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在西双版纳地区,观察和测量了对叶榕(Ficus hispida)的结果特点、果实特征以及取食该果实的犬蝠(Cynopterus sphinx)的形态特征,并通过飞行笼实验考察了对叶榕果实提供的视觉和嗅觉信息及犬蝠取食时视觉和嗅觉的应用情况.结果表明:犬蝠利用视觉系统能成功地分辨出完整和破碎的果实,每小时访问完整果实的次数为(15.5±1.61)次,访问浆状果实的次数为(10.5±1.45)次;在访问有果实和没有果实的盒子时,每小时访问前者的次数为(37.4±7.62)次,显著高于后者(1.1±0.88)次.对叶榕果实的生物和生态学特征与犬蝠的行为学特征建立起了较好的相互适应性.  相似文献   

2001年1-9月,在成都动物园用扫描取样法对人工饲养条件下7只(6♀♀,1♂♂)山魈的昼夜活动节律进行了观察.结果表明:山魈一天的活动时间集中在7:00-20:00,占总活动时间的95.30%,活动高峰有2个,最高峰16:00-18:00,次高峰9:00-10:00;12:00-14:00是白天活动的低谷,夜晚几乎都为睡眠;季节不同昼夜节律有变化,夏季每天开始活动的时间早,休息时间晚,冬季则相反,每天开始活动的时间延迟,休息时间提早.  相似文献   

Whyte MA 《Nature》2005,438(7068):576
A unique, complex trackway has been discovered in Scotland: it was made roughly 330 million years ago by a huge, six-legged water scorpion that was about 1.6 m long and a metre wide. To my knowledge, this is not only the largest terrestrial trackway of a walking arthropod to be found so far, but is also the first record of locomotion on land for a species of Hibbertopterus (Eurypterida). This evidence of lumbering movement indicates that these giant arthropods, now extinct, could survive out of water at a time when the earliest tetrapods were making their transition to the land.  相似文献   

A palaeontological solution to the arthropod head problem   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Budd GE 《Nature》2002,417(6886):271-275
The composition of the arthropod head has been one of the most controversial topics in zoology, with a large number of theories being proposed to account for it over the last century. Although fossils have been recognized as being of potential importance in resolving the issue, a lack of consensus over their systematics has obscured their contribution. Here, I show that a group of previously problematic Cambrian arthropods from the Burgess Shale and Chengjiang faunas form a clade close to crown-group euarthropods, the group containing myriapods, chelicerates, insects and crustaceans. They are characterized by modified or even absent endopods, and two pre-oral appendages. Comparison with reconstructions of the crown-group euarthropod ground plan and recent investigations into onychophorans demonstrates that these two appendages are the first antenna (of extant crustaceans) and a more anterior appendage associated with an ocular segment. The latter appendage has been reduced in all crown-group euarthropods. Its most likely relic is as a component of the labrum. These fossils thus tie together results from disparate living groups (onychophorans and euarthropods).  相似文献   

A number of recently evolved animals possess poison glands for feeding and/or defense.However,examples of such animals are rare in the fossil record.We report a fossil arthropod Isoxys curvirostratus from the Early Cambrian Chengjiang biota of China.This species is regarded as the oldest known venomous arthropod based on the presence of venomous glands in its head region.The adult animal is 2-5 cm long and the body is covered entirely with a carapace.The presence of large stalk eyes and a pair of stout grasping appendages with a terminal spine suggest it was raptorial.Interestingly,the two pear-shaped,three-dimensionally preserved objects that are present in the head region and at the base of the grasping appendages closely resemble the venom glands of some living arthropods in size,shape,and position.These features indicate that the presence of venomous predators could date back 520 million years.Furthermore,our observations suggest that the feeding strategies and organs adapted for this purpose had already reached a high level of diversity and anatomical sophistication in the Early Cambrian ecosystems.  相似文献   

Hemmi JM  Zeil J 《Nature》2003,421(6919):160-163
Animals use several strategies for depth vision, reflecting the constraints imposed by body size, the structure of the visual system and the visual geometry of the environment. Arthropods in particular have restricted depth perception, because they are small and possess closely set, low-resolution compound eyes. Yet, here we show that fiddler crabs defending their burrows from conspecifics can judge how close other crabs are to their burrow. When confronted with small dummy crabs, the burrow owners assess the dummy's position and motion relative to their burrow and not relative to themselves--in other words, by using an allocentric rather than an egocentric frame of reference. Irrespective of their own distance from the dummy, the likelihood that the crabs rush back to defend their burrow increases strongly as the dummy approaches the burrow. In addition, the mean dummy-burrow distance at which the crabs respond is constant and independent of the dummy's direction of approach. We propose that to solve this sophisticated task of relative distance judgement, the crabs combine visual information on dummy position and direction with information on burrow location acquired during path integration. In doing so, the crabs, like humans, make clever use of the visual geometry of their environment.  相似文献   

Mendelson TC  Shaw KL 《Nature》2005,433(7024):375-376
Theory predicts that sexual behaviour in animals can evolve rapidly, accelerating the rate of species formation. Here we estimate the rate of speciation in Laupala, a group of forest-dwelling Hawaiian crickets that is characterized primarily through differences in male courtship song. We find that Laupala has the highest rate of speciation so far recorded in arthropods, supporting the idea that divergence in courtship or sexual behaviour drives rapid speciation in animals.  相似文献   

于2017—2018年对贵州省4个荞麦主产区进行了地上节肢动物的种类调查研究,结果发现:贵州荞麦地上节肢动物有2纲12目45科75种,其中害虫种类为2纲8目27科48种,天敌为2纲7目13科20种,访花昆虫为1纲6目14科20种;危害严重的害虫种类为黑唇十脉叶蜂、西花蓟马、桃蚜、红边黄小灰蝶、二斑叶螨;优势天敌种类为异色瓢虫、三突伊氏蛛、印度细腹食蚜蝇、尼氏真绥螨;访花昆虫较多的种类为印度细腹食蚜蝇和中华蜜蜂。  相似文献   

The evolutionary success of arthropods, the most abundant and diverse animal group, is mainly based on their segmented body and jointed appendages, features that had evolved most likely already before the Cambrian. The first arthropod-like animals, the lobopodians from the Early Cambrian, were unsclerotized and worm-like, and they had unjointed tubular legs. Here we describe the first three-dimensionally preserved Cambrian lobopodian. The material presented of Orstenotubulus evamuellerae gen. et sp. nov. is the smallest and youngest of a lobopodian known. O. evamuellerae shows strikingly detailed similarities to Recent tardigrades and/or onychophorans in its cellular-structured cuticle and the telescopic spines. It also shows similarities to other, longer known lobopodians, but which are ten times as large as the new form. These similarities include the finely annulated body and legs, which is characteristic also for Recent onychophorans, and paired humps continuing into spines situated dorsally to the leg insertions, a feature lacking in the extant forms. The morphology of O. evamuellerae not only elucidates our knowledge about lobopodians, but also aids in a clearer picture of the early evolution of arthropods. An example is the single ventral gonopore between a limb pair of O. evamuellerae, which indicates that a single gonopore, as developed in onychophorans, tardigrades, pentastomids, myriapods and insects, might represent the plesiomorphic state for Arthropoda, while the paired state in chelicerates and crustaceans was convergently achieved. Concerning life habits, the lateral orientation of the limbs and their anchoring spines of the new lobopodian imply that early arthropods were crawlers rather than walkers.  相似文献   

退化湿地恢复中土壤节肢动物的群落结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对北京西卓家营退化湿地恢复1年后其中的土壤节肢动物群落结构进行了研究,并与未恢复的荒滩和周围的杏树林中土壤节肢动物群落进行了比较。通过手拣法、Tullgren法对获得的土壤动物进行分离、分类,共获得39类3 226只,隶属4纲19目36科。调查结果显示恢复湿地内土壤节肢动物的个体数、类群数、多样性与荒滩相比均显著增加(p<0.05),而与周边的杏树林没有明显差异(p>0.05)。恢复湿地中紫穗槐、灌木柳、蒙桑、沙棘等4种植物种植区的土壤节肢动物群落结构差异不显著(p>0.05),不同土层间的差异也不显著(p>0.05)。这说明湿地恢复取得了一定的效果,但由于恢复时间较短,仍然处于湿地恢复的初期阶段。  相似文献   

Jager M  Murienne J  Clabaut C  Deutsch J  Le Guyader H  Manuel M 《Nature》2006,441(7092):506-508
Arthropod head segments offer a paradigm for understanding the diversification of form during evolution, as a variety of morphologically diverse appendages have arisen from them. There has been long-running controversy, however, concerning which head appendages are homologous among arthropods, and from which ancestral arrangement they have been derived. This controversy has recently been rekindled by the proposition that the probable ancestral arrangement, with appendages on the first head segment, has not been lost in all extant arthropods as previously thought, but has been retained in the pycnogonids, or sea spiders. This proposal was based on the neuroanatomical analysis of larvae from the sea spider Anoplodactylus sp., and suggested that the most anterior pair of appendages, the chelifores, are innervated from the first part of the brain, the protocerebrum. Our examination of Hox gene expression in another sea spider, Endeis spinosa, refutes this hypothesis. The anterior boundaries of Hox gene expression domains place the chelifore appendages as clearly belonging to the second head segment, innervated from the second part of the brain, the deutocerebrum. The deutocerebrum must have been secondarily displaced towards the protocerebrum in pycnogonid ancestors. As anterior-most appendages are also deutocerebral in the other two arthropod groups, the Euchelicerata and the Mandibulata, we conclude that the protocerebral appendages have been lost in all extant arthropods.  相似文献   

1996年5月至1998年5月对安顺的龙天洞、郑家大洞、郑家小洞、山岚桥洞、燕子将军洞、猴场洞、唐官大坡洞、天仙洞、河底洞和养马寨躲反洞内的软体动物、节肢动物和脊索动物进行了调查和采集,共捕获标本3000余号,隶属3门9纲18目35科。此外,还对洞穴动物的季节动态和空间分布进行了分析。  相似文献   

大多数的研究表明:增加系统内生境和植被多样性,能增加天敌的物种丰富度和种群数量,降低或抑制有害节肢动物的种群密度.也有研究认为:生境与植被多样性对天敌数量的影响,天敌本身的运动迁移能力有非常重要的作用.本文还对生境与植被多样性影响节肢动物群落的生态学机制进行了讨论.  相似文献   

作者在2013年4月(干季),运用树干喷雾法调查了哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林2 000,2 200,2 400,2 600 m海拔的树干节肢动物群落.结果显示,所调查树干节肢动物群落隶属于7纲30个类群(目),主要由弹尾目、蜱螨目、蜘蛛目、双翅目、膜翅目、鞘翅目、啮虫目、半翅目同翅亚目、缨翅目等组成.不同海拔间树干节肢动物群落组成显著不同(基于Bray-Curtis相似性),其个体数量(密度)总体呈现出沿海拔升高而上升的趋势,但不同类群的个体密度随海拔梯度表现出不同的分布差异.树种和树皮粗糙度对树干节肢动物群落总体的影响不显著,但对少数节肢动物类群的密度呈现显著影响.表明海拔差异(温度和湿度)对树干节肢动物的影响显著高于微环境差异(树种和树皮粗糙度).  相似文献   

推导采用闭环迭代学习律的系统收敛充分条件,分析该条件并把迭代学习控制设计问题转化为H∞输出反馈设计问题,然后用线性矩阵不等式(LMI)方法,系统设计线性时滞系统迭代学习控制器,仿真结果证明该设计方法的有效性。  相似文献   

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