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Escape behavior in the cockroach: distributed neural processing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J M Camhi 《Experientia》1988,44(5):401-408
Escape reactions are often considered to be among the simplest behaviors. The nerve circuits guiding these reactions are also generally thought to be simple. For instance, in several species a single interneuron is sufficient to trigger normal escape. The evasive response of the cockroach, however, appears to be more complex both behaviorally and physiologically. In this review, several complications of the behavior are pointed out, based on a recent computer-graphic analysis of the leg movements. Next described is the cooperative role of several interneurons--not just one--in evoking an escape turn away from the stimulus. A model of this multicellular code for stimulus direction is then presented that correctly predicts the turning behavior under many different experimental conditions. Finally, an overall scheme of the information processing for escape behavior is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Internal head heating restricted the flight activity in the cockroachPeriplaneta americana. Heating the metathoracic ganglion did not have any pronounced effect on the flight. It is concluded that in the cockroach the head nervous centers are very heat-susceptible and might be the coordinating center for temperature responses.  相似文献   

Summary In order to elucidate the roles of optical enantiomers of sex pheromonal substances of the American cockroach, behavioral assays with a single enantiomer and with mixtures of enantiomers of sex pheromone mimics were carried out. Inactive enantiomers [(–)-enantiomers] had no influence on the potency of enantiomers active as sex pheromones [(+)-enantiomers]. By analysis of the results from EAG recordings with single and mixed sample of the enantiomers, it was confirmed that (–)-enantiomers did not react with the sex pheromone receptors which are responsive to (+)-enantiomers.We acknowledge technical assistance from Miss R. Kimura.  相似文献   

Summary Biosynthesis of linoleic acid, 182(n–6), was unambiguously demonstrated to occur in the cockroach,Periplaneta americana, and the cricket,Acheta domesticus. Axenic tissue from both of these insect species was demonstrated by radio-gas-liquid chromatography (radio-GLC) and radio-high-performance liquid chromatography (radio-HPLC) to incorporate [1-14C]acetate and [1-14C]oleate into this essential fatty acid.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant DCB-8914417. We would like to thank Coby Schal for his generous gift of American cockroaches and Tania Kellermeyer for her excellent technical assistance.  相似文献   

From neck ligation experiments with last instar larvae of the cockroachPeriplaneta americana it was concluded that the head critical period is reached around day 17, which corresponds to 59% of the last larval stage. At the same stage the juvenile hormone III titre in the hemolymph dropped to undectable levels.  相似文献   

Virgin German cockroach adult females release an attractant that can be extracted with organic solvents and trapped from air blown over sexually receptive females. Behavioral assays with an olfactometer showed that the attractant was produced exclusively by adult females and it elicited behavioral responses in adult males, confirming its function as a female sex pheromone. Using behavioral and electrophysiological assays, we localized the site of pheromone production on the tenth abdominal tergite where an adult female-specific gland is found. Females whose glands were ablated were significantly less attractive to males than sham-operated control females.  相似文献   

Use of the enkephalinase inhibitor phosphoramidon in the in vitro radiochemical assay for juvenile hormone biosynthesis enhanced allatostatin-mediated inhibition of hormone production by corpora allata of the cockroach,Diploptera punctata. Significant increases in inhibition in day 2 virgin female CA by AST 1 (at 10–7 M) and AST 4 (10–8–10–7 M) were observed in the presence of phosphoramidon (10–5M or greater). No significant increases in inhibition were seen in CA from day 6 mated females with AST 4 (10–9–10–7M) and phosphoramidon combined. Phosphoramidon alone had no effect on JH biosynthesis. Analysis of allatostatin content of the CA, as determined by ELISA, revealed that addition of phosphoramidon to the medium increased the endogenous allatostatin conten in CA of virgin and mated females. The similarity in primary structure between allatostatins and enkephalin-like peptides and their similar distribution makes it probable that phosphoramidon acts by preventing breakdown of allatostatins within the CA.  相似文献   

Summary Recently discovered individuals in New Zealand of the North American speciesDrosophila pseudoobscura were analyzed for any divergence in mating behavior. Cultures collected from five localities in North American were mated with a stock from Rotorua, New Zealand. No significant divergence was obtained in any of the within North Americ, and more importantly, between North American and New Zealand mating experiments. Further analyses also showed no development of sterility between recently caught New Zealand and North American flies. We discuss our results in relation to others of this type.Publication No. 5 from the Evolutionary Genetics Laboratory, University of Auckland.Acknowledgements. We thank the University Grants Committee, grant No. 140Z88, for financial assistance. We thank D.G. Futch., L. Barr, A. Beckenach and H. Spencer for their kind assistance in sending us wild caught cultures.  相似文献   

Boric acid is a slow-acting, inorganic insecticide whose mode of action has not been satisfactorily elucidated. Reported here is evidence which shows that ingested boric acid destroys the cellular lining of the foregut of German cockroaches,Blattella germanica (L.). This effect appears to be sufficient to bring about the death of the insects, perhaps ultimately by starvation. This finding is important because resistance to conventional insectivides may re-establish boric acid as a prominent cockroach control chemical.  相似文献   

Summary Injection of azadirachtin into young Vth (=last) instarLocusta hoppers inhibits molt and a considerable portion of the animals survice for more than 40 days as over-aged nymphs; in contrast, the duration of the Vth instar is 8–10 days in normal controls. Males of over-aged nymphs exhibit adult sexual behavior, and injection of juvenile hormone intensifies this behavior. The results demonstrate that the terminal molt leading to morphogenetic adult differentiation is not necessary for an adult behavioral pattern to develop, and/or to become overt, in a hemimetabolous insect.We thank Prof. H. Rembold for a generous gift of azadirachtin and Mr Y. Toren for keeping the locust culture.  相似文献   

Summary As an effective counterattack strategy against predacious hornets, especiallyVespa simillima xanthoptera, workers ofApis cerana japonica showed a distinct balling reaction, usually involving 180–300 bees. This produced heat for as long as 20 min, giving rise to temperatures inside the ball higher than 46°C, which is lethal to the hornet but not to the bees.  相似文献   

Summary A material that elicits alarm and attack behavior byVespula squamosa (Drury) workers was isolated from venom extracts and identified by spectroscopic methods as N-3-methylbutylacetamide. This compound elicited attack responses from worker wasps identical to those responses observed when venom was applied at the same dosage. This is the first behavioral role reported for this compound.The authors thank E. Adamak, R. Murphy and F. Takken for technical assistance. This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product does not constitute an endorsement or the recommendation for its use by USDA.  相似文献   

Summary Analysis of field population data showed that host-seeking larvae of the tickBoophilus microplus were less successful in attaching to their hosts when larval densities were high. Experimental results showed that cattle hosts detected and avoided high densities of larvae in pasture. The finding reveals a previously unknown population-regulating mechanism for ticks, which are important pests of livestock.Acknowledgment. The authors wish to thank G. Maywald, D. Stegeman, R. Tozer, A. Voll, G. Milne and J. Osborne who helped with the observations. The Australian Meat Research Committee (AMRC) and the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR) provided some financial support for the project and A. Edwards assisted greatly with the photography.  相似文献   

Summary Most female mosquitoes require a meal of blood that provides protein for egg maturation. For reproduction to occur, two behavioral sequences are essential. One is concerned with finding a host for the blood meal and the other in finding a site on which to lay the eggs that result. Stimuli from both hosts and oviposition sites initiate the reproductive behaviors of host-seeking and pre-oviposition, respectively, that are discussed in this review. After sensory receptors perceive these stimuli, the central nervous system must integrate the information and associate it with a biologically appropriate response. Host-seeking appears to be the default behavior, expressed whenever host stimuli are present. However, if the female is successful in locating a host and ingesting blood, subsequent host-seeking is inhibited when the meal distends the abdomen above a certain threshold. Host-seeking inhibition continues during egg development as a result of a humoral mechanism even after the blood volume has been reduced by digestion. At the time when eggs are maturing and host-seeking is inhibited, pre-oviposition behavior predominates if the central nervous system receives oviposition site stimuli. This behavior is also initiated by a humoral factor. Several physiological states, including insemination, age, and nutrition, can modulate both host-seeking and pre-oviposition behaviors.  相似文献   

Summary Titers of ecdysone, 20-hydroxyecdysone and juvenile hormone III were measured in whole body extracts or hemolymph of embryos, first, penultimate and last stadium nymphs, and adult females ofNaupoheta cinerea. We used a gas-chromatography/mass spectrometry method for quantifying juvenile hormone and a radio-immunoassay for ecdysteroid determination. Juvenile hormone III is particularly abundant in the embryonic stage (up to 960 ng/g), at a low level in first and penultimate stadium nymphs (2–10 ng/ml) and almost absent in the last nymphal stadium; in the adult female the juvenile hormone titer rises to 180 ng/ml in hemolymph during rapid oocyte growth. The titers of ecdysone and 20-hydroxyecdysone undergo similar fluctuations in the embryonic and nymphal stages, being highest at the time of cuticle formation in the embryo and a few days before the nymphal and adult molts (around 100–200 ng/ml for exdysone and 2–4 g/ml for 20-hydroxyecdysone).Acknowledgments. We thank Mrs A. Tschan for rearing the cockroaches, Mr M. Kaltenrieder for drawing the graphs, Mr G.C. Jamieson and Mrs C. Reuter for GC/MS analyses. We are also grateful to the Swiss National Science Foundation (grant no. 3.291-0.82 to B. Lanzrein) and the United States National Science Foundation (grant no. PCM 82-08665 to D.A. Schooley) for their financial support.  相似文献   

Summary The host-selective phytotoxin victorin, produced by the fungusCochliobolus victoriae, was found to be at least partially peptidic in nature, and did not contain victoxinine. The exact mass of the M-H ion was measured by FABMS as 795.1877. Derivatives of three major acid hydrolysis products were isolated. The structures of the corresponding amino acids were assigned as 2S,3R-3-hydroxyleucine, 5,5-dichloroleucine, and 3-hydroxylysine. A into victorin by the fungus in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary The activity of the pure 10R (=natural) and 10S enantiomers of juvenile hormone III (JH III) was determined in 3 different bioassays, and the relative binding affinity of the 2 enantiomers to the haemolymph JH-binding protein of the cockroachNauphoeta cinerea was measured. In theGalleria wax test, a local morphogenetic assay, the 10R enantiomer was 5240 times more active than, the 10S enantiomer, 1Galleria unit corresponding to 0.42 pg of 10R-JH III as compared to 2.2 ng for 10S-JH III. In a systemic morphogenetic assay with the cockroachNauphoeta cinerea 380 times less 10R enantiomer was necessary in order to induce detectable juvenilisation (58 ng 10R and 22 g 10S) and in a systemic gonadotropic assay withNauphoeta cinerea 255 times less 10R was needed to induce vitellogenin synthesis in 50% of the insects (6.7 ng 10R and 1710 ng 10S). In the JH-binding protein assay 10R-JH III had an affinity for the JH-binding protein (lipophorin) which was approximately 46 times higher than that of 10S-JH III.  相似文献   

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