失效现象进行了综述和总结,最后讨论了进一步优化器件可靠性的措施,对进一步提高HEMT器件的应用起促进作用。  相似文献   

用磁控溅射法在加热到400℃的MgO(001)基片上沉积了总厚度为25 nm 的[Fe(0.6 nm)/Fe30.5Pt69.5(1.9nm)]10 多层连续薄膜, 并对其在[500, 900]℃的温度范围进行了3h 的真空热处理. 结果表明, 薄膜在沉积过程中发生了层间扩散, 形成A1 相的FePt 合金, 表现为软磁特性; 热处理温度高于700℃时, 薄膜内形成L10 相的(001)织构, 其单轴磁晶各向异性能高于2.5×107 erg cc-1; 薄膜能在800℃以下保持形貌连续. 借助于半导体载流子扩散和复合模型, 对薄膜在高温下形貌保持连续的机理进行了探讨. 分析认为, 虽然薄膜在沉积过程中发生了层间扩散, 但内部仍然残存微弱的周期性成分起伏, 这可以有效阻碍热处理过程中因相变而引起的Pt 元素析出, 从而抑制了因形成富Pt 晶界而导致的形貌不连续. 这种薄膜可以方便地用于微加工制作磁性阵列和隧道结.  相似文献   

Sweep Coverage中的节点移动控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为无线传感器网络中一种新的覆盖类型,Sweep Coverage与其他覆盖类型相比,可以使用较少的节点满足特定区域的监控需求.为了改进Sweep Coverage机制的性能,本文以Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows问题的模型,对Sweep coverage问题进行了分析,提出了一种基于模拟退火算法的Sweep Coverage机制(VRP-Sweep).实验结果表明,在相同的网络场景下,VRP-Sweep机制较以往的Sweep Coverage机制取得更好的性能表现.  相似文献   

基于Dynamic POIs的Sweep Coverage节点移动算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解决以往研究Sweep Coverage机制中POIs总是事先确定的、静态的、其位置、间隔时间等信息固定不变的,缺乏灵活性的问题,提出了一种名为DDSweep的基于信息素浓度的Sweep Coverag机制.当有新的POI出现,有旧的POI消失,即POIs是事件驱动的、动态的,存在POI的移入移除时.在没有一个集中式控制的情况下,该机制能让移动节点及时到POI处采集数据.仿真结果表明,DDSweep机制较以往的Sweep Coverage机制更能适应实际的Dynamic POIs环境需要.  相似文献   

结合无线网络上病毒传播的实际特点,以蓝牙网络为载体,通过在SIS传播模型上引入移动的网络节点,分析和研究节点的移动速率对病毒传播的影响.数值仿真采用类似于蜂窝网络的拓扑结构,使网络中的节点按照指定的角度和速度在指定的网络区域内朝任意方向移动以建模实际网络拓扑的动态变化.结果表明节点移动越活跃,网络病毒感染速率越快,网络中被感染的节点数就越多.因此,通过控制网络中节点的移动速度来抑制无线网络中病毒的传播,进而为网络管理部门部署病毒的预警和控制措施等提供一些有意义的理论指导.  相似文献   

通过引入金属有机源——二乙基锌和二氧化碳,用等离子体增强化学气相沉积(PECVD)的方法在低温下制备高质量(002)取向的氧化锌薄膜,详细研究了衬底温度对薄膜质量的影响.实验发现,衬底温度对氧化锌的取向性和晶粒的大小都有显著的影响.随着温度的提高,氧化锌的取向性增强,温度为230℃时得到单一(002)取向的六角结构的氧化锌薄膜,其XRD的半高宽为0.26.°从其透射谱可以观察到典型的激子吸收线,从光致发光谱上可以观察到一个强而窄(半高宽度大约为125 m eV)的3.26 eV紫外激子发射.  相似文献   

利用全相对论扭曲波电子碰撞激发计算程序REIE06,系统计算了阈值附近不同入射电子能量下S~(4+)离子基态3s~(21)S_0到激发态3s3p ~3P_(0,1,2)~1P_1和S~(5+)离子基态3s ~2S_(1/2)到激发态3p ~2P_(1/2)~2P_(2/3)精细结构能级的碰撞截面,在两种关联模型下,分析了组态相互作用对碰撞截面的影响.目前的计算结果与Wallbank实验值~([14])相比,得到很好的一致性.  相似文献   

运用慢性不可预见性温和应激建立抑郁模型,通过体重变化率、糖水偏好、敞箱等实验方法观察大鼠行为表现及胃运动,探讨慢性应激性抑郁大鼠胃活动的变化及杏仁核注射5-HT对慢性不可预见性应激引起的胃活动变化的影响.结果显示,慢性不可预见性应激引起大鼠体重呈负增长,糖水偏好率、敞箱实验评分显著降低;应激大鼠平均胃内压及胃收缩幅度也显著降低;杏仁核注射5-HT能明显改变应激性抑郁导致的胃活动减弱,5-HT1A受体阻断剂能明显影响5-HT的作用;切断双侧膈下迷走神经,杏仁核注射5-HT增强胃运动的效应被消除.以上结果说明,慢性不可预见性应激性抑郁可导致胃运动减弱,杏仁核注射5-HT可加强抑郁状态下胃运动,而5-HT的这种效应部分是由1A型受体介导,经迷走神经传出.  相似文献   

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